Democrats Party of the Rich Elites...GOP Party of the Working Man

The Reps are the growing middle class
The Dems are growing the third world invasion.
Which is better for America?

Here’s a clue. Neither party is growing the middle class. But Republican policies are actively destroying the middle class by syphoning off the wealth and savings of the middle class to enrich the wealthy.

Trump’s latest enemy is now the “Third World Invasion”. There is no “Third World Invasion” but look at you screaming at the latest phony enemy of the state. It’s like watching a real live version of 1984, with Trump as Big Brother.
The Reps are the growing middle class
The Dems are growing the third world invasion.
Which is better for America?

Here’s a clue. Neither party is growing the middle class. But Republican policies are actively destroying the middle class by syphoning off the wealth and savings of the middle class to enrich the wealthy.

Trump’s latest enemy is now the “Third World Invasion”. There is no “Third World Invasion” but look at you screaming at the latest phony enemy of the state. It’s like watching a real live version of 1984, with Trump as Big Brother.

The middle class is hated by both parties and is just a talking point to be brought up during election cycles. The middle class has nothing to offer those in power. We are not beholden to the government so our votes are not assured and we do not make enough money to line the coffers of the the political elite. The policies of both parties are meant to squeeze the middle class smaller with most going down and a few going up.
Try looking at the policies of the two parties, silly Dupes of the greedy idiot Rich GOP...
The Reps are the growing middle class
The Dems are growing the third world invasion.
Which is better for America?

Here’s a clue. Neither party is growing the middle class. But Republican policies are actively destroying the middle class by syphoning off the wealth and savings of the middle class to enrich the wealthy.

Trump’s latest enemy is now the “Third World Invasion”. There is no “Third World Invasion” but look at you screaming at the latest phony enemy of the state. It’s like watching a real live version of 1984, with Trump as Big Brother.

Explain how Trump is taking money from the middle class and giving it to those eeeeevil rich people.
BTW, the average tax cut will be over $2000.
Trump is now expelling legal immigrants with no basis for doing so except they come from “shithole” countries. You don’t grow your economy by deporting hundreds of thousands of consumers.

Like lemmings, the Trumptards are now picking up his rallying cry against non-white immigration from shithole countries. Right in cue.

This is scapegoating at its finest. First it was Mexicans, who must be gotten rid of because the illegals were such a problem. Now it’s the legal migrants who are a “problem”. Not the white ones. The non-whites.

Trump has a daily “enemy” to vanquish. All tinpot dictators need an enemy to keep the people distracted. Today’s enemy is brought to you by Trump Resorts, where access to the President is sold out in the open. Memberships available.
Trump is now expelling legal immigrants with no basis for doing so except they come from “shithole” countries. You don’t grow your economy by deporting hundreds of thousands of consumers.

Like lemmings, the Trumptards are now picking up his rallying cry against non-white immigration from shithole countries. Right in cue.

This is scapegoating at its finest. First it was Mexicans, who must be gotten rid of because the illegals were such a problem. Now it’s the legal migrants who are a “problem”. Not the white ones. The non-whites.

Trump has a daily “enemy” to vanquish. All tinpot dictators need an enemy to keep the people distracted. Today’s enemy is brought to you by Trump Resorts, where access to the President is sold out in the open. Memberships available.
Proof of this expulsion of LEGAL immigrants please.
Trump is now expelling legal immigrants with no basis for doing so except they come from “shithole” countries. You don’t grow your economy by deporting hundreds of thousands of consumers.

Like lemmings, the Trumptards are now picking up his rallying cry against non-white immigration from shithole countries. Right in cue.

This is scapegoating at its finest. First it was Mexicans, who must be gotten rid of because the illegals were such a problem. Now it’s the legal migrants who are a “problem”. Not the white ones. The non-whites.

Trump has a daily “enemy” to vanquish. All tinpot dictators need an enemy to keep the people distracted. Today’s enemy is brought to you by Trump Resorts, where access to the President is sold out in the open. Memberships available.
Proof of this expulsion of LEGAL immigrants please.
200,000 Salvadorans and others et al..
Democrats do everything they can so that workers are not able to keep their money.

How could a party of looters be for the working man?
I've always kept the same amount through my life except during Reagan when taxes increased..
Yet you conservatives keep giving these elites tax breaks on the backs of your kids, wonder why? :p


- Democrats pursue policies that lessen take home pay of the Middle and Working Class,
- Democrats pursue policies that increase healthcare costs of Middle and Working Class, - Democrats choose specious or egregious plans for the Enviornment over jobs for the Middle and Working Class,
None of that would happen to the middle class if you would Stop giving these elites all these monstrous tax cuts all the time.... what's up with that?
This idea you can cut taxes without first balancing your budget makes me wonder where Republicans learned math.

Imagine if you took a cut in pay even though you don’t make enough now to pay your basic expenses. You need $2,500 a month to pay for your home, car, food and clothing for your family, and your total income is only $2150. But you cut your pay to $2000 a month because the company can expand and you will earn more money.

If that paragraph makes no sense to you whatsoever you have just read a description of what Trump and the Republicans have done. They’ve cut revenues, while running a huge deficit.

You can’t create more jobs because you’re already at essentially full employment. There hasn’t been an overwhelming number of companies announcing raises. A few one-time bonuses is all.

When governments cut taxes, it filters on down the line. The federal budget cuts Medicaid so the state slaps on a fee to make up the shortfall. Education budget cut so schools don’t have the money for textbooks and other resources. The parents have to pick up the slack.

