Democrats War on God.

It is the job of schools to socialize our children..or indoctrinate, if you prefer. What you call 'Liberal' is most cases. When us old geezers were in school..we, too, were indoctrinated. But I bet you have no issues with the indoctrination of the 50's and 60's, eh? In fact, many still are coming from that mind-set.

Some see that as the problem. This is 2018..equal rights are the law of the land. Race-mixing isn't even a thing's the norm. Whom you love is no longer subject to biology. Don't like it? is what it is. Our children are being live in the society that is current..not the one that is past.
Yeah we aren't compelled to send our kids to school to socialize them. We are compelled by law to send them so that they can all get an education.

And the schools don't dictate to me how my children are socialized, or even what society we engage with.

Fuck the schools and every mentally ill fuck that is administrating them.
Your kids all went to school and some still are. So quit all the chest beating.

Yes it's a racket. Just because the law requires my children to go to school doesn't mean I'm not allowed to beat my chest punkin. We still live in the US.

I prepare my kids every day as if they are going to battle. That is what our schools have become.

A place where children aren't taught, but indoctrinated, and where the school administrators revel in placing them physical dangerou.

What school district do you live in that is so horrible? What state is it in? Or do you live in another country? What is going on that is so frightening?

Well in my school district, in Oregon, the teachers took kids out of school to parade them around on the street to support gun grabbing and supposedly *honor* the kids killed in the school in Florida.

There weren't enough middle school kids participating because the parents got wind of the event and kept their kids home or told them not to march.

So our school administrator decided to have a fire drill at the exact same time as the march...thus pouring all the middle school kids out onto the street...where the local editor of the paper (a friend of the admin) happened happened to be. He then took pics and reported that hundreds of kids participated.

Keep in mind, the children at that shooting in Florida were lured into the halls by a fire alarm, and gunned down as they did as they had been taught to do in response to the bell.

Keep in mind, the admin of our school is not some retard who wasn't aware of that as he was planning, and pulling, the alarms.

That's just the most recent stupidity.

Schools no longer function as schools. They are indoctrination centers and targets.
Same as it ever was. You are a classic case of great passion coupled with mediocre intellect. i won't comment on your child-rearing skills..because i find that off-limits. but...if you ever bother to pick up a book on educational theory..that is, if you even are able to believe will find that the three R's are the least of it...socialization and forging a common cultural referent are far more important to society.
Your kids all went to school and some still are. So quit all the chest beating.

Yes it's a racket. Just because the law requires my children to go to school doesn't mean I'm not allowed to beat my chest punkin. We still live in the US.

I prepare my kids every day as if they are going to battle. That is what our schools have become.

A place where children aren't taught, but indoctrinated, and where the school administrators revel in placing them physical dangerou.

What school district do you live in that is so horrible? What state is it in? Or do you live in another country? What is going on that is so frightening?

Well in my school district, in Oregon, the teachers took kids out of school to parade them around on the street to support gun grabbing and supposedly *honor* the kids killed in the school in Florida.

There weren't enough middle school kids participating because the parents got wind of the event and kept their kids home or told them not to march.

So our school administrator decided to have a fire drill at the exact same time as the march...thus pouring all the middle school kids out onto the street...where the local editor of the paper (a friend of the admin) happened happened to be. He then took pics and reported that hundreds of kids participated.

That's just the most recent stupidity.

Schools no longer function as schools. They are indoctrination centers and targets.

So that's it. You're a gun nut. Your statement that parents kept their kids home or told them not to march indicates that participation in the march was voluntary. How many parents objected to the march and how many did not object? A quick search turned up that thousands of kids marched in Oregon.

The kids who *participated* because there was an impromptu fire drill at that exact time didn't participate voluntarily.

You are exposed as what you are...someone who supports the indoctrination, rather than the teaching, of children at schools.

Plus you hate the Baptist Church. The one thing that distinguishes the Baptist Church from, say, the Episcopalian?

The number of black people.

People like you, who are racist and want to keep children as ignorant slaves to the state, are typically also victims of the state..though they don't realize it.

I made it very clear that I disliked the Southern Baptist Convention religion, not all Baptists. I've known lots of Baptists and they were very likeable. There are all sorts of Baptists, but the Southern Baptists seem to be the nasty ones; the jeffresses, the grahams, etc.

The word "indoctrination" requires specifics. I remember when some parents made a big deal that they did not want their children to hear President Obama's talk to children. Apparently telling kids to study hard and prepare for their futures is "indoctrination."

