Democrats say denying election results is fascism?

Yes Hilary said the election was rigged by Russia, where was these far left words then?

I've said many, many times that she (and others that backed her) were morons, just the same as Trump supporters are now.
Election Deniers are:

1. Fascists
2 Gullible
3. Morons
4. All of the above
You pump an awful lot of energy into denying the election deniers.


The more you do that, the more we'll want to investigate.

We WILL investigate. This won't go away.

And if you try to stop us, we'll put the kabosh on you. Big time. We're fed up with your fucktardry
I've said many, many times that she (and others that backed her) were morons, just the same as Trump supporters are now.
Anyone who would defend a pedophile who has destroyed the best economy in decades is a 2 watt bulb.
How do MAGA Traitors attack our free elections?

MAGA traitors

You were obviously inspired by Bidenazi's speech

They create unfounded lies to question the legitimacy of our elections

Your assertions mean NOTHING.

They use these lies to pass laws that restrict access to voting, harass legitimate voters and allow partisan legislators to overrule the voters

Pass laws? The DEMOCRATS write the laws, dumbshit. What a complete fucking moron you are.

They harass and threaten election workers
They launch an attack on Congress to stop them from certifying an election
And leftist asswipes pull all kinds of crazy shit out of their butt to stop people from investigating their bullshit.

But it won't work

You're fucked, buddy. Sooner or later the truth about this is going to come out, and then you'll be totally, completely fucked. For GENERATIONS.

Propagating the lie that the 2020 presidential election was ‘stolen,’ propagating the lie that ‘fraud’ exists to the extent that election results are ‘changed,’ and propagating the lie that President Biden is not the legitimate president is in fact illiberal, anti-democratic, and neo-fascist.


Really? ???

I got news for you pal, this is America. We question whatever the fuck we want.

And we have all kinds of ways of dealing with things (and people) that get in our way.

Democrats say denying election results is fascism?​

Headline on Fox News as I type this, Dem denies election results, claims election was stolen. Upset because outside money came in for the Republican, something Dems do in spades.
Really? ???

I got news for you pal, this is America. We question whatever the fuck we want.
Yes, this is America
You can make whatever foolish claims you want

Doesnt mean anyone has to take you seriously
MAGA Traitors are attempting to overthrow our Democracy
^^^ this comment above shows the damage our president has done in that some Americans now think this way. Truly scary, and the contempt for a segment of the citizens that Biden is creating among gullible people is similar to that which Hitler created for the Jews among Germans, circa 1932-33.

Go to the Holocaust Museum in DC and read about Hitler’s campaign to demonize the Jews. There are parallels.
^^^ this comment above shows the damage our president has done in that some Americans now think this way. Truly scary, and the contempt for a segment of the citizens that Biden is creating among gullible people is similar to that which Hitler created for the Jews among Germans, circa 1932-33.

Go to the Holocaust Museum in DC and read about Hitler’s campaign to demonize the Jews. There are parallels.
tramp said all democrats are worthless.

There's a difference between political rhetoric, and actually using that rhetoric, and a corrupted Federal law enforcement to go after them....And before you spew the usual nonsense that isn't happening, there are at least two posters right here in USMB that advocate doing just that....
MAGA Traitors are attempting to overthrow our Democracy
Is that the DNC/DU talking point du jour?

You do know the cartels fund those DNC bastards, don't you?

Yeah man, that's why they want open borders and couldn't care less about teenagers dying from fentanyl.

(As a matter of fact they even give them free works at taxpayer expense, so they can die more and more quickly).

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