American parents already pay a larger percentage of out of pocket costs of any first world country. When you pile on these costs, children of the poor lose out and they’re the kids who should get more because a good education is the only chance in life they’ll ever have. Otherwise they just end up broke, unemployed or in jail.
Democrats do everything they can so that workers are not able to keep their money.

How could a party of looters be for the working man?
I've always kept the same amount through my life except during Reagan when taxes increased..

Let me guess... all of it, because you don't pay taxes, only loot.

The Republicans are the party which has turned the working poor from tax payers to dependents. It is Republican Policy to increase earned income credits, not the minimum wage.

No other first world country subsidized corporate wages in this way, forcing middle class taxpayers to subsidize corporate wages. It’s lunacy and a very expensive program. You could cut the size of government bureaucracy just by cutting EIC’s and food stamps which shouldn’t exist as a separate program at all.

The next thing you will be telling us is that pigs can fly you are so full of bullshit.

Who wanted to kick millions of people off of their health insurance plans? Republicans.

Then let's tax about the tax bill. The carried interest deduction is a sop to Wall Street elites and Trump has said this. Yet Republicans retained this. The pass-through provision is a loophole that benefits the rich. A entrepreneur that works in the business can only have 20% of their income taxed at the pass-through rate yet a passive investor can invest in the business and have 100% of the income from that investment taxed at the lower rate. Then we have the tax break for real estate trusts that benefitted Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, and Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes. All tax breaks for the rich.

When big business complained about the tax bill, Republicans rushed in to take care of it. Yet when Rubio tried to increase the amount working families could get from the child tax credit, pulling teeth would be easier for the pittance he got.

You are a lying little weasel. Republicans take care of the rich and big business while screwing the little guys. Democrats also are short sighted but they are right on a few things.
Most Americans can’t afford pay for other people’s so called “health insurance”, Mandated insurance is a cowardly act. Fuck face

You have a fuck face and a fuck brain to match. The fact is that without a mandate, health insurance will rise. Freeloaders will drop insurance when they are healthy and buy insurance when they get sick. Once they are well and don't need the insurance, they will drop it. That leaves everyone else to pay for it. Americans actually do support the subsidies very strongly.
Who cares about the insurance company’s, insurance should be voluntary.
Making people pay into a pool for people that can not pay their own bills makes no sense.
Going after the lawmakers, lawyers, insurance companies, judges and doctors that are really the ones that really make healthcare costs high...
This idea you can cut taxes without first balancing your budget makes me wonder where Republicans learned math.

Imagine if you took a cut in pay even though you don’t make enough now to pay your basic expenses. You need $2,500 a month to pay for your home, car, food and clothing for your family, and your total income is only $2150. But you cut your pay to $2000 a month because the company can expand and you will earn more money.

If that paragraph makes no sense to you whatsoever you have just read a description of what Trump and the Republicans have done. They’ve cut revenues, while running a huge deficit.

You can’t create more jobs because you’re already at essentially full employment. There hasn’t been an overwhelming number of companies announcing raises. A few one-time bonuses is all.

When governments cut taxes, it filters on down the line. The federal budget cuts Medicaid so the state slaps on a fee to make up the shortfall. Education budget cut so schools don’t have the money for textbooks and other resources. The parents have to pick up the slack.

American parents already pay a larger percentage of out of pocket costs of any first world country. When you pile on these costs, children of the poor lose out and they’re the kids who should get more because a good education is the only chance in life they’ll ever have. Otherwise they just end up broke, unemployed or in jail.
You have it backwards, cut spending before raising taxes the well is dry.
That is what successful businesses/families do. When shortfalls happen they cut spending.

The next thing you will be telling us is that pigs can fly you are so full of bullshit.

Who wanted to kick millions of people off of their health insurance plans? Republicans.

Then let's tax about the tax bill. The carried interest deduction is a sop to Wall Street elites and Trump has said this. Yet Republicans retained this. The pass-through provision is a loophole that benefits the rich. A entrepreneur that works in the business can only have 20% of their income taxed at the pass-through rate yet a passive investor can invest in the business and have 100% of the income from that investment taxed at the lower rate. Then we have the tax break for real estate trusts that benefitted Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, and Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes. All tax breaks for the rich.

When big business complained about the tax bill, Republicans rushed in to take care of it. Yet when Rubio tried to increase the amount working families could get from the child tax credit, pulling teeth would be easier for the pittance he got.

You are a lying little weasel. Republicans take care of the rich and big business while screwing the little guys. Democrats also are short sighted but they are right on a few things.
Most Americans can’t afford pay for other people’s so called “health insurance”, Mandated insurance is a cowardly act. Fuck face

You have a fuck face and a fuck brain to match. The fact is that without a mandate, health insurance will rise. Freeloaders will drop insurance when they are healthy and buy insurance when they get sick. Once they are well and don't need the insurance, they will drop it. That leaves everyone else to pay for it. Americans actually do support the subsidies very strongly.
Who cares about the insurance company’s, insurance should be voluntary.
Making people pay into a pool for people that can not pay their own bills makes no sense.
Going after the lawmakers, lawyers, insurance companies, judges and doctors that are really the ones that really make healthcare costs high...

Insurance companies should have a 1 year waiting period before they pay for anything if you did not have coverage prior to applying.
If they are unbiased and from credible sources. I already refuted you in previous post.
you are an idiot you refuted nothing you have ZERO links showing Republicans do a better job on the is some more Chump Trump Rube

you go on believing Trump a billionaire and his cabinets also Billionaires are going to "Fix and Reform" the system that made them Wealthy LOl even the most stupid know that is highly illogical LOL
Democrats Vs. Republicans: Who Is Better

2016-07-20-President-Market-Data.jpg throw our FDR and the WPA temporary relief jobs program. Doak! Your dished.

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