The idea that I am any more racist than anyone else is absurd.

"Slaves to the state"??? Good grief.
Yes it's a racket. Just because the law requires my children to go to school doesn't mean I'm not allowed to beat my chest punkin. We still live in the US.

I prepare my kids every day as if they are going to battle. That is what our schools have become.

A place where children aren't taught, but indoctrinated, and where the school administrators revel in placing them physical dangerou.

What school district do you live in that is so horrible? What state is it in? Or do you live in another country? What is going on that is so frightening?

Well in my school district, in Oregon, the teachers took kids out of school to parade them around on the street to support gun grabbing and supposedly *honor* the kids killed in the school in Florida.

There weren't enough middle school kids participating because the parents got wind of the event and kept their kids home or told them not to march.

So our school administrator decided to have a fire drill at the exact same time as the march...thus pouring all the middle school kids out onto the street...where the local editor of the paper (a friend of the admin) happened happened to be. He then took pics and reported that hundreds of kids participated.

That's just the most recent stupidity.

Schools no longer function as schools. They are indoctrination centers and targets.

So that's it. You're a gun nut. Your statement that parents kept their kids home or told them not to march indicates that participation in the march was voluntary. How many parents objected to the march and how many did not object? A quick search turned up that thousands of kids marched in Oregon.

The kids who *participated* because there was an impromptu fire drill at that exact time didn't participate voluntarily.

You are exposed as what you are...someone who supports the indoctrination, rather than the teaching, of children at schools.

Plus you hate the Baptist Church. The one thing that distinguishes the Baptist Church from, say, the Episcopalian?

The number of black people.

People like you, who are racist and want to keep children as ignorant slaves to the state, are typically also victims of the state..though they don't realize it.

I made it very clear that I disliked the Southern Baptist Convention religion, not all Baptists. I've known lots of Baptists and they were very likeable. There are all sorts of Baptists, but the Southern Baptists seem to be the nasty ones; the jeffresses, the grahams, etc.

The word "indoctrination" requires specifics. I remember when some parents made a big deal that they did not want their children to hear President Obama's talk to children. Apparently telling kids to study hard and prepare for their futures is "indoctrination."

The idea that I am any more racist than anyone else is absurd.

"Slaves to the state"??? Good grief.

Kids in schools don't need commies to tell them anything.

They need to learn history...and the language..and math.

That's it.
It won't be long before Minnesota will be overrun by Somalian Muslims anyways. Obama seeded quite the large community of them up there, and they breed like rabbits.

"Somalis are an ethnic group in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul (Twin Cities) urban area and makes up one of the largest Somali diasporas in the US. As of 2013, there were around 25,000 Somalis in Minnesota."

"Many of the newer arrivals moved to Minnesota through voluntary agencies (VOLAGS), who helped them settle in."

"...there are approximately 85,700 Somalis in the United States, around 25,000 of whom live in Minnesota."

"In October 2014, Minneapolis became the sister city of Bosaso, the third-largest city in Somalia."

History of the Somalis in Minneapolis–Saint Paul - Wikipedia

That was 2013, I think.

Today, on Minneapolis:

It's the biggest Somali community in North America, possibly in the world outside of East Africa,” he said. “It's like the cultural hub of the Somali diaspora, you could say.”

"Around 150,000 Somalis, both refugees and nonrefugees, live in the United States, according to U.N. estimates from 2015. More Somalis live in Minnesota than any other state."

Somalis finding their place in Minnesota

I will never understand the leftist knee jerk *sneer* reaction to facts.
I dunno about leftists..but thank you for the's a success different than the Irish or the Poles, except on a smaller scale. Most of these people work, pay taxes and are in most ways..good citizens. Can you cherry pick and find some bad apples..sure--but this is legal immigration at its best and in the best traditions of our country.
It won't be long before Minnesota will be overrun by Somalian Muslims anyways. Obama seeded quite the large community of them up there, and they breed like rabbits.

"Somalis are an ethnic group in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul (Twin Cities) urban area and makes up one of the largest Somali diasporas in the US. As of 2013, there were around 25,000 Somalis in Minnesota."

"Many of the newer arrivals moved to Minnesota through voluntary agencies (VOLAGS), who helped them settle in."

"...there are approximately 85,700 Somalis in the United States, around 25,000 of whom live in Minnesota."

"In October 2014, Minneapolis became the sister city of Bosaso, the third-largest city in Somalia."

