Democrats...please explain how you think you can “have it all”?

Really? What did they take and how did they take it?

You know, when your boss took away your health insurance and you just lied down and took it.

Battered housewife repbulican, everyone. the rich don't mean to beat us, we deserve it.

He didn't take anything away from me personally. He didn't take my car, my money, my couch, my garage, my television set. Those are things I paid for and nobody can take them away.

When somebody gives you less that does not mean they are taking anything from you. You need to refocus your OCD hangups on something else; or better yet, get the therapy you so badly need for mental problem.
Healthcare in America is doubt. Our medical professionals are paid well, our facilities, equipment and pharmaceuticals are top notch...that’s why people with FREE healthcare from around the world end up here for the best care. That all said...using cost to GDP ratio is what uninformed retards do to beg for shit. Anyone sane knows the real problems....nearly half of our citizens DO NOT contribute by paying taxes...Britain for example, offers “free healthcare” by imposing a 20% tax on EVERYONE earning a wage up to $31,785 and 40% on EVERYONE earning more. Imagine your cries if we taxed the working poor by 20% to GIVE them “FREE” healthcare.
Further....NO other nation spends $17 BILLION on healthcare every year for illegal Mexicans....NO NATION!

This will take a bit to unpack... so much fucking crazy.

Okay, here's the thing. If our medical stuff is "top notch", then why do we have the lowest life expectency and highest infant mortality rates in the industrialized world.

Second, medical tourism is a myth. Nobody is coming here for medical treatment.

Third, and here's the big one, the miniscule amount we pay for undocumented workers is a drop in the bucket.

Again, “FREE” college is never free.
Using your comparative methods with other nations...let’s have a quick look. The countries below with the red arrows offer free college, with the exception of the US. Again, all achieved through high taxation with more contributing.
Further, NO other nation spends $46 BILLION each and every year educating illegal Mexicans...NO NATION!

All those countries also have higher standards of living then we do. Imagine that.
You’re right...there’s is nothing “complicated” in my teachings....and you’re right...the “Europeans” know how to tax the shit of of their working poor to provide “FREE SHIT”...huh?

yes, they are and they are very happy with that. Because the rich pay their fair share.’re a damn beg for better social services all the time...better is more...More is an INCREASE.

Better doesn't mean "more expensive" or "more people on them". Try to keep up, we know you are a little dopey.

Investing in technological advancement is far different than investing in fighting global warming.

Yes, 95% of climate scientist are wrong a fat homo on hate radio is right. Got it.

I never said anything about amnesty Gustavo....(which we know you advocate) you want to extend the freebies you beg for to you not? That’s what was said....follow along bud...we’re speaking English.

Well, actually, you are speaking "Racist Crazy", but that's its own language. Thanks for playing, stupid. Now go chase some mexicans off your lawn.
Healthcare in America is doubt. Our medical professionals are paid well, our facilities, equipment and pharmaceuticals are top notch...that’s why people with FREE healthcare from around the world end up here for the best care. That all said...using cost to GDP ratio is what uninformed retards do to beg for shit. Anyone sane knows the real problems....nearly half of our citizens DO NOT contribute by paying taxes...Britain for example, offers “free healthcare” by imposing a 20% tax on EVERYONE earning a wage up to $31,785 and 40% on EVERYONE earning more. Imagine your cries if we taxed the working poor by 20% to GIVE them “FREE” healthcare.
Further....NO other nation spends $17 BILLION on healthcare every year for illegal Mexicans....NO NATION!

This will take a bit to unpack... so much fucking crazy.

Okay, here's the thing. If our medical stuff is "top notch", then why do we have the lowest life expectency and highest infant mortality rates in the industrialized world.

Second, medical tourism is a myth. Nobody is coming here for medical treatment.

Third, and here's the big one, the miniscule amount we pay for undocumented workers is a drop in the bucket.

Again, “FREE” college is never free.
Using your comparative methods with other nations...let’s have a quick look. The countries below with the red arrows offer free college, with the exception of the US. Again, all achieved through high taxation with more contributing.
Further, NO other nation spends $46 BILLION each and every year educating illegal Mexicans...NO NATION!

All those countries also have higher standards of living then we do. Imagine that.
You’re right...there’s is nothing “complicated” in my teachings....and you’re right...the “Europeans” know how to tax the shit of of their working poor to provide “FREE SHIT”...huh?

yes, they are and they are very happy with that. Because the rich pay their fair share.’re a damn beg for better social services all the time...better is more...More is an INCREASE.

