Democrats Projected to Keep Majority in the US Senate!

I'm looking forward to the day when the media doesn't show up to give him the press he craves because he's a has-been whose time in the spotlight has been eclipsed by events beyond his control.

As an aside, I was always hoping that Trump would commit a "Lonesome Rhodes" moment (from the movie, "A Face in the Crowd") where Trump would reveal on tape his contempt for his followers (which I was honestly sure was how he truly felt about them). It would have been better than his Access Hollywood moment, but I'm sorry to say it never happened.
It wouldn't matter to the truly lost.
Yep, voters want to keep the democrats in power.
Even though 80% say we're on the wrong track.
That says that the people counting the votes are cheaters.
No it says that Trump, his asseaters in the GOP, Fox News & right wing talk shows hosts like Beavis & Butthead aka Travis & Sexton who took over for Limbaugh are blowing smoke up your ass.
Correct – as a practical matter of governance, Democratic control of the Senate and Republican control of the House means more stalemate and gridlock.

But as a matter of partisan politics, it’s a remarkable victory for Democrats – who just a few weeks ago were all gloom and doom about the midterms.

And in addition to holding on to the Senate, Democrats retained control – and in some cases gained control – at the state-level.
Apparently votes are not as stupid as republicans thought they were and the great red wave didn't make it to Washington.
True... winning is better than losing. And losing a little is better than losing a lot!

It also (maybe it's just me) gives you a slight glimmer of hope that at least some of the nation has woken up from and turned away from the hucksters and false prophets. I mean, the blob was holding a rally in Robstown, Texas the other day. A town of 10,000 that most would not recognize as being an actual town if they drove through it. There is a reason he's been relegated to that sort of outpost.

Biden can get his judges. So the nation doesn't have to suffer the ignominy of Turtle coming up with an excuse to not hold hearings yet again.
Some of the Nation has indeed woken up from and turned away from the hucksters and false prophets.

But as we saw in Texas, Georgia, and Florida, much of the Nation still wants to be lied to and vote against their own interests.

And yes, McConnell would have held up a Biden Supreme Court appointment again for the same baseless, bad-faith reason of waiting until after 2024.
Yep, voters want to keep the democrats in power.
Even though 80% say we're on the wrong track.
That says that the people counting the votes are cheaters.
Yeah. We shouldn't of even had an election. We should have just used that poll to assign a losing minority to Dems, handed victories to Republicans, and skipped the election all together.

Why not? Any other result must be "cheaters".

Populism in action folks.

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