History of the Somalis in Minneapolis–Saint Paul - Wikipedia

That was 2013, I think.

Today, on Minneapolis:

It's the biggest Somali community in North America, possibly in the world outside of East Africa,” he said. “It's like the cultural hub of the Somali diaspora, you could say.”

"Around 150,000 Somalis, both refugees and nonrefugees, live in the United States, according to U.N. estimates from 2015. More Somalis live in Minnesota than any other state."

Somalis finding their place in Minnesota

I will never understand the leftist knee jerk *sneer* reaction to facts.
25,000 people aren't going to "take over" Minnesota; the sneer was for that and the smear "breed like rabbits." We've got Somalis here, too, and they're not scaring anybody.
Whatever. Democrats hate God. Period.

"Democrats" is politics.
"God" is religion.

There is no intersection. They're not related.
Religious freedom is a Constitutional right. Do you agree?

Religious freedom does not include any right to interfere with other people's enjoyment of their freedoms, religious or other.

What is downright laughable is that you think that you are an appointed representative of a Supreme Being and that you deserve more space and attention than the rest of us do.

It's also funny that you claim to defend "religious freedom" while simultaneously arguing that the U.S. should have a motto that proclaims a specific theological conclusion as if it were universally held.

BTW: how can you tell a person's religion by what political party s/he supports? This is impossible.

Please provide the verification that he thinks he's an appointed representative of a Supreme Being who deserves more space and attention than the rest of us do?

Proclaiming *In God We Trust* does not in any way, shape, or form impede anybody's religious freedom, incidentally.

Of course it does. We have the freedom to have no religion. Go with "in God some of us trust", and you might have an accurate slogan.

Summa these wags don't seem to get that as regards national currency, national aphorisms etc, it is in the Constitution that we actually trust.

The whole "In gods we trust" song and dance is an insidious end-around to try to undermine that.
It won't be long before Minnesota will be overrun by Somalian Muslims anyways. Obama seeded quite the large community of them up there, and they breed like rabbits.

"Somalis are an ethnic group in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul (Twin Cities) urban area and makes up one of the largest Somali diasporas in the US. As of 2013, there were around 25,000 Somalis in Minnesota."

"Many of the newer arrivals moved to Minnesota through voluntary agencies (VOLAGS), who helped them settle in."

"...there are approximately 85,700 Somalis in the United States, around 25,000 of whom live in Minnesota."

"In October 2014, Minneapolis became the sister city of Bosaso, the third-largest city in Somalia."

History of the Somalis in Minneapolis–Saint Paul - Wikipedia

That was 2013, I think.

Today, on Minneapolis:

It's the biggest Somali community in North America, possibly in the world outside of East Africa,” he said. “It's like the cultural hub of the Somali diaspora, you could say.”

"Around 150,000 Somalis, both refugees and nonrefugees, live in the United States, according to U.N. estimates from 2015. More Somalis live in Minnesota than any other state."

Somalis finding their place in Minnesota

I will never understand the leftist knee jerk *sneer* reaction to facts.
I dunno about leftists..but thank you for the's a success different than the Irish or the Poles, except on a smaller scale. Most of these people work, pay taxes and are in most ways..good citizens. Can you cherry pick and find some bad apples..sure--but this is legal immigration at its best and in the best traditions of our country.

The Irish weren't human traffickers, and they were subsidized by the feds and the states.

Not only that, they stayed primarily in the city. Now city dwellers are insisting we accommodate them..and then shipping them out to other communities.
War against imaginary beings... Except for that Allah guy who advocates executing gays, democrats seem to love that one.

The issue is not war on gods, but war on Christianity, which whether the leftists admit or not, is the life-force of western civilization. They better have a damn good plan before attacking that one... but of course, Islam and 3rd world hordes as replacement is not it.
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It's no wonder democrats are accused of being communists.
Minnesota Democrats wage war on God, faith and American history

Democrat = Demoncrat



It won't be long before Minnesota will be overrun by Somalian Muslims anyways. Obama seeded quite the large community of them up there, and they breed like rabbits.

"Somalis are an ethnic group in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul (Twin Cities) urban area and makes up one of the largest Somali diasporas in the US. As of 2013, there were around 25,000 Somalis in Minnesota."

"Many of the newer arrivals moved to Minnesota through voluntary agencies (VOLAGS), who helped them settle in."

"...there are approximately 85,700 Somalis in the United States, around 25,000 of whom live in Minnesota."

"In October 2014, Minneapolis became the sister city of Bosaso, the third-largest city in Somalia."

