Democrats Plan On Nation's School Buses Wasteful!

EVs suit DEMs perfectly.
You depend on an EV to get you around? Basically you will end up planning when and where and how fast you will travel.
NO deciding to take the scenic route back home. No freedom to decide you want to drop by your mistress's apartment for a quickie.
Driving an EV is like having a fucking extension cord plugged into your ass everywhere you go.
You will get almost 300 mile range. Not many drive more than that a day. When you get home, plug it in and you are good to go the next morning
300 million cars plugged in at night? What could go wrong...
Not much electric usage at night
Good time for charging
Again 300 million electric cars?
Well it not that school bus travel a great distance. Pick up the kids and drop them off.
They don't? I'll bet you would like putting the mileage on your cars that a school bus adds every day.

In my school district, the buses make runs sometimes 14 times per day, That's 2 high school runs, 2 elementary runs, 2 middle school runs, and 1 kindergarten run each morning and then again at night. Those that don't, pick up all grades and distribute them to the elementary, middle and high schools that are sometimes 10 miles apart. After school hours, they are used to transport kids for athletics and academic competitions. When exactly are they going to recharge?
They have rapid charging stations.

You can also do battery swaps. You have no faith in American ingenuity?
Lol, a friend of mines brother has one of those expensive electric cars. You have to plan your entire trip around charging stations. Also we don't have enough available electricity to power the cars in question, and Biden wants us to go totally green in 10 years. Lol, you guys are idiots.
Who says we don't have the electricity?

But we ARE way behind in EV infrastructure. Did you know that in one month China installed more EV charging stations than we have in the entire US? Why do you want China to beat us at this race?
How does it effect us how many charging stations china has?
China is beating us. What happened to American Exceptionalism? This IS the technology of the future. You want the US to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world? Why?
Biden is selling us out. While China is investing in power plants to give them the energy they need. Biden is trying to shut ours down and we won't have the energy we need.
MisterBeale, do you have any ideas that may point us in the right direction?

The truth would suffice, IMO.


I want the United States to win this "battle". Why wouldn't Trumplicans want that too?
As long as Biden is in charge China is going to beat us. He has a bank account to keep full. Just ask Hunter, he is already collecting the checks from them.
Well it not that school bus travel a great distance. Pick up the kids and drop them off.
They don't? I'll bet you would like putting the mileage on your cars that a school bus adds every day.

In my school district, the buses make runs sometimes 14 times per day, That's 2 high school runs, 2 elementary runs, 2 middle school runs, and 1 kindergarten run each morning and then again at night. Those that don't, pick up all grades and distribute them to the elementary, middle and high schools that are sometimes 10 miles apart. After school hours, they are used to transport kids for athletics and academic competitions. When exactly are they going to recharge?
They have rapid charging stations.

You can also do battery swaps. You have no faith in American ingenuity?
Lol, a friend of mines brother has one of those expensive electric cars. You have to plan your entire trip around charging stations. Also we don't have enough available electricity to power the cars in question, and Biden wants us to go totally green in 10 years. Lol, you guys are idiots.
Who says we don't have the electricity?

But we ARE way behind in EV infrastructure. Did you know that in one month China installed more EV charging stations than we have in the entire US? Why do you want China to beat us at this race?
How does it effect us how many charging stations china has?
China has people who have never left the home they were born in! Why do they need vehicles? Oh, that's right! The CCP has to travel to spread their ideology.
That's your argument for letting China beat the pants off us? :lol:
Again who cares if they have more charging stations, how does it affect the USA?
Makes us the losers. I want the US to win, come out ahead of the Chicoms. Show the world that WE are better, not them. It is a battle and we are losing.

If the Chinese decided that jumping off bridges would put them ahead, would you be the first one to follow suit here in the US?
Again, that's the best argument you could come up with? We beat other countries in the space race. We can win this battle too if we invest in our infrastructure like other countries do. Been to an airport in Europe? Puts ours to shame. We can and should do better.
I have an idea concerning electric cars.

I envision you drive up to your filling station, much like a gas station today. There are alignment tracks that you drive along and then the red-light pops on saying “STOP”. Much like a car wash. You put on your parking brake, a machine reaches up under your car and removes a large, discharged battery and a charged one is put in to replace the discharged one. Within ten (10) minutes or less you have exchanged your discharged battery with a charged one. Now off you go with a 300-mile charged battery.
Good idea where you don’t own your battery but just swap it for a full one. Save you the eventual expense of eventually buying a new one
What do you mean good idea? Manufacturing has been doing it for over 40 years with forklift batteries
Not being done now......makes it a good idea
Well it not that school bus travel a great distance. Pick up the kids and drop them off.
They don't? I'll bet you would like putting the mileage on your cars that a school bus adds every day.

