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Democrats to Sue DOJ, Subpoena Meuller, AND Will Pin New Investigation on Trump

When is enough enough?

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That's a split screen. You have to fake a pic?

And even if it was a real pic at least it's out in the open

Trump Doesn’t Want Anyone to Know What He and Putin Talk About – Rolling Stone
Quite often prior to speaking to an occasionally hostile Head of State, private talks are based on preagreements not to divulge certain pieces of information. Did Rolling Stone magazine just go for the neck of a Republican (as usual,) or did they just conveniently forget to tell anyone they knew confidential information is never divulged to anyone sometimes including staff to insure that what is said in Vegas stays in Vegas so to speak.

Quit pretending to be naïve about state matters, please, unless you really are in dudsville dohstate.
No they always have someone in there taking notes. Nothing is ever done in private. That's why they tape everything in the White House.

Ok, so are they allowed to talk in private? Sure. But god knows what they talked about. Pee Pee pics? Trump tower in Moscow?
or what they tell each other on a private tarmac hidden away from view during a very inappropriate meeting.
Yes, I was actually thinking about that scenario when I posted what I posted. You guys got your panties all in a bunch over that and don't forget Trump not only got his AG in private he asked him to make the Mueller case go away.

So we know Trump had an inappropriate conversation. All you are doing is speculating.

Oh, and the AG that Clinton cornered on the airplane gave him a look like this is inappropriate Bill. Bill didn't have to say anything. How are the kids? That's code for please don't fuck Hillary.

I'm no so naive to think these things don't happen. Like you donate to my foundation and I'll do you a political favor. I get it.

Just don't get caught.

As it closes, Trump Foundation accused of 'shocking' illegalities

I swear I'm so glad you guys nominated a scumbag like Trump. Now it doesn't matter what sketatons are in our candidates closet. Chances are Trump did it too. Rape, cheating, lying,
so let me get this straight -

trump jr has a meeting in private but however in their very public towers.
nefarious and not to be trusted!!!! BAD THINGS AND WE KNOW IT.

however, if the husband of a women under investigation meets with the head of the DOJ and appointed by a liberal president investigating said woman on a private tarmac there's nothing to be seen here.

and you wonder why people think liberals are fucked in the head.
I wasn't there. lol
No they always have someone in there taking notes. Nothing is ever done in private. That's why they tape everything in the White House.

Ok, so are they allowed to talk in private? Sure. But god knows what they talked about. Pee Pee pics? Trump tower in Moscow?
or what they tell each other on a private tarmac hidden away from view during a very inappropriate meeting.
Yes, I was actually thinking about that scenario when I posted what I posted. You guys got your panties all in a bunch over that and don't forget Trump not only got his AG in private he asked him to make the Mueller case go away.

So we know Trump had an inappropriate conversation. All you are doing is speculating.

Oh, and the AG that Clinton cornered on the airplane gave him a look like this is inappropriate Bill. Bill didn't have to say anything. How are the kids? That's code for please don't fuck Hillary.

I'm no so naive to think these things don't happen. Like you donate to my foundation and I'll do you a political favor. I get it.

Just don't get caught.

As it closes, Trump Foundation accused of 'shocking' illegalities

I swear I'm so glad you guys nominated a scumbag like Trump. Now it doesn't matter what sketatons are in our candidates closet. Chances are Trump did it too. Rape, cheating, lying,
so let me get this straight -

trump jr has a meeting in private but however in their very public towers.
nefarious and not to be trusted!!!! BAD THINGS AND WE KNOW IT.

however, if the husband of a women under investigation meets with the head of the DOJ and appointed by a liberal president investigating said woman on a private tarmac there's nothing to be seen here.

and you wonder why people think liberals are fucked in the head.

And Bill was no longer President and Hillary was not Secretary of State anymore. They had no power. They didn't scare Lynch.

But Trump not only threatened Comey he fired him for not being "on his team"

And remember what Paul Ryan said

House Speaker Paul Ryan sought Thursday to explain President Donald Trump's asking then-FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, saying he was new at the job and did not understand protocols.

"Of course there needs to be a degree of independence between (the Justice Department), FBI and the White House, and a line of communications established," Ryan said during his news conference, which occurred at the same time as Comey was testifying across Capitol Hill before the Senate intelligence committee..
"The President's new at this. He's new to government. So, he probably wasn't steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI and White Houses. He's just new to this."

