Democrats...please explain how you think you can “have it all”?

You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?
We can do it if we stop giving trillion dollar tax cuts to billionaires

Our rich are doing quite well
There is no reason to give them breaks

Hahaha...what’s this “WE” shit.
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?
We can do it if we stop giving trillion dollar tax cuts to billionaires

Our rich are doing quite well
There is no reason to give them breaks

Well our wealthy were paying a 39% tax rate under DumBama, and we slid 10 trillion dollars more into debt. So obviously we can't afford it and taxing people even more is not the solution.

The real solution is for every working person to pay income tax. People would want a lot less if they had to pay for it themselves. But as long as we have a party telling people they will give them the world, and send the bill to somebody else, of course they will always want more.

When you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objections.
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?
We can do it if we stop giving trillion dollar tax cuts to billionaires

Our rich are doing quite well
There is no reason to give them breaks

Let’s trim all the fat and dead weight first.
Let’s run out all the illegal wetbacks first.
Let’s penalize the shit out of our filth for creating more of their filthy same first.

Then let’s talk about how to fuck over our best, the people paying our way....Whatta ya say?
It is not a case of having it all but having what we used to have

Modern infrastructure, affordable higher education, affordable healthcare

Things we used to have before we started giving tax cuts to billionaires
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?
We can do it if we stop giving trillion dollar tax cuts to billionaires

Our rich are doing quite well
There is no reason to give them breaks

Well our wealthy were paying a 39% tax rate under DumBama, and we slid 10 trillion dollars more into debt. So obviously we can't afford it and taxing people even more is not the solution.

The real solution is for every working person to pay income tax. People would want a lot less if they had to pay for it themselves. But as long as we have a party telling people they will give them the world, and send the bill to somebody else, of course they will always want more.

When you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objections.
Should be paying 50% like they did before Reagan
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?
We can do it if we stop giving trillion dollar tax cuts to billionaires

Our rich are doing quite well
There is no reason to give them breaks

Let’s trim all the fat and dead weight first.
Let’s run out all the illegal wetbacks first.
Let’s penalize the shit out of our filth for creating more of their filthy same first.

Then let’s talk about how to fuck over our best, the people paying our way....Whatta ya say?

Let's start asking our wealthy to contribute to society at rates they used to
How bout we all send the billionaires all our money? What ya say? After all we should be thankful for them.
All these things, like public health care, free tuition, etc., greatly increased productivity and greatly reduces over all cost.
So every one benefits, and no one actually has to pay more for it.
Everyone ends up with a net gain.


With health insurance you essentially are prepaying. That means you lose all control over costs or quality. So you get the worst health care, at the highest possible prices. Every look into prepaid legal services? They essentially are con.
Anything you prepay is never any good and is always way more expensive. Being third party payer, actually the insurance companies encourage providers to raise prices because that only forces customers to need insurance even more.
So in all cases, in all other countries, public health care costs individuals less because it is only a slight increase in their taxes, which are offset by the huge savings of not having to pay the monthly health insurance bill. And if you think you don't pay because the employer sends in the check, you are totally wrong on that. It is still coming out of your pay.

With free tuition, it has been shown repeatedly, such as in CA in the past, that it increases employee productivity by over a factor of 4. And that means not only more employer income, but more buying power to boost the economy. And does not even include the other benefits, like less emergency medical costs for indigents, as well as much lower crime rates.

I remember years ago when I went to electronics school for work. The first day the teacher drew a 12 volt battery on the chalkboard and two resisters. He explained that each resister absorbed 6 volts of power. He asked if there were any questions, and most of the class laughed. That was until one black guy raised his hand.

He had no idea that 6+6=12, and he kept asking the teacher the stupidest questions. Many of us looked at each other rolling our eyes. I leaned over to my new classmate next to me and whispered "I don't think this guy is going to make it!" He whispered back "I know he isn't going to make it. This is his third time taking this class."

My classmate took the class the previous semester but left due to illness. On break, I asked him about the guy who raised his hand. He explained to me he was on some sort of government program, and no matter how many times he fails, they will continue to pay for his education.

