Democrats’ tax-hike obsession killed the SuperCommittee

Raising taxes on anyone would be a ripoff until there is a serious debt reduction conversation that goes along with it. I'm not talking about the smoke and mirror spending cuts. Spending Cuts is the biggest con from the politicians. I'm talking about Debt Reduction.
Raising taxes on anyone would be a ripoff until there is a serious debt reduction conversation that goes along with it. I'm not talking about the smoke and mirror spending cuts. Spending Cuts is the biggest con from the politicians. I'm talking about Debt Reduction.

And not "Debt Restructuring"!

U.S. "Super-Committee" Fails to Ink Debt Reduction Deal

he U.S. congressional "super- committee" announced on Monday that the 12-member panel had failed to reach a deal to slash 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars over the next decade.

"After months of hard work and intense deliberations, we have come to the conclusion today that it will not be possible to make any bipartisan agreement available to the public before the committee's deadline," U.S. Representative Jeb Hensarling and Senator Patty Murray, co-chairs of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, said in a statement on Monday.

"Despite our inability to bridge the committee's significant differences, we end this process united in our belief that the nation's fiscal crisis must be addressed and that we cannot leave it for the next generation to solve," noted the statement.

"We remain hopeful that Congress can build on this committee's work and can find a way to tackle this issue in a way that works for the American people and our economy," it added.

The powerful "super-committee" was created by a bipartisan debt reduction deal in Aug. to tackle mounting U.S. budgetary challenges.

You can not lower the debt with raising taxes. I see more of the same and that's not hopeful and the only change is the speedy raise of the US debt. :doubt:
Democrats’ tax-hike obsession killed the SuperCommittee « The Enterprise Blog

The spectacular failure of the much-hyped, congressional debt-reduction panel completes the devolution of the Democratic Party back to its pre-Clintonion state: unabashed champion of the high-tax welfare state. And America is worse for it.

It’s like the 1990s never happened

In the 1990s, we raised taxes.

and I think the 'economy' was a vastly different place then too, yes?

anyway, the gop broke their own rule (which the media was beating them up over btw just a scant 3 months ago ala the debt ceiling negotiations) and that grover norquist bs to offer to agree to 500 billion in revenues, statically scored btw, you know what that means toro.

the dems after telling Durbin (who called it a breakthru) to sit down and stf, did not make one offer by way of COMPROMISE back.

as a general note to other posters-

and what happened to the 3-1 formula? 3 dollars of cuts for 1 dollar in revenue? oh wait NOW its 1.25 to 1??? the immortal words of my cousin Vinny, getdafukoutthere.
It's all just Class Warfare pandering. More Party before Country shit. Blaming & punishing Taxpayers for what the Politicians did is just wrong. Time to get on with cutting spending.

Much better to punish the elderly and the indigent!

you have anything to say of substance, or just buidling your post count?

Oh hey, hows that CLASS act abortion going btw? :eusa_shhh:
Raising taxes on anyone would be a ripoff until there is a serious debt reduction conversation that goes along with it. I'm not talking about the smoke and mirror spending cuts. Spending Cuts is the biggest con from the politicians. I'm talking about Debt Reduction.

We have to get away from these schemes to reduce spending "over 10 years." We need to start talking about cutting the budget this year. We need to cut the budget by $400 billion a year for the next 5 years.
So you'd rather punish every hard working taxpayer in the country and their children.

How noble!

Indeed. Deficit reduction is going to involve pain. I'd much rather that pain be distributed to lessen its impact than see it directed solely at the segment of society least able to bear it.

But then my political philosophy isn't based on sadism.
So you'd rather punish every hard working taxpayer in the country and their children.

How noble!

Indeed. Deficit reduction is going to involve pain. I'd much rather that pain be distributed to lessen its impact than see it directed solely at the segment of society least able to bear it.

But then my political philosophy isn't based on sadism.

so tell us, how is it 'distributed' ( cannot give up on that word eh?:lol:)?
Democrats’ tax-hike obsession killed the SuperCommittee
It takes TWO to TANGO
That may be, but it takes

The tax hike is Democrats' final bid to destroy people's abillity to take care of themselves financially if they have saved their money all their lives. Without the tax hike, we can still afford to pay the OUT OF CONTROL GAS PRICES THAT OBAMA CAUSED WHEN HE CLOSED DOWN THE GULF OF MEXICO TO AMERICAN AND BRITISH OIL DRILLERS AND PASSED IT ON TO TWO GODDAMNED COMMUNIST COUNTRIES.



I knew you would, eventually.

Now, can we stop shouting, please?