Pushed further by CNN, Ryan said, "I'm not saying it's an acceptable excuse. It's just my observation."
"He's new at government, and so therefore I think that he -- he is learning as he goes," Ryan said.
god you're a piece of shit.

moving on now.
Go before you get hurt
Quite often prior to speaking to an occasionally hostile Head of State, private talks are based on preagreements not to divulge certain pieces of information. Did Rolling Stone magazine just go for the neck of a Republican (as usual,) or did they just conveniently forget to tell anyone they knew confidential information is never divulged to anyone sometimes including staff to insure that what is said in Vegas stays in Vegas so to speak.

Quit pretending to be naïve about state matters, please, unless you really are in dudsville dohstate.
No they always have someone in there taking notes. Nothing is ever done in private. That's why they tape everything in the White House.

Ok, so are they allowed to talk in private? Sure. But god knows what they talked about. Pee Pee pics? Trump tower in Moscow?
or what they tell each other on a private tarmac hidden away from view during a very inappropriate meeting.
Yes, I was actually thinking about that scenario when I posted what I posted. You guys got your panties all in a bunch over that and don't forget Trump not only got his AG in private he asked him to make the Mueller case go away.

So we know Trump had an inappropriate conversation. All you are doing is speculating.

Oh, and the AG that Clinton cornered on the airplane gave him a look like this is inappropriate Bill. Bill didn't have to say anything. How are the kids? That's code for please don't fuck Hillary.

I'm no so naive to think these things don't happen. Like you donate to my foundation and I'll do you a political favor. I get it.

Just don't get caught.

As it closes, Trump Foundation accused of 'shocking' illegalities

I swear I'm so glad you guys nominated a scumbag like Trump. Now it doesn't matter what sketatons are in our candidates closet. Chances are Trump did it too. Rape, cheating, lying,
so let me get this straight -

trump jr has a meeting in private but however in their very public towers.
nefarious and not to be trusted!!!! BAD THINGS AND WE KNOW IT.

however, if the husband of a women under investigation meets with the head of the DOJ and appointed by a liberal president investigating said woman on a private tarmac there's nothing to be seen here.

and you wonder why people think liberals are fucked in the head.
I wasn't there. lol
me either. :) was talking to sealy though.

I can't quite hear you, sweetcakes. :lalala:

That's a split screen. You have to fake a pic?

And even if it was a real pic at least it's out in the open

Trump Doesn’t Want Anyone to Know What He and Putin Talk About – Rolling Stone
Quite often prior to speaking to an occasionally hostile Head of State, private talks are based on preagreements not to divulge certain pieces of information. Did Rolling Stone magazine just go for the neck of a Republican (as usual,) or did they just conveniently forget to tell anyone they knew confidential information is never divulged to anyone sometimes including staff to insure that what is said in Vegas stays in Vegas so to speak.

Quit pretending to be naïve about state matters, please, unless you really are in dudsville dohstate.
No they always have someone in there taking notes. Nothing is ever done in private. That's why they tape everything in the White House.

Ok, so are they allowed to talk in private? Sure. But god knows what they talked about. Pee Pee pics? Trump tower in Moscow?
or what they tell each other on a private tarmac hidden away from view during a very inappropriate meeting.

You want to be a hypocrite and talk about inappropriate meetings?

Trump asked deputy attorney general if he was part of his team: Source
Trump questions came during December meeting on Russia investigation.

A source familiar with the matter confirms that during a meeting with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in December, President Donald Trump asked Rosenstein about the direction of the FBI's Russia investigation and asked Rosenstein whether the deputy attorney general was part of Trump's team.

Rosenstein seemed surprised by the questions, the source confirmed.

CNN, which first reported the story, said the December meeting occurred as Rosenstein prepared to testify before the House Judiciary Committee.

THat's all that Bill asked Loretta. He said, "Loretta, are you on our team?" Do you have any problem with Bill asking Loretta that?

And if you are going to try to wiggle your way out of that one, here is another one that you can't deny

House Speaker Paul Ryan sought Thursday to explain President Donald Trump's asking then-FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, saying he was new at the job and did not understand protocols.

"Of course there needs to be a degree of independence between (the Justice Department), FBI and the White House, and a line of communications established," Ryan said during his news conference, which occurred at the same time as Comey was testifying across Capitol Hill before the Senate intelligence committee..
"The President's new at this. He's new to government. So, he probably wasn't steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI and White Houses. He's just new to this."