Better doesn't mean "more expensive" or "more people on them". Try to keep up, we know you are a little dopey.

Investing in technological advancement is far different than investing in fighting global warming.

Yes, 95% of climate scientist are wrong a fat homo on hate radio is right. Got it.

I never said anything about amnesty Gustavo....(which we know you advocate) you want to extend the freebies you beg for to you not? That’s what was said....follow along bud...we’re speaking English.

Well, actually, you are speaking "Racist Crazy", but that's its own language. Thanks for playing, stupid. Now go chase some mexicans off your lawn.

“Okay, here's the thing. If our medical stuff is "top notch", then why do we have the lowest life expectency and highest infant mortality rates in the industrialized world.”
Glad you ask, nice to see you seeking enlightenment.
No other first world civilized nation has more bottom feeding filth than we do. Ironically, despite FREE healthcare coverage given to our filth...our lowest grade is way too busy doing nothing...they don’t bother with preventative healthcare...or healthcare at they die often. Our filth also purge themselves by becoming obese, driving drunk, doing drugs and through other criminality.
No other first world nation has more thirdworld filth among the natives. The thirdworlder, low iQ mentality kills many.

“Third, and here's the big one, the miniscule amount we pay for undocumented workers is a drop in the bucket.”
You mean illegal aliens/federal criminals...right?
Damn Gustavo...You must be awfully well off to consider $100 BILLION a “minuscule amount”.
We could give free homes to every hurting American Veteran and increase social services for all hurting REAL Americans with $100 BILLION.

Again, “FREE” college is never free.
Using your comparative methods with other nations...let’s have a quick look. The countries below with the red arrows offer free college, with the exception of the US. Again, all achieved through high taxation with more contributing.
Further, NO other nation spends $46 BILLION each and every year educating illegal Mexicans...NO NATION!

“All those countries also have higher standards of living then we do. Imagine that.”
MAYBE...and none have more bottom feeders and illegal Mexicans than we do...weird huh?

You’re right...there’s is nothing “complicated” in my teachings....and you’re right...the “Europeans” know how to tax the shit of of their working poor to provide “FREE SHIT”...huh?

“yes, they are and they are very happy with that. Because the rich pay their fair share.”
You think the working poor overseas is happy with paying 20% in income tax to receive “free” healthcare? Much of our working poor qualify for free healthcare while paying a 0% effective tax rate...right?
Don’t our “rich” pay far more than a “fair share”? Don’t our “rich” pay it all?’re a damn beg for better social services all the time...better is more...More is an INCREASE.

“Better doesn't mean "more expensive" or "more people on them". Try to keep up, we know you are a little dopey.”
Huh...are you serious? In the real world BETTER costs know this...not even you are that ignorant.

Investing in technological advancement is far different than investing in fighting global warming.

“Yes, 95% of climate scientist are wrong a fat homo on hate radio is right. Got it.”
Yeah, weird that highly paid scientists funded by taxpayers would want to keep that cash flow rolling in huh?
You may have watched one too many Michael Moore flicks Gustavo.

I never said anything about amnesty Gustavo....(which we know you advocate) you want to extend the freebies you beg for to you not? That’s what was said....follow along bud...we’re speaking English.

“Well, actually, you are speaking "Racist Crazy", but that's its own language. Thanks for playing, stupid. Now go chase some mexicans off your lawn.”

Haha...there you go held out on playing that race card for as long as you could huh? Hahaha
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

They want all that...

but above all others must pay for it.

They must really want it all then.
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

#1 - straw man

#2 The amount of wealth in this country makes an effective pragmatic version of that possible.

Free health care (for those who need it) Why, because it's morally right.

Free college for those who qualify to go to college.

Welfare? Be more specific. Corporations get a form of welfare "stimulus, tax credits" and other loopholes.

Higher minimum wage? Living wage. If a corp is showing hundred million and billion dollar profits, it's not just because the CEO and upper management are really smart. That's what they tell themselves and how they justify their over-compensation... but too many studies have shown that CEO compensations and bonuses have more to do with a culture that start back in the 1980's than a real analyst of the person's daily work product.

Science? Be more specific. (I'm guessing you see science as a whole as anti-God or anti-religion.)

12-50 million -- a clear indicator of low intelligence is the inability to comprehend large numbers. Your statement about "illegal aliens" is misleading and dishonest on its face as factual estimate would not be that broad.

