Democrats War on God.

The kids who *participated* because there was an impromptu fire drill at that exact time didn't participate voluntarily.

You are exposed as what you are...someone who supports the indoctrination, rather than the teaching, of children at schools.

Plus you hate the Baptist Church. The one thing that distinguishes the Baptist Church from, say, the Episcopalian?

The number of black people.

People like you, who are racist and want to keep children as ignorant slaves to the state, are typically also victims of the state..though they don't realize it.

I made it very clear that I disliked the Southern Baptist Convention religion, not all Baptists. I've known lots of Baptists and they were very likeable. There are all sorts of Baptists, but the Southern Baptists seem to be the nasty ones; the jeffresses, the grahams, etc.

The word "indoctrination" requires specifics. I remember when some parents made a big deal that they did not want their children to hear President Obama's talk to children. Apparently telling kids to study hard and prepare for their futures is "indoctrination."

The idea that I am any more racist than anyone else is absurd.

"Slaves to the state"??? Good grief.

Kids in schools don't need commies to tell them anything.

They need to learn history...and the language..and math.

That's it.

And STEM and a foreign language and geography (including a little about other people who live in other countries) and music and literature and algebra and trig and . . .

What "commies" telling kids what?? Then it's "marxist," then "Stalinist," then "fascist." Haven't heard "maoist," yet, though. The russians must be slipping.

History encompasses geography.

No to music, unless the parents at that school decide to implement it.
Literature is a part of the language.
No to foreign languages.

Last I checked, algebra and trig are math.

You are another example of the abysmal failure of our public schools.

It's the addition of all that socialist garbage that is dumbing down our kids.

Language arts instead of English.
Social studies instead of history and geography.
"STEM" instead of "math".

But because you've been programmed to BELIEVE, reality doesn't enter into your conditioned acceptance of anything the fake educators push.

So what makes me an example of the "abysmal failure" of my schools? Nobody has "programmed" me to believe anything.

To the contrary, my dad was a free-thinker who encouraged me to go out and learn about anything I wanted to. We read history books together and then argued about what happened, like whether the U.S. should have bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We even had sociology class in my school and the teacher would just start a discussion and then sit down and listen to us debate it among ourselves. We had team teaching of American history and English lit, where the two teachers coordinated their lessons so that we were reading the great books of the time that we were studying. We had biology. Ever dissect a frog?

Why are you so frightened of equipping kids with a broad-based education? You speak as if you are afraid of knowledge.
I have dissected frogs, dear, including vivisection. I also took a year of college biology..and a genetics class which I aced though for the life of me I don't remember what it was called.

Every single sentence you put down proves your brainwashed state. Your elevation of *free thinkers* who encouraged absolute self determination in your learning. The gentle conditioning that it's wrong to defend yourself and *sociology* (which btw is NOT a science). Team teachings..bwahahaha...great books that all your teachers *agreed* upon to push a single pervasive message...

America is bad.
America is bad.
America is bad.

Nobody is exceptional. Those who think they are exceptional are bad.
The state before all.
Teach to the lowest denominator.
No moral code...everybody is equal, no matter what their status, their ideology, their nature, their criminality.
Never speak of God.
Do not protect children for fear of offending those who might harm them.

That's your ideology. That's what you spout.

It's nonsense, and it's vile.
Oregon embraces your ideology in the schoolroom, commie whore.

And this is the result:

Report: Oregon has 9th-worst school system in US

And as per always, it's the schools with the most intensive state/federal engagement where the kids do the worst.


While I disagree with OldLady on ..things, she's not a commie whore.

Bleeding-heart-feelies liberal, I'd say, but she's not bad, IMO.

Unless she's talking about guns. :banghead:

Speaking of which, I have some CLP-ing to do. :scared1:
She's a commie whore.
Anybody who can defend the ideology that has ruined our schools..and untold cultures..and at the same time advocates gun she does.... is a commie whore.
I'm sorry you have feelings for a commie whore.

Commie whores are the worst.

