Democrats War on God.

The Jesus of the Bible is far more “left” than an American evangelical.

He never trusted The State. They nailed Him to a cross. He was Left and did not te stva Right State of the day. So if the Left of today loves the State who does not let Jesus into the schoolhouse or courthouse and the Right favors Jesus who wants Him everywhere, where would Jesus be today? My take is that he would demand redistribution of wealth yet leave or limit the State’s involvement in the process.

Again, he did not live in a democracy. We cannot say what his position would be in a modern democracy.

Y’all seem to think legislating abortion is fine, but not legislating feeding the poor?

Again, Jesus still does not live in a Democracy. A democracy, just like a dictatorship, communism, or socialism is manmade. Further, Jesus mandates that I feed the poor, is measuring me daily on it, and does not give a shit as to what or how the State measured me on it. You threw abortion in to the argument. He did not weigh one way or the other on the specific act but clearly loved Life, the Church, and Children. Come Judgement Day, I’d rather rely on my track record for feeding the poor directly vs. pointing to my tax returns and support of the State as a basis for entering the Kingdom.

When Jesus walked the earth, he was never given the opportunity to vote for legislators that create the budget for a government so we don't know how he would feel about it. I can't imagine the Jesus I've read about supporting cuts to government aid to the poor and to children.
Where did you read about Jesus?

You know there are literally libraries of books written about the chap, right?
The State crucified Jesus. Not even the State can argue that fact. Why should US listen to anything the State has to say about Jesus?

Umm... that state was Rome. They're gone now.

You just missed 'em too. Couldn't have been more than five minutes.
Religious freedom is a Constitutional right. Do you agree?

Religious freedom does not include any right to interfere with other people's enjoyment of their freedoms, religious or other.

What is downright laughable is that you think that you are an appointed representative of a Supreme Being and that you deserve more space and attention than the rest of us do.

It's also funny that you claim to defend "religious freedom" while simultaneously arguing that the U.S. should have a motto that proclaims a specific theological conclusion as if it were universally held.

BTW: how can you tell a person's religion by what political party s/he supports? This is impossible.

Please provide the verification that he thinks he's an appointed representative of a Supreme Being who deserves more space and attention than the rest of us do?

Proclaiming *In God We Trust* does not in any way, shape, or form impede anybody's religious freedom, incidentally.

Of course it does. We have the freedom to have no religion. Go with "in God some of us trust", and you might have an accurate slogan.

Summa these wags don't seem to get that as regards national currency, national aphorisms etc, it is in the Constitution that we actually trust.

The whole "In gods we trust" song and dance is an insidious end-around to try to undermine that.
Religious freedom is a Constitutional right. Do you agree?

Religious freedom does not include any right to interfere with other people's enjoyment of their freedoms, religious or other.

What is downright laughable is that you think that you are an appointed representative of a Supreme Being and that you deserve more space and attention than the rest of us do.

It's also funny that you claim to defend "religious freedom" while simultaneously arguing that the U.S. should have a motto that proclaims a specific theological conclusion as if it were universally held.

BTW: how can you tell a person's religion by what political party s/he supports? This is impossible.

Please provide the verification that he thinks he's an appointed representative of a Supreme Being who deserves more space and attention than the rest of us do?

Proclaiming *In God We Trust* does not in any way, shape, or form impede anybody's religious freedom, incidentally.

Of course it does. We have the freedom to have no religion. Go with "in God some of us trust", and you might have an accurate slogan.

Summa these wags don't seem to get that as regards national currency, national aphorisms etc, it is in the Constitution that we actually trust.

The whole "In gods we trust" song and dance is an insidious end-around to try to undermine that.
"Nor prohibit the free exercise thereof". You'd like to remove that from the first amendment.


No, didn't think so.

Freely exercise your religion all you like, and I'll freely exercise mine. What you don't get to do is exercise it all over my Constitution.

Now get some Lysol and clean that up.
Jesus never lived in a democracy.

.....nor does He live in one now. Democrats can’t stand any symbol or reference to Jesus in the public square yet they are now convinced Jesus entrusts the State to do Christs’ work??
The Jesus of the left is a socialist queer, not the Biblical God in the flesh, the Christ .

The Jesus of the Bible is far more “left” than an American evangelical.
You don't have a clue what the Bible says.

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious
You're confused. The bible isn't about religion.
Religious freedom does not include any right to interfere with other people's enjoyment of their freedoms, religious or other.

