Democrats...please explain how you think you can “have it all”?

The defense mechanism is in high gear...The diversion techniques are weak fellas.
Xelor wants to pretend I’m way off with my “presumptions” and inject a shit-ton of complexity into it all with meaningless word play and courtroom level mumbo-jumbo and deanrd wants to turn the thread comical.

Um, yeah, guy, We know book learnin' and complexity are way beyond you, Cleetus. Someone wants to bring that dun-der science into the conversation? How dare they?
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

I want to give billions of dollars to billionaires!

It's the only thing that makes sense!

So you want to give them back their own money?

How generous of you.

You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

Next up- Free College- Again, the problem here is that college has become a money making venture. You put a single payer system in place, and you aren't going to see universities spending huge amounts of money on facilities that add nothing to the learning experience, but are just meant as advertisements to attract customers.

That's not the fucking problem, the problem is the colleges use the government student loans as a fucking cash cow and increase spending, you make it single payer it will just get worse.

No one wants welfare increased. We'd prefer to have everyone make a living wage on their own. Having a 15/Min wage would do a lot to accomplish that.

Bull shit all you are doing is increasing inflation. Trickle up poor

Investing in science pays for itself. Economic innovation and technological innovation makes us all better off. We wouldn't HAVE an internet if the government hadn't kicked it off.


as for illegals, nobody has suggested granting amensty to all 11 million of them, most of whom have jobs and are probably more productive than you are, Cleetus.

A five year old with down syndrome is way more productive then you will ever be slacker
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

I don't want free things, dummy.

I want to pay less for things by spreading the cost of things over a large group of people with a better negotiating position. Ya know...the way society works.
That's not the fucking problem, the problem is the colleges use the government student loans as a fucking cash cow and increase spending, you make it single payer it will just get worse.

I think you are a bit confused. It used to be that the states funded these colleges directly, and things were fine. Then they put them in the position where they had to compete for student dollars. That's when they had the little community colleges like Harper or CoD out here in Chicago build out like major universities.

Bull shit all you are doing is increasing inflation. Trickle up poor

there's been no proven correlation between inflation and increases in the minimum wage. Quite the reverse, the Min Wage doesn't keep up with inflation, and that's the problem.

A five year old with down syndrome is way more productive then you will ever be slacker

Again, put down the bottle, it's 6 AM
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

I don't want free things, dummy.

I want to pay less for things by spreading the cost of things over a large group of people with a better negotiating position. Ya know...the way society works.

I don't want to buy women's high heel pumps in size 12 like you do...

What are you talking about paying less for things, what things?

That's not the fucking problem, the problem is the colleges use the government student loans as a fucking cash cow and increase spending, you make it single payer it will just get worse.

I think you are a bit confused. It used to be that the states funded these colleges directly, and things were fine. Then they put them in the position where they had to compete for student dollars. That's when they had the little community colleges like Harper or CoD out here in Chicago build out like major universities.

I went to college of dupage and Triton college doufus, (mold maker apprentence, electronics, mold design )... so you telling me they are now huge?????

Bull shit all you are doing is increasing inflation. Trickle up poor

there's been no proven correlation between inflation and increases in the minimum wage. Quite the reverse, the Min Wage doesn't keep up with inflation, and that's the problem.

My ass then why do we have to keep raising it?

A five year old with down syndrome is way more productive then you will ever be slacker

Again, put down the bottle, it's 6 AM

Why have you been up all night meth head joe and it 7:30 am my time in South Carolina
That's not the fucking problem, the problem is the colleges use the government student loans as a fucking cash cow and increase spending, you make it single payer it will just get worse.

I think you are a bit confused. It used to be that the states funded these colleges directly, and things were fine. Then they put them in the position where they had to compete for student dollars. That's when they had the little community colleges like Harper or CoD out here in Chicago build out like major universities.

I went to college of dupage and Triton college doufus, (mold maker apprentence, electronics, mold design )... so you telling me they are now huge?????