" 1998, I learnt that my beloved grandma had been a prostitute!
"As this shocking revelation sparked an intense curiosity about prostitution, I started to see prostitutes everywhere. In the glow of pink neon lights, made-up women, their dresses as thin as cicadas’ wings, operate from massage parlours, hair salons or bathhouses, all fronts for brothels."

"...My grandma was always grateful to Mao, mainly because she was upgraded from a concubine to a wife under the Communists “one wife” rule."

What’s behind China’s prostitution boom?

That article is great because it illustrates how commies pretend that the disaster they actively created was somehow caused by the people they violently replaced..usually by claiming to have a cure for the very ills the communists thrust upon them in the first place.

What’s behind China’s prostitution boom?
Sit your ass down, Missy, and write 200 times


Better hurry up; you're not going out to play with your AR's until it's done.
I made it very clear that I disliked the Southern Baptist Convention religion, not all Baptists. I've known lots of Baptists and they were very likeable. There are all sorts of Baptists, but the Southern Baptists seem to be the nasty ones; the jeffresses, the grahams, etc.

The word "indoctrination" requires specifics. I remember when some parents made a big deal that they did not want their children to hear President Obama's talk to children. Apparently telling kids to study hard and prepare for their futures is "indoctrination."

The idea that I am any more racist than anyone else is absurd.

"Slaves to the state"??? Good grief.

Kids in schools don't need commies to tell them anything.

They need to learn history...and the language..and math.

That's it.

And STEM and a foreign language and geography (including a little about other people who live in other countries) and music and literature and algebra and trig and . . .

What "commies" telling kids what?? Then it's "marxist," then "Stalinist," then "fascist." Haven't heard "maoist," yet, though. The russians must be slipping.

History encompasses geography.

No to music, unless the parents at that school decide to implement it.
Literature is a part of the language.
No to foreign languages.

Last I checked, algebra and trig are math.

You are another example of the abysmal failure of our public schools.

It's the addition of all that socialist garbage that is dumbing down our kids.

Language arts instead of English.
Social studies instead of history and geography.
"STEM" instead of "math".

But because you've been programmed to BELIEVE, reality doesn't enter into your conditioned acceptance of anything the fake educators push.

So what makes me an example of the "abysmal failure" of my schools? Nobody has "programmed" me to believe anything.

To the contrary, my dad was a free-thinker who encouraged me to go out and learn about anything I wanted to. We read history books together and then argued about what happened, like whether the U.S. should have bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We even had sociology class in my school and the teacher would just start a discussion and then sit down and listen to us debate it among ourselves. We had team teaching of American history and English lit, where the two teachers coordinated their lessons so that we were reading the great books of the time that we were studying. We had biology. Ever dissect a frog?

Why are you so frightened of equipping kids with a broad-based education? You speak as if you are afraid of knowledge.
I have dissected frogs, dear, including vivisection. I also took a year of college biology..and a genetics class which I aced though for the life of me I don't remember what it was called.

Every single sentence you put down proves your brainwashed state. Your elevation of *free thinkers* who encouraged absolute self determination in your learning. The gentle conditioning that it's wrong to defend yourself and *sociology* (which btw is NOT a science). Team teachings..bwahahaha...great books that all your teachers *agreed* upon to push a single pervasive message...

America is bad.
America is bad.
America is bad.

Nobody is exceptional. Those who think they are exceptional are bad.
The state before all.
Teach to the lowest denominator.
No moral code...everybody is equal, no matter what their status, their ideology, their nature, their criminality.
Never speak of God.
Do not protect children for fear of offending those who might harm them.

That's your ideology. That's what you spout.

It's nonsense, and it's vile.

Well you're half right. Nonsense it is.
Actually it's also vile that you post this strawman bullshit, so you're right again. Gold star for you.
Yeah we aren't compelled to send our kids to school to socialize them. We are compelled by law to send them so that they can all get an education.

And the schools don't dictate to me how my children are socialized, or even what society we engage with.

Fuck the schools and every mentally ill fuck that is administrating them.
Your kids all went to school and some still are. So quit all the chest beating.

Yes it's a racket. Just because the law requires my children to go to school doesn't mean I'm not allowed to beat my chest punkin. We still live in the US.