What is downright laughable is that you think that you are an appointed representative of a Supreme Being and that you deserve more space and attention than the rest of us do.

It's also funny that you claim to defend "religious freedom" while simultaneously arguing that the U.S. should have a motto that proclaims a specific theological conclusion as if it were universally held.

BTW: how can you tell a person's religion by what political party s/he supports? This is impossible.

Please provide the verification that he thinks he's an appointed representative of a Supreme Being who deserves more space and attention than the rest of us do?

Proclaiming *In God We Trust* does not in any way, shape, or form impede anybody's religious freedom, incidentally.

Of course it does. We have the freedom to have no religion. Go with "in God some of us trust", and you might have an accurate slogan.

Summa these wags don't seem to get that as regards national currency, national aphorisms etc, it is in the Constitution that we actually trust.

The whole "In gods we trust" song and dance is an insidious end-around to try to undermine that.
Religious freedom does not include any right to interfere with other people's enjoyment of their freedoms, religious or other.

What is downright laughable is that you think that you are an appointed representative of a Supreme Being and that you deserve more space and attention than the rest of us do.

It's also funny that you claim to defend "religious freedom" while simultaneously arguing that the U.S. should have a motto that proclaims a specific theological conclusion as if it were universally held.

BTW: how can you tell a person's religion by what political party s/he supports? This is impossible.

Please provide the verification that he thinks he's an appointed representative of a Supreme Being who deserves more space and attention than the rest of us do?

Proclaiming *In God We Trust* does not in any way, shape, or form impede anybody's religious freedom, incidentally.

Of course it does. We have the freedom to have no religion. Go with "in God some of us trust", and you might have an accurate slogan.

Summa these wags don't seem to get that as regards national currency, national aphorisms etc, it is in the Constitution that we actually trust.

The whole "In gods we trust" song and dance is an insidious end-around to try to undermine that.
"Nor prohibit the free exercise thereof". You'd like to remove that from the first amendment.


No, didn't think so.

Freely exercise your religion all you like, and I'll freely exercise mine. What you don't get to do is exercise it all over my Constitution.

Now get some Lysol and clean that up.
According to my Constitution, you're prohibited from stopping a citizen from freely exercising their religious beliefs. Like I said, you'd like to remove that claus from the Constitution.
Please provide the verification that he thinks he's an appointed representative of a Supreme Being who deserves more space and attention than the rest of us do?

Proclaiming *In God We Trust* does not in any way, shape, or form impede anybody's religious freedom, incidentally.

Of course it does. We have the freedom to have no religion. Go with "in God some of us trust", and you might have an accurate slogan.

Summa these wags don't seem to get that as regards national currency, national aphorisms etc, it is in the Constitution that we actually trust.

The whole "In gods we trust" song and dance is an insidious end-around to try to undermine that.
Please provide the verification that he thinks he's an appointed representative of a Supreme Being who deserves more space and attention than the rest of us do?

Proclaiming *In God We Trust* does not in any way, shape, or form impede anybody's religious freedom, incidentally.

Of course it does. We have the freedom to have no religion. Go with "in God some of us trust", and you might have an accurate slogan.

Summa these wags don't seem to get that as regards national currency, national aphorisms etc, it is in the Constitution that we actually trust.

The whole "In gods we trust" song and dance is an insidious end-around to try to undermine that.
"Nor prohibit the free exercise thereof". You'd like to remove that from the first amendment.


No, didn't think so.

Freely exercise your religion all you like, and I'll freely exercise mine. What you don't get to do is exercise it all over my Constitution.

Now get some Lysol and clean that up.
According to my Constitution, you're prohibited from stopping a citizen from freely exercising their religious beliefs. Like I said, you'd like to remove that claus from the Constitution.
They will just start pretending the word "exercising" means something else. Or maybe "religion" will be the definition they change.
Please provide the verification that he thinks he's an appointed representative of a Supreme Being who deserves more space and attention than the rest of us do?

Proclaiming *In God We Trust* does not in any way, shape, or form impede anybody's religious freedom, incidentally.

Of course it does. We have the freedom to have no religion. Go with "in God some of us trust", and you might have an accurate slogan.

Summa these wags don't seem to get that as regards national currency, national aphorisms etc, it is in the Constitution that we actually trust.

The whole "In gods we trust" song and dance is an insidious end-around to try to undermine that.
Please provide the verification that he thinks he's an appointed representative of a Supreme Being who deserves more space and attention than the rest of us do?

