Democrats, Schiff, and Pelosi are accused of running Soviet-Style Dismissive on Trump


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
This is pretty awful, imho. What do you think about a Congress in which the Socialists can't wait to bring it about, they want their Soviet Socialism run now, since they are self-impelled to a Soviet Style Impeachment. The Democrats don't want this popular President to keep winning over their own walk-aways.

This dumb talking point is old. Haven't you gotten a new one yet?

You're not even trying to pretend Trump isn't guilty. You're just screaming and deflecting. Like all of the Trump cultists, you seem to understand how guilty he is.
God is with president Trump. Everything the the democrat filth does blows up in their faces...this will be no different!
I'm surprised they'd be playing the communist card before they ridded us of the Constitutional amendments they are working againsts, ridding us of guns and saddling us with an $83 trillion dollar povertymaker that will fight science to rid the environment of cow farts.
This dumb talking point is old. Haven't you gotten a new one yet?

You're not even trying to pretend Trump isn't guilty. You're just screaming and deflecting. Like all of the Trump cultists, you seem to understand how guilty he is.
The information in the OP thread was published 10/29/2019, which is today. It's just not a Democrat false narrative, it's based on the truth about what went on behind closed doors.
I'm surprised they'd be playing the communist card before they ridded us of the Constitutional amendments they are working againsts, ridding us of guns and saddling us with an $83 trillion dollar povertymaker that will fight science to rid the environment of cow farts.

Did you ever watch the 80's cartoon "The Transformers"?

The story was biblical!

From the first episode to the last it was a war between good & evil. And in the end it all had to play out exactly as it did to bring about the rejuvenation of their home-world "cybertron".

If it hadn't played out the way it did...even the deaths & bad things...their planet wouldn't have been reborn into a new golden age.

I suspect that may be what we are witnessing here today!
This dumb talking point is old. Haven't you gotten a new one yet?

You're not even trying to pretend Trump isn't guilty. You're just screaming and deflecting. Like all of the Trump cultists, you seem to understand how guilty he is.

All the screaming and deflecting in the world is not going to change the fact of what he did which in most people eyes is paramount to treason. The facts are the facts. To simplify this as much as possible for those that don't follow the events. You can't work for McDonalds then get a job at the same time at burger king and share favors between the two. This is what Trump is trying to do. Any other job in America you would be charged with corporate espionage so what makes the president so much different. Actually, he should be held to a higher standard than that of the rest of the country simply because of his position.
The democrats do have an uphill fight ahead of them to get him out of office because the republicans understand if this happens it will take their party years to recover from it if they ever fully do. So, they are going to fight tooth and nail with every stall in the book to try to make sure he at least finishes his term. I believe even the more die hard republican at this point knows his chances of be re-elected is practically none. I would like to think that he would have the self reflection and honor to just admit his mistakes and step down but we all know he only have respect for himself.
Democrats have revealed themselves as the Neo-Bolsheviks they are. The Neo-Bolshevik Democrats and many, limp-wristed Republicans are obsessed with undermining the USA and ultimately destroying Western civilization. Who would waste time voting for President again when the Neo-Bols and the Deep State/MSM/academia, etc. will simply demand impeachment to overturn the election and make their vote null and void? Denying White people their civil rights is not very nice.
This dumb talking point is old. Haven't you gotten a new one yet?

You're not even trying to pretend Trump isn't guilty. You're just screaming and deflecting. Like all of the Trump cultists, you seem to understand how guilty he is.
If you actually believe Trump is guilty,
then there is no more pretending others were not.

It makes no sense to me whatsoever,
to hold him to a higher standard for less,
then those held to a lower standard for more.
Especially since Trump is not the one who should know better

Hill resigned for sexual indiscretions...why?
Because she KNEW she was going to be removed otherwise,
evident from Pelosi's statement upon her resignation

"She has acknowledged errors in judgment that made her continued service as a Member untenable. We must ensure a climate of integrity and dignity in the Congress, and in all workplaces.”

Bill was the POTUS, fucking around with an intern and denying it
If Tripp didn't start recording her phone conversations with Lewinsky
he'd still be denying it to this day

The Democratic Senate cleared him of perjury
and obstruction of justice charges

Justify this according to integrity and dignity

38 people if I'm not mistaken, were found in violation
of mishandling classified information, some of whom
might face disciplinary action

Hillary was cleared of any wrong doing

Explain to me, according to the explicit protocol
set forth in EO 13526 how this is even possible

They didn't have to determine it was intentional...
Officers and employees of the United States Government, and its contractors, licensees, certificate holders, and grantees shall be subject to appropriate sanctions if they knowingly, willfully, or negligently:

In 2009, with Obama's blessings, SoS Hillary Clinton
helped fund and assist the Russian government
advance their technological capabilities...
Not to mention, increase their Uranium stockpile
Russia now owns the largest share of Uranium in the world

Congress is outraged by Facebook and Twitter ads

You people talk about the people in Trump's circle
that 'went down' as a result of Mueller's investigation

Well, what about all the Clinton associates that 'went down'

What is the difference between their circle of associates?

I'll tell you

1 group inserted themselves
the other was brought along

If Trump is found guilty of any wrong doing,
they determine he knowingly and willingly engaged in
and hold him accountable in any way, shape or form

They will have to answer for the others...
Including themselves
The information in the OP thread was published 10/29/2019, which is today. It's just not a Democrat false narrative,
Do you even know what words mean? Stick to combing your hair and praying.
You silly oaf. I have a command of the language you only hope to have. And my hair is so long and thick that combs don't work, but 100 brushstrokes every morning are fine. I do pray, but you wouldn't like the answers I receive, and I will not discuss them with a person who has a bee up his butt about the Constitutional freedoms I enjoy.
Well when you look at the accuser, you just shake your head.

Putin Smiles.
Well when you look at the accuser, you just shake your head.

Putin Smiles.
After the election, it will be those who walked away from the Democrat Party who will be smiling, because it will be quite clear to them that they did the right thing to escape the fate of their former party that cannot let go of its own lies built into their false narratives against the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch, which they tried to smear with the falsest of narratives created and regurgitated by Christine Blasey Ford, who teaches innocent California scholars to lie and create their own mythical world. The best people in California have already migrated to escape the lies and streets filled with human excrement due to politicians blaming eveybody else except themselves for doing nothing about the best cleanup--mental hospitals for the mentally challenged, and jail time for the loafers who depend on being left to their own mayhem-producing devices.

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