Democrats think they’re morally superior, but....

See last post

Post a link that doesn't ask me for a subscription. So you think everyone watching is a Democrat or perhaps they just want to view the local news? LOL.

My goodness you are a brainwashed functional moron....

That works. Thank you.
They both work. You are just scared of subscription offers, dingbat. LOL

I have Enough subscriptions. You’re unemployed so for you the more the merrier
I am happily retired thank you. Eat your heart out, you still stuck in give away to the rich screw the rest GOP America....
They both work. You are just scared of subscription offers, dingbat. LOL

I have Enough subscriptions. You’re unemployed so for you the more the merrier
So you lied about it not working LOL. Just close the subscription offer LOL. Your fear of fact and reality are noted....

??? I work. You don’t. Learn to read.
Congratulations LOL. You people are absolutely nuts.
Post a link that doesn't ask me for a subscription. So you think everyone watching is a Democrat or perhaps they just want to view the local news? LOL.

My goodness you are a brainwashed functional moron....

That works. Thank you.
They both work. You are just scared of subscription offers, dingbat. LOL

I have Enough subscriptions. You’re unemployed so for you the more the merrier
I am happily retired thank you. Eat your heart out, you still stuck in give away to the rich screw the rest GOP America....

If you were happily retired you would not be bitching on this board all the time like a petulant child. Give
me some more smileys. You’re slacking.
That works. Thank you.
They both work. You are just scared of subscription offers, dingbat. LOL

I have Enough subscriptions. You’re unemployed so for you the more the merrier
So you lied about it not working LOL. Just close the subscription offer LOL. Your fear of fact and reality are noted....

??? I work. You don’t. Learn to read.
Congratulations LOL. You people are absolutely nuts.

Pot to kettle.....
They both work. You are just scared of subscription offers, dingbat. LOL

I have Enough subscriptions. You’re unemployed so for you the more the merrier
I am happily retired thank you. Eat your heart out, you still stuck in give away to the rich screw the rest GOP America....

If you were happily retired you would not be bitching on this board all the time like a petulant child. Give
me some more smileys. You’re slacking.
I enjoy yelling at brainwashed functional morons like you. I even turned one around once about three years ago, the only time I've ever seen that happen.

We are morally Superior to brainwashed functional morons who believe anything a disgraceful propaganda machine tells them. My area is 73% Trump and they are lovely people except they are brainwashed fools who are very polite racists who barely know any blacks or browns...a great reason for five or six week vacations and all the other benefits that every other modern country had except here in brainwashed garbage propaganda America. You are a perfect dupe of greedy idiot GOP billionaires.worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world ring any bells, super duper?
I'm on my way to go to the outlet mall with my wife. Much more interesting than reading the crap posted by the ethically and intellectually challenged who post above (of course I need to bring my tablet so I have something to read as she roams the stores).

Meister and his buddies may now enjoy a circle jerk using any number of ad hominems and straw men without restraint.


I'm getting locked in the cuckshed again, so screw you guys. While in there, I'll have to read my tablet because I can't get the OL to buy me a new laptop.

You at least have an imagination, not that what you imagine has any link to reality. I have a lap top, a desk top, a Smart Phone and a tablet.

I'm reading FEAR: Trump in the White House. Woodward has some great insight, and BTW, has 27 pages of source notes to verify his assessment of trump (and it ain't pretty).
So, not only fiction but fantasy as well. Good. We all wondered where you received your brain washing from.
The entire world of Journalism and law enforcement? While you get yours from bought off High School grad loudmouth demagogues, idiot. All owned by greedy idiot GOP billionaires....
Lol, I laugh when you cockroaches tell me where I get news from as I am one of the people here who rarely make any media claims. Sometimes but not often. Six-legged scurry fail.
They both work. You are just scared of subscription offers, dingbat. LOL

I have Enough subscriptions. You’re unemployed so for you the more the merrier
So you lied about it not working LOL. Just close the subscription offer LOL. Your fear of fact and reality are noted....

??? I work. You don’t. Learn to read.
Congratulations LOL. You people are absolutely nuts.

