Democrats refuse border protection.

Who will be 'bred out of existence'....specifically.

And whom?
Americans by Mexicans

Wingers believe the dumbest things.

Pull your head from your ass and look to Mexifornia where it’s happening daily. Don’t be scared to acknowledge the truth bud...grab your nuts once.

You know, you could always move, you miserable pussy. Maybe we won't have to hear you crying like a girl with a skinned knee about 'Mexifornia' on the daily. Just a thought. You're juvenile, bud.

Don’t worry about me need to spend your time worried about you and all your cockroach buddies...the hammer is coming down on you filthy fucks and you know it...hahaha.

If you want to come after American citizens, go for it. I suggest you arm yourself, pissant.
Democrats once represented the working class. Not any more
Robert Reich

The Democratic party once represented the working class. But over the last three decades the party has been taken over by Washington-based fundraisers, bundlers, analysts, and pollsters who have focused instead on raising campaign money from corporate and Wall Street executives and getting votes from upper middle-class households in “swing” suburbs.
Democrats have occupied the White House for 16 of the last 24 years, and for four of those years had control of both houses of Congress. But in that time they failed to reverse the decline in working-class wages and economic security. Both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama ardently pushed for free trade agreements without providing millions of blue-collar workers who thereby lost their jobs means of getting new ones that paid at least as well.

They stood by as corporations hammered trade unions, the backbone of the white working class – failing to reform labor laws to impose meaningful penalties on companies that violate them, or help workers form unions with simple up-or-down votes. Partly as a result, union membership sank from 22% of all workers when Bill Clinton was elected president to less than 12% today, and the working class lost bargaining leverage to get a share of the economy’s gains.

Bill Clinton and Obama also allowed antitrust enforcement to ossify – with the result that large corporations have grown far larger, and major industries more concentrated. The unsurprising result of this combination – more trade, declining unionization and more industry concentration – has been to shift political and economic power to big corporations and the wealthy, and to shaft the working class. This created an opening for Donald Trump’s authoritarian demagoguery, and his presidency.

Now Americans have rebelled by supporting someone who wants to fortify America against foreigners as well as foreign-made goods. The power structure understandably fears that Trump’s isolationism will stymie economic growth. But most Americans couldn’t care less about growth because for years they have received few of its benefits, while suffering most of its burdens in the forms of lost jobs and lower wages.

The power structure is shocked by the outcome of the 2016 election because it has cut itself off from the lives of most Americans. Perhaps it also doesn’t wish to understand, because that would mean acknowledging its role in enabling the presidency of Donald Trump.
the democrats were working on healthcare reform. the right wing had nothing but repeal. there was not much left to try for other social goals.
Repeals because the Demon-crat's blew it and they knew it.
they had health care reform as a platform. the right wing had nothing but repeal. they should always have, better solutions at lower cost.
True, but for some reason the republican base didn't see healthcare reform as being the most important issue at the time for the nation, but I garantee you that they won't get caught on the defense by Demon-crat's anymore in the future, so let's see where it all goes from here, and thanks to those who brought it to the forefront no matter who they were at the time not so long ago in the past is my thoughts.

Everyone should be entitled to healthcare services as human beings in every country they live in and/or work in is my opinion. Might not be a realistic one, but it is a Godly one.

No way would I take a position in life that endangers a human beings life by toying with the idea that a person must pay up front before receiving life saving preventive or reactive healthcare services within any country lived in and/or worked in (including this one). But we aren't responsible for the world, so let's at least get it right here.

We just need a system that works for everyone rich or poor, and not one that supports discrimination due to ones non-ability to pay at the door when needed. However we should always expect the citizens to play an important part in being responsible citizens themselves for it all to work.

Emergency rooms aren't the answer, because the horror stories are long on that issue or thinking as well.

Haven't heard of anyone dying while waiting in an emergency room lately have y'all ?? Hmmm, wonder why that stopped ?? Could it be uhhhh that the MSM isn't covering those stories anymore or something started working finally ???

If have the right system in place, then the discriminatory problems will go away, and all will be happy and healthy is the hopes of everyone. That's purdy much it folks.

Sorry, not sure how this topic went from border protection to healthcare. Back on topic.
it was about the democrats having platforms that address a general welfare issue; instead of nothing but repeal, and tax cut economics which merely helps the richest get richer faster and putting it on the Peoples' Debt.
Demon-crats platforms are strictly for Demon-crats, and not for the general welfare issues. Try again. Yes it's a two way street that we know already. Both parties cater to their base, and use everyone in the election bid of their party's.
Americans by Mexicans

Wingers believe the dumbest things.