People who graduate college earn more than those who didn't attend. Therefore advanced education is an investment. An investment is when you spend YOUR OWN money with a return plus a profit.

I see no reason why taxpayers should fund investments for other people. Don't ask me to pay for your education to be a doctor or a lawyer, and when I need your services, charge me $400.00 to check my heart and take my blood pressure.
charge me $400.00 to check my heart and take my blood pressure.
This would mean that a lot of people would not be able to see a doctor. That's kind of the point isn't it. By saying a person is only allowed the services he or she is able to afford you create a class of people that will never, no matter how hard they work will get ahead in life. It's basically a society akin to the hunger games. One were those that have will keep on having and those who haven't are shit out of luck.

You plead quite the case “for others”...I’m sure you’re not a “victim” of poverty at all. I’m sure “someone” made some bad decisions FOR YOU along the way....we all know you can’t be responsible for your position in life.
You see...most of us with dignity, morality and decency understand that we humans make decisions in our lives that send us down a certain path...this is why we exhaust all effort properly parenting our children and essentially FORCING them down said path. We with dignity believe that only we decided to have our children and only we should be responsible for them financially and otherwise.
People without values and dignity honestly believe they have the right to have children they know they can’t afford and they believe these children should be the responsibility of society.
STOP and read that a second time....and use logic. Do you hear how fucking pathetic that shit sounds?
PAY YOUR OWN FUCKING WAY.....simple shit!
Ok tell me what DECISION was made here that send my mother in law down to this path. A 57 year old RN who worked at a prison for the criminally insane. She made good money since it was in NY. Gets a double hernia and 2 of her vertebra get fused. She is forced into early retirement because she didn't heal up properly. On top of that she gets addicted to Oxicotton. She worked for the state had decent medical insurance a nice amount of savings and her own house. Long story short, medical bills after that piled up. She died, without savings and house although she had decent insurance. If you create a society were it's that easy to go from upper middle class to dirt poor, but almost impossible to go from dirt poor to any type of wealth, you are in fact a dystopian society.
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?
We can do it if we stop giving trillion dollar tax cuts to billionaires

Our rich are doing quite well
There is no reason to give them breaks

Let’s trim all the fat and dead weight first.
Let’s run out all the illegal wetbacks first.
Let’s penalize the shit out of our filth for creating more of their filthy same first.

Then let’s talk about how to fuck over our best, the people paying our way....Whatta ya say?

Let's start asking our wealthy to contribute to society at rates they used to

Cool, let’s do that....and let’s go back to a nearly all white population of 220 million while we’re at it...Let’s dream big
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?
We can do it if we stop giving trillion dollar tax cuts to billionaires

Our rich are doing quite well
There is no reason to give them breaks

Let’s trim all the fat and dead weight first.
Let’s run out all the illegal wetbacks first.
Let’s penalize the shit out of our filth for creating more of their filthy same first.

Then let’s talk about how to fuck over our best, the people paying our way....Whatta ya say?

Let's start asking our wealthy to contribute to society at rates they used to

Cool, let’s do that....and let’s go back to a nearly all white population of 220 million while we’re at it
No idea how that is relevant other than you are a freak'n racist
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?
We can do it if we stop giving trillion dollar tax cuts to billionaires

Our rich are doing quite well
There is no reason to give them breaks

Well our wealthy were paying a 39% tax rate under DumBama, and we slid 10 trillion dollars more into debt. So obviously we can't afford it and taxing people even more is not the solution.

The real solution is for every working person to pay income tax. People would want a lot less if they had to pay for it themselves. But as long as we have a party telling people they will give them the world, and send the bill to somebody else, of course they will always want more.

When you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objections.
Should be paying 50% like they did before Reagan

The top 20% of wage earners in this country already pay 94% of all collected income taxes. If that's not enough, then what is?

On the other side, 47% of our population pays no income taxes at all, yet the left believes we should take even more from the people that are already paying most of the taxes for the rest of this country. And you have no problem with that?
Health care, insurance co not being able to cancel or not pay for what your policy allows by using the pre existing gambit is one of the best rules put in place.
College, yes free or very low cost. dependent on your grades.
Welfare no increase
Min wage. yes increase should go up to at least cover cost of living increases.
Science . Yes for creating future jobs, insuring disease control, ok water & air.
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?
We can do it if we stop giving trillion dollar tax cuts to billionaires

Our rich are doing quite well
There is no reason to give them breaks

Let’s trim all the fat and dead weight first.
Let’s run out all the illegal wetbacks first.
Let’s penalize the shit out of our filth for creating more of their filthy same first.

