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Democrats: We invite you to come to your senses and stop the Obamanation

Sensible Democrat. Oxymoron of the decade. The old party of Hubert Humphrey and Scoop Jackson is long dead. Now it's the party of Bill Clinton and Barney Frank.

No, no, no. This thread isn't about hating. We are here to come together. Maybe we're used to the liberal trolls of USMB and we just think they're all f'ing crazy. But the reality is there is a large silent faction of Democrats who agree that Obama is a failure and that can have hope in Romney and the future of America still.

I disagree. There are no such Democrats. There are independents who can be saved, but to remain a Democrat in this day and age is the sign that you are beyond all hope.
Yup....the nutters have come out! Lol!

I know there are some sensible democrats out there...i know some. And i know they aren't voting for Obama again! YAYAYAYAYAY!!! There's a lot more smart Dems out there than these trolls on USMB, thank God!!!

I don't know any sensible Democrats. Whenever they start talking about politics I think they are all insane.
Yup....the nutters have come out! Lol!

I know there are some sensible democrats out there...i know some. And i know they aren't voting for Obama again! YAYAYAYAYAY!!! There's a lot more smart Dems out there than these trolls on USMB, thank God!!!

I don't know any sensible Democrats. Whenever they start talking about politics I think they are all insane.

They're becoming fewer; especially the active ones. It's more the apathetic ones that can be told some sense b/c they haven't been fully brainwashed. They haven't became full fledged political psychopaths yet.
Did you read the Great Gatby, GG?

He also pandered to the wealthy and thought that they loved him.

Just some corrections to your points as you seem somewhat misinformed about some issues.

The average American's savings has dropped 40 percent in 3 years!

Yes! Average amercians net worth dropped...mostly because the middle classes "weath" was tied up in real estate, valuations. The root cause of that all happened before Obama took the oval office.

-- 41 months in a row of 8 percent or more unemployment is the worst since The Great Depression!

Yes quite bad. The trajectory of the meltdown was obvious by 2008. It could get worse, too, if Europe or Asia's economies continue to fibrilate. Nothing Obama can do is going to change that. Nothing Mitt could do will change that either.

-- Health care costs are rising dramatically (not lowering)!

Exactly as they have been rising for the last 30 years, you mean? quite right...terrible.

-- House prices are dropping; not rising!
Not sure about that..depends on locale, I think.

-- College tuition is dramatically rising!
Exactly as they have been rising for the last 30 years, you mean? quite right...terrible

-- Gas prices are going way higher and in fact Obama and his own minions have advocated $8 per gallon gas!

And you think the POTUS controls that, do you? Did Bush II control the price when gas was over $4 a gallon, too? OIr didn't you notice that happening?

-- The TSA is still molesting you (literally)!
Yes, Obama and BUSH II are both idiots as it regards the TSA, I quite agree. Do you believe MITT will change that? If you do they you too are an idiot.

-- The Feds still can spy on you without a warrant (Patriot Act)!

YOu mean the patriot act that the REPUBULICANS overwhelmingly supported? I agree...terrible law.

-- Drones are becoming a reality!
Apparently many of them post here, too.

-- Obama is passing bills and literally telling us not to read what's in it!
? Meaningless drivel, this. By all means DO read them.

-- Obama is literally inserting himself into racist politics (Zimmerman/Martin)!
No, he's FIGURETIVELY doing that, I think, lad.

-- We literally have seen mounds of evidence that he willfully ignored the Constitution by even running for president when he was clearly born in Kenya and a non citizen!

Yawn..and Mittm the draft dodger was born in Mexico, too right?

-- He has thrown away millions on failing "green" ventures!

Vexing that. He could have been giving it all to oil billionaires, instead.

-- He war mongered in Libya and Egypt only to install radical Islam governments who will oppress women and the liberties of all men!

You are somewhat confused about his power, I think. No wonder he terrifies you. You must think he's superman controlling every people of every nation.

-- He literally promised a KGB oriented Russia that he would demilitarize us and our allies! And he had no intention of telling us this promise!

I seldom do this, but I'd love to see where you read that.

-- He promoted a movement OWS to occupy our streets and rape women!

OH yeah, I remember that, speech...the one where Obama told people to go out and rape women. I was rather shocked by it. :lol:

-- $5 trillion more debt and plenty more coming!