Loud AND wrong.
So you'd rather punish every hard working taxpayer in the country and their children.

How noble!

Indeed. Deficit reduction is going to involve pain. I'd much rather that pain be distributed to lessen its impact than see it directed solely at the segment of society least able to bear it.

Actually not. Social Security and medicare are the two biggest chunks of the federal budget, but the elderly are the wealthiest segment of our population, You don't want to cut an iota from the welfare gravy they're sucking down. You don't give a crap if children have to do without orthodontia and decent food and clothing because their parents are paying 80% of their income to the federal government to prop up Social Security and Medicare.

It's time for the greedy geezers to have their allowance cut.

But then my political philosophy isn't based on sadism.

It's based on being an imbecile
Raising taxes on anyone would be a ripoff until there is a serious debt reduction conversation that goes along with it. I'm not talking about the smoke and mirror spending cuts. Spending Cuts is the biggest con from the politicians. I'm talking about Debt Reduction.

We have to get away from these schemes to reduce spending "over 10 years." We need to start talking about cutting the budget this year. We need to cut the budget by $400 billion a year for the next 5 years.
Thanks, bripat. I'm starting to wonder why Democrats are taking money that does not belong to them and flagrantly spending it while demanding more-more-more-more and right now, too.

We have Congresspeople who look down on people and see something in it for themselves and their personal friends and followers. They've decided that come hell or high water, they're going to punish the successful by taking more money away from them and give it to somebody else.

Also, they tax seniors on social security even though seniors may be below the poverty level for their lifetime of hard work. They tax dead people, too. The Congress has become the Vultch, and they're acting more like vultures for the good cuts of meat than they are like representatives, accountable to their constituents who vote and pay taxes.
You want to spend 10 times what the Russians spend on the military, then you have to pay for it.

Why shouldn't you have to pay for it?
It takes TWO to TANGO
That may be, but it takes

The tax hike is Democrats' final bid to destroy people's abillity to take care of themselves financially if they have saved their money all their lives. Without the tax hike, we can still afford to pay the OUT OF CONTROL GAS PRICES THAT OBAMA CAUSED WHEN HE CLOSED DOWN THE GULF OF MEXICO TO AMERICAN AND BRITISH OIL DRILLERS AND PASSED IT ON TO TWO GODDAMNED COMMUNIST COUNTRIES.



I knew you would, eventually.

Now, can we stop shouting, please?


Loud AND wrong.

Ok, sir, Here's my proof:

By Mike Blair​

There are new reports out circulating that Chinese firms are planning to slant drill off the Cuban coast near the Florida Straits, tapping into U.S. oil reserves that are estimated at 4.6 billion to 9.3 billion barrels. This compares with 4 billion to 10 billion barrels believed to be beneath the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, where drilling is held up in Congress due to the objections of environmental groups which warn of endangering caribou. Permission The Full Story Link
This has been in the news for those who don't drink the koolade at the many MSM who hide their heads in the sand every time Obama farts; the story's out there and everywhere the DNC does not want you to know about it. Their Mainstream Media players just play right along. No friend are they to the citizen in America. The MSM is gutless in its obfuscation of anything true the left has done wrong.

Nov 17, 1999
Panama has signed a 50-year lease for two ports at each end of the Canal with Hong Kong's Hutchison Whampoa Company, run by Li Ka-shing, who is closely associated with the Beijing regime. This gives China's Communist Party de facto control over the most strategic waterway in the West. Link to Chinese Possessions in West
rdean, I seldom see you relating to the security of people of the United States of America. Why is that?
You want to spend 10 times what the Russians spend on the military, then you have to pay for it.

Why shouldn't you have to pay for it?
Tell your Democrats to keep their damn hands off the oil industry in this country, and we can pay for it.

Instead of hurting their "enemy," the stupid Democrats destroyed tens of thousands of high-paying jobs that paid taxes; they've shucked an American industry worth billions into the shuck pile (if Congress let them)

Oh, and the bonus? Along with the raising of gasoline prices 250% average, they made it impossible for cash-strapped Americans to drive to national parks half a continent away. Nobody can afford the gas anymore, so the bonus? OBAMA SINGLE-HANDEDLY DEMOLISHED THE AMERICAN TOURIST INDUSTRY BY HURTING THE UNITED STATES OIL INDUSTRY.
TM and RDean hate America,they Want us all locked up in Re Education Camps and put to forced labor. They hate us for our success. :D
You want to spend 10 times what the Russians spend on the military, then you have to pay for it.

Why shouldn't you have to pay for it?

THAT IS THE ONLY thing the Guberment IS REQUIRED to spend MONEY ON..
I never have problem paying for that.

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