Democrats Party of the Rich Elites...GOP Party of the Working Man

At least the gop basically admits they aren't fans of the working man. Their platform is all about the wealth.
Building a strong economy and that creates jobs. I can vote for Democrats who want to give my hard earned tax dollars to welfare scum for votes (while they protect their $$$ with tax shelters) or I can give it to rich white guys who create jobs. I vote for the rich job creators.
do I have to show you the facts and figures again LOL
At least the gop basically admits they aren't fans of the working man. Their platform is all about the wealth.
Building a strong economy and that creates jobs. I can vote for Democrats who want to give my hard earned tax dollars to welfare scum for votes (while they protect their $$$ with tax shelters) or I can give it to rich white guys who create jobs. I vote for the rich job creators.
do I have to show you the facts and figures again LOL
Yep...Democrats are Party of the little guy...
7 of 10 Richest Members of Congress Are Democrats
At least the gop basically admits they aren't fans of the working man. Their platform is all about the wealth.
Building a strong economy and that creates jobs. I can vote for Democrats who want to give my hard earned tax dollars to welfare scum for votes (while they protect their $$$ with tax shelters) or I can give it to rich white guys who create jobs. I vote for the rich job creators.
do I have to show you the facts and figures again LOL
If they are unbiased and from credible sources. I already refuted you in previous post.
So people don’t buy air conditioners in the middle of fucking winter. You can expect cyclical layoffs in this industry. Key word is “ex” union boss. His own people voted him out.
I too voted for trump as I couldn't vote for a Clinton. They are not trustworthy. In 2020 provided I am still here I will be voting 3rd party for sure.
I too voted for trump as I couldn't vote for a Clinton. They are not trustworthy. In 2020 provided I am still here I will be voting 3rd party for sure.
Not me. As for now sticking with Trump. I think he is doing a great job.
If they are unbiased and from credible sources. I already refuted you in previous post.
you are an idiot you refuted nothing you have ZERO links showing Republicans do a better job on the is some more Chump Trump Rube

you go on believing Trump a billionaire and his cabinets also Billionaires are going to "Fix and Reform" the system that made them Wealthy LOl even the most stupid know that is highly illogical LOL
Democrats Vs. Republicans: Who Is Better

Cons are anti union! They are not for the working man in any way .

Everything they do is with the rich and Big biz in mind.
So people don’t buy air conditioners in the middle of fucking winter. You can expect cyclical layoffs in this industry. Key word is “ex” union boss. His own people voted him out.

Donald Trump is a lying whore hopper who has cheated everyone that he has dealt with ...a Rube chump like you has no shot will always be on a explaining apologize for the moron
Yeah. Let's pretend Republicans didn't elect the the first billionaire to sit in the Oval Office.

The difference between rich Republican politicians and rich Democrat politicians is that Republicans were rich before they were elected and the Dems made their millions after they were elected.

The last three Republican presidents were born rich.
Oh my way dude! :disbelief:

Was Ronald Reagan born rich?
Was Ronald Reagan born rich?
Hollywood Elite sold missiles to the Ayatollahs
Tell me you can't sell Ice to Eskimo Rubes lol

These Jack wagons actually actually believe that Trump a presumptive billionaire and his Cabinet a Gang of Billionaires is all of a sudden going to turn into the Little Sisters of the Sistine Chapel for the Poor and will set about reforming the VERY GOD DAMN SYSTEM THAT MADE THEM BILLIONAIRES
Highly Illogical in fact IMBECILIC
The system is set up for billionaires to prosper. It's skewed but that's the way it has always been. people are just figuring this out?
Democrats in “The People’s House” have higher yearly incomes than Reupublicans. Lol. Senate almost even. Lol. Democrats sure are the party of the working man.

An article from 2014? Really?
How about a 2017 article lizard breath. :badgrin:
7 of 10 Richest Members of Congress Are Democrats

According to this site, the top 10 is split 50/50. - Wealth of Congress

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