History of the Somalis in Minneapolis–Saint Paul - Wikipedia

That was 2013, I think.

Today, on Minneapolis:

It's the biggest Somali community in North America, possibly in the world outside of East Africa,” he said. “It's like the cultural hub of the Somali diaspora, you could say.”

"Around 150,000 Somalis, both refugees and nonrefugees, live in the United States, according to U.N. estimates from 2015. More Somalis live in Minnesota than any other state."

Somalis finding their place in Minnesota

I will never understand the leftist knee jerk *sneer* reaction to facts.
I dunno about leftists..but thank you for the's a success different than the Irish or the Poles, except on a smaller scale. Most of these people work, pay taxes and are in most ways..good citizens. Can you cherry pick and find some bad apples..sure--but this is legal immigration at its best and in the best traditions of our country.

The Irish weren't human traffickers, and they were subsidized by the feds and the states.
Hmmm...were you not just complaining that the Somalis were getting Federal and State funds and support?

The Irish..were everything you could possibly imagine..and a few things you can't.
Are you claiming that there were no Irish slave traders? Do you doubt that Ireland had its own version of slavery and that many of the Irish profited thereby?

I'll let you tell me how full of shit I am..while the educated here..laugh at you.
It won't be long before Minnesota will be overrun by Somalian Muslims anyways. Obama seeded quite the large community of them up there, and they breed like rabbits.

"Somalis are an ethnic group in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul (Twin Cities) urban area and makes up one of the largest Somali diasporas in the US. As of 2013, there were around 25,000 Somalis in Minnesota."

"Many of the newer arrivals moved to Minnesota through voluntary agencies (VOLAGS), who helped them settle in."

"...there are approximately 85,700 Somalis in the United States, around 25,000 of whom live in Minnesota."

"In October 2014, Minneapolis became the sister city of Bosaso, the third-largest city in Somalia."

History of the Somalis in Minneapolis–Saint Paul - Wikipedia

That was 2013, I think.

Today, on Minneapolis:

It's the biggest Somali community in North America, possibly in the world outside of East Africa,” he said. “It's like the cultural hub of the Somali diaspora, you could say.”

"Around 150,000 Somalis, both refugees and nonrefugees, live in the United States, according to U.N. estimates from 2015. More Somalis live in Minnesota than any other state."

Somalis finding their place in Minnesota

I will never understand the leftist knee jerk *sneer* reaction to facts.
I dunno about leftists..but thank you for the's a success different than the Irish or the Poles, except on a smaller scale. Most of these people work, pay taxes and are in most ways..good citizens. Can you cherry pick and find some bad apples..sure--but this is legal immigration at its best and in the best traditions of our country.

The Irish weren't human traffickers, and they were subsidized by the feds and the states.
Hmmm...were you not just complaining that the Somalis were getting Federal and State funds and support?

The Irish..were everything you could possibly imagine..and a few things you can't.
Are you claiming that there were no Irish slave traders? Do you doubt that Ireland had its own version of slavery and that many of the Irish profited thereby?

I'll let you tell me how full of shit I am..while the educated here..laugh at you.

I will respond to you when you comment on things I actually said.
What school district do you live in that is so horrible? What state is it in? Or do you live in another country? What is going on that is so frightening?

Well in my school district, in Oregon, the teachers took kids out of school to parade them around on the street to support gun grabbing and supposedly *honor* the kids killed in the school in Florida.

There weren't enough middle school kids participating because the parents got wind of the event and kept their kids home or told them not to march.

So our school administrator decided to have a fire drill at the exact same time as the march...thus pouring all the middle school kids out onto the street...where the local editor of the paper (a friend of the admin) happened happened to be. He then took pics and reported that hundreds of kids participated.

That's just the most recent stupidity.

Schools no longer function as schools. They are indoctrination centers and targets.

So that's it. You're a gun nut. Your statement that parents kept their kids home or told them not to march indicates that participation in the march was voluntary. How many parents objected to the march and how many did not object? A quick search turned up that thousands of kids marched in Oregon.

The kids who *participated* because there was an impromptu fire drill at that exact time didn't participate voluntarily.

You are exposed as what you are...someone who supports the indoctrination, rather than the teaching, of children at schools.

Plus you hate the Baptist Church. The one thing that distinguishes the Baptist Church from, say, the Episcopalian?

The number of black people.

People like you, who are racist and want to keep children as ignorant slaves to the state, are typically also victims of the state..though they don't realize it.