Pot to kettle.....
And yet you have no examples of lies I believe or Garbage propaganda I believe...
I'm on my way to go to the outlet mall with my wife. Much more interesting than reading the crap posted by the ethically and intellectually challenged who post above (of course I need to bring my tablet so I have something to read as she roams the stores).

Meister and his buddies may now enjoy a circle jerk using any number of ad hominems and straw men without restraint.


I'm getting locked in the cuckshed again, so screw you guys. While in there, I'll have to read my tablet because I can't get the OL to buy me a new laptop.

You at least have an imagination, not that what you imagine has any link to reality. I have a lap top, a desk top, a Smart Phone and a tablet.

I'm reading FEAR: Trump in the White House. Woodward has some great insight, and BTW, has 27 pages of source notes to verify his assessment of trump (and it ain't pretty).
So, not only fiction but fantasy as well. Good. We all wondered where you received your brain washing from.
The entire world of Journalism and law enforcement? While you get yours from bought off High School grad loudmouth demagogues, idiot. All owned by greedy idiot GOP billionaires....
Lol, I laugh when you cockroaches tell me where I get news from as I am one of the people here who rarely make any media claims. Sometimes but not often. Six-legged scurry fail.
So you just make up hate garbage propaganda all by yourself huh? Get some more tinfoil then...
:auiqs.jpg:So YOU want proof from me, and we just have to take your word for it? I see.....
wry, only the TDS'ers have an issue with Trump. You're sounding like you live in a town with 30 people and today is
your turn to be the town drunk. :alcoholic:

Everyone who uses TDS loses the argument. Of course, that was co-opted from some on my side of the aisle who used ODS, and they too didn't support arguments to defend Obama, or rebut the lies of the right wingers.

I strand by the arguments I've presented as proof of my opinion that trump is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and cannot learn from others, or from his own experience.

I've offered evidence that trump's behavior is symptomatic of someone with personality disorders, and went so far as to quote from the DSM that he meets the parameters set forth in Cluster A, B and C - I even posted the source notes on the pages which define these maladies.

Show me one comment from miketx and others who have done nothing more than push the funny button or call me a dimocrat or libtard, if you can.
You deserve no better than what you're getting. You are just an arrogant frisco minion, wry.
You are no more than a generic liberal that has to be spoon fed on what to think.
You hate Trump because your gal lost the election, and along with it
your socialistic wet dreams.
Hell, your Personalities Disorder for Dummies cluster A,B, and C fit you to a T.
You shouldn't be throwing stones.

Certainly nothing special about you, dude.

As stated, you cannot post anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking. I wonder why?

All you have posted are derogatory comments at me, at my home town and at my political leanings. You're not much different than miketx, he's toxic pond scum, you're just a jerk.
No matter what is posted, wouldn't change your mind. I just use you as a chew toy.
You are the low hanging fruit, I suppose.
Trump has an ego and is thin skinned. Having said that, he is a fighter and doesn't hold back.
I will back that guy over anyone of those socialist amoebas that your party is sporting.

There's a reason that the young members of the Democratic Caucus have moved to the left, something I warned those on the political right about years before I became a member here.

In short, Greed. You're not stupid like miketx, or most of the other biddable fools who voted for and still believe trump is an effective leader for 300+ diverse citizens.

Your side pursues the RED SCARE to win over the biddable and win elections. The real enemy of the people are the Plutocrats, The DICK Cheney and the neo conservatives who profit from wars, and send other people kids into harms way; the brokers who enrich themselves on Wall Street and on every Main St in America, using their profits to buy members of Congress to pass fraud bills announced as reforms.

So my question for you is, how did you profit from a Republican majority?
The Supreme Court of the United States, those two new justices solidified the Constitution
for the rest of my life, Wry.
They both work. You are just scared of subscription offers, dingbat. LOL

I have Enough subscriptions. You’re unemployed so for you the more the merrier
So you lied about it not working LOL. Just close the subscription offer LOL. Your fear of fact and reality are noted....

??? I work. You don’t. Learn to read.

Idiot-Gram ^^^; variety: lack of substance, ad hominem, thoughtless.