Then let’s talk about how to fuck over our best, the people paying our way....Whatta ya say?

Let's start asking our wealthy to contribute to society at rates they used to

Cool, let’s do that....and let’s go back to a nearly all white population of 220 million while we’re at it
No idea how that is relevant other than you are a freak'n racist

I think you’re a racist bud...You BEG your fellow Americans to pay more in income taxes to fund your illegal’re putting Illegals ahead of your prefer to force REAL Americans to fund illegal Mexicans when what you should be wasting your meaningless time on is advocating to run the illegals out and working to divert those funds to taking care of hurting and homeless Veterans.
I’m really hoping some Libs get in on this...I think they often times get lost in their intended nobility and forget and or refuse to consider the economics and impact some things have on American society.

All these things, like public health care, free tuition, etc., greatly increased productivity and greatly reduces over all cost.
So every one benefits, and no one actually has to pay more for it.
Everyone ends up with a net gain.


With health insurance you essentially are prepaying. That means you lose all control over costs or quality. So you get the worst health care, at the highest possible prices. Every look into prepaid legal services? They essentially are con.
Anything you prepay is never any good and is always way more expensive. Being third party payer, actually the insurance companies encourage providers to raise prices because that only forces customers to need insurance even more.
So in all cases, in all other countries, public health care costs individuals less because it is only a slight increase in their taxes, which are offset by the huge savings of not having to pay the monthly health insurance bill. And if you think you don't pay because the employer sends in the check, you are totally wrong on that. It is still coming out of your pay.

With free tuition, it has been shown repeatedly, such as in CA in the past, that it increases employee productivity by over a factor of 4. And that means not only more employer income, but more buying power to boost the economy. And does not even include the other benefits, like less emergency medical costs for indigents, as well as much lower crime rates.

“Healthcare in America is doubt. Our medical professionals are paid well, our facilities, equipment and pharmaceuticals are top notch...that’s why people with FREE healthcare from around the world end up here for the best care. That all said...using cost to GDP ratio is what uninformed retards do to beg for shit. Anyone sane knows the real problems....nearly half of our citizens DO NOT contribute by paying taxes...Britain for example, offers “free healthcare” by imposing a 20% tax on EVERYONE earning a wage up to $31,785 and 40% on EVERYONE earning more. Imagine your cries if we taxed the working poor by 20% to GIVE them “FREE” healthcare.
Further....NO other nation spends $17 BILLION on healthcare every year for illegal Mexicans....NO NATION!”

Again, “FREE” college is never free.
Using your comparative methods with other nations...let’s have a quick look. The countries below with the red arrows offer free college, with theexception of the US. Again, all achieved through high taxation with more contributing.
Further, NO other nation spends $46 BILLION each and every year educating illegal Mexicans...NO NATION!”


That is all just silly and wrong.
Wealthy people from around the world come here because we have the best specialists for the wealthy.
No one else comes here because our health care on average is worse and more expensive.
GDP has nothing to do with it.
And clearly if you add together the cost of health insurance with the amount paid towards health care in taxes, then the rest of the world pays less than half what we do for health care.
Sure right now we pay less in taxes, but we get NOTHING!
The rest of the world pays only 20% more in taxes, and they then get free health care.
And we pay far more per month for health care than anyone does for taxes.

And we do not spend $46 billion a year educating illegals. Illegals can't even enroll in most states. In the ones they can, like California, they cost very little.
The Washington Times says it is only $761 million, not even a billion.
The cost to educate young illegal immigrants over $761 million - a bill for all 50 states
The cost to educate young illegal immigrants over $761 million - a bill for all 50 states
We can do it if we stop giving trillion dollar tax cuts to billionaires

Our rich are doing quite well
There is no reason to give them breaks

Let’s trim all the fat and dead weight first.
Let’s run out all the illegal wetbacks first.
Let’s penalize the shit out of our filth for creating more of their filthy same first.

