Democrats Say They Want Higher Wages for Lower Income Workers

You validate the Left want cheap labor.
Preppy Progressives Protected by Richkid RINOs

Of course that's what they want. The post-50s Democrats are richkids or wannabe richkids like the plebeian Kennedy-lovers. So they are just following the Scrooge philosophy of the class they were born in or wish they had been born in because they hate their Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them.
But a real capitalist does things by the books, not break our laws. The capitalists who do break our laws are not the epitome of capitalism in general.
Inheritance Contradicts and Eventually Destroys Capitalism

He is the epitome of hereditary Capitalism, though. When Junior takes over Daddy's company, he desperately has to prove that he could've been rich without his Daddy's Money. An HeirHead businessmen is neurotic about that lack of independent self-identity all his life. But he rarely inherits his father's skill, so he has to get rich on his own through cheating, outsourcing, and leverage-buyout destruction.
Inheritance Contradicts and Eventually Destroys Capitalism

He is the epitome of hereditary Capitalism, though. When Junior takes over Daddy's company, he desperately has to prove that he could've been rich without his Daddy's Money. An HeirHead businessmen is neurotic about that lack of independent self-identity all his life. But he rarely inherits his father's skill, so he has to get rich on his own through cheating, outsourcing, and leverage-buyout destruction.

I see what you did there.
Pretending? Let ICE do it’s job. Can’t and should not reward illegal behavior.
ICE does not have the capability to round up and deport 20 million people
Why spend the money when you can just legalize them?
Yet their active policy is to import hundreds of thousands of illegals into America who are happy to make 90 cents an hour.

Words versus actions.
(He also lies in this clip claiming Obama didn’t put kids in cages)

Posts Are Ghosts

Posters are afraid to make this thread about José Bideño's other pet minority. By "lower-income workers," the Demmycracks mean strictly lazy, rude, and incompetent absenteeist Blacks. Their "poor" never applies to Whites, whom they think of as creatures from Deliverance.

The funds — the unspent balance of $3.6 billion in Pentagon construction funding reprogramed during the Trump administration — will now be used as originally intended, for over 60 projects at military installations in the U.S. and overseas.

At least our President supports our Military unlike Donnie Heelspurs
Your ideas are irrelevant. Words vs action. And Democrats are openly calling for cheap labor to flood the market.

It's all politics with you (and so many others). I've been clear that neither party is interested in doing the right thing.

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