Pushed further by CNN, Ryan said, "I'm not saying it's an acceptable excuse. It's just my observation."
"He's new at government, and so therefore I think that he -- he is learning as he goes," Ryan said.
I wasn't there either. lolol
Republicans investigated Hillary for 25 years
When was enough enough?
When she bleached the last batch of emails after forgetting, losing, and knowing nothing about all the others...lololol

Trump and his team have used private emails too and when they were asked to turn them over they deleted the "personal" ones too.

If someone asked for all of your emails wouldn't you take the ones out where you are saying stupid shit to your friends? Well that's all Ivanka did, and Hillary.

The Ivanka Trump email controversy, explained
If Hillary Clinton’s emails mattered so much, why shouldn’t Ivanka’s?

The Ivanka Trump email controversy, explained

Concern over private email use while in public office is still a thing. Just swap out Hillary Clinton for Ivanka Trump.

President Donald Trump’s daughter and an adviser to the president has found herself at the center of a controversy over her digital communication habits.

The firestorm kicked off in mid-November, when Carol Leonnig and Josh Dawsey at the Washington Post reported that Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails to aides, Cabinet officials, and her assistant using a private email account she shares with her husband, Jared Kushner. It was reported last year that Kushner had used a private account to conduct government business as well.

So Republicans, fuck off please really with your bullshit.
Revelations about Trump’s email use immediately drew comparisons to Clinton, who during her 2016 presidential campaign was dogged by questions about her use of a private server for emails as secretary of state. Donald Trump’s supporters on the campaign trail and to this day often chant, “Lock her up!” in reference to Clinton’s emails.

Ivanka Trump says her case has nothing to do with Clinton and that concerns about her email use are unwarranted. In an interview with ABC News’s Deborah Roberts aired on Good Morning America on Wednesday, Trump said there was “no equivalency” between her actions and Clinton’s.

Except there is stupid bitch.
It may well be true that Trump’s email use wasn’t some nefarious plot to skirt government record-keeping and instead an oversight as she got adjusted to life in government. The chatter about it now may be overblown — but the same goes for Clinton.

Given all the focus on Clinton’s emails, it’s hard to imagine Trump might not have had some sense her actions were a bad idea. Trump’s email use — and her excuse — exemplify the flip-flopping role she tries to play in public life: She’s a shrewd political adviser when convenient, and a political novice and dutiful daughter when not.

According to the Post, aides to President Trump were alarmed by the volume and nature of Ivanka Trump’s email use when she joined the White House in 2017, fearing that her practices were similar to Clinton’s.

When asked about the matter, Trump told aides she wasn’t familiar with federal records rules barring such practices. That’s what her representatives told the Post as well.

How the fuck could she not know after they went after Hillary so hard for doing the exact same thing? Republicans are dumb as fuck.
No actually compared to other politicians the Clinton's and Obama's are squeeky clean and tell the truth.



F A K E N E W S!

Barry ran THE most CRIMINAL administration EVER.

He set a new Presidential record for the most criminally non-compliant in regards to the FOIA and Federal Records Act.
- He and his Firectors / Cabinet used aliases and personal e-mail to bypass the laws requiring all official documents be turned in / recorded. And when caught committing crimes, well we saw Hillary illegally attempt to destroy 15,000+ official documents and try to Bleach Bit her server.

His US AG was caught committing Felony Perjury, & despite Obama protecting him from prosecution Holder still became the 1st US AG In US history to be Censured (for his crime), Censured by a No-Partisan Congress.

His NSA Director was caught Perjuring himself TWICE, and Obama protected him from prosecution as well.

His CIA Director was Caught illegally spying on reporters, the press, American Citizens, the US Senate, and even the USSC. After he was caught committing perjury over spying on the US Senate Democrats cut a deal with the GOP to keep him from being indicted - Brennan had to appear before Congress and admit he lied, was spying on them, and promised not to do it again.

Obama's Director, Koskinen, was caught illegally targeting conservatives and lied about it. Like with Brennan, the Democrats 'cut a deal' with the GOP to protect him from indictment and from being booted from his Job.

Hillary was always a walking-talking crime wave. As Obama's Sec of state she allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die, lied about it, took bribes, used the State Dept as a branch of the Clinton Foundation, peddled influence ... and uranium.