I made it very clear that I disliked the Southern Baptist Convention religion, not all Baptists. I've known lots of Baptists and they were very likeable. There are all sorts of Baptists, but the Southern Baptists seem to be the nasty ones; the jeffresses, the grahams, etc.

The word "indoctrination" requires specifics. I remember when some parents made a big deal that they did not want their children to hear President Obama's talk to children. Apparently telling kids to study hard and prepare for their futures is "indoctrination."

The idea that I am any more racist than anyone else is absurd.

"Slaves to the state"??? Good grief.

Kids in schools don't need commies to tell them anything.

They need to learn history...and the language..and math.

That's it.

And STEM and a foreign language and geography (including a little about other people who live in other countries) and music and literature and algebra and trig and . . .

What "commies" telling kids what?? Then it's "marxist," then "Stalinist," then "fascist." Haven't heard "maoist," yet, though. The russians must be slipping.
Well in my school district, in Oregon, the teachers took kids out of school to parade them around on the street to support gun grabbing and supposedly *honor* the kids killed in the school in Florida.

There weren't enough middle school kids participating because the parents got wind of the event and kept their kids home or told them not to march.

So our school administrator decided to have a fire drill at the exact same time as the march...thus pouring all the middle school kids out onto the street...where the local editor of the paper (a friend of the admin) happened happened to be. He then took pics and reported that hundreds of kids participated.

That's just the most recent stupidity.

Schools no longer function as schools. They are indoctrination centers and targets.

So that's it. You're a gun nut. Your statement that parents kept their kids home or told them not to march indicates that participation in the march was voluntary. How many parents objected to the march and how many did not object? A quick search turned up that thousands of kids marched in Oregon.

The kids who *participated* because there was an impromptu fire drill at that exact time didn't participate voluntarily.

You are exposed as what you are...someone who supports the indoctrination, rather than the teaching, of children at schools.

Plus you hate the Baptist Church. The one thing that distinguishes the Baptist Church from, say, the Episcopalian?

The number of black people.

People like you, who are racist and want to keep children as ignorant slaves to the state, are typically also victims of the state..though they don't realize it.

I made it very clear that I disliked the Southern Baptist Convention religion, not all Baptists. I've known lots of Baptists and they were very likeable. There are all sorts of Baptists, but the Southern Baptists seem to be the nasty ones; the jeffresses, the grahams, etc.

The word "indoctrination" requires specifics. I remember when some parents made a big deal that they did not want their children to hear President Obama's talk to children. Apparently telling kids to study hard and prepare for their futures is "indoctrination."

The idea that I am any more racist than anyone else is absurd.

"Slaves to the state"??? Good grief.

Kids in schools don't need commies to tell them anything.

They need to learn history...and the language..and math.

That's it.

And STEM and a foreign language and geography (including a little about other people who live in other countries) and music and literature and algebra and trig and . . .

What "commies" telling kids what?? Then it's "marxist," then "Stalinist," then "fascist." Haven't heard "maoist," yet, though. The russians must be slipping.

History encompasses geography.

No to music, unless the parents at that school decide to implement it.
Literature is a part of the language.
No to foreign languages.

Last I checked, algebra and trig are math.

You are another example of the abysmal failure of our public schools.

It's the addition of all that socialist garbage that is dumbing down our kids.

Language arts instead of English.
Social studies instead of history and geography.
"STEM" instead of "math".

But because you've been programmed to BELIEVE, reality doesn't enter into your conditioned acceptance of anything the fake educators push.
At the same time, Democrats love to quote Jesus as a basis for giving most of your money to the State for redistribution. Jesus said nothing to the sort about the State as an agent for doing his mandate of redistribution of wealth.

Jesus never lived in a democracy.

The kind of helping of the poor Jesus and the democrats are talking about are fundamentally different.

Democrats are all about helping the so called "poor" obese people, who are entitled as hell, have bigger egos than Donald J. Trump, but are too lazy to apply themselves in any kind of way. These people are always delusional about their abilities and self worth, and need to be dragged through the mud to teach them a lesson in human decency.

Jesus was about helping people who applied themselves 100%, did everything correctly, yet because of bad luck, failed. Or simply were born unlucky... Of course, Jesus was about doing so voluntarily... Or not, but this is the reading because this is what works.

Now, as an Atheist I am no super-fan of Christianity, but they have got you beat 100%. Once you have an alternative that's not batshit insane and has a track record maybe people will start listening.
Oregon embraces your ideology in the schoolroom, commie whore.