I prepare my kids every day as if they are going to battle. That is what our schools have become.

A place where children aren't taught, but indoctrinated, and where the school administrators revel in placing them physical dangerou.

What school district do you live in that is so horrible? What state is it in? Or do you live in another country? What is going on that is so frightening?
I suggest you do some research and find out what the high school dropout rate is in Chicago. That's just for starters. Go ahead.

Why should I? Whatever does the dropout rate in Chicago have to do with this discussion?
Lol. You're the one defending public education. Duh !!
"Democrats" is politics.
"God" is religion.

There is no intersection. They're not related.
Religious freedom is a Constitutional right. Do you agree?

Religious freedom does not include any right to interfere with other people's enjoyment of their freedoms, religious or other.

What is downright laughable is that you think that you are an appointed representative of a Supreme Being and that you deserve more space and attention than the rest of us do.

It's also funny that you claim to defend "religious freedom" while simultaneously arguing that the U.S. should have a motto that proclaims a specific theological conclusion as if it were universally held.

BTW: how can you tell a person's religion by what political party s/he supports? This is impossible.

Please provide the verification that he thinks he's an appointed representative of a Supreme Being who deserves more space and attention than the rest of us do?

Proclaiming *In God We Trust* does not in any way, shape, or form impede anybody's religious freedom, incidentally.

Of course it does. We have the freedom to have no religion. Go with "in God some of us trust", and you might have an accurate slogan.

Summa these wags don't seem to get that as regards national currency, national aphorisms etc, it is in the Constitution that we actually trust.

The whole "In gods we trust" song and dance is an insidious end-around to try to undermine that.
"Democrats" is politics.
"God" is religion.

There is no intersection. They're not related.
Religious freedom is a Constitutional right. Do you agree?

Religious freedom does not include any right to interfere with other people's enjoyment of their freedoms, religious or other.

What is downright laughable is that you think that you are an appointed representative of a Supreme Being and that you deserve more space and attention than the rest of us do.

It's also funny that you claim to defend "religious freedom" while simultaneously arguing that the U.S. should have a motto that proclaims a specific theological conclusion as if it were universally held.

BTW: how can you tell a person's religion by what political party s/he supports? This is impossible.

Please provide the verification that he thinks he's an appointed representative of a Supreme Being who deserves more space and attention than the rest of us do?

Proclaiming *In God We Trust* does not in any way, shape, or form impede anybody's religious freedom, incidentally.

Of course it does. We have the freedom to have no religion. Go with "in God some of us trust", and you might have an accurate slogan.

Summa these wags don't seem to get that as regards national currency, national aphorisms etc, it is in the Constitution that we actually trust.

The whole "In gods we trust" song and dance is an insidious end-around to try to undermine that.
"Nor prohibit the free exercise thereof". You'd like to remove that from the first amendment.
I made it very clear that I disliked the Southern Baptist Convention religion, not all Baptists. I've known lots of Baptists and they were very likeable. There are all sorts of Baptists, but the Southern Baptists seem to be the nasty ones; the jeffresses, the grahams, etc.

The word "indoctrination" requires specifics. I remember when some parents made a big deal that they did not want their children to hear President Obama's talk to children. Apparently telling kids to study hard and prepare for their futures is "indoctrination."

The idea that I am any more racist than anyone else is absurd.

"Slaves to the state"??? Good grief.

Kids in schools don't need commies to tell them anything.

They need to learn history...and the language..and math.

That's it.

And STEM and a foreign language and geography (including a little about other people who live in other countries) and music and literature and algebra and trig and . . .

What "commies" telling kids what?? Then it's "marxist," then "Stalinist," then "fascist." Haven't heard "maoist," yet, though. The russians must be slipping.

History encompasses geography.

No to music, unless the parents at that school decide to implement it.
Literature is a part of the language.
No to foreign languages.

Last I checked, algebra and trig are math.

You are another example of the abysmal failure of our public schools.

It's the addition of all that socialist garbage that is dumbing down our kids.

