Democrats say denying election results is fascism?

"Fascism" has now entered the pantheon of words that no longer really mean anything, due to comical over-use by both ends of the political spectrum. Bleh.

This whole "fake election" thing is simply the result of (a) decades of manipulation, (b) a shameless and obvious con man who will say anything to the manipulated that he thinks helps him, and (c) craven politicians and media figures who are enabling the whole thing for their own professional advantage.

It ain't that complicated. Tragic, but relatively simple.
People are leaving your areas of utopia. All of the salves that give it a better gloss cover the reality.
I'm showing you the respect of assuming that you believe what you post. You posted:

"According to Biden, people who do not believe the election was fair are now traitors to this nation. That would be 50 million Republicans and 10 million Independents."

Do you really believe that? You said "According to Biden". Those are YOUR words. If you believe that, can you show us where he actually said that?
Those are NOT my words. Those are Biden’s words. His divisive speech in PA, in which he doubled down on calling us traitors, was played on FOX news - and he specifically said that: railing on and on against “MAGA Republicans” with a venom against the citizens never seen before by an American president followed by “those who don’t accept the election results.”

Fully 60 million law-abiding American citizens do not accept the election as legitimate. THAT is who the demagogue was speaking of.
"Fascism" has now entered the pantheon of words that no longer really mean anything, due to comical over-use by both ends of the political spectrum. Bleh.
Yeah, it's about as worn out as the left's use of the social construct of "racism".
Those are NOT my words. Those are Biden’s words. His divisive speech in PA, in which he doubled down on calling us traitors, was played on FOX news - and he specifically said that: railing on and on against “MAGA Republicans” with a venom against the citizens never seen before by an American president followed by “those who don’t accept the election results.”

Fully 60 million law-abiding American citizens do not accept the election as legitimate. THAT is who the demagogue was speaking of.
Biden called those who don't accept the election results "traitors"?

Link, please.
Members of the two failed parties seem to love to create labels to call each other.

It is neither creative or even a little bit interesting. Being as all they are capable of doing is parrot each other shows a great lack of intelligence.
I voted for Hillary Clinton, I knew tramp would destroy the country.
OMG. Is this one ^^^ for real? A 40-year high inflation rate where ordinary citizens are struggling to buy groceries, millions of illegals being imported into the country, a president deriding 60 million citizens as trying to destroy this country, a dropping stock market wiping out the savings of retirees, a transfer of money from the working class to the college-educated upper middle class, hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents to target conservatives, an a rising crime rate the likes of which we haven’t seen in our lifetimes.
Yeah, it's about as worn out as the left's use of the social construct of "racism".
Yup. First they derided us “racist,” and when thar became overused moved on to “white supremacist.” Now that isn’t having the desired effect of fully demonizing those who won’t submit it to the far-left intent of transforming America, so they’ve moved on to “traitor” - put into play by the United States President.

As I said, "both ends of the political spectrum".
Well the left does seem to wear them out quicker than the right-leaning do.....It's mostly by design I think.....When a word/idea loses it's meaning the dim bulbs won't realize it when they see it.
Those are NOT my words. Those are Biden’s words. His divisive speech in PA, in which he doubled down on calling us traitors, was played on FOX news - and he specifically said that: railing on and on against “MAGA Republicans” with a venom against the citizens never seen before by an American president followed by “those who don’t accept the election results.”

Fully 60 million law-abiding American citizens do not accept the election as legitimate. THAT is who the demagogue was speaking of.
The only reason anyone believes the election wasn’t legitimate are those who just can’t accept that they lost.

There’s no legitimate reason beyond the fact that it was an outcome they didn’t want.

The problem now is that they’re taking steps to weaken the electoral system so they can have their way regardless of the votes. They tried last election but failed because rational officials didn’t let them. That’s changing. It’s a threat to the country.
The only reason anyone believes the election wasn’t legitimate are those who just can’t accept that they lost.

There’s no legitimate reason beyond the fact that it was an outcome they didn’t want.

The problem now is that they’re taking steps to weaken the electoral system so they can have their way regardless of the votes. They tried last election but failed because rational officials didn’t let them. That’s changing. It’s a threat to the country.
Of course there are legitimate reasons to believe that, and we’ve been over them before:

1. The FBI suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story, and the media refused to cover it. Mil lions of people would not have voted for a man whose son was taking millions in bribes from foreign enemies. This alone turned the election.

2. The mail-in ballot scheme enabled a massive ballot harvesting effort, funded by billionaire Zuckerberg, in which hundreds of thousands of his paid activists went door-to-door in swing states, manipulating gullible and/or ignorant people to check the box for Biden.

3. Six swing states, in an unprecedented move, simultaneously called a halt to the count when Trump was way ahead, and with excuses as lame as a toilet was leaking, and then restarted the count with thousands of ballots that went almost 100% for Biden.

I could go on, but any of the three above was a way to silence the real voice of the people - who wanted Trump over the demented man we now have - and install Biden as president.

Fully 60 million people realize this, and these are the people Biden has called traitors.
Fully 60 million people realize this, and these are the people Biden has called traitors.
There you go again.

Either you are correct and you can provide a link of him saying that (if he said that, I would surely want to know), OR you have deluded yourself into believing it, OR you are lying.

Which one is it?
The mail-in ballot scheme enabled a massive ballot harvesting effort, funded by billionaire Zuckerberg, in which hundreds of thousands of his paid activists went door-to-door in swing states, manipulating gullible and/or ignorant people to check the box for Biden.

Those who attack our elections are Traitors
So how many “attacked” our election? A few hundred on January 6? To hear Biden talk, there are tens of millions of Americans who are traitors to this country,

You can’t have it both ways. Either…..

1) Biden was speaking only of the 300 or so 1/6 trespassers, and it makes no sense to deliver a primetime speech, flanked by U.S. Marines and a backdrop of menacing red, to demonize 1/1000th of 1% of citisens.

2) He was speaking of the 60 million voters who believe he won via an unfair election. Based on his remarks that followed his speech, this is who he is directing his hatred upon.
There you go again.

Either you are correct and you can provide a link of him saying that (if he said that, I would surely want to know), OR you have deluded yourself into believing it, OR you are lying.

Which one is it?
How can I f ind a link? It wasn’t printed. He SAID it, and I saw it on the video.

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