I'm getting locked in the cuckshed again, so screw you guys. While in there, I'll have to read my tablet because I can't get the OL to buy me a new laptop.

You at least have an imagination, not that what you imagine has any link to reality. I have a lap top, a desk top, a Smart Phone and a tablet.

I'm reading FEAR: Trump in the White House. Woodward has some great insight, and BTW, has 27 pages of source notes to verify his assessment of trump (and it ain't pretty).
So, not only fiction but fantasy as well. Good. We all wondered where you received your brain washing from.
The entire world of Journalism and law enforcement? While you get yours from bought off High School grad loudmouth demagogues, idiot. All owned by greedy idiot GOP billionaires....
Lol, I laugh when you cockroaches tell me where I get news from as I am one of the people here who rarely make any media claims. Sometimes but not often. Six-legged scurry fail.
So you just make up hate garbage propaganda all by yourself huh? Get some more tinfoil then...
No cockroach, many times I post my opinion, which is exactly what the traitor media you fawn over does.
3 Big Pharma Republican Donors pushed 76 Billion Opioid pills onto US citizens costing at street value $3 Trillion & killed 100,000 white people a year. MAGA! Blame the drug problem on migrants. LOL


Trump is wasting our tax $$$$$ paying 60,000 ICE agents to only arrest 35 migrants last week. Wasting $4 billion a year on ICE Trump insisted last week that the raids had been "very successful."

Repubtards controlled White house, Senate, House, SCOTUS, most Governors & Military. They could have created a surplus, but instead chose to bankrupt the country! We are not at WAR!!! Why increase Military Spending. We Must Pay Down Debt in a "Good Economy" Repubtards only want to cause another unsustainable bubble & crash to enrich entitled wealthy wallstreet trust-fund babies. Then they will blame it on socialism. Repubtards can't wait to vote conman Trump 4 more years!
the only time Dems praised Trump is when he bombed Syria.

that's what the president should do? bomb folks?

get your stinkin John Wayne mentality out of my world!

MLK died talking about militarism. war. bombs dropped. in Libya, Syria, Mali, Niger.

they land in hoods with no money for anything

we dont have money for universal health care but we have money for pointless wars?
3 Big Pharma Republican Donors pushed 75 Billion Opioid pills onto US citizens costing at street value $3 Trillion & killed 100,000 white people a year. MAGA! Blame the drug problem on migrants. LOL


Trump is wasting our tax $$$$$ paying 60,000 ICE agents to only arrest 35 migrants last week. Wasting $4 billion a year on ICE Trump insisted last week that the raids had been "very successful."

Repubtards controlled White house, Senate, House, SCOTUS, most Governors & Military. They could have created a surplus, but instead chose to bankrupt the country! We are not at WAR!!! Why increase Military Spending. We Must Pay Down Debt in a "Good Economy" Repubtards only want to cause another unsustainable bubble & crash to enrich entitled wealthy wallstreet trust-fund babies. Then they will blame it on socialism. Repubtards can't wait to vote conman Trump 4 more years!
Fake news.
I bet you are an angry white guy.
Anyway, the GOP are primary white. Independents and Democrats are much more diverse but still a majority are white. So all those who are to the left of you and are white, are against themselves?
Did you know the Bible supported diversity over hating everybody who is not like you?
1. Of course they are "against themselves". They've been doing that for 54 years, with Affirmative Action, you don't know ?

2. The US is a nation run on the basis of the Constitution, not the Bible. It's government is in place to serve the people of ONLY that nation. Not a diversity of people from all over the world.

3. Democrats support Islam which hates everybody who is not like it.
Lol, it's well known conservatives have a habit of accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Besides, people who are not racists don't feel the ned to start threads to prove they aren't racist.
The OP isn't proving he's not racist. He's proving that Democrats ARE racist. And he's right.

It's well known that liberals have a habit of accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of (ex. bigots - affirmative action, Muslims, Christians, southerners, etc)
Everyone who uses TDS loses the argument. Of course, that was co-opted from some on my side of the aisle who used ODS, and they too didn't support arguments to defend Obama, or rebut the lies of the right wingers.

