Democrats Party of the Rich Elites...GOP Party of the Working Man

Yet you conservatives keep giving these elites tax breaks on the backs of your kids, wonder why? :p


- Democrats pursue policies that lessen take home pay of the Middle and Working Class,
- Democrats pursue policies that increase healthcare costs of Middle and Working Class, - Democrats choose specious or egregious plans for the Enviornment over jobs for the Middle and Working Class,
None of that would happen to the middle class if you would Stop giving these elites all these monstrous tax cuts all the time.... what's up with that?

Tax cuts would not be necessary if Democrats would reign in or “cut” spending..... that’s the core of the problem.
Trump emptied Goldman and Sachs to fill his cabinet.
The only ones left behind were Goldman and Sachs.

'BS, they're both the same, you're just caught up in the game.
Far from it. I was part of the game for years. I was a Democrat. I worked from the inside and saw the hypocrisy of the fucking assholes. I have two choices. Vote for a party of hypocrites that want a permanent victim class for votes. Hence my tax $$$ go to support welfare bums. Orrrrrrrt, I can vote for rich white guys who bend the system from the top to work for them. However, they are job creators. I vote for the job creators.
Trump emptied Goldman and Sachs to fill his cabinet.
The only ones left behind were Goldman and Sachs. did did did Clinton’s...don’t forget about Lehman Brothers too.

'BS, they're both the same, you're just caught up in the game.
Far from it. I was part of the game for years. I was a Democrat. I worked from the inside and saw the hypocrisy of the fucking assholes. I have two choices. Vote for a party of hypocrites that want a permanent victim class for votes. Hence my tax $$$ go to support welfare bums. Orrrrrrrt, I can vote for rich white guys who bend the system from the top to work for them. However, they are job creators. I vote for the job creators.

Nope. The people that run things from both sides all work for the same people and it isn't us. Do you really think that you, working on the bottom rung would be informed from within?

The info is out there for ALL to see it's just very want to see, OR will do the work to find the info. It's all there.

The next thing you will be telling us is that pigs can fly you are so full of bullshit.

Who wanted to kick millions of people off of their health insurance plans? Republicans.

Then let's tax about the tax bill. The carried interest deduction is a sop to Wall Street elites and Trump has said this. Yet Republicans retained this. The pass-through provision is a loophole that benefits the rich. A entrepreneur that works in the business can only have 20% of their income taxed at the pass-through rate yet a passive investor can invest in the business and have 100% of the income from that investment taxed at the lower rate. Then we have the tax break for real estate trusts that benefitted Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, and Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes. All tax breaks for the rich.

When big business complained about the tax bill, Republicans rushed in to take care of it. Yet when Rubio tried to increase the amount working families could get from the child tax credit, pulling teeth would be easier for the pittance he got.

You are a lying little weasel. Republicans take care of the rich and big business while screwing the little guys. Democrats also are short sighted but they are right on a few things.
Most Americans can’t afford pay for other people’s so called “health insurance”, Mandated insurance is a cowardly act. Fuck face

You have a fuck face and a fuck brain to match. The fact is that without a mandate, health insurance will rise. Freeloaders will drop insurance when they are healthy and buy insurance when they get sick. Once they are well and don't need the insurance, they will drop it. That leaves everyone else to pay for it. Americans actually do support the subsidies very strongly.
Who cares about the insurance company’s, insurance should be voluntary.
Making people pay into a pool for people that can not pay their own bills makes no sense.
Going after the lawmakers, lawyers, insurance companies, judges and doctors that are really the ones that really make healthcare costs high...

Insurance companies should have a 1 year waiting period before they pay for anything if you did not have coverage prior to applying.
Insurance companies should not find ways to rip people off in the small print of policies after the poor bastard has paid premiums for years. Criminal cocksuckers.

The next thing you will be telling us is that pigs can fly you are so full of bullshit.

Who wanted to kick millions of people off of their health insurance plans? Republicans.

Then let's tax about the tax bill. The carried interest deduction is a sop to Wall Street elites and Trump has said this. Yet Republicans retained this. The pass-through provision is a loophole that benefits the rich. A entrepreneur that works in the business can only have 20% of their income taxed at the pass-through rate yet a passive investor can invest in the business and have 100% of the income from that investment taxed at the lower rate. Then we have the tax break for real estate trusts that benefitted Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, and Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes. All tax breaks for the rich.

When big business complained about the tax bill, Republicans rushed in to take care of it. Yet when Rubio tried to increase the amount working families could get from the child tax credit, pulling teeth would be easier for the pittance he got.