Pull your head from your ass and look to Mexifornia where it’s happening daily. Don’t be scared to acknowledge the truth bud...grab your nuts once.

You know, you could always move, you miserable pussy. Maybe we won't have to hear you crying like a girl with a skinned knee about 'Mexifornia' on the daily. Just a thought. You're juvenile, bud.

Don’t worry about me need to spend your time worried about you and all your cockroach buddies...the hammer is coming down on you filthy fucks and you know it...hahaha.

If you want to come after American citizens, go for it. I suggest you arm yourself, pissant.

Haha...sure you’re a citizen.
We’re coming for your uncle Gustavo and your grandmother Guadalupe...tell them to pack their shit now and be ready to roll in a moments notice...hahaha
Wingers believe the dumbest things.

Pull your head from your ass and look to Mexifornia where it’s happening daily. Don’t be scared to acknowledge the truth bud...grab your nuts once.

You know, you could always move, you miserable pussy. Maybe we won't have to hear you crying like a girl with a skinned knee about 'Mexifornia' on the daily. Just a thought. You're juvenile, bud.

Don’t worry about me need to spend your time worried about you and all your cockroach buddies...the hammer is coming down on you filthy fucks and you know it...hahaha.

If you want to come after American citizens, go for it. I suggest you arm yourself, pissant.

Haha...sure you’re a citizen.
We’re coming for your uncle Gustavo and your grandmother Guadalupe...tell them to pack their shit now and be ready to roll in a moments notice...hahaha

You just troll all day long, don't you, wingertard? Do your arms get tired from moving those goal posts on the daily?
Pull your head from your ass and look to Mexifornia where it’s happening daily. Don’t be scared to acknowledge the truth bud...grab your nuts once.

You know, you could always move, you miserable pussy. Maybe we won't have to hear you crying like a girl with a skinned knee about 'Mexifornia' on the daily. Just a thought. You're juvenile, bud.

Don’t worry about me need to spend your time worried about you and all your cockroach buddies...the hammer is coming down on you filthy fucks and you know it...hahaha.

If you want to come after American citizens, go for it. I suggest you arm yourself, pissant.

Haha...sure you’re a citizen.
We’re coming for your uncle Gustavo and your grandmother Guadalupe...tell them to pack their shit now and be ready to roll in a moments notice...hahaha

You just troll all day long, don't you, wingertard? Do your arms get tired from moving those goal posts on the daily?

I’m curious, if you so prefer to live amongst filthy wetbacks why wouldn’t it make sense for you to move to Mehico?
The free shit here got you by the nuts?
Wingers believe the dumbest things.

Pull your head from your ass and look to Mexifornia where it’s happening daily. Don’t be scared to acknowledge the truth bud...grab your nuts once.

You know, you could always move, you miserable pussy. Maybe we won't have to hear you crying like a girl with a skinned knee about 'Mexifornia' on the daily. Just a thought. You're juvenile, bud.

Don’t worry about me need to spend your time worried about you and all your cockroach buddies...the hammer is coming down on you filthy fucks and you know it...hahaha.

If you want to come after American citizens, go for it. I suggest you arm yourself, pissant.

Haha...sure you’re a citizen.
We’re coming for your uncle Gustavo and your grandmother Guadalupe...tell them to pack their shit now and be ready to roll in a moments notice...hahaha
Good times!

You know, you could always move, you miserable pussy. Maybe we won't have to hear you crying like a girl with a skinned knee about 'Mexifornia' on the daily. Just a thought. You're juvenile, bud.

Don’t worry about me need to spend your time worried about you and all your cockroach buddies...the hammer is coming down on you filthy fucks and you know it...hahaha.

If you want to come after American citizens, go for it. I suggest you arm yourself, pissant.

Haha...sure you’re a citizen.
We’re coming for your uncle Gustavo and your grandmother Guadalupe...tell them to pack their shit now and be ready to roll in a moments notice...hahaha

You just troll all day long, don't you, wingertard? Do your arms get tired from moving those goal posts on the daily?

I’m curious, if you so prefer to live amongst filthy wetbacks why wouldn’t it make sense for you to move to Mehico?
The free shit here got you by the nuts?

I'm curious, are you mentally ill? Who do you believe you are conversing with? I feel like a placeholder here so, maybe this will help: Ooga Booga! Feed my anchor Babies! Boo! Give me entitlements! Boom shakalaka! Open borders, bitches!
Wingertrolls are funny. :auiqs.jpg:
The bottom line is Democrats are against a border under control and border security. They much prefer a border that is difficult to control, and they desire chaos at the border to promote their needs. The fact that Trump was elected to build that wall is reason enough for the democrats to insure they do everything in their power to prevent it.

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