Proclaiming *In God We Trust* does not in any way, shape, or form impede anybody's religious freedom, incidentally.

Of course it does. We have the freedom to have no religion. Go with "in God some of us trust", and you might have an accurate slogan.

Summa these wags don't seem to get that as regards national currency, national aphorisms etc, it is in the Constitution that we actually trust.

The whole "In gods we trust" song and dance is an insidious end-around to try to undermine that.
"Nor prohibit the free exercise thereof". You'd like to remove that from the first amendment.


No, didn't think so.

Freely exercise your religion all you like, and I'll freely exercise mine. What you don't get to do is exercise it all over my Constitution.

Now get some Lysol and clean that up.
According to my Constitution, you're prohibited from stopping a citizen from freely exercising their religious beliefs. Like I said, you'd like to remove that claus from the Constitution.

Nor do I have a whit of interest in doing so, regardless what your strawman whispers in your ear.

Too bad you can't take the same laissez-faire attitude toward my Constitution, innit.

Already noted this but here's what I find ironic. Y'all theocracy-obsessed goons have so little faith in your own faith that you have to go running to the government to sell it.

Sad, dood.
The State crucified Jesus. Not even the State can argue that fact. Why should US listen to anything the State has to say about Jesus?

Umm... that state was Rome. They're gone now.

You just missed 'em too. Couldn't have been more than five minutes., they aren't gone.

You fucking retard.

Hear that everybody? The Roman Empire are "not gone".

Can't make this place up.
Jesus never lived in a democracy.

.....nor does He live in one now. Democrats can’t stand any symbol or reference to Jesus in the public square yet they are now convinced Jesus entrusts the State to do Christs’ work??
The Jesus of the left is a socialist queer, not the Biblical God in the flesh, the Christ .

The Jesus of the Bible is far more “left” than an American evangelical.
You don't have a clue what the Bible says.

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious

You reference a tax-funded media outlet that sites a single skewed-Pewed research survey. Further, followed of Religion measure on Faith, Beliefs, not knowledge. I also find it interesting that the article had to call out Blacks and Latinos at the end of the article for their lack of knoweledge...... by the Left’s standards, that’s pretty racist.
Of course it does. We have the freedom to have no religion. Go with "in God some of us trust", and you might have an accurate slogan.

Summa these wags don't seem to get that as regards national currency, national aphorisms etc, it is in the Constitution that we actually trust.

The whole "In gods we trust" song and dance is an insidious end-around to try to undermine that.
Of course it does. We have the freedom to have no religion. Go with "in God some of us trust", and you might have an accurate slogan.

Summa these wags don't seem to get that as regards national currency, national aphorisms etc, it is in the Constitution that we actually trust.

The whole "In gods we trust" song and dance is an insidious end-around to try to undermine that.
"Nor prohibit the free exercise thereof". You'd like to remove that from the first amendment.


No, didn't think so.

Freely exercise your religion all you like, and I'll freely exercise mine. What you don't get to do is exercise it all over my Constitution.

Now get some Lysol and clean that up.
According to my Constitution, you're prohibited from stopping a citizen from freely exercising their religious beliefs. Like I said, you'd like to remove that claus from the Constitution.

Nor do I have a whit of interest in doing so, regardless what your strawman whispers in your ear.

Too bad you can't take the same laissez-faire attitude toward my Constitution, innit.

Already noted this but here's what I find ironic. Y'all theocracy-obsessed goons have so little faith in your own faith that you have to go running to the government to sell it.

Sad, dood.
Oh, for sure, and the founders that put that claus in the Constitution were theocracy crazed goons, huh.
.....nor does He live in one now. Democrats can’t stand any symbol or reference to Jesus in the public square yet they are now convinced Jesus entrusts the State to do Christs’ work??
The Jesus of the left is a socialist queer, not the Biblical God in the flesh, the Christ .

The Jesus of the Bible is far more “left” than an American evangelical.
You don't have a clue what the Bible says.

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious

You reference a tax-funded media outlet that sites a single skewed-Pewed research survey. Further, followed of Religion measure on Faith, Beliefs, not knowledge. I also find it interesting that the article had to call out Blacks and Latinos at the end of the article for their lack of knoweledge...... by the Left’s standards, that’s pretty racist.

Your fallacy is Poisoning the Well, with a side of atrocious spelling. No idea what the reference to "Blacks and Latinos" is about, couldn't find it but I have no doubt it would be just as entertaining.