You are a lying little weasel. Republicans take care of the rich and big business while screwing the little guys. Democrats also are short sighted but they are right on a few things.
Most Americans can’t afford pay for other people’s so called “health insurance”, Mandated insurance is a cowardly act. Fuck face

You have a fuck face and a fuck brain to match. The fact is that without a mandate, health insurance will rise. Freeloaders will drop insurance when they are healthy and buy insurance when they get sick. Once they are well and don't need the insurance, they will drop it. That leaves everyone else to pay for it. Americans actually do support the subsidies very strongly.
Who cares about the insurance company’s, insurance should be voluntary.
Making people pay into a pool for people that can not pay their own bills makes no sense.
Going after the lawmakers, lawyers, insurance companies, judges and doctors that are really the ones that really make healthcare costs high...

Insurance companies should have a 1 year waiting period before they pay for anything if you did not have coverage prior to applying.
The only sonofabitch lower than an insurance man is a lawyer. Look you right in the face and lie.

The next thing you will be telling us is that pigs can fly you are so full of bullshit.

Who wanted to kick millions of people off of their health insurance plans? Republicans.

Then let's tax about the tax bill. The carried interest deduction is a sop to Wall Street elites and Trump has said this. Yet Republicans retained this. The pass-through provision is a loophole that benefits the rich. A entrepreneur that works in the business can only have 20% of their income taxed at the pass-through rate yet a passive investor can invest in the business and have 100% of the income from that investment taxed at the lower rate. Then we have the tax break for real estate trusts that benefitted Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, and Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes. All tax breaks for the rich.

When big business complained about the tax bill, Republicans rushed in to take care of it. Yet when Rubio tried to increase the amount working families could get from the child tax credit, pulling teeth would be easier for the pittance he got.

You are a lying little weasel. Republicans take care of the rich and big business while screwing the little guys. Democrats also are short sighted but they are right on a few things.
Most Americans can’t afford pay for other people’s so called “health insurance”, Mandated insurance is a cowardly act. Fuck face

You have a fuck face and a fuck brain to match. The fact is that without a mandate, health insurance will rise. Freeloaders will drop insurance when they are healthy and buy insurance when they get sick. Once they are well and don't need the insurance, they will drop it. That leaves everyone else to pay for it. Americans actually do support the subsidies very strongly.
Who cares about the insurance company’s, insurance should be voluntary.
Making people pay into a pool for people that can not pay their own bills makes no sense.
Going after the lawmakers, lawyers, insurance companies, judges and doctors that are really the ones that really make healthcare costs high...

Insurance companies should have a 1 year waiting period before they pay for anything if you did not have coverage prior to applying.
The only sonofabitch lower than an insurance man is a lawyer. Look you right in the face and lie.

And politicians beat them both.
Trump is now expelling legal immigrants with no basis for doing so except they come from “shithole” countries. You don’t grow your economy by deporting hundreds of thousands of consumers.

Like lemmings, the Trumptards are now picking up his rallying cry against non-white immigration from shithole countries. Right in cue.

This is scapegoating at its finest. First it was Mexicans, who must be gotten rid of because the illegals were such a problem. Now it’s the legal migrants who are a “problem”. Not the white ones. The non-whites.

Trump has a daily “enemy” to vanquish. All tinpot dictators need an enemy to keep the people distracted. Today’s enemy is brought to you by Trump Resorts, where access to the President is sold out in the open. Memberships available.
You are a complete fucking airhead. Legal immigrats just because they are not white. Sure ding-bat.
Trump is now expelling legal immigrants with no basis for doing so except they come from “shithole” countries. You don’t grow your economy by deporting hundreds of thousands of consumers.

Like lemmings, the Trumptards are now picking up his rallying cry against non-white immigration from shithole countries. Right in cue.

This is scapegoating at its finest. First it was Mexicans, who must be gotten rid of because the illegals were such a problem. Now it’s the legal migrants who are a “problem”. Not the white ones. The non-whites.

Trump has a daily “enemy” to vanquish. All tinpot dictators need an enemy to keep the people distracted. Today’s enemy is brought to you by Trump Resorts, where access to the President is sold out in the open. Memberships available.
Trump can send them to the empty space between your fucking ears. Plenty of room.
Trump emptied Goldman and Sachs to fill his cabinet.
The only ones left behind were Goldman and Sachs. did did did Clinton’s...don’t forget about Lehman Brothers too.
Wow, I didn’t know there was so people of color working at Goldman and Sachs.
Who are “people of color?” Caucasian people have no color? What are you talking about?
The GOP is 90% white.

They work.

Well, except for the millions living in Appalachia. Most companies want at least a high school graduate.
Under Trump the deficit has gone down from past presidents.
From 3.1% average to 2.6%
Yes he has cut spending, in the limited capacity that our Presidents have without congress.
2017 Estimate

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