Democrats say denying election results is fascism?

Can you tell me when he said that? Was it in that speech the other night?
Not the Thursday speech. The one on Monday.

And that also shows what an idiot he is. He was called on the carpet for demonizing American citizens with his Thursday Hitler-wannabe speech, and so what does he do? Doubles down on Monday.

And really, what are people like me doing? We recognize the unfair way in which the election was held, but in the meantime, we are paying our taxes, obeying all laws, and being supportive to our family and friends. To hear Biden talk, we are worse than the tens of thousands of BLM savages who set buildings on fire, destroyed business property, assaulted people, murdered 30 people, looted stores, and took over entire sections of cities.
Not the Thursday speech. The one on Monday.

And that also shows what an idiot he is. He was called on the carpet for demonizing American citizens with his Thursday Hitler-wannabe speech, and so what does he do? Doubles down on Monday.

And really, what are people like me doing? We recognize the unfair way in which the election was held, but in the meantime, we are paying our taxes, obeying all laws, and being supportive to our family and friends. To hear Biden talk, we are worse than the tens of thousands of BLM savages who set buildings on fire, destroyed business property, assaulted people, murdered 30 people, looted stores, and took over entire sections of cities.
Okay. I believe that you believe he actually used the term "traitors".

Of all the answers you could have given, that's the most disturbing.

I appreciate your response.
So how many “attacked” our election? A few hundred on January 6? To hear Biden talk, there are tens of millions of Americans who are traitors to this country,

How do MAGA Traitors attack our free elections?

They create unfounded lies to question the legitimacy of our elections
They use these lies to pass laws that restrict access to voting, harass legitimate voters and allow partisan legislators to overrule the voters
They harass and threaten election workers
They launch an attack on Congress to stop them from certifying an election
Okay. I believe that you believe he actually used the term "traitors".

Of all the answers you could have given, that's the most disturbing.

I appreciate your response.
Thank you. But for clarity, you misunderstood: he didn’t say the word traitor. He said that we were trying to destroy the country, which is the same thing.

What I would like you to focus on is the large group whom he accused of trying to destroy the country: those who do not accept that the election was fair. That is approximately 60 million.

We are moving into VERY dangerous territory when a U.S. President condemns 60 million American citizens as treasonous simply for how they believe - when he doesn’t want them to believe that way.
She specifically says Trump was illegitimate lol. So did a large portion of the left. Probably including you lol

That makes you all hypocrites.


She did not say Trump wasn't President. She didn't attack him as having "stolen" the election, and say she should be President.

Not once ever did Clinton call any of the more than 25 investigations of her or her husband "witch hunts", even though no crimes were ever found, neither Clinton was ever arrested, and none of their staffers ever faced charges.

The two Trump "witch hunts" have produced more than 1000 charges so far and rising, against people who did Trump's bidding, and everyone charged has either plead guilty or been found guilty.

On a personal note, you user name sets you apart as a complete idiot. The left is not and has never been "poison". But your hate is poison and it's YOU that's being poisoned.

Angry, flailing and full of hate. That's what your user name says about you.
Of course there are legitimate reasons to believe that, and we’ve been over them before:

1. The FBI suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story, and the media refused to cover it. Mil lions of people would not have voted for a man whose son was taking millions in bribes from foreign enemies. This alone turned the election.

2. The mail-in ballot scheme enabled a massive ballot harvesting effort, funded by billionaire Zuckerberg, in which hundreds of thousands of his paid activists went door-to-door in swing states, manipulating gullible and/or ignorant people to check the box for Biden.

3. Six swing states, in an unprecedented move, simultaneously called a halt to the count when Trump was way ahead, and with excuses as lame as a toilet was leaking, and then restarted the count with thousands of ballots that went almost 100% for Biden.

I could go on, but any of the three above was a way to silence the real voice of the people - who wanted Trump over the demented man we now have - and install Biden as president.

Fully 60 million people realize this, and these are the people Biden has called traitors.
1. The FBI did no such thing. The laptop story was a dishonest nothing burger from a hack conservative paper.