FWIW I took the quiz and nailed every one. It was easy.
Oh your god losing?
Democrats are losing, badly. I wouldn't be surprised to see Minnesota turn red like Wisconsin did.
I'm so sorry to hear that your god is so very weak.
What's weak is your feeble attempt at making this about God instead of the flailing demonrats.
Funny...considering your thread title.....again, sorry your god is such a pantywaist.
Lol. Poor pitiful thing.....
Well, apparently your perception of your god is just that.
Democrats are losing, badly. I wouldn't be surprised to see Minnesota turn red like Wisconsin did.
I'm so sorry to hear that your god is so very weak.
What's weak is your feeble attempt at making this about God instead of the flailing demonrats.
Funny...considering your thread title.....again, sorry your god is such a pantywaist.
Lol. Poor pitiful thing.....
Well, apparently your perception of your god is just that.
Fascinating how that obviously bothers you. You show yourself to be insecure and weak.
.....nor does He live in one now. Democrats can’t stand any symbol or reference to Jesus in the public square yet they are now convinced Jesus entrusts the State to do Christs’ work??
The Jesus of the left is a socialist queer, not the Biblical God in the flesh, the Christ .

The Jesus of the Bible is far more “left” than an American evangelical.
You don't have a clue what the Bible says.

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious

You reference a tax-funded media outlet that sites a single skewed-Pewed research survey. Further, followed of Religion measure on Faith, Beliefs, not knowledge. I also find it interesting that the article had to call out Blacks and Latinos at the end of the article for their lack of knoweledge...... by the Left’s standards, that’s pretty racist.

I referenced an NPR article that linked to a respected polling organization. What makes it skewed beyond you don't like the results?

They didn't "call" anyone out. They simply stayed a fact, Black Protestants and Latino Catholics scored at the bottom of the survey.
The Jesus of the left is a socialist queer, not the Biblical God in the flesh, the Christ .

The Jesus of the Bible is far more “left” than an American evangelical.
You don't have a clue what the Bible says.

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious

You reference a tax-funded media outlet that sites a single skewed-Pewed research survey. Further, followed of Religion measure on Faith, Beliefs, not knowledge. I also find it interesting that the article had to call out Blacks and Latinos at the end of the article for their lack of knoweledge...... by the Left’s standards, that’s pretty racist.

I referenced an NPR article that linked to a respected polling organization. What makes it skewed beyond you don't like the results?

They didn't "call" anyone out. They simply stayed a fact, Black Protestants and Latino Catholics scored at the bottom of the survey.

Why the need to call that out? What relevance did it have? The premise was that most members of the Religion don’t know the rules or history. Again, Why the need to call out Blacks and Latinos scoring lower? At a minimum, it’s all designed to perpetuate racial division; something NPR has a vested interest.
I'm so sorry to hear that your god is so very weak.
What's weak is your feeble attempt at making this about God instead of the flailing demonrats.
Funny...considering your thread title.....again, sorry your god is such a pantywaist.
Lol. Poor pitiful thing.....
Well, apparently your perception of your god is just that.
Fascinating how that obviously bothers you. You show yourself to be insecure and weak.

Ironic post from a klown who needs "in gods we trust" ads to be printed on his money.
The Republican Christian Fundamentalists said a prayer for Roy Moore and sent him into malls ro drum up votes for the pedophile. Their God said it was OK.
The Jesus of the Bible is far more “left” than an American evangelical.
You don't have a clue what the Bible says.

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious

You reference a tax-funded media outlet that sites a single skewed-Pewed research survey. Further, followed of Religion measure on Faith, Beliefs, not knowledge. I also find it interesting that the article had to call out Blacks and Latinos at the end of the article for their lack of knoweledge...... by the Left’s standards, that’s pretty racist.

I referenced an NPR article that linked to a respected polling organization. What makes it skewed beyond you don't like the results?

They didn't "call" anyone out. They simply stayed a fact, Black Protestants and Latino Catholics scored at the bottom of the survey.

Why the need to call that out? What relevance did it have? The premise was that most members of the Religion don’t know the rules or history. Again, Why the need to call out Blacks and Latinos scoring lower? At a minimum, it’s all designed to perpetuate racial division; something NPR has a vested interest.

Oh for christsake. It was a survey on religious knowledge and they stated a fact about it. The chem trails aren't killing you.

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