The most productive, positive contributors don't always have two pennies to rub together.
Healthcare in America is doubt. Our medical professionals are paid well, our facilities, equipment and pharmaceuticals are top notch...that’s why people with FREE healthcare from around the world end up here for the best care. That all said...using cost to GDP ratio is what uninformed retards do to beg for shit. Anyone sane knows the real problems....nearly half of our citizens DO NOT contribute by paying taxes...Britain for example, offers “free healthcare” by imposing a 20% tax on EVERYONE earning a wage up to $31,785 and 40% on EVERYONE earning more. Imagine your cries if we taxed the working poor by 20% to GIVE them “FREE” healthcare.
Further....NO other nation spends $17 BILLION on healthcare every year for illegal Mexicans....NO NATION!

This will take a bit to unpack... so much fucking crazy.

Okay, here's the thing. If our medical stuff is "top notch", then why do we have the lowest life expectency and highest infant mortality rates in the industrialized world.

Second, medical tourism is a myth. Nobody is coming here for medical treatment.

Third, and here's the big one, the miniscule amount we pay for undocumented workers is a drop in the bucket.

Again, “FREE” college is never free.
Using your comparative methods with other nations...let’s have a quick look. The countries below with the red arrows offer free college, with the exception of the US. Again, all achieved through high taxation with more contributing.
Further, NO other nation spends $46 BILLION each and every year educating illegal Mexicans...NO NATION!

All those countries also have higher standards of living then we do. Imagine that.
You’re right...there’s is nothing “complicated” in my teachings....and you’re right...the “Europeans” know how to tax the shit of of their working poor to provide “FREE SHIT”...huh?

yes, they are and they are very happy with that. Because the rich pay their fair share.’re a damn beg for better social services all the time...better is more...More is an INCREASE.

Better doesn't mean "more expensive" or "more people on them". Try to keep up, we know you are a little dopey.

Investing in technological advancement is far different than investing in fighting global warming.

Yes, 95% of climate scientist are wrong a fat homo on hate radio is right. Got it.

I never said anything about amnesty Gustavo....(which we know you advocate) you want to extend the freebies you beg for to you not? That’s what was said....follow along bud...we’re speaking English.

Well, actually, you are speaking "Racist Crazy", but that's its own language. Thanks for playing, stupid. Now go chase some mexicans off your lawn.

This will take a bit to unpack... so much fucking crazy.“

You have 94,000 posts here...It’s kinda too late to pretend you have something better to
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

They want all that...

but above all others must pay for it.

They must really want it all then.

As I always say...”There is nobody more noble than a LefTard armed with other people’s checkbooks.”
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?
free stuff.jpg
The Republicans just cut taxes, adding hundreds of billions to the debt, and now they want big spending increases adding hundreds of billions to the debt.

Who wants to have it all????
/-----/ We tried your give away for 8 years, now we'll do it our way. Wait and see.
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

Hey Broke, are you sure you aren't forgetting a few?

What about wanting unlimited illegal Aliens with no job skills and many babies?
What about draconian environmental policies with little benefit and devastating cost to business and economy?
What about open-ended inner city crime inducements to the poor while lowering penalties and shortening sentences putting them all back on the street to do it again?
What about mechanistic, centralized one-size-fits-all drone-like education on our children then wondering why our nation flounders? And
What about unlimited hands-out to other countries with little or no return?
The Republicans just cut taxes, adding hundreds of billions to the debt, and now they want big spending increases adding hundreds of billions to the debt.

Who wants to have it all????
/-----/ We tried your give away for 8 years, now we'll do it our way. Wait and see.
View attachment 175927

You lie.

The way the GOP is busting the budget now is by getting rid of the sequestration imposed under Obama.
The Republicans just cut taxes, adding hundreds of billions to the debt, and now they want big spending increases adding hundreds of billions to the debt.

Who wants to have it all????
/-----/ We tried your give away for 8 years, now we'll do it our way. Wait and see.
View attachment 175927

You lie.

The way the GOP is busting the budget now is by getting rid of the sequestration imposed under Obama.
/----/ How does that make me a liar? We didn't try it your way with Obozo for 8 years? We're not trying it our way with Trump for 8 years? What lie?
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

Hey Broke, are you sure you aren't forgetting a few?

What about wanting unlimited illegal Aliens with no job skills and many babies?
What about draconian environmental policies with little benefit and devastating cost to business and economy?
What about open-ended inner city crime inducements to the poor while lowering penalties and shortening sentences putting them all back on the street to do it again?
What about mechanistic, centralized one-size-fits-all drone-like education on our children then wondering why our nation flounders? And
What about unlimited hands-out to other countries with little or no return?