2. Going door to door to get people to vote is called canvassing and it’s been used in every election. Making it a scandal is moronic. Calling people stupid for being convinced to vote for Biden is a pathetic excuse. It’s not fraud. It’s the way democracy works.

3. Literally didn’t happen.

You could continue to repeat lies if you want. They’re still lies.

Trump and republicans are working on ways of taking away our votes because they don’t like who we voted for.
1. The FBI did no such thing. The laptop story was a dishonest nothing burger from a hack conservative paper.

2. Going door to door to get people to vote is called canvassing and it’s been used in every election. Making it a scandal is moronic. Calling people stupid for being convinced to vote for Biden is a pathetic excuse. It’s not fraud. It’s the way democracy works.

3. Literally didn’t happen.

You could continue to repeat lies if you want. They’re still lies.

Trump and republicans are working on ways of taking away our votes because they don’t like who we voted for.
OK...if you are still calling the Hunter Biden a “nothingburger” and denying that six swing states simultaneously called a halt to the counting under the flimsiest of excuses - and then call people who point them out liars - I see you are an extreme liberal who has been brainwashed to deny the obvious, and you are no longer worth my time.

Have a good life.
OK...if you are still calling the Hunter Biden a “nothingburger” and denying that six swing states simultaneously called a halt to the counting under the flimsiest of excuses - and then call people who point them out liars - I see you are an extreme liberal who has been brainwashed to deny the obvious, and you are no longer worth my time.

Have a good life.
It’s been two years and the Hunter Biden story still hasn’t evolved beyond some vague hand waving concern. No one actually knows what’s bad about it.

And no, six states did not simultaneously call a halt to counting. it’s a lie. You guys have said it enough that you just believe it without any actual evidence.
OK...if you are still calling the Hunter Biden a “nothingburger” and denying that six swing states simultaneously called a halt to the counting under the flimsiest of excuses - and then call people who point them out liars - I see you are an extreme liberal who has been brainwashed to deny the obvious, and you are no longer worth my time.

Have a good life.
It should be called for Biden.
Well then democrats are fascists
The thing is, as the article you cited points out, not one Dem senator endorsed the complaints lodged by a few Dem reps. Those complaints largely made to highlight the unusual circumstance of the leader of a foreign adversary affirmatively acting in support of a US candidate for prez. Made all the more unusual, one might say traitorous, by the candidate's joyful acceptance of the support. Notably, it was Biden who presided over Trump's certification and it was he who knocked down the Dem's feeble attempts to object.
As for Raskin's remarks about the 2000 election, he was 100% correct to point out Bush was installed by the SC when it usurped the FL SC's right to decide how to handle the recount. A decision Sandra Day O'Connor said in retrospect was a mistake.

Well then democrats are fascists, just ike this democrat with a long history of questioning election results.


Democrats are not just hypocrites, they are evil.
No, it's the laws Republicans are passing on the backs of election denying idiots that are the fascism.
"Fascism" has now entered the pantheon of words that no longer really mean anything, due to comical over-use by both ends of the political spectrum. Bleh.

This whole "fake election" thing is simply the result of (a) decades of manipulation, (b) a shameless and obvious con man who will say anything to the manipulated that he thinks helps him, and (c) craven politicians and media figures who are enabling the whole thing for their own professional advantage.

It ain't that complicated. Tragic, but relatively simple.

Semi-fascist is not a word, but fascist still is a word.

In fact, woman is still a word as is recession. These terms, although hijacked and bastardized by the Left, are still words with meaning.

What is the biggest threat to Fascism?
Free Elections

That is why Fascist MAGA is attempting to delegitimize our fair and free elections

Create unfounded lies about elections being stolen. Pass laws to harass voters and restrict access to voting. Encourage MAGA members to harass and threaten election workers.
Encourage partisan election officials to overturn the will of the voters
Do tell

Lets hear the circumstances of those claims
There were riots in DC on Trump's inauguration, an insurrection by your standards. You loons tried to take an elected president out the the russian collusion lie.
There were riots in DC on Trump's inauguration, an insurrection by your standards. You loons tried to take an elected president out the the russian collusion lie.

There were protests
Didn’t see them attempt to stop the inauguration

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