Democrats Passed NAFTA in 1993

George Bush invented NAFTA. He was responsible for lots of stupid shit. Quite a few gun control laws to. Ever wonder why you see "made in Smyrna Georgia" or how about those demilled AK kits from back in they day, or the $80.00 SKS thats $600.00 now? Republicans are just as retarded as libs.They are just libs under a different name.
Bush senior is a worthless GOPer progressive.....he was reagans biggest mistake, but he was forced upon him by GOP'ers...the same GOP'ers that Trump just fucked over.....

George Bush invented NAFTA. He was responsible for lots of stupid shit. Quite a few gun control laws to. Ever wonder why you see "made in Smyrna Georgia" or how about those demilled AK kits from back in they day, or the $80.00 SKS thats $600.00 now? Republicans are just as retarded as libs.They are just libs under a different name.
Bush senior is a worthless GOPer progressive.....he was reagans biggest mistake, but he was forced upon him by GOP'ers...the same GOP'ers that Trump just fucked over.....

Hope they all take the weenie. fuck all those guys.
MORE Republicans than Democrats in the Congress and more republicans than democrats in the Senate vote yea, in support of NAFTA.

However, it should be noted that Clinton isn't the only one responsible for the deal.

It was inaugurated by his Republican predecessor, George H.W. Bush, who signed the initial version of the treaty in December 1992, before it was submitted to Congress for ratification and after he had lost to Clinton.

But Clinton had campaigned for changes to the deal and sought side agreements requiring Mexico to enforce labor standards, improve working conditions and create better environmental safeguards. Negotiations were begun and those side deals were signed by Clinton in August 1993.

After a tough political battle in which Clinton campaigned hard for the pact, the agreement was ratified by the House 234-200 and the Senate by 61-38. Republicans provided the margin of victory in both chambers, leading to Clinton's signature on the final version.

And you Bush SR. started Nafta, Clinton only signed the bill. Then Bush JR expanded it to Cafta, So you owe a big thanks to the Bushes in reality.

"Only" signing the bill is what makes it law, after all, and the Democrats had a majority in Congress as well. That said, it was very much a bipartisan undertaking with plenty of Republican support.

US President George HW Bush, Mexican President Salinas and Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney sign NAFTA. 12/17/1992

There it is, right on video.

And you Bush SR. started Nafta, Clinton only signed the bill. Then Bush JR expanded it to Cafta, So you owe a big thanks to the Bushes in reality.
Clintoon only signed it? If it was soooooooooooooooo bad why didn't he veto it instead of singing its praise?
Actually, it went through a couple of changes. One was protections for American workers. How it was supposed to work was that if anyone lost their job due to NAFTA, they would be able to get free school or training to qualify for another job.

It passed, but Fucking, asshole dipshit Republicans wouldn't fund the addition the fuckers. So no money was ever availible for retraining. But it's OK. Republicans fucked over their base back then and they fuck over veterans today.
They already started on coal miners. They love Russia more than they even like the United States. How do I know? I remember. I was already voting back then.

Republicans try so hard to blame Democrats for their shit. If they worked for the Country as hard as they work to blame others, they wouldn't need to lie so often.
Yep, bipartisan....

Bush 1 created NAFTA with FAST TRACT abilities, and Bush negotiated and signed NAFTA with Canadian PM and Mexican president in Dec of 1992...

Clinton agreed with Bush that he would sign the treaty of NAFTA when he became president if it was passed.

When Clinton took office, he was not happy with the way NAFTA was written and needed to modify it, in order to get any Democrats to vote yes for it, so Clinton negotiated an amendment to the original NAFTA, making it more palatable for Democrats to vote yes and got Canada and Mexico to agree, then Congress and the Senate passed it with more Republicans in both houses voting yes than Dems.

I think NAFTA was a Republican dream come true, and many Democrats were complicit!!!!
Yep, bipartisan....

Bush 1 created NAFTA with FAST TRACT abilities, and Bush negotiated and signed NAFTA with Canadian PM and Mexican president in Dec of 1992...

Clinton agreed with Bush that he would sign the treaty of NAFTA when he became president if it was passed.

When Clinton took office, he was not happy with the way NAFTA was written and needed to modify it, in order to get any Democrats to vote yes for it, so Clinton negotiated an amendment to the original NAFTA, making it more palatable for Democrats to vote yes and got Canada and Mexico to agree, then Congress and the Senate passed it with more Republicans in both houses voting yes than Dems.

I think NAFTA was a Republican dream come true, and many Democrats were complicit!!!!

That fact gets lost allot with those on both sides.

And you Bush SR. started Nafta, Clinton only signed the bill. Then Bush JR expanded it to Cafta, So you owe a big thanks to the Bushes in reality.

"Only" signing the bill is what makes it law, after all, and the Democrats had a majority in Congress as well. That said, it was very much a bipartisan undertaking with plenty of Republican support.

Yup. cant say otherwise.
Democrats controlled Congress...Clinton had veto power. Democrats own NAFTA and sold out workers who they took for granted.

And you Bush SR. started Nafta, Clinton only signed the bill. Then Bush JR expanded it to Cafta, So you owe a big thanks to the Bushes in reality.

"Only" signing the bill is what makes it law, after all, and the Democrats had a majority in Congress as well. That said, it was very much a bipartisan undertaking with plenty of Republican support.
Again, Democrats had majority in the Senate and the veto in White House. Stop making excuses.

US President George HW Bush, Mexican President Salinas and Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney sign NAFTA. 12/17/1992

There it is, right on video.

Al Gore on national TV supporting NAFTA in a debate. Democrats sold out. Stop trying to sugarcoat their traitor bullshit.. There it is right on video.

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