Language arts instead of English.
Social studies instead of history and geography.
"STEM" instead of "math".

But because you've been programmed to BELIEVE, reality doesn't enter into your conditioned acceptance of anything the fake educators push.

So what makes me an example of the "abysmal failure" of my schools? Nobody has "programmed" me to believe anything.

To the contrary, my dad was a free-thinker who encouraged me to go out and learn about anything I wanted to. We read history books together and then argued about what happened, like whether the U.S. should have bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We even had sociology class in my school and the teacher would just start a discussion and then sit down and listen to us debate it among ourselves. We had team teaching of American history and English lit, where the two teachers coordinated their lessons so that we were reading the great books of the time that we were studying. We had biology. Ever dissect a frog?

Why are you so frightened of equipping kids with a broad-based education? You speak as if you are afraid of knowledge.
I have dissected frogs, dear, including vivisection. I also took a year of college biology..and a genetics class which I aced though for the life of me I don't remember what it was called.

Every single sentence you put down proves your brainwashed state. Your elevation of *free thinkers* who encouraged absolute self determination in your learning. The gentle conditioning that it's wrong to defend yourself and *sociology* (which btw is NOT a science). Team teachings..bwahahaha...great books that all your teachers *agreed* upon to push a single pervasive message...

America is bad.
America is bad.
America is bad.

Nobody is exceptional. Those who think they are exceptional are bad.
The state before all.
Teach to the lowest denominator.
No moral code...everybody is equal, no matter what their status, their ideology, their nature, their criminality.
Never speak of God.
Do not protect children for fear of offending those who might harm them.

That's your ideology. That's what you spout.

It's nonsense, and it's vile.

What a bunch of claptrap. There is nothing wrong with "self determination," given that otherwise one would simply be adopting the opinions of other people uncritically. Ask just who would be doing the "determining" if a person didn't do it individually?

Nobody said that it's wrong to defend oneself. This simply never happened. Nobody ever said that "America is bad." We did discuss the problems our country has faced in the past and those that we were experiencing at the time. Yes, there was/is a moral code, but a very basic one. As for speaking of a supreme being, we did, and compared peoples' perceptions of the subject. No. There was no recruitment or pressure. Who didn't "protect children"?

Why do you make this stuff up?
Kids in schools don't need commies to tell them anything.

They need to learn history...and the language..and math.

That's it.

And STEM and a foreign language and geography (including a little about other people who live in other countries) and music and literature and algebra and trig and . . .

What "commies" telling kids what?? Then it's "marxist," then "Stalinist," then "fascist." Haven't heard "maoist," yet, though. The russians must be slipping.

History encompasses geography.

No to music, unless the parents at that school decide to implement it.
Literature is a part of the language.
No to foreign languages.

Last I checked, algebra and trig are math.

You are another example of the abysmal failure of our public schools.

It's the addition of all that socialist garbage that is dumbing down our kids.

Language arts instead of English.
Social studies instead of history and geography.
"STEM" instead of "math".

But because you've been programmed to BELIEVE, reality doesn't enter into your conditioned acceptance of anything the fake educators push.

So what makes me an example of the "abysmal failure" of my schools? Nobody has "programmed" me to believe anything.

To the contrary, my dad was a free-thinker who encouraged me to go out and learn about anything I wanted to. We read history books together and then argued about what happened, like whether the U.S. should have bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We even had sociology class in my school and the teacher would just start a discussion and then sit down and listen to us debate it among ourselves. We had team teaching of American history and English lit, where the two teachers coordinated their lessons so that we were reading the great books of the time that we were studying. We had biology. Ever dissect a frog?

Why are you so frightened of equipping kids with a broad-based education? You speak as if you are afraid of knowledge.
I have dissected frogs, dear, including vivisection. I also took a year of college biology..and a genetics class which I aced though for the life of me I don't remember what it was called.

Every single sentence you put down proves your brainwashed state. Your elevation of *free thinkers* who encouraged absolute self determination in your learning. The gentle conditioning that it's wrong to defend yourself and *sociology* (which btw is NOT a science). Team teachings..bwahahaha...great books that all your teachers *agreed* upon to push a single pervasive message...

