Democrats Party of the Rich Elites...GOP Party of the Working Man

Another example of how Democrats socialist politics works. Keep em down...keep me in the Palace of Versailles in Washington D.C. Hey, but don’t let them eat cake...let them eat lobster tail.
Yeah. Let's pretend Republicans didn't elect the the first billionaire to sit in the Oval Office.

The difference between rich Republican politicians and rich Democrat politicians is that Republicans were rich before they were elected and the Dems made their millions after they were elected.

The last three Republican presidents were born rich.
Oh my God!!! That is a slap in the face to the memory of Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.
It must have taken the op and hour to be typed as the poster was laughing so hard at the post. Let's face reality. This nation is clearly divided in many ways. Class is one. The system is designed that way. The upper class calls the shots. They have all the money and all the power. It's always been that way. Isn't going to change.
Only worth a few hundred million...what an embarrassment to the Democratic Party. How does she show her face at those liberal Hollywood fundraisers?
Teresa Heinz - Wikipedia
Yeah. Let's pretend Republicans didn't elect the the first billionaire to sit in the Oval Office.

The difference between rich Republican politicians and rich Democrat politicians is that Republicans were rich before they were elected and the Dems made their millions after they were elected.

The last three Republican presidents were born rich.
Oh my God!!! That is a slap in the face to the memory of Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.

I was responding to somebody saying that Republican politicians were rich before they were elected, when in fact they were rich before they were a cum stain.
It must have taken the op and hour to be typed as the poster was laughing so hard at the post. Let's face reality. This nation is clearly divided in many ways. Class is one. The system is designed that way. The upper class calls the shots. They have all the money and all the power. It's always been that way. Isn't going to change.
That’s why it’s bullshit for Democratic Party to perpetuate the notion that it is the party of “working class Americans” and twice as stupid for people to vote for them based on this belief.
At least the gop basically admits they aren't fans of the working man. Their platform is all about the wealth.
At least the gop basically admits they aren't fans of the working man. Their platform is all about the wealth.
Building a strong economy and that creates jobs. I can vote for Democrats who want to give my hard earned tax dollars to welfare scum for votes (while they protect their $$$ with tax shelters) or I can give it to rich white guys who create jobs. I vote for the rich job creators.
I vote third party. With immense wealth comes assured corruption. I agree the dems promote too many giveaways and I know the gop is all about cutting and gutting things to help workers. They would love nothing more than to go back to industrial revolution times....low wages long hours poor conditions and then have you be thankful for the job. The arrogance is unreal.
I vote third party. With immense wealth comes assured corruption. I agree the dems promote too many giveaways and I know the gop is all about cutting and gutting things to help workers. They would love nothing more than to go back to industrial revolution times....low wages long hours poor conditions and then have you be thankful for the job. The arrogance is unreal.
I voted Constitution Party in 2008 and 2012. Voted Trump in 2016...stakes were way too high.

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