Democrats Omits Israel From Platform For First Time

When did I fucking saying that Shithead? Shitbag liar eat shit, and Muslims don't worship a rock dumb queer go learn something. About religions, that "rock" is the same rock your Prophet Abraham walked around

You do worship a rock. You mindless monkeys bow to that rock 5 times a day. Muslims are a bunch of primitive fucking idolators. Further, just because the pervert Warlord Muhammad (may he burn in hell) claimed the Abraham walked around your stupid idol, doesn't make it so. Muhammad was a liar, a murderer, a rapist, and a pedophile.

And those are just his good attributes.
When did I fucking saying that Shithead? Shitbag liar eat shit, and Muslims don't worship a rock dumb queer go learn something. About religions, that "rock" is the same rock your Prophet Abraham walked around

You do worship a rock. You mindless monkeys bow to that rock 5 times a day. Muslims are a bunch of primitive fucking idolators. Further, just because the pervert Warlord Muhammad (may he burn in hell) claimed the Abraham walked around your stupid idol, doesn't make it so. Muhammad was a liar, a murderer, a rapist, and a pedophile.

And those are just his good attributes.

It's known in history Abraham built it dumbass, and I thougt you didn't believe there was a God you fucking antisemetic fuckface eat shit, typical response from a loser who is hated by his family, American soldiers would kick your ass
In removing Pro-Israel Language from their Democratic Party Platform, here's the rub:

So is Obama indeed a Manchurian President, raised in Islam and now seeking to steep a Major US Party in Sharia? Or was this just another Party blunder? Link: Pro-Israel Language Removed From Democratic Party Platform

nice. moving to a more neutral stance on this issue is to be recommended.

your idiocy about islam and manchurian candidate is the usual blech.

go knit something.

agreed. if the *cough* "peace- process" [read- give israel everything they want and then some]) hasn't worked for 45 yrs perhaps its time to re-think one's bargaining position
You're not paying attention. Israel retaliates, not initiates. And when they are forced to retaliate, it is in equal measure, or in the case of nuke- and bomb-building, it's only to get rid of the nukes or bombs.
Didn't say anything about "Jews" guy.

Judaism will be around long after the Zionist Entity is pushed into the sea, and they'll all admit it was a horrible idea.

So you hate religion (except muslims) now you like Judaism?:lol: Don't bother me with your bull boy. Keep wishing for the annihilation of the Jews in Israel that’s where you live

Personally, I hope they all come to their senses and get the fuck out before the Arabs take over...

But a few of them won't. And it will really suck to be them.

I really do despise all religions, but most people aren't dicks because of their religion. Mormons maybe.
It's known in history Abraham built it dumbass,

Known history?


It's Muslim bullshit, retard.

The Black Stone is a fucking idol from the Mesopotamians. That scumbag Muhammad adopted the idol and the Djin in it, elevating the Djin to status of supreme being.

IF Abraham was even real, he was nowhere near the Kaaba. He ranged from Israel to Egypt. That piece of shit Muhammad just made up stories which supported the religion used to gain power for him. Muhammad was a lot like Jim Jones - a crazy motherfucker who spewed utterly absurd tales.

and I thougt you didn't believe there was a God you fucking antisemetic fuckface eat shit, typical response from a loser who is hated by his family, American soldiers would kick your ass

If there were a god, he would have struck scumbags like Muhammad dead.

Oh, and American soldiers DID kick your ass, all over Iraq and Afghanistan.
It's known in history Abraham built it dumbass,

Known history?


It's Muslim bullshit, retard.

The Black Stone is a fucking idol from the Mesopotamians. That scumbag Muhammad adopted the idol and the Djin in it, elevating the Djin to status of supreme being.

IF Abraham was even real, he was nowhere near the Kaaba. He ranged from Israel to Egypt. That piece of shit Muhammad just made up stories which supported the religion used to gain power for him. Muhammad was a lot like Jim Jones - a crazy motherfucker who spewed utterly absurd tales.

and I thougt you didn't believe there was a God you fucking antisemetic fuckface eat shit, typical response from a loser who is hated by his family, American soldiers would kick your ass

If there were a god, he would have struck scumbags like Muhammad dead.

Oh, and American soldiers DID kick your ass, all over Iraq and Afghanistan.

What the heck is this guy talking about...? I'm gonna be a soldier very soon dumbass im here in America, I just saw your posts and you hate everyone so not bothering troll...
Your an Israeli shitbag, stop acting like you are speaking from an American point of view, you definitely sound like an Israeli shitbag.

Pure crap you posted as if anything you listed has anything to do with the Palestinian Israeli conflict dumbass.

And you only care when a Muslim shoots up people? There are hundreds if other shootings in America but you don't give a shit about peoples lives, you just want to bash Muslims. Again Baruch Goldstein Israeli terrorist pig shot and killed 29 people while they were praying. He is a terrorist pig who deserved to die
Whereas you're an enemy within Muslim / Arab "American" IslamoNazi sympathizing dirtbag, that most Americans want to have nothing to do with. :9:

Haha look the Zionist who was personally part of the USS liberty incident is bragging hahaha eat shit, I am an American unlike you Israeli Firster, and I'm half white Shithead
You're a half-white, Muslim, Islamfirster, American-hating, enemy-within shithead? Wow, what a surprise! LOLOLOLOL
Whereas you're an enemy within Muslim / Arab "American" IslamoNazi sympathizing dirtbag, that most Americans want to have nothing to do with. :9:

Haha look the Zionist who was personally part of the USS liberty incident is bragging hahaha eat shit, I am an American unlike you Israeli Firster, and I'm half white Shithead
You're a half-white, Muslim, Islamfirster, American-hating, enemy-within shithead? Wow, what a surprise! LOLOLOLOL

I'm more American than you Chaldean...
Haha look the Zionist who was personally part of the USS liberty incident is bragging hahaha eat shit, I am an American unlike you Israeli Firster, and I'm half white Shithead
You're a half-white, Muslim, Islamfirster, American-hating, enemy-within shithead? Wow, what a surprise! LOLOLOLOL

I'm more American than you Chaldean...
Ya right <snicker>.
[ame=]Ex-Muslims Testify on Islamic Intolerance in America: Apostates Denounce Islam, CAIR Council - YouTube[/ame]
Shocking how many Uncle Tom American Jews there are in this country. They still keep lining up to enthusiastically vote against their own best interests. The Democratic Party is now dominated by hateful Anti-Semetic Left Wingers. I just don't get why so many American Jews still support the Democratic Party. Another one of life's mysteries i guess.
To me, also. I have a friend who cannot be dissuaded from voting for the Marxist asshole, Obama.

If he does get a second chance to fuck the nation, HE WILL!

Just remember what he said (on the hot mic) to the little Russian squirt who was to report to Mr. Putin. "After my election, I'll have more flexibility!..." He won't have to worry about being re-elected so it'll be all out war by Obama and his crazies against the traditional American way of life.

Obama is a goddamned Marxist!

Putin will prescribe a pill goat Romney that the American empire will come to its collapse.

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