America is bad.
America is bad.
America is bad.

Nobody is exceptional. Those who think they are exceptional are bad.
The state before all.
Teach to the lowest denominator.
No moral code...everybody is equal, no matter what their status, their ideology, their nature, their criminality.
Never speak of God.
Do not protect children for fear of offending those who might harm them.

That's your ideology. That's what you spout.

It's nonsense, and it's vile.

What a bunch of claptrap. There is nothing wrong with "self determination," given that otherwise one would simply be adopting the opinions of other people uncritically. Ask just who would be doing the "determining" if a person didn't do it individually?

Nobody said that it's wrong to defend oneself. This simply never happened. Nobody ever said that "America is bad." We did discuss the problems our country has faced in the past and those that we were experiencing at the time. Yes, there was/is a moral code, but a very basic one. As for speaking of a supreme being, we did, and compared peoples' perceptions of the subject. No. There was no recruitment or pressure. Who didn't "protect children"?

Why do you make this stuff up?

From you.

"Let's let the kids determine what they learn! What could go wrong?"
"Let's teach these kids to look for the evil in every good thing America has ever done or stood for!"
"Let's teach these kids that *socialism* is a SCIENCE and therefore must not be questioned!"
At the same time, Democrats love to quote Jesus as a basis for giving most of your money to the State for redistribution. Jesus said nothing to the sort about the State as an agent for doing his mandate of redistribution of wealth.

Jesus never lived in a democracy.

.....nor does He live in one now. Democrats can’t stand any symbol or reference to Jesus in the public square yet they are now convinced Jesus entrusts the State to do Christs’ work??
At the same time, Democrats love to quote Jesus as a basis for giving most of your money to the State for redistribution. Jesus said nothing to the sort about the State as an agent for doing his mandate of redistribution of wealth.
Exactly. In fact, Jesus said to give to Ceasar (the state) what is Ceasar's, and to God what is God's. The story of the Good Samaritan is a great example. The Samaritan helped the victim and used his own money. If the Samaritan had been a demonrat he would have signed up the victim for taxpayer government funded healthcare, food and housing, and then registered him to vote as a demonrat.

The State (Caesar) does not want to hear any of that talk of giving to God what is God’s.
At the same time, Democrats love to quote Jesus as a basis for giving most of your money to the State for redistribution. Jesus said nothing to the sort about the State as an agent for doing his mandate of redistribution of wealth.

Jesus never lived in a democracy.

.....nor does He live in one now. Democrats can’t stand any symbol or reference to Jesus in the public square yet they are now convinced Jesus entrusts the State to do Christs’ work??
The Jesus of the left is a socialist queer, not the Biblical God in the flesh, the Christ .
And STEM and a foreign language and geography (including a little about other people who live in other countries) and music and literature and algebra and trig and . . .

What "commies" telling kids what?? Then it's "marxist," then "Stalinist," then "fascist." Haven't heard "maoist," yet, though. The russians must be slipping.

History encompasses geography.

No to music, unless the parents at that school decide to implement it.
Literature is a part of the language.
No to foreign languages.

Last I checked, algebra and trig are math.

You are another example of the abysmal failure of our public schools.

It's the addition of all that socialist garbage that is dumbing down our kids.

Language arts instead of English.
Social studies instead of history and geography.
"STEM" instead of "math".

But because you've been programmed to BELIEVE, reality doesn't enter into your conditioned acceptance of anything the fake educators push.

So what makes me an example of the "abysmal failure" of my schools? Nobody has "programmed" me to believe anything.

To the contrary, my dad was a free-thinker who encouraged me to go out and learn about anything I wanted to. We read history books together and then argued about what happened, like whether the U.S. should have bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We even had sociology class in my school and the teacher would just start a discussion and then sit down and listen to us debate it among ourselves. We had team teaching of American history and English lit, where the two teachers coordinated their lessons so that we were reading the great books of the time that we were studying. We had biology. Ever dissect a frog?