Bull shit all you are doing is increasing inflation. Trickle up poor

there's been no proven correlation between inflation and increases in the minimum wage. Quite the reverse, the Min Wage doesn't keep up with inflation, and that's the problem.

My ass then why do we have to keep raising it?

A five year old with down syndrome is way more productive then you will ever be slacker

Again, put down the bottle, it's 6 AM

Why have you been up all night meth head joe and it 7:30 am my time in South Carolina

I don't see how Harper college could of grown anymore it was land locked the college was just a few miles away from when I lived in wheeling
I went to college of dupage and Triton college doufus, (mold maker apprentence, electronics, mold design )... so you telling me they are now huge?????

DuPage is. I remember back in the 80's when it was all tin buildings, now it's a huge complex.


My ass then why do we have to keep raising it?

Are you slow? We have to raise it because it hasn't kept up.

To give you an example, back when I went to UIC in the 1980's, tuition was about $1500 a year. I could pay for that with a minimum wage job and still have 70% of my salary left over. Didn't have to, because the Army paid for it, and then I used money for other things.

Today, it's close to $20,000 a year.

This was the affordable campus that inner city kids were supposed to be able to access, but guess what, as of last year, the student body was only 8% African American.

Why have you been up all night meth head joe?

Haven't, got up about an hour ago, I have to work up two resumes for customers this morning.
I went to college of dupage and Triton college doufus, (mold maker apprentence, electronics, mold design )... so you telling me they are now huge?????

DuPage is. I remember back in the 80's when it was all tin buildings, now it's a huge complex.


My mold design class at college of dupage was not in a tin building in 1985, neither was my mold processing class, it was brick and state of the art at the time with new molding machines and robotics

My ass then why do we have to keep raising it?

Are you slow? We have to raise it because it hasn't kept up.

To give you an example, back when I went to UIC in the 1980's, tuition was about $1500 a year. I could pay for that with a minimum wage job and still have 70% of my salary left over. Didn't have to, because the Army paid for it, and then I used money for other things.

Today, it's close to $20,000 a year.

This was the affordable campus that inner city kids were supposed to be able to access, but guess what, as of last year, the student body was only 8% African American.

I don't have a clue what what it costed because my company paid for everything
I went to college of dupage and Triton college doufus, (mold maker apprentence, electronics, mold design )... so you telling me they are now huge?????

DuPage is. I remember back in the 80's when it was all tin buildings, now it's a huge complex.


My mold design class at college of dupage was not in a tin building in 1985, neither was my mold processing class, it was brick and state of the art at the time with new molding machines and robotics

My ass then why do we have to keep raising it?

Are you slow? We have to raise it because it hasn't kept up.

To give you an example, back when I went to UIC in the 1980's, tuition was about $1500 a year. I could pay for that with a minimum wage job and still have 70% of my salary left over. Didn't have to, because the Army paid for it, and then I used money for other things.

Today, it's close to $20,000 a year.

This was the affordable campus that inner city kids were supposed to be able to access, but guess what, as of last year, the student body was only 8% African American.

I don't have a clue what what it costed because my company paid for everything

COD back in the 1980s was nice as all heck I loved going to that campus...triton college sucked , so did Harper when I had to drive a friend there.
My mold design class at college of dupage was not in a tin building in 1985, neither was my mold processing class, it was brick and state of the art at the time with new molding machines and robotics

I'm very happy for you, completely irrelevant to the point I was making.

I don't have a clue what what it costed because my company paid for everything

And you think "costed" is the proper use of that word. They totally got their money's worth.
My mold design class at college of dupage was not in a tin building in 1985, neither was my mold processing class, it was brick and state of the art at the time with new molding machines and robotics

I'm very happy for you, completely irrelevant to the point I was making.

I don't have a clue what what it costed because my company paid for everything

And you think "costed" is the proper use of that word. They totally got their money's worth.