I strand by the arguments I've presented as proof of my opinion that trump is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and cannot learn from others, or from his own experience.

I've offered evidence that trump's behavior is symptomatic of someone with personality disorders, and went so far as to quote from the DSM that he meets the parameters set forth in Cluster A, B and C - I even posted the source notes on the pages which define these maladies.

Show me one comment from miketx and others who have done nothing more than push the funny button or call me a dimocrat or libtard, if you can.
You deserve no better than what you're getting. You are just an arrogant frisco minion, wry.
You are no more than a generic liberal that has to be spoon fed on what to think.
You hate Trump because your gal lost the election, and along with it
your socialistic wet dreams.
Hell, your Personalities Disorder for Dummies cluster A,B, and C fit you to a T.
You shouldn't be throwing stones.

Certainly nothing special about you, dude.

As stated, you cannot post anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking. I wonder why?

All you have posted are derogatory comments at me, at my home town and at my political leanings. You're not much different than miketx, he's toxic pond scum, you're just a jerk.
No matter what is posted, wouldn't change your mind. I just use you as a chew toy.
You are the low hanging fruit, I suppose.
Trump has an ego and is thin skinned. Having said that, he is a fighter and doesn't hold back.
I will back that guy over anyone of those socialist amoebas that your party is sporting.

There's a reason that the young members of the Democratic Caucus have moved to the left, something I warned those on the political right about years before I became a member here.

In short, Greed. You're not stupid like miketx, or most of the other biddable fools who voted for and still believe trump is an effective leader for 300+ diverse citizens.

Your side pursues the RED SCARE to win over the biddable and win elections. The real enemy of the people are the Plutocrats, The DICK Cheney and the neo conservatives who profit from wars, and send other people kids into harms way; the brokers who enrich themselves on Wall Street and on every Main St in America, using their profits to buy members of Congress to pass fraud bills announced as reforms.

So my question for you is, how did you profit from a Republican majority?
The Supreme Court of the United States, those two new justices solidified the Constitution
for the rest of my life, Wry.
Until they put in a brainwashed functional moron, they all are halfway decent. After all they are lawyers and judges, not ignoramuses like the new GOP of the last 30 years....
Lol, it's well known conservatives have a habit of accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Besides, people who are not racists don't feel the ned to start threads to prove they aren't racist.
The OP isn't proving he's not racist. He's proving that Democrats ARE racist. And he's right.

It's well known that liberals have a habit of accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of (ex. bigots - affirmative action, Muslims, Christians, southerners, etc)
You brain washed functional moron GOP voters don't know what racism definition is anymore. Disliking racists is not have to think a certain race is inferior and discriminate against them. It isn't happening to whites in America....
3 Big Pharma Republican Donors pushed 75 Billion Opioid pills onto US citizens costing at street value $3 Trillion & killed 100,000 white people a year. MAGA! Blame the drug problem on migrants. LOL


Trump is wasting our tax $$$$$ paying 60,000 ICE agents to only arrest 35 migrants last week. Wasting $4 billion a year on ICE Trump insisted last week that the raids had been "very successful."

Repubtards controlled White house, Senate, House, SCOTUS, most Governors & Military. They could have created a surplus, but instead chose to bankrupt the country! We are not at WAR!!! Why increase Military Spending. We Must Pay Down Debt in a "Good Economy" Repubtards only want to cause another unsustainable bubble & crash to enrich entitled wealthy wallstreet trust-fund babies. Then they will blame it on socialism. Repubtards can't wait to vote conman Trump 4 more years!
Fake news.
You brain washed functional moron GOP voters don't know what racism definition is anymore. Disliking racists is not have to think a certain race is inferior and discriminate against them. It isn't happening to whites in America....
Are you living in a closet ? You never heard of Affirmative Action ?

Mr. Airhead, my entire worklife was ruined 42 years ago by AA. I still suffer the effects of it even now in retirement, with a reduced Social Security benefit amount. Same with millions of others.

Whites have been getting discriminated against since 1964. It remains the # 1 largest racial discrimination against, by far, the largest number of people in America. Noting else even comes close.

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