Barry spent 8 years arming, financing, supplying, protecting, aiding, and abetting terrorists and enemies of this country..

He violated both Constitution and Law.

Barry & Hillary were like the Bonnie & Clyde of politics.
No link tells me everything you posted was fake news. Republicans are the best at spreading fake news. With help from your russian friends that is.
Except, as you already know, I have posted links on these over and over. Your tactic is wait for 1 time I do not and call me a liar.

We both know I post links often enough without needing to do them every time ... hypocrite.

Why would our President want to hide the report from the public?

He didn’t do anything wrong
It may well be true that Trump’s email use wasn’t some nefarious plot to skirt government record-keeping and instead an oversight as she got adjusted to life in government. The chatter about it now may be overblown — but the same goes for Clinton.

Given all the focus on Clinton’s emails, it’s hard to imagine Trump might not have had some sense her actions were a bad idea. Trump’s email use — and her excuse — exemplify the flip-flopping role she tries to play in public life: She’s a shrewd political adviser when convenient, and a political novice and dutiful daughter when not.

According to the Post, aides to President Trump were alarmed by the volume and nature of Ivanka Trump’s email use when she joined the White House in 2017, fearing that her practices were similar to Clinton’s.

When asked about the matter, Trump told aides she wasn’t familiar with federal records rules barring such practices. That’s what her representatives told the Post as well.

How the fuck could she not know after they went after Hillary so hard for doing the exact same thing? Republicans are dumb as fuck.

No, you are dumb as fuck. Rehashing a YEAR old story that has already been investigated? Trump turned over ALL the emails in question. And let us know when Ivanka becomes Secretary of State and stores classified emails on a bathroom server, then sends them to Carlos Danger. Epic fail.
It may well be true that Trump’s email use wasn’t some nefarious plot to skirt government record-keeping and instead an oversight as she got adjusted to life in government. The chatter about it now may be overblown — but the same goes for Clinton.

Given all the focus on Clinton’s emails, it’s hard to imagine Trump might not have had some sense her actions were a bad idea. Trump’s email use — and her excuse — exemplify the flip-flopping role she tries to play in public life: She’s a shrewd political adviser when convenient, and a political novice and dutiful daughter when not.

According to the Post, aides to President Trump were alarmed by the volume and nature of Ivanka Trump’s email use when she joined the White House in 2017, fearing that her practices were similar to Clinton’s.

When asked about the matter, Trump told aides she wasn’t familiar with federal records rules barring such practices. That’s what her representatives told the Post as well.

How the fuck could she not know after they went after Hillary so hard for doing the exact same thing? Republicans are dumb as fuck.

No, you are dumb as fuck. Rehashing a YEAR old story that has already been investigated? Trump turned over ALL the emails in question. And let us know when Ivanka becomes Secretary of State and stores classified emails on a bathroom server, then sends them to Carlos Danger. Epic fail.
Sure point out the differences and ignore the similarities
Two years wasn't enough to GET TRUMP! So House is going at getting Trump another way.

Schiff: Dems 'absolutely' will take DOJ to court over Mueller report if necessary
This turdburger of an investigation has gone on long enough. Democrats in Washington D.C. are enemies of democracy and our Constitutional electoral process.
Well, Bush92, they do have a large enough majority and funding for others if any one of them ventures on conscience not to approve of the endless browbeating of the other two branches of government not under their control. I pray every night for the situation to improve, because other than post against the lies of the press and of the leadership of the DNC, I do not see this problem resolving in any kind of a friendly way. Other fascists that this particular 2 years of Congressional mischief wind up murdering millions of people. It just follows the lust for power being demonstrated by Congressional dowagers Pelosi, Waters, Schiff, et al. The press has a way of obfuscating the particular wrongs they do and perpetrate DNC wishes as though they were necessary laws without the responsibility of accounting the dollar amounts demanded on something like making the government the sole seller of medical insurance for everybody they like, even if it means taxing everybody they dislike to get it done. I do not feel that that kind of power should be placed in the hands of people who are unwilling to pay for their own expenses and make demands on people who don't deserve to be charged for thankless pickpockets who use the government to pick the pockets of their persistent victims, the taxpayers. We're humans, not cuckoos that leave their eggs in somebody else's nests and whose offspring eat the other parents' own babies.

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