Democrats were right! The President DID collude, and money changed hands! Republicans were duped!

"President Trump says AG Barr will be giving a press conference tomorrow when the Mueller report is released and says he may also do a press conference, in radio interview with “WMAL Larry O’Connor Show”"

You mean Roy Cohn.
Wait, wait, I know what the problem is, and FORGIVE me my Leftist fellow posters, you don't want a link from a crazy, right wing site. Now I feel really badly. I can understand your chagrin, and so I, the WHOSURE, will rectify the situation for you, and again, forgive me.

Below, I will post a link from the CHARMING AND DELIGHTFUL, Washington Post...……………..a source that YOU know and claim, is accurate. I would NEVER want to mislead you, and so you feel comfortable, please read what the Washington Post had to say-)

You know Leftists, even I have to admit the Washington Post piece is far more conclusive, and even has source notes. Amazing how our President got away with his COLLUSION, and so did the 1st Lady!

Anyone interested on HOW A PRESIDENT COLLUDED with a Communist regime with the help of his WIFE, should read the bible of the left on this matter, The Washington Post link.

Corruption, COLLUSION, foreign interference in our elections, it is all THERE! You see, the Democrats DID have it correct, just their timeline was off-)

And oh yeah, the Vice President was INVOLVED TOO! Isn't that FASCINATING!

If the Left is REALLY worried about COLLUSION and foreign interference, do you think they will now tell us how happy they were and are, that we helped them dodge a bullet?

LOLOLOL, not a chance! They are the biggest phony-e-baloneys and CLOWN SHOW, this side of the former Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus-)
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And to think, we BELIEVED in our President. This is a travesty against our election laws, and everything Democrats hold close to their hearts in our country. COLLUSION?!?!?!?!?! Why, he was obviously a traitor, should be at the least put in jail, or maybe put on trial for TREASON, and forced to pay the consequences.

Chime in Leftists, I am sure you agree-) We have the goods, and people have already been convicted.

Late JUSTICE, is better than no JUSTICE at all, is it not!
Well folks, I surrender, I really do!

I have shown with indictments and CONVICTIONS FOR COLLUSION and ELECTION INTERFERENCE by a FOREIGN POWER, that which Leftists care so much about, and not a peep from them.

When you show them what actually happened, they head for the hills. Maybe I should NOT have shown the 1st Lady was involved, and they might have shown up. What do you think? And, I even included a link from their 2nd bible, the Washington Post. I am scratching my head, are you?

What this portends is simple-------------->when the DOJ starts indicting people for their involvement in spygate, they will again AVOID those threads, head for the hills, and start a new phony narrative. They aren't interested in STOPPING COLLUSION or FOREIGN INTERFERENCE, they want it, as long as it pushes their side. We see that with their "closed eyes" policy with ILLEGAL ALIENS.

And yet, you are a Russian puppet, Orange Man should be brought up on treason, you are a bigot, etc.

Are their words/statements worth the air that was used to form the words they use? NO! They are phony as the day is long!

If Trump was a one term President, and 3 years from now, or even 10 years from now, new information was revealed that he ACTUALLY DID get with Russia to sway elections, do you think they would ignore it? Of COURSE NOT, and neither would we. Everyone would insist he face the consequences.

Not so with the Leftists, if a Leftist is involved. It is not really the crime they want to push, it is the NARRATIVE, as long as they can hang it on a Republican/Conservative/Libertarian. This is how Socialism/Communism/Fascism works. They use PROPAGANDA, and now GASLIGHTING on social media.

If you let this pass; especially since the 1st Lady was involved, you as Republicans are DAMN FOOLS. They have been gushing about COLLUSION for 2 and 1/2 years, and here you have PROOF POSITIVE that the 1st lady was involved in this COLLUSION; therefore, if it is soooooooooo important to Democrat/Leftists, you should MAKE THEM THANK YOU, for saving them from that which they have INSISTED for over 2 years, was something that was so heinous, that a duly elected President should be IMPEACHED for.

Do NOT miss this opportunity, or we MIGHT be as dumb as they think we are.

Have a great evening!

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