Democrats prepared to cave on Keystone

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Is Clinton laying the groundwork for Obama to approve Keystone XL?

Former President Bill Clinton said the federal government should embrace the Keystone XL pipeline that the Obama administration rejected last month. Clinton also said that one of the “best things” about being out of office is “you can say whatever the heck you want.”
“One of the most amazing things to me about this Keystone pipeline deal is that they ever filed that route in the first place since they could’ve gone around the Nebraska Sandhills and avoided most of the danger, no matter how imagined, to the Ogallala with a different route, which I presume we’ll get now, because the extra cost of running it is infinitesimal compared to the revenues that will be generated over a long period of time,” he said Wednesday at the Energy Innovation Summit.
“So, I think we should embrace it and develop a stakeholder-driven system of high standards for doing the work.”

Bill Clinton |Keystone Pipeline | We Should Embrace | The Daily Caller
For sure, with the Keystone, the energy corps will have even more gasoline and diesel to export. But that will not make on pennys differance in what they charge citizens of this nation per gallon.

Another point. No refineries built for the increased amount of oil that pipeline will deliver, but they are going to be able to handle the extra capacity just fine. The energy corps could not have been lying to us all these years about the things they blamed 'lack of refinery capacity' on? No, they wouldn't do that. Just for a few dimes more on each gallon. Never, never would our patriotic energy corps CEO's use a lie to gauge a few more dimes per gallon from the citizens of this nation.
Clinton isnt laying the groundowrk for anything. Zero chance Obama changes his mind on Keystone before November. He needs every swinging dick k00k environmentalist nut voting in November to have ANY chance in November.

People forget..........Bill Clinton's wife got fucked in South Carollina by the Obama campaign in 2008 with the racism BS. He's not going to forget that and he cant stand the fraud that is Obama.
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Keystone pipeline shot down in Senate...
Senate blocks bid to speed pipeline from Canada
8 Mar.`12 WASHINGTON (AP) — Under pressure from the White House, the Democratic-controlled Senate on Thursday blocked a Republican bid to speed approval of an oil pipeline from Canada to Texas.
The 56-42 vote came after President Barack Obama called Democratic senators to lobby them to oppose the 1,700-mile Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry tar sands oil from western Canada to refineries along the Texas Gulf Coast. Even so, 11 Democrats sided with Republicans to sidestep Obama's rejection of the pipeline and allow the $7 billion project to go forward. Sixty votes were needed for approval.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., blasted Obama after the vote. "President Obama's personal pleas to wavering senators may have tipped the balance against this legislation. When it comes to delays over Keystone, anyone looking for a culprit should now look no further than the Oval Office," McConnell said. Democratic opposition to the pipeline "shows how deeply out of touch they are with the concerns of middle-class Americans," McConnell added.

White House press secretary Jay Carney confirmed that Obama called senators, but did not identify them. "The president believes that it is wrong to play politics with a pipeline project whose route has yet to be proposed," Carney said, referring to a yet-to-be-settled route that would avoid the environmentally sensitive Sandhills region in Nebraska. Obama had cited uncertainty over the Nebraska route in rejecting the pipeline in January. The president said there was not enough time for a fair review before a deadline forced on him by Republicans. Carney dismissed GOP claims that the pipeline would ease rising prices at the gas pump as "false advertising."

Carney called the Republican proposal "ineffectual sham legislation that has no impact on the price of gas and is irresponsible because, as we said before, it tries to legislate the approval of a pipeline for which there is not even a route." The State Department initially had blocked the project in November, citing concerns about a proposed route through the Sandhills. Pipeline supporters, including congressional Republicans, the oil industry and some labor groups, have been attacking Obama for blocking the pipeline, which they say could create thousands of jobs and provide a stable source of oil from a close neighbor and ally.

The president is a fraud on this.......publically says he's not against the pipeline and then yesterday he's on the phone with Democrats to ensure the bill is killed.

This guy is a total joke..........thumb up his ass while Americans dig deeper and deeper into their pockets to pay for gas. What is it all about? He doesnt dare piss off his base who then wouldnt come out to vote in November and he needs every swinging dick k00k lefty for the election.

ANd lets not July of 2008, Bush signed a bill to open continental shelf drilling and two days later, oil fell by $33 per barrel from around $150/barrel. A few months later it was down to about $40barrel. But Obama is going around selling that we need to get used to $4.00 a gallon gas. Asshole.........Id gladly pay 6 bucks a gallon for a few months to see this fraud out of here............and make no mistake..........if gas remains this high through summer, Crusader Frank would beat him at election time.

Even comitted lefty journals are saying the president better wake up and smell the maple nut crunch.........gas prices are always higher in blue states and purple states. Which is why the Obama adminisntration was trying to swing a deal with Israel last week........^ technology in exchange for holding off on Iran until 2013. What a fraud.
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