I didn't go there to spell or use proper grammar, what for? I went there to learn how to build , fix machinery and design molds
I didn't go there to spell or use proper grammar, what for? I went there to learn how to build , fix machinery and design molds

Wow, too bad you spend your time here instead of doing that. Spelling and grammar are kind of a big deal here.
I didn't go there to spell or use proper grammar, what for? I went there to learn how to build , fix machinery and design molds

Wow, too bad you spend your time here instead of doing that. Spelling and grammar are kind of a big deal here.

Why? To whom?

I am not here to write thesis I am here for inputting my spunk , thoughts , ideas and wisdom...

If your here to grade posts you are in the wrong forum..
Having it all isn't possible. On the other hand in today's economy 50 thousand dollars a year salary is peanuts and makes for difficulty surviving because prices are rising and wages are simp!my put.....not.
More and more young working married couples are choosing not to have kids.....why? Can't afford them even with both working good jobs.
Having it all isn't possible. On the other hand in today's economy 50 thousand dollars a year salary is peanuts and makes for difficulty surviving because prices are rising and wages are simp!my put.....not.

You must live in a blue city..

Because what you say is pure stupid.
You sound like a lawyer
OP-er, I suspect you don't much care for it when folks, rather than being courteous enough to present you with neutrally phrased questions that request clarification(s), take it upon themselves to frame, oversimplify, extrapolate ad absurdum, mis-contextualize, and/or employ other means of equivocation to bend what you say into something you didn't have in mind or say.....

OP-er, are you truly not aware that the nature of your perceptions about what Democrats have officially asserted they "want" and what Democrats have officially asserted they indeed "want" just aren't the same things? For some strange reason, you seem to have heard someone whom you believe to be a Democrat state they think/want that "such and such" be done, and hearing that person say such, you in turn infer that that single individual's (or group's) attestations are the official positions of the Democratic party. Well, unless the person whom you heard utter "whatever" is the Chairman of the DNC, or someone speaking formally on his behalf, the remarks you heard are merely that person's wishes and wants and some quantity of others may or may not agree with that person, but none of their doing so makes the given position be that of Democrats in the "broad brush" way you've presented the notions in your OP.....
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?
....To wit, would you please provide the credible documentation that specifies that the things you assert Democrats want are in fact things the Democrats have asserted that they want.

You want free health care...right?
In what context(s)? Even the ACA didn't propose free healthcare in the unqualified way your statement above does.

You want free college...right?
AFAIK, no. I am aware that some Democrats have advocated for free college, the Democratic 2016 platform did not attest to "wanting free college," which is not the same thing as aiming to make community college free, the latter being part of the Democrats' 2016 platform.

You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
I'm not going to address this question you posed because it's too vague and too ambiguous. If you can add the following elements of precision to your question, I might be able to give you a credible answer.
  • What do you mean by "increase?"
    • Lower the qualification requirements one must meet to receive public assistance, thereby increasing the quantity of people who are eligible to receive it?
    • Increase the maximum sum of assistance that may be provided under any given program?
    • Increase the actual sum of assistance given to individuals/families meeting certain criteria?
    • Increase the nature of assistance that may be given to include goods/services that are not currently in the "bundle" of "stuff" qualifying individuals may receive?
  • Quantify, please, the nature and extent to which you perceive Democrats want to increase "welfare."
    • What do you consider to be welfare? Feel free, so long as you are precise, to enumerate specific programs or precisely describe specific genres of resource distributions, or precisely describe the beneficiaries and benefactors of welfare such that there's no overlap between them and there's no mistaking what individuals and entities fall into either class.
You want higher minimum wage...right?
Democrats probably do want to see the federal minimum wage increased to $15/hour.

You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
More than what? I'm not aware that Democrats expressly have articulated a "want" for more being spent on science. I am aware that Democrats have decried the reductions in spending that the current Administration has effected.

AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?
I have not ever seen anything indicating that Democrats want to extend all of anything n the "broad brush" way you've described it to the 11M illegal aliens who are in the U.S.​

So, OP-er, if you can add some specificity to your questions so that they can actually be answered directly with a "yes" or "no" that can be objectively shown to be either accurate or inaccurate, well, then you might find you get some substantive conversation going.....
A lot of talking and saying nothing.

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