Democrats Say They Want Higher Wages for Lower Income Workers

They take jobs Americans could be working. They lower wages for the Americans who are working. They are changing our culture.
Employers are begging for low wage workers
Let them work on the books and they won’t have to accept sub scale salaries
The culture is always evolving
Employers are begging for low wage workers
Let them work on the books and they won’t have to accept sub scale salaries
The culture is always evolving

So because they are begging for low wage workers we should give it to them? How about they pay more than low wages and that way Americans can have those jobs?

If they are working here I want them working for pennies so they starve to death and go home. I don't want them driving on our roads, I don't want their kids in our schools, I don't want them getting medical care in our hospitals, I don't want them in our bars or restaurants. I want them out of the country. If they want to come here, do it like the people who came here legally. In the meantime, I want them as uncomfortable and miserable as they can possibly be.

If it were up to me, anybody caught here illegally would be facing a five year minimum prison sentence. Then you'd see how fast they'd scram and go home.
Very few of them will have their own boat.
So we are in agreement that we should stop the masses of illegals with a wall? Or do you have a better way? Im always open to a good idea.
Yet their active policy is to import hundreds of thousands of illegals into America who are happy to make 90 cents an hour.

Words versus actions.
(He also lies in this clip claiming Obama didn’t put kids in cages)

Every leftist narrative of which there are many reduces wages. No exception, including "minimum wage"

Leftists don't think in cause & effect terms, they only know "we want more".
Would you? And how would you do that? More importantly why?

Because trying to round up and expel 20 million people does not work
Those people are part of our economy and making them legal makes more sense than pretending you can just round them up
So we are in agreement that we should stop the masses of illegals with a wall? Or do you have a better way? Im always open to a good idea.

I've stated my better way hundreds of times. A wall will take years and years, doesn't stop people and does nothing about the millions already here.
Thanks for validating you’re happy with flooding the job market with people happy to make bread crumbs.

Those workers are already in the job market only living in the shadows
Give them a permit and let them work on the books and pay taxes
Very much like arguing a wall that would take years and years to build and not even cover the border was going to stop people from coming here.

Neither party wants to address the problem.
I have to agree and it is sad that both major political parties offer no solutions but run on stuff they never fulfill or finish…
I've stated my better way hundreds of times. A wall will take years and years, doesn't stop people and does nothing about the millions already here.
Will illegals stop coming by the time the wall is built? If they will be coming every year until the end of time, why wouldnt we start building the wall as fast as possible?

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