All true very good add-ons.
I was trying to keep it real elementary for the know how they are...they’ll play stupid as a way to avoid proper engagement and exchange of’s what they do.
OP-er, I suspect you don't much care for it when folks, rather than being courteous enough to present you with neutrally phrased questions that request clarification(s), take it upon themselves to frame, oversimplify, extrapolate ad absurdum, mis-contextualize, and/or employ other means of equivocation to bend what you say into something you didn't have in mind or say.....

OP-er, are you truly not aware that the nature of your perceptions about what Democrats have officially asserted they "want" and what Democrats have officially asserted they indeed "want" just aren't the same things? For some strange reason, you seem to have heard someone whom you believe to be a Democrat state they think/want that "such and such" be done, and hearing that person say such, you in turn infer that that single individual's (or group's) attestations are the official positions of the Democratic party. Well, unless the person whom you heard utter "whatever" is the Chairman of the DNC, or someone speaking formally on his behalf, the remarks you heard are merely that person's wishes and wants and some quantity of others may or may not agree with that person, but none of their doing so makes the given position be that of Democrats in the "broad brush" way you've presented the notions in your OP.....
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?
....To wit, would you please provide the credible documentation that specifies that the things you assert Democrats want are in fact things the Democrats have asserted that they want.

You want free health care...right?
In what context(s)? Even the ACA didn't propose free healthcare in the unqualified way your statement above does.

You want free college...right?
AFAIK, no. I am aware that some Democrats have advocated for free college, the Democratic 2016 platform did not attest to "wanting free college," which is not the same thing as aiming to make community college free, the latter being part of the Democrats' 2016 platform.

You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
I'm not going to address this question you posed because it's too vague and too ambiguous. If you can add the following elements of precision to your question, I might be able to give you a credible answer.
  • What do you mean by "increase?"
    • Lower the qualification requirements one must meet to receive public assistance, thereby increasing the quantity of people who are eligible to receive it?
    • Increase the maximum sum of assistance that may be provided under any given program?
    • Increase the actual sum of assistance given to individuals/families meeting certain criteria?
    • Increase the nature of assistance that may be given to include goods/services that are not currently in the "bundle" of "stuff" qualifying individuals may receive?
  • Quantify, please, the nature and extent to which you perceive Democrats want to increase "welfare."
    • What do you consider to be welfare? Feel free, so long as you are precise, to enumerate specific programs or precisely describe specific genres of resource distributions, or precisely describe the beneficiaries and benefactors of welfare such that there's no overlap between them and there's no mistaking what individuals and entities fall into either class.
You want higher minimum wage...right?
Democrats probably do want to see the federal minimum wage increased to $15/hour.

You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
More than what? I'm not aware that Democrats expressly have articulated a "want" for more being spent on science. I am aware that Democrats have decried the reductions in spending that the current Administration has effected.

AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?
I have not ever seen anything indicating that Democrats want to extend all of anything n the "broad brush" way you've described it to the 11M illegal aliens who are in the U.S.​

So, OP-er, if you can add some specificity to your questions so that they can actually be answered directly with a "yes" or "no" that can be objectively shown to be either accurate or inaccurate, well, then you might find you get some substantive conversation going.....

You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

I want to give billions of dollars to billionaires!

It's the only thing that makes sense!

Nowhere to go on this one?
The defense mechanism is in high gear...The diversion techniques are weak fellas.
Xelor wants to pretend I’m way off with my “presumptions” and inject a shit-ton of complexity into it all with meaningless word play and courtroom level mumbo-jumbo and deanrd wants to turn the thread comical.
Come on guys...Step your shit up.
Try again....explain how you can have all you beg for and extend all you beg for to 12-50 million illegal aliens and expect our best to happily fund your desires?
Ya, we are not the ones that start three wars and lower taxes. We understand there is no free lunch the repugs do not.
I don't want free things, dummy.

I want to pay less for things by spreading the cost of things over a large group of people with a better negotiating position. Ya know...the way society works.

In other words, you want to pay less for things, by having others pay part of your costs rather than by carrying your own weight. They way some societies tried to work, such as Venezuela.
Kw all day that most employers are not good....and that nothing is free....facts I guarantee. As states earlier 50 thousand is a pittance in today's work world. One can exist but won't prosper or ever get ahead on it.
Glad you ask, nice to see you seeking enlightenment.
No other first world civilized nation has more bottom feeding filth than we do. Ironically, despite FREE healthcare coverage given to our filth...our lowest grade is way too busy doing nothing...they don’t bother with preventative healthcare...or healthcare at they die often. Our filth also purge themselves by becoming obese, driving drunk, doing drugs and through other criminality.
No other first world nation has more thirdworld filth among the natives. The thirdworlder, low iQ mentality kills many.