To whom do we owe this money, Lad? Do you know?
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Stop being lazy and read the OP if you want that answer. I think the issue speaks to Obama's subversiveness. But even if you take that off the table, he has still been an abysmal failure and you can't deny that so you try to stay on the birth issue as if it were the be all and end all to everything.

It speaks to your lack of integrity, character, and intelligence. You're an empty suit without any of those and you continuously prove you have none by being a birther.


Those are the facts and they are not in dispute.

You've made that point several times and I've accepted that that is how you want to see it. So why are you still arguing it? How about you regard the rest of the OP now. The reality is that we are less prosperous and less free and that being the case their is no rational reason to re-elect Obama. Meanwhile, the Republicans are offering a candidate that even the very liberal Massachusetts was pleased with.

Setting aside the fact that I've been convicted of multiple felonies....here are my views of morality. I invite you to consider them.
Romney wants to cut Medicaid and food stamps, for starters, in order to pass the savings along to himself,

in the form of tax cuts.

In other words, Romney is in the camp that believes that the poor have too much and the rich have too little.

What sensible Democrat can support that???

good grief
It speaks to your lack of integrity, character, and intelligence. You're an empty suit without any of those and you continuously prove you have none by being a birther.


Those are the facts and they are not in dispute.

You've made that point several times and I've accepted that that is how you want to see it. So why are you still arguing it? How about you regard the rest of the OP now. The reality is that we are less prosperous and less free and that being the case their is no rational reason to re-elect Obama. Meanwhile, the Republicans are offering a candidate that even the very liberal Massachusetts was pleased with.

Setting aside the fact that I've been convicted of multiple felonies....here are my views of morality. I invite you to consider them.

You are not my judge and jury. And so it is, that you are afraid to take on the topics of the day.
Romney wants to cut Medicaid and food stamps, for starters, in order to pass the savings along to himself,

in the form of tax cuts.

In other words, Romney is in the camp that believes that the poor have too much and the rich have too little.

What sensible Democrat can support that???

good grief

You're about as stupid as they come on this forum and you think people like myself are going to move in YOUR direction?

That might be the dumbest thought you've ever had.

Nobody believes someone LIKE YOU would move....and nobody said that you have to move, just use some brains and not vote Obama back in...easy! :) But we know better. The OP is speaking to only the sensible democrats.

Thanks for playing tho....Lol!

You might be dumber than the OP.

Mitt Romney plans to increase defense spending, cut taxes, and supposedly balance the budget by supposedly making HUGE cuts in domestic non-defense spending, i.e., healthcare for the poor, food stamps, Medicare, etc., etc.

He wants to get rid of Planned Parenthood; he is anti-abortion.

He has a foreign policy staff of advisors that are basically a rerun of the Bush administration.

Now, with that for starters, what Democrat in their right mind would vote for that guy??

Can you give us the policy statement where Romney says he wants to get rid of planned parenthood? Or where he did anything to stop abortion in Mass? That is only one of your smears it should be an easy one. Forget all the rest address that ONE point you made. Being anti-abortion is the moral thing to be I am liking Romney more everyday and posts like yours makes it easy. At least he doesn't look at the unborn as punishment as does Obama.
You've made that point several times and I've accepted that that is how you want to see it. So why are you still arguing it? How about you regard the rest of the OP now. The reality is that we are less prosperous and less free and that being the case their is no rational reason to re-elect Obama. Meanwhile, the Republicans are offering a candidate that even the very liberal Massachusetts was pleased with.

Setting aside the fact that I've been convicted of multiple felonies....here are my views of morality. I invite you to consider them.

You are not my judge and jury. And so it is, that you are afraid to take on the topics of the day.

Setting aside the fact that I've been convicted of multiple felonies....here are my views of morality. I invite you to consider them.

I can see why you want to change the topic....

Being a birther is a bitch, ain't it? Nobody takes you seriously when you harbor such brain-dead, racially motivated, and frankly stupid views.
Setting aside the fact that I've been convicted of multiple felonies....here are my views of morality. I invite you to consider them.

You are not my judge and jury. And so it is, that you are afraid to take on the topics of the day.

Setting aside the fact that I've been convicted of multiple felonies....here are my views of morality. I invite you to consider them.

I can see why you want to change the topic....

Being a birther is a bitch, ain't it? Nobody takes you seriously when you harbor such brain-dead, racially motivated, and frankly stupid views.

