Democrats Projected to Keep Majority in the US Senate!

Some of the Nation has indeed woken up from and turned away from the hucksters and false prophets.

But as we saw in Texas, Georgia, and Florida, much of the Nation still wants to be lied to and vote against their own interests.

And yes, McConnell would have held up a Biden Supreme Court appointment again for the same baseless, bad-faith reason of waiting until after 2024.

Yep. The Confederacy is forever doomed to be a second tier area of the greatest nation on earth.
Sounds like its time for the Republicans to lean hard into their sense of entitlement and demand senate and House seats they didn't earn because of yet another batshit conspiracy they can't back up.
The House is R...
Sounds like its time for the Republicans to lean hard into their sense of entitlement and demand senate and House seats they didn't earn because of yet another batshit conspiracy they can't back up.
Please – don’t give Republicans any ideas; they’ve already tried to violently overturn one election…
Bringing family into this thread?
And he's spending Saturday night arguing with people on a message board instead of being a father. My spouse died. If we were blessed to have had kids, I think I'd spend less time on a message board spewing venom at strangers and more time being a good parent. I guess his priorities are different. Sad.
Adam Laxalt = war veteran who fought for the US. Yeah he is the face of Nazi Germany, the same regime that killed 95% of my ancestors. You need to go fuck yourself for that vile comparison. You dumb C U Next Tuesday.
A military lawyer only....who did he fight? The bailiff?
Did the ignorant Trump morons really think that voters would allow them to strip them of their rights and turn America into Hitler's Nazi Germany? For a while - I wasn't so sure. I feel better now. The Neanderthals have been beaten back - for now.
Republicans will be able to block any democrat legislation, democrats will able to block any republican legislation, and anything that slips through, Biden can veto. So congress can just recess for the next two years getting ready for 2024. They can all do what they do best, campaign.
The House is a different animal than the Senate. But you may be able to get a few House GOPers to come across the aisle on select matters. John Dickerson continuously talks about the "market" Trump created for ass-hole-ism. The market may not be as hot as it once was if the election results were any indication. Three more of his endorsements lost their election this weekend.

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