Then let’s talk about how to fuck over our best, the people paying our way....Whatta ya say?

Let's start asking our wealthy to contribute to society at rates they used to

Cool, let’s do that....and let’s go back to a nearly all white population of 220 million while we’re at it
No idea how that is relevant other than you are a freak'n racist

I think you’re a racist bud...You BEG your fellow Americans to pay more in income taxes to fund your illegal’re putting Illegals ahead of your prefer to force REAL Americans to fund illegal Mexicans when what you should be wasting your meaningless time on is advocating to run the illegals out and working to divert those funds to taking care of hurting and homeless Veterans.

That makes no sense.
Illegals do not cost us anything, but make money for us, while buying our products at the same time.
They pay into Social Security and taxes, and get nothing back, not even an annual refund, because they can't file.
They reduce the cost of our agricultural food by half.
Let’s trim all the fat and dead weight first.
Let’s run out all the illegal wetbacks first.
Let’s penalize the shit out of our filth for creating more of their filthy same first.

Then let’s talk about how to fuck over our best, the people paying our way....Whatta ya say?

Let's start asking our wealthy to contribute to society at rates they used to

Cool, let’s do that....and let’s go back to a nearly all white population of 220 million while we’re at it
No idea how that is relevant other than you are a freak'n racist

I think you’re a racist bud...You BEG your fellow Americans to pay more in income taxes to fund your illegal’re putting Illegals ahead of your prefer to force REAL Americans to fund illegal Mexicans when what you should be wasting your meaningless time on is advocating to run the illegals out and working to divert those funds to taking care of hurting and homeless Veterans.

That makes no sense.
Illegals do not cost us anything, but make money for us, while buying our products at the same time.
They pay into Social Security and taxes, and get nothing back, not even an annual refund, because they can't file.
They reduce the cost of our agricultural food by half.

You’ve been lied to and or you’re just playing the role of retard.
Pull your head out of your ass bud.
Here, I’ll help you.
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR
All these things, like public health care, free tuition, etc., greatly increased productivity and greatly reduces over all cost.
So every one benefits, and no one actually has to pay more for it.
Everyone ends up with a net gain.


Look at Rigby5's avatar; I think the answer is there. A “Twilight Zone” form of economics, very far removed from how economics can possibly ever work in the real world.

All these things, like public health care, free tuition, etc., greatly increased productivity and greatly reduces over all cost.
So every one benefits, and no one actually has to pay more for it.
Everyone ends up with a net gain.


Look at Rigby5's avatar; I think the answer is there. A “Twilight Zone” form of economics, very far removed from how economics can possibly ever work in the real world.

View attachment 176009

Haha...good catch.
The “Twilight Zone”....aka “LibTardo Land”
Let's start asking our wealthy to contribute to society at rates they used to

Cool, let’s do that....and let’s go back to a nearly all white population of 220 million while we’re at it
No idea how that is relevant other than you are a freak'n racist

I think you’re a racist bud...You BEG your fellow Americans to pay more in income taxes to fund your illegal’re putting Illegals ahead of your prefer to force REAL Americans to fund illegal Mexicans when what you should be wasting your meaningless time on is advocating to run the illegals out and working to divert those funds to taking care of hurting and homeless Veterans.

That makes no sense.
Illegals do not cost us anything, but make money for us, while buying our products at the same time.
They pay into Social Security and taxes, and get nothing back, not even an annual refund, because they can't file.
They reduce the cost of our agricultural food by half.

You’ve been lied to and or you’re just playing the role of retard.
Pull your head out of your ass bud.
Here, I’ll help you.
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Sorry, but I read the link and there was no evidence there. There were some figures presented, but no source, explanation as to how these sums were paid, or why anything was ever paid out? There are some expenses, such as Boarder Patrol, but that would have to be paid even if there were no illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants can't get welfare, don't get free medical care, can't get food stamps, etc. Its likely the figures at the site are just made up. Most states do not even let illegal immigrant children into schools. CA is one of the few exceptions that does allow the children of illegals in schools.

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