Democrats Say They Want Higher Wages for Lower Income Workers

Overpay means to pay somebody more money than they could pay another to do the same job such as an increase in minimum wage. Now they are having to overpay labor due to the labor shortage the Democrats created. They are not worth the money they have to pay them. It will take time but eventually when people run out of government money, they will have to return to work and maybe things could get semi-normal in this country. Then those wages will lower again.
If they could pay another less, then they should hire that person.

Since they can’t hire ANYONE at the lower wage, then they’re not overpaying them.

No one created a labor shortage. It’s just that people are demanding more money for their labor. That’s their right. If employers can’t make a profitable business without underpaying people, then they don’t deserve to succeed.

This country is so obsessed with the needs of employers as if they have the right to force us to do their bidding. We undervalue ourselves.
To deport illegals we have to remove the workforce of thousands of employers and you know we are not going to do that. You argue for something you know we are never going to do.

If Trump wouldn't do it, who exactly do you think will?
Because you Leftards love workers flooding the job market who are thrilled to make bread crumbs.
If they could pay another less, then they should hire that person.

Since they can’t hire ANYONE at the lower wage, then they’re not overpaying them.

No one created a labor shortage. It’s just that people are demanding more money for their labor. That’s their right. If employers can’t make a profitable business without underpaying people, then they don’t deserve to succeed.

This country is so obsessed with the needs of employers as if they have the right to force us to do their bidding. We undervalue ourselves.
LOL it is their right until their unemployment and savings run out. Then they have to work. Finance 101. Even for a leftist.
LOL it is their right until their unemployment and savings run out. Then they have to work. Finance 101. Even for a leftist.
Lots of people have decided they can get by just fine with less income. They're prioritizing their personal well being over financial well being.

People taking early retirement.
People staying home with kids, surviving on single income.
People living with family.

That's their right. Somehow people think they're owed their labor. It's pretty screwed up.
Lots of people have decided they can get by just fine with less income. They're prioritizing their personal well being over financial well being.

People taking early retirement.
People staying home with kids, surviving on single income.
People living with family.

That's their right. Somehow people think they're owed their labor. It's pretty screwed up.
Not true. You cannot just "get by". They do have savings from the massive unemployment. Many retired. Others took side jobs. But most will have to eventually come back. FACTS.

It is 100% their right. But it is not their right to continuously live off the Gov't.
Look at the price of housing... whether you rent or buy.. and the price of automobiles and groceries. Wages have not kept up.
It is called inflation. Wages cannot keep up because small businesses would go out of business. Wages eat into profits. Funny because I was just in NC and their min wage is $7.50 per hour and they didn't have issues with workers.
If they could pay another less, then they should hire that person.

Since they can’t hire ANYONE at the lower wage, then they’re not overpaying them.

No one created a labor shortage. It’s just that people are demanding more money for their labor. That’s their right. If employers can’t make a profitable business without underpaying people, then they don’t deserve to succeed.

This country is so obsessed with the needs of employers as if they have the right to force us to do their bidding. We undervalue ourselves.

Correct, if they can pay somebody less to do the job they hire that person. It's not only a business practice but you and I do it when possible; we all do.

When Democrats decided to pay people more money to stay home than work, yes, it created the labor shortage. Look at any graph of inflation and see when it started to increase. The extra money stopped but that doesn't mean people were not still collecting their state unemployment, or that they didn't make so much money they saved enough to stretch out not working for a couple more months. In my state they ran the numbers. If you were collecting unemployment with the feds addition, you were making what's comparable to 57K a year because you don't pay all those social program and local taxes.

That saved money and state unemployment will run out and people will eventually have to start working again, but Lord knows how many months that can take.
Lots of people have decided they can get by just fine with less income. They're prioritizing their personal well being over financial well being.

People taking early retirement.
People staying home with kids, surviving on single income.
People living with family.

That's their right. Somehow people think they're owed their labor. It's pretty screwed up.
How do you explain that the states with the highest unemployment are blue states? LOL

A lot of handouts. They have ended and savings are depleted. People will come back.
Correct, if they can pay somebody less to do the job they hire that person. It's not only a business practice but you and I do it when possible; we all do.

When Democrats decided to pay people more money to stay home than work, yes, it created the labor shortage. Look at any graph of inflation and see when it started to increase. The extra money stopped but that doesn't mean people were not still collecting their state unemployment, or that they didn't make so much money they saved enough to stretch out not working for a couple more months. In my state they ran the numbers. If you were collecting unemployment with the feds addition, you were making what's comparable to 57K a year because you don't pay all those social program and local taxes.

That saved money and state unemployment will run out and people will eventually have to start working again, but Lord knows how many months that can take.
Because of Biden Bucks to stay home and being able to live rent free for over a year, we are actually in a recession when that rubber band snaps.
It is called inflation. Wages cannot keep up because small businesses would go out of business. Wages eat into profits. Funny because I was just in NC and their min wage is $7.50 per hour and they didn't have issues with workers.

Well, they may go out of business for lack of employees. There is a school of thought that labor gets paid first.

NC is weird..Most fast food has white employees.
Very much like arguing a wall that would take years and years to build and not even cover the border was going to stop people from coming here.

Neither party wants to address the problem.
It certainly doesn't hurt, and the way the left has bleated about it tells me they KNOW it will help.

And it doesn't need to cover the entire border. Some areas are inaccessible due to miles of uninhabited desert. Other areas have high cliffs on both sides both the Rio Grande, making it impossible to cross without traveling hundreds of miles.

I will show you where we need a huge wall.
It certainly doesn't hurt, and the way the left has bleated about it tells me they KNOW it will help.

And it doesn't need to cover the entire border. Some areas are inaccessible due to miles of uninhabited desert. Other areas have high cliffs on both sides both the Rio Grande, making it impossible to cross without traveling hundreds of miles.

I will show you where we need a huge wall.

Pay for it.
Lots of people have decided they can get by just fine with less income. They're prioritizing their personal well being over financial well being.

People taking early retirement.
People staying home with kids, surviving on single income.
People living with family.

That's their right. Somehow people think they're owed their labor. It's pretty screwed up.

Maybe, but have you ever known any financially successful people that got that way by just getting by? When I was young and got out into the workforce, the attitude was to make as much money as you can. Be prepared for down times. It seems the attitude of Americans is now changing to just getting by. it's a shame. Our attitude was every day you don't work is a day you missed out on making money. We were always trying to get ahead.
Not true. You cannot just "get by". They do have savings from the massive unemployment. Many retired. Others took side jobs. But most will have to eventually come back. FACTS.

It is 100% their right. But it is not their right to continuously live off the Gov't.
I asked someone else what they're doing to "live off the government".

Tell me what money they're getting. The last person I asked got really upset because I asked the question.

I just think we have a really toxic relationship with employers/employees where people seem to think that they're owed labor on the exact terms they set out. I'm glad the people have a little more leverage. It's a good shift after it's been so heavily tilted towards employers for so long. It was getting crazier the way employers were treating their employees.
There is no such thing.
Yeah. Another idiot. See, impossible to have a logical discussion with misinformed leftists.

Maybe, but have you ever known any financially successful people that got that way by just getting by? When I was young and got out into the workforce, the attitude was to make as much money as you can. Be prepared for down times. It seems the attitude of Americans is now changing to just getting by. it's a shame. Our attitude was every day you don't work is a day you missed out on making money. We were always trying to get ahead.
People aren't prioritizing financial success as much. What good is it when you're miserable?

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