Democrats Say They Want Higher Wages for Lower Income Workers

Will illegals stop coming by the time the wall is built? If they will be coming every year until the end of time, why wouldnt we start building the wall as fast as possible?

For one, you won't pay for it. For two, as already noted, it's a waste of money.
If it were up to me, anybody caught here illegally would be facing a five year minimum prison sentence. Then you'd see how fast they'd scram and go home

If it were up to me, anyone profiting off of sub minimum wage illegal workers should be facing a five year minimum prison sentence.
Those workers are already in the job market only living in the shadows
Give them a permit and let them work on the books and pay taxes
And because you let cut in line of immigration another 3 million march in next year. We know the games you’re playing. You like slave labor.
So you support giving all organized crime back their money. Or is it just terrorists who murder Americans that you support?
Not really the issue. I was merely pointing out why it didn’t require congressional budget.

So what money is Biden paying people? That is the issue.
For one, you won't pay for it. For two, as already noted, it's a waste of money.

Then why is Dementia building one around his vacation home? Find me a place where walls of barriers didn't greatly improve keeping out invaders in this world.
Will illegals stop coming by the time the wall is built? If they will be coming every year until the end of time, why wouldnt we start building the wall as fast as possible?

Because Democrats don't want to stop them. They want them here. The Democrats have a war on white people. The faster they can make us a minority in our own country, the better for them. It's a shame we have so many blind white people that haven't figured that out yet.

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