Indeed. Now our average lifespan is decreasing mostly due to drug overdoses by younger people:

A Shocking Decline in American Life Expectancy

But hey, if somebody wants to kill themselves with drugs, it's none of our business. Isn't that what the liberals and Libertarians keep telling us?
Again yes for the same reason as mentioned in the previous point, and since the cost of it is not to the society as a whole but rather to business interest it wouldn't cost the tax payer nothing.

You have no idea how business works, do you?

You on the left think that when business takes a hit, they just dig deeper into their pockets.

I have bad news for ya, and that is when business takes any kind of financial hit, they pass that burden to the little guy. They either increase the price of their product, layoff workers, invest in automation, outsource work, ask for more contributions for their employees medical care, or cut down on other benefits.

Yes since there is a direct correlation between poverty and stuff as life expectancy, incarceration rate, social mobility, etc. The cost to society is negligible compared to it's benefits.

We on the right adhere to the cart theory:

A village makes a huge cart, and the townspeople are able to pull that cart down the road effortlessly. After a while, some don't want to pull the cart any longer, so they jump inside the cart instead. Before you know it, half of the people quit pulling the cart and jump in the cart, and then the cart stops.

How long have we had these social programs anyway? And if they are so great in regards to life expectancy, incarceration rates, social mobility, why is it that the liberal welfare cities are places you wouldn't dream of walking at night? Why did their businesses close and property value decrease?

There is no such thing as FREE healthcare. What Libs want is everyone covered, most of the industrialized world has this already and they fund it mostly, out of public funds. As a result they are cheaper.In fact the American healthcare system is the most expensive in the world, if you look at the cost of out of pocket plus publicly funded it is way more expensive. So when you are trying to make a case for it being to expensive one should take in consideration that it already is,and for abysmal results compared to other rich nations.Health expenditure, total (% of GDP) | Data

One of the reasons our healthcare is so unaffordable IS because of government.

Government typically only pays about 2/3 of the cost of their patents expenses. Medical facilities and personnel have to increase their prices to recoup those losses. That's why when you see such facilities close down, they are usually in lower income areas where there are mostly government patients; there are not enough privately insured patients to make up the loss.

So where would these facilities get the money to recoup the losses of government if government was the only provider?
I paraphrase for brevity here so if you find I misrepresent your point you can correct.
You have no idea how business works, do you?
Yes I do have an idea, and costs do get passed down for a bit. it's an oversimplification and I admit a purposeful omission for a reason. It's kind of the idea that if you give corporations tax breaks they are going to give that break to it's workers. Yes some of it will be given, but it'll be a pittance compared to the total break given. At least raising the minimum wage gives a direct and measurable benefit to those workers who are the weakest. While taking down corporate tax rates is a gift in the HOPE that companies will be generous to it's workers, exactly what you claim companies don't do in your point.

We on the right adhere to the cart theory:
Your cart theory is stupid, sorry to tell you but it is. Given people social benefits has a measurable positive effect on society. While in any system there are people who game it, most people use it in good faith. I'm European and I have social programs that are inconceivable to Americans. Yet I haven't been on unemployment for more then a few days throughout my career, I have a house that I need to make mortgage on, a wife and a kid who like to visit their family in the US. If I want to be able to do it all, I need to work just like an American. The difference is that I know no matter how sick or plain unlucky I get. I and my family know I will have a roof over my head, food in my mouth, a hospital to go to that will heal me, and my kid will have a decent education. I'm no less motivated then you to contribute to society, for I suspect the same reason you are. So are my 2 brothers, my sister pretty much my entire extended family.

One of the reasons our healthcare is so unaffordable IS because of government.
As I pointed out, Europe with a much larger interference of the government in healthcare, score better in terms of both efficiency, results and cost. So that is a practical example of why government isn't detrimental to healthcare.
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?
Because they want to be like Venezuela. Democrat paradise. Never mind most of them will be digging through trash cans to eat, at least someone else didn't get to keep their tax deductions. They got more so it was unfair. Right up until they found out fair equals nobody has anything and never will.

Demorat policy is poverty for everyone.
Norway, remember your mentor Trump wants us to be more like Norwegians.... (not Haitians with aides, or Africans living in huts)

And Norway has the absolute best social net in the world for its citizens....

Norway has the best welfare system in the Nordics

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