Democrats supported black hebrews and fake combat vet

The black hebrews who were at the covington ky event attack the students and called them racist.

They are a raciest radical black group who hate whites and are considered a radical militant group of racists by the southern poverty law group and the goverment.

We saw democrats supporting them untill the tapes were released demos such as omar .
The indain never saw combat and was never deployed in Vietnam yet democrats acted like a group of wild retards on pcp.

This is the same group of morons who cried like babies that had a bottle took from them when trump won the same group of moroms who have said over and over putin controls him even with tons of evidence to show otherwise.
The same group who have cried collusion for over 2 years whennits been made plain and clear thats lie . now they seem to think trump is threating cohen for saying his family should be investigated.
Id really like to know how thats a threatening.

Yes the radical demo party has lost ts grip on reality and become obsessed with hate and delusional beliefs.

They supprt the worlds biggest terrorist state iran .they hate isreal religion a secure boarder a good economy safe spots for herion users to shoot up.
And abortion yet claim a wall is immoral.
Really are they that stupid

The VERY YOUNG Catholic school boys were in Washington to march against reproductive rights for women. Strike one. These boys have no right to question the reproductive rights of women. They're not even old enough to shave.

The very young Catholic school boys were filmed in Washington, catcalling women who walked past them. Where were the chaperones who were supposed to be supervising these children? Then they were rudely called out by the black Hebrews for their juvenile behaviour, at which point they surrounded, harassed and threatened a group of native men.

These were very young boys who nearly got themselves into a public brawl on a school outing? Where were their chaperones? Where were the adults in charge of these young wildlings?

Nice that these young Catholic boys are being well indoctrinated into the cult of white male privilege, at such a young age. And Donald Trump is so proud of these young privilege white boys that he's invited them to the White House, because they had the right to be there and act like assholes!!!

Do you always makeup stories or does somebody feed you this BS?

The MSM clipped the footage to make it look the way you describes, and then reported it that way. However if you turned on a real news outlet like Fox, you would have gotten the entire truth.

The kids were waiting for their bus when they were approached by the Fake Israelites. The Indian "claimed" he walked up to the students trying to defuse the situation. He was leading his little group. But the truth is both of those groups approached the kids--not the other way around. If you need the video, just ask, I posted it here or in a similar forum.

So the truth is these kids were doing noting wrong. They were accosted by these clowns and did nothing but smile back at them. Now if you have any footage of them being disrespectful and cat-calling women, by all means, post it. But even if you do have it (and I doubt you do) remember that the kids were part of a group waiting for a ride. There were many other people there not from that school.
what was Junior's point?

we know the Elder was beating a Traditional drum.
Ask yourself why the Native American walked up beating his drum in juniors wasn't showing any respect to junior,
and showed more confrontation for the videos.
from what i saw, the elder was walking among a crowd of people.
Now, ask yourself why he didn't keep walking?
a junior was in his way?
No, no he wasn't, the Native American walked up to him.
and, what was junior's problem?
Ask yourself why the Native American walked up beating his drum in juniors wasn't showing any respect to junior,
and showed more confrontation for the videos.
from what i saw, the elder was walking among a crowd of people.
Now, ask yourself why he didn't keep walking?
a junior was in his way?
No, no he wasn't, the Native American walked up to him.
and, what was junior's problem?
Junior didn't have a problem, he didn't say anything to the Native American or anyone else for that matter.
Did you see something that you could share with us?
from what i saw, the elder was walking among a crowd of people.
Now, ask yourself why he didn't keep walking?
a junior was in his way?
No, no he wasn't, the Native American walked up to him.
and, what was junior's problem?
Junior didn't have a problem, he didn't say anything to the Native American or anyone else for that matter.
Did you see something that you could share with us?
why was there any problem, then, since an elder was beating a Traditional drum and junior wasn't doing anything worthy of any Tradition.

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