Why are you so frightened of equipping kids with a broad-based education? You speak as if you are afraid of knowledge.
I have dissected frogs, dear, including vivisection. I also took a year of college biology..and a genetics class which I aced though for the life of me I don't remember what it was called.

Every single sentence you put down proves your brainwashed state. Your elevation of *free thinkers* who encouraged absolute self determination in your learning. The gentle conditioning that it's wrong to defend yourself and *sociology* (which btw is NOT a science). Team teachings..bwahahaha...great books that all your teachers *agreed* upon to push a single pervasive message...

America is bad.
America is bad.
America is bad.

Nobody is exceptional. Those who think they are exceptional are bad.
The state before all.
Teach to the lowest denominator.
No moral code...everybody is equal, no matter what their status, their ideology, their nature, their criminality.
Never speak of God.
Do not protect children for fear of offending those who might harm them.

That's your ideology. That's what you spout.

It's nonsense, and it's vile.

What a bunch of claptrap. There is nothing wrong with "self determination," given that otherwise one would simply be adopting the opinions of other people uncritically. Ask just who would be doing the "determining" if a person didn't do it individually?

Nobody said that it's wrong to defend oneself. This simply never happened. Nobody ever said that "America is bad." We did discuss the problems our country has faced in the past and those that we were experiencing at the time. Yes, there was/is a moral code, but a very basic one. As for speaking of a supreme being, we did, and compared peoples' perceptions of the subject. No. There was no recruitment or pressure. Who didn't "protect children"?

Why do you make this stuff up?

From you.

"Let's let the kids determine what they learn! What could go wrong?"
"Let's teach these kids to look for the evil in every good thing America has ever done or stood for!"
"Let's teach these kids that *socialism* is a SCIENCE and therefore must not be questioned!"

More of your fantasy world.
The Jesus of the left is a socialist queer, not the Biblical God in the flesh, the Christ .

Blue Jesus: I want you to listen to me. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Magdalene...

Red Jesus: I have a wide stance!

Blue Jesus: We have to pass the Law so we can find out what's in it.

Red Jesus: I will not heal you, blind man, until you show me some ID.

Blue Jesus: I have a pen and a direct phone line to my Father, and I am not afraid to use them.

Red Jesus: Muslims suck, and I'm pretty sure Doubting Thomas is a fag!

Blue Jesus: I invented cocaine as a way of telling you that you make too much money.

Red Jesus: Look at these hands! Look at these feet! I know more than anyone what torture is, and waterboarding is not torture.
Red Jesus: And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out, saying, "Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed." But He did not answer her a word. And His disciples came and implored Him, saying, "Send her away, because she keeps shouting at us." But He answered and said, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

Moral of the story: Red Jesus would support building a wall to keep out aliens so they don't suck up holy resources.

Blue Jesus: And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them.

Moral of the story: Blue Jesus hates profit, and believes health care should be free.
Trump is a man close to God. Here he is with some vestal virgins and a high priest:

Here is one of Trump's temples to his god, built with the generous donations of the devoted flock who religiously attend these cathedrals:

Here are the traditional pews kindly provided by Trump at his temple, where the faithful can be found 24 hours a day, cleansing their filthy lucre in highly refined ministrations. Some congregants are known to develop obsessive rituals which they believe, if violated, will bring down the wrath of fate on their heads. In this way, Saint Trump has been credited for creating tens of millions of worshipers of his god:

A vote for Trump is a vote for Jesus and a strike against moral turpitude!
Thanks to Trump, we must point out the motes in the eyes of the Democrats more and more often in order to keep feeling superior to them.
At the same time, Democrats love to quote Jesus as a basis for giving most of your money to the State for redistribution. Jesus said nothing to the sort about the State as an agent for doing his mandate of redistribution of wealth.

Jesus never lived in a democracy.

.....nor does He live in one now. Democrats can’t stand any symbol or reference to Jesus in the public square yet they are now convinced Jesus entrusts the State to do Christs’ work??
The Jesus of the left is a socialist queer, not the Biblical God in the flesh, the Christ .

The Jesus of the Bible is far more “left” than an American evangelical.

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