And this is the result:

Report: Oregon has 9th-worst school system in US

And as per always, it's the schools with the most intensive state/federal engagement where the kids do the worst.


While I disagree with OldLady on ..things, she's not a commie whore.

Bleeding-heart-feelies liberal, I'd say, but she's not bad, IMO.

Unless she's talking about guns. :banghead:

Speaking of which, I have some CLP-ing to do. :scared1:
Oregon embraces your ideology in the schoolroom, commie whore.

And this is the result:

Report: Oregon has 9th-worst school system in US

And as per always, it's the schools with the most intensive state/federal engagement where the kids do the worst.


While I disagree with OldLady on ..things, she's not a commie whore.

Bleeding-heart-feelies liberal, I'd say, but she's not bad, IMO.

Unless she's talking about guns. :banghead:

Speaking of which, I have some CLP-ing to do. :scared1:
She's a commie whore.
Anybody who can defend the ideology that has ruined our schools..and untold cultures..and at the same time advocates gun she does.... is a commie whore.
I'm sorry you have feelings for a commie whore.

Commie whores are the worst.

" 1998, I learnt that my beloved grandma had been a prostitute!
"As this shocking revelation sparked an intense curiosity about prostitution, I started to see prostitutes everywhere. In the glow of pink neon lights, made-up women, their dresses as thin as cicadas’ wings, operate from massage parlours, hair salons or bathhouses, all fronts for brothels."

"...My grandma was always grateful to Mao, mainly because she was upgraded from a concubine to a wife under the Communists “one wife” rule."

What’s behind China’s prostitution boom?

That article is great because it illustrates how commies pretend that the disaster they actively created was somehow caused by the people they violently replaced..usually by claiming to have a cure for the very ills the communists thrust upon them in the first place.

What’s behind China’s prostitution boom?
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So that's it. You're a gun nut. Your statement that parents kept their kids home or told them not to march indicates that participation in the march was voluntary. How many parents objected to the march and how many did not object? A quick search turned up that thousands of kids marched in Oregon.

The kids who *participated* because there was an impromptu fire drill at that exact time didn't participate voluntarily.

You are exposed as what you are...someone who supports the indoctrination, rather than the teaching, of children at schools.

Plus you hate the Baptist Church. The one thing that distinguishes the Baptist Church from, say, the Episcopalian?

The number of black people.

People like you, who are racist and want to keep children as ignorant slaves to the state, are typically also victims of the state..though they don't realize it.

I made it very clear that I disliked the Southern Baptist Convention religion, not all Baptists. I've known lots of Baptists and they were very likeable. There are all sorts of Baptists, but the Southern Baptists seem to be the nasty ones; the jeffresses, the grahams, etc.

The word "indoctrination" requires specifics. I remember when some parents made a big deal that they did not want their children to hear President Obama's talk to children. Apparently telling kids to study hard and prepare for their futures is "indoctrination."

The idea that I am any more racist than anyone else is absurd.

"Slaves to the state"??? Good grief.

Kids in schools don't need commies to tell them anything.

They need to learn history...and the language..and math.

That's it.

And STEM and a foreign language and geography (including a little about other people who live in other countries) and music and literature and algebra and trig and . . .

What "commies" telling kids what?? Then it's "marxist," then "Stalinist," then "fascist." Haven't heard "maoist," yet, though. The russians must be slipping.

History encompasses geography.

No to music, unless the parents at that school decide to implement it.
Literature is a part of the language.
No to foreign languages.

Last I checked, algebra and trig are math.

You are another example of the abysmal failure of our public schools.

It's the addition of all that socialist garbage that is dumbing down our kids.

Language arts instead of English.
Social studies instead of history and geography.
"STEM" instead of "math".

But because you've been programmed to BELIEVE, reality doesn't enter into your conditioned acceptance of anything the fake educators push.

So what makes me an example of the "abysmal failure" of my schools? Nobody has "programmed" me to believe anything.

To the contrary, my dad was a free-thinker who encouraged me to go out and learn about anything I wanted to. We read history books together and then argued about what happened, like whether the U.S. should have bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We even had sociology class in my school and the teacher would just start a discussion and then sit down and listen to us debate it among ourselves. We had team teaching of American history and English lit, where the two teachers coordinated their lessons so that we were reading the great books of the time that we were studying. We had biology. Ever dissect a frog?

Why are you so frightened of equipping kids with a broad-based education? You speak as if you are afraid of knowledge.

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