Democrats Say They Want Higher Wages for Lower Income Workers

The difference is I can't stop my Christian neighbor from murdering an American because we can't do anything to people until they break the law. I can stop that American from being murdered by an illegal by him not being here in the first place, and supporting the politicians that vow to keep them out. You on the other hand support scum that lets them in and kill our people. Their blood is on your hands Wingy.

A vow is nothing more than words.
No it doesn't depend that on how big my property is.
It does if youre worried about people walking through your yard. Who would walk hundreds of miles through a desert to bypass your fence?
Facts are the overwhelming majority of that 20 million are hard working and just want to support their families. Yes, they would prefer to work on the books, receive a fair wage, get benefits, not having to constantly look over your shoulder

Poor babies. Then let them stay in their own country and they'll never have to look over their shoulders again.
Sorry, you’re right. Biden’s not running the show. It’s the swamp creatures around him that are.
Biden doesn’t get to hand money to anyone he wants. There are laws.

How are they being paid?

You don’t actually know, do you? You just repeat the talking points. Good boy.
That's easy. He thinks more of illegal aliens than he does American citizens. Oh and he loves the fact that we spend billions on these illegals every year.

A very unamerican POS if you ask me.
It is about the Blatant Hypocrisy with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge. It apparently means Nothing to the fantastical right-wing who want to be taken as seriously as the "gospel Truth".
Like saying you want lower income folks to earn more but in practice you flood the market with people thrilled to make bread crumbs.
Only illegals don't pay the lawful, minimum wage. Hypocrisy means nothing to the fantastical right-wing who must not care if anyone believes them.
A vow is nothing more than words.

And if they don't support that vow I vote them out next time. Trump vowed and he delivered. It sure as hell beats voting for people that vow to destroy our country with illegals. At least voting Republican we stand a chance they'll take action.
It does if youre worried about people walking through your yard. Who would walk hundreds of miles through a desert to bypass your fence?

Not the guy who finds taking a boat far easier.
Yet their active policy is to import hundreds of thousands of illegals into America who are happy to make 90 cents an hour.

Words versus actions.
(He also lies in this clip claiming Obama didn’t put kids in cages)

Go after companies that pay .$90/hr, if you can find any because your figure is bullshit to begin with.

Practice lying. You're not doing too good.

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