In my school district, the buses make runs sometimes 14 times per day, That's 2 high school runs, 2 elementary runs, 2 middle school runs, and 1 kindergarten run each morning and then again at night. Those that don't, pick up all grades and distribute them to the elementary, middle and high schools that are sometimes 10 miles apart. After school hours, they are used to transport kids for athletics and academic competitions. When exactly are they going to recharge?
They have rapid charging stations.

You can also do battery swaps. You have no faith in American ingenuity?
Lol, a friend of mines brother has one of those expensive electric cars. You have to plan your entire trip around charging stations. Also we don't have enough available electricity to power the cars in question, and Biden wants us to go totally green in 10 years. Lol, you guys are idiots.
Who says we don't have the electricity?

But we ARE way behind in EV infrastructure. Did you know that in one month China installed more EV charging stations than we have in the entire US? Why do you want China to beat us at this race?
How does it effect us how many charging stations china has?
China has people who have never left the home they were born in! Why do they need vehicles? Oh, that's right! The CCP has to travel to spread their ideology.
That's your argument for letting China beat the pants off us? :lol:
Again who cares if they have more charging stations, how does it affect the USA?
Makes us the losers. I want the US to win, come out ahead of the Chicoms. Show the world that WE are better, not them. It is a battle and we are losing.

If the Chinese decided that jumping off bridges would put them ahead, would you be the first one to follow suit here in the US?
Again, that's the best argument you could come up with? We beat other countries in the space race. We can win this battle too if we invest in our infrastructure like other countries do. Been to an airport in Europe? Puts ours to shame. We can and should do better.
Since our nation sold out to Supply Side Economics 40 years ago we have settled for second best in everything but the military. Infrastructure, Healthcare, Education
A few weeks ago, President Biden announced his support for a bill that would make all school buses electric in 10 years. This is another disconnect between green extremism and reality. Electric cars function poorly or not at all in cold weather. Electric cars have limited range and can take up to 12 hours to recharge. Plus, 80% of our electricity comes from natural gas, coal, and nuclear power.

Study Shows Electric Cars Become Practically Useless In Cold Weather​

A better action would be to convert all school buses to natural gas, which burns much more cleanly than gasoline. However, the green movement has become so extreme that it now opposes natural gas, even though we have greatly reduced our carbon emissions by using more natural gas over the last eight years. Sadly, Biden's energy plan would aim to cut our use of natural gas by around 30% in 10 years. In contrast, Obama's energy plan vastly increased our use of natural gas because it produces far fewer emissions than gasoline or coal.

Why not just get rid of school buses entirely and just use E-Learning like we did during the pandemic?

Reduces traffic overall, its a lot more earth-friendly. In addition, schools would have the opportunity to hire teachers from India who could stay in India- providing more competition for Teacher's Unions.
Props for thinking outside the box, however the problem with that plan is that it leads to children being under socialized and lacking structure, children need to physically interact socially with other children to develop social skills not to mention the positive effect that the structure of being physically in the school has on them, unfortunately there are indications that distance e-learning inhibits that.

Interesting article on the subject here: The Effects of Remote Learning on Children – Meier Clinics
The USPS is also going all green
You do realize there are thousands of old battery run cars in the UK sitting in a field because the replacement batteries cost more than the car. The landfills refuse to take them and they are sitting there leaking acid in the ground. My God, you people are stupid.
Technology has evolved

Physics hasn't, it takes a ton of power to heat with electricity. Heating the interior of a school bus would be the equivalent of heating a couple of homes. They aren't well insulated and the door is opened and closed constantly. Also the constant starting and stopping uses more energy as well. Natural gas or hydrogen fuel cell would be a much better fit over batteries.

The USPS is also going all green
You do realize there are thousands of old battery run cars in the UK sitting in a field because the replacement batteries cost more than the car. The landfills refuse to take them and they are sitting there leaking acid in the ground. My God, you people are stupid.
Technology has evolved

Physics hasn't, it takes a ton of power to heat with electricity. Heating the interior of a school bus would be the equivalent of heating a couple of homes. They aren't well insulated and the door is opened and closed constantly. Also the constant starting and stopping uses more energy as well. Natural gas or hydrogen fuel cell would be a much better fit over batteries.

Guess what.....Electric School buses are here
They work, districts are buying them

Well it not that school bus travel a great distance. Pick up the kids and drop them off.
They don't? I'll bet you would like putting the mileage on your cars that a school bus adds every day.

In my school district, the buses make runs sometimes 14 times per day, That's 2 high school runs, 2 elementary runs, 2 middle school runs, and 1 kindergarten run each morning and then again at night. Those that don't, pick up all grades and distribute them to the elementary, middle and high schools that are sometimes 10 miles apart. After school hours, they are used to transport kids for athletics and academic competitions. When exactly are they going to recharge?
They have rapid charging stations.

You can also do battery swaps. You have no faith in American ingenuity?

Tell the class how much these spare batteries will cost and how much will it cost to have the technicians and equipment to change them.


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