Okay, you've trolled me for days now on the same shit. You've called me all manner of names and falsities and I've been a pretty good sport about it most of the time. Either, talke to me like a person now and join the dialogue or I'm moving on with you on my ignore list. What's it gonna be?
You are not my judge and jury. And so it is, that you are afraid to take on the topics of the day.

Setting aside the fact that I've been convicted of multiple felonies....here are my views of morality. I invite you to consider them.

I can see why you want to change the topic....

Being a birther is a bitch, ain't it? Nobody takes you seriously when you harbor such brain-dead, racially motivated, and frankly stupid views.

Okay, you've trolled me for days now on the same shit. You've called me all manner of names and falsities and I've been a pretty good sport about it most of the time. Either, talke to me like a person now and join the dialogue or I'm moving on with you on my ignore list. What's it gonna be?

Stop being a birther and I'll stop calling you one. What's it gonna be?

You've made your bed with lie after lie or, at the very least, misquotes, half truths, malicious intent, and an arrogance that you have certainly not earned. So when someone calls you on it and you try to simply wipe it away by saying it is not the subject...it doesn't work.

I'm sure you'll not miss my input while on your ignore list. We both know you'll read most of what I write. Feel free to respond or not. I certainly will not miss your lame attempts to draw attention away from your tripe.
Sensible Democrat. Oxymoron of the decade. The old party of Hubert Humphrey and Scoop Jackson is long dead. Now it's the party of Bill Clinton and Barney Frank.

Hey, that's Mrs. Barney Frank to you, bub!
Sensible Democrat. Oxymoron of the decade. The old party of Hubert Humphrey and Scoop Jackson is long dead. Now it's the party of Bill Clinton and Barney Frank.

That's why I don't use the term "democrat" or "liberal" I prefer "progressive."

They've progressed passed the right and now they're in the spectrum of authoritarianism and fascism.

They're the new right wing....
"I speak to sensible Democrats. We will need your help to get rid of the historically terrible president, Obama "

Sorry sensible people understand that President Obama in not a terrible President. Only the nutters think that.
" Democrats: We invite you to come to your senses and stop the Obamanation
I speak to sensible Democrats"

sensible? good luck with that
Setting aside the fact that I've been convicted of multiple felonies....here are my views of morality. I invite you to consider them.

I can see why you want to change the topic....

Being a birther is a bitch, ain't it? Nobody takes you seriously when you harbor such brain-dead, racially motivated, and frankly stupid views.

Okay, you've trolled me for days now on the same shit. You've called me all manner of names and falsities and I've been a pretty good sport about it most of the time. Either, talke to me like a person now and join the dialogue or I'm moving on with you on my ignore list. What's it gonna be?

Stop being a birther and I'll stop calling you one. What's it gonna be?

You've made your bed with lie after lie or, at the very least, misquotes, half truths, malicious intent, and an arrogance that you have certainly not earned. So when someone calls you on it and you try to simply wipe it away by saying it is not the subject...it doesn't work.

I'm sure you'll not miss my input while on your ignore list. We both know you'll read most of what I write. Feel free to respond or not. I certainly will not miss your lame attempts to draw attention away from your tripe.

Nah - Once you're on the ignore list, I would not likely often read your stale satire (if at all).

You're being a craved lunatic by making everything about me and my arguments boil down to one issue which we disagree upon.

I'm not a liar for believing that Obama was born in Kenya. You know that, we all know that. It's based on more than enough prevalent evidence. Nonetheless, I've declared 'agree to disagree' but you can't move on (dot org). That's what psychopaths do dude.

This is your final warning. I've told you that I accept our disagreement. But if you are going to continue to have but one argument to everything "you're a liar birther" then I'm just frankly not interested. That makes you a dullard not worthy of my time. And I don't mean to be condescending but that's the black and white truth.

So you go ahead and make your decision but you can't say I didn't warn you.
That was thoughtful and from a right 'nutter' (aka traditional normal capitalist) I honestly don't think there is one in DC heck I know most Republicans are rinos to. But the moderate voters are who your really appealing to and I think the people that pay little attention will lean towards Romney no doubt at all by November.
" Democrats: We invite you to come to your senses and stop the Obamanation
I speak to sensible Democrats"

sensible? good luck with that

We've yet to have one come to this thread and it may not happen. But there are a lot of sensible (albeit naive) democrats out there and it is our duty to get them not to continue the madness of Obama.

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