Democrats Say They Want Higher Wages for Lower Income Workers

Let's give McDonald's workers a raise and make Big Macs too expensive.

Dems ruin everything.

Democrats don't believe in things like that. They believe that when they increase costs for a producer, the big guy just has to dig deeper in his pocket; maybe have to do with one less butler.
And yet here we are with employers having to increase wages to attract workers and Republicans are endlessly complaining about it because that means their Big Mac may cost 5% more.

As for “doing something to make your labor more valuable”, did you say that to people who lost their manufacturing jobs? Nope. Those people had to be protected by daddy government.

Yes, employers are now having to overpay for labor, and that's a big contributor to our inflation rate which is the worst it's been in 30 years. It's why we didn't want to see a national $15.00 an hour minimum wage. We knew this would happen.

How were people in manufacturing protected? When did this happen because I have no idea WTF you're even talking about.
Two Texas police officers do not have the authority to change US immigration law. Thank them for their service though.
Never said they did but they do know that anchor babies are real. Keep up.
Next time you and Broke Loser go at it, I am taking his side as you have proven to be a complete troll. Enjoy.
There is no reason to address something that I have addressed hundreds of times.
You brought up the wall. We were discussing anchor babies. You divert and then get angry when I address the diversion. Typical idiot Sanders voter.
You brought up the wall. We were discussing anchor babies. You divert and then get angry when I address the diversion. Typical idiot Sanders voter.

The wall even if it did work (it wont) does nothing about the 10-20 million already here. So to steal the line posted here earlier. You support illegals being here driving down the wages of American's.
The wall even if it did work (it wont) does nothing about the 10-20 million already here. So to steal the line posted here earlier. You support illegals being here driving down the wages of American's.
Of course. We stop more from coming here, eliminate sanctuary cities and we start deporting illegals. Not rocket science. Even for a Sanders voter.
Of course. We stop more from coming here, eliminate sanctuary cities and we start deporting illegals. Not rocket science. Even for a Sanders voter.

To deport illegals we have to remove the workforce of thousands of employers and you know we are not going to do that. You argue for something you know we are never going to do.

If Trump wouldn't do it, who exactly do you think will?
Yes, employers are now having to overpay for labor, and that's a big contributor to our inflation rate which is the worst it's been in 30 years. It's why we didn't want to see a national $15.00 an hour minimum wage. We knew this would happen.

How were people in manufacturing protected? When did this happen because I have no idea WTF you're even talking about.
See what I mean? You guys don’t want lower wage people to earn more because it might affect you a tiny bit. Just admit it. Just admit you prefer people to stay poor for your benefit.

As for protecting manufacturing jobs, that’s what tariffs are all about.
To deport illegals we have to remove the workforce of thousands of employers and you know we are not going to do that. You argue for something you know we are never going to do.

If Trump wouldn't do it, who exactly do you think will?

We don't have thousands of employers hiring illegals. They come here for a variety of reasons. Furthermore is the fact Democrats try to make it as inviting and comfortable as they can for illegals to come and stay here. We can't lock up employers for not knowing they hired an illegal, but maybe we should start putting Democrats in jail for giving illegals drivers licenses, warning businesses when ICE does workplace raids in their cities, allowing them to vote in local elections, creating law that prohibits their police from contacting ICE when they have an illegal in custody for committing a crime. Tell California they can't provide illegals with free medical care.

Start there and then work towards employers.
See what I mean? You guys don’t want lower wage people to earn more because it might affect you a tiny bit. Just admit it. Just admit you prefer people to stay poor for your benefit.

As for protecting manufacturing jobs, that’s what tariffs are all about.

Yes we want lower income people to do better, but you don't accomplish that by overpaying them. We want them to gain the skills and education needed so they can make a good living. Lower wage jobs are starter jobs mostly worked by kids in college, kids living at home, or stay at home moms who want to make a few bucks while the kids are in school. They are not and never were jobs you can support yourself on yet alone a family. It's been that way all of my life.
The wall even if it did work (it wont) does nothing about the 10-20 million already here. So to steal the line posted here earlier. You support illegals being here driving down the wages of American's.

Which is a stupid statement created by the left. That's like saying there is no reason to plug the hole in the boat because there is already water in it.

Walls and barriers have worked everywhere they are erected across the world. Why wouldn't they work here? Dementia is using 450K of taxpayer money to put a barrier on his vacation property. If he thought walls didn't work, why is he doing it?
Yes we want lower income people to do better, but you don't accomplish that by overpaying them. We want them to gain the skills and education needed so they can make a good living. Lower wage jobs are starter jobs mostly worked by kids in college, kids living at home, or stay at home moms who want to make a few bucks while the kids are in school. They are not and never were jobs you can support yourself on yet alone a family. It's been that way all of my life.
Who determines what overpay means? The individual sets the value of their own labor. It's what they're selling. Not the employer. If the employer wants labor, they have to pay for it.

Things change. You don't get to determine who works what job and what people are willing to work for.

This is about you and your best interest. Not the best interest of anyone else.

But hey, we are supposed to keep overpaying manufacturing employees and thank the daddy government for forcing the rest of us to subsidize their wages through tariffs. That's cool with you.

But it's not cool for people to demand higher wages for their labor.
To deport illegals we have to remove the workforce of thousands of employers and you know we are not going to do that. You argue for something you know we are never going to do.

If Trump wouldn't do it, who exactly do you think will?
I would 100% do that. Some may apply for a green card and stay but most need to be deported. Trump would have and tried but sanctuary cities and leftist policies prevented that.
Who determines what overpay means? The individual sets the value of their own labor. It's what they're selling. Not the employer. If the employer wants labor, they have to pay for it.

Things change. You don't get to determine who works what job and what people are willing to work for.

This is about you and your best interest. Not the best interest of anyone else.

Overpay means to pay somebody more money than they could pay another to do the same job such as an increase in minimum wage. Now they are having to overpay labor due to the labor shortage the Democrats created. They are not worth the money they have to pay them. It will take time but eventually when people run out of government money, they will have to return to work and maybe things could get semi-normal in this country. Then those wages will lower again.
I would 100% do that. Some may apply for a green card and stay but most need to be deported. Trump would have and tried but sanctuary cities and leftist policies prevented that.

When you have the power we can discuss it, until then you have no answer.
Not really

View attachment 560502

Trump as usual said a lot but it was increasing until COVID... His numbers would have been bad for COVID... Biden is just getting the post COVID bump...

Facts are Trump did nothing in Central America to help their position and if anything made it worse... Biden will work on making central America safer thus reduce the demand... People will come to the border if they are desperate and central America is a wash with drug money(from America) and black market guns...
View attachment 560505

Want less immigrants fleeing violence... Start there...

Work the route problems not the symptoms ...
Apprehensions. Know what that means? Unlike the Obama Error, illegals were being stopped.

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