Democrats who were in the Klan.

So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan

Complete bullshit. First, there's no such thing as the "Democrat party" [sic] and second, the Klan was founded by six Confederate war vets with no political affiliation, died after less than a decade and then was re-formed by a defrocked Methodist minister and salesman who also had no political affiliation. That's historical fact.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

Absolute bullshit. The Klan didn't even EXIST when McKinley was in office. It had been gone since the early 1870s and wasn't re-formed until 1915 --- fourteen years after McKinley was dead.

Where the fuck do you get this absurd crapola?

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

Wrong again. The Klan wasn't even (re-)formed until late in Wilson's first term, and it didn't spread until the 1920s. Present your evidence. I'm sure it'll be entertaining.

Why the fuck would a sitting President ---- join the Klan anyway?

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.
Wrong again. No such evidence.

Present it.

That aside, I find it remarkable that the Democrat party supposedly changed its ways and renounced the Klan,

No doubt you do, since you're this degree of ignorant. The fact is the DemocratIC Party, if that's what you're trying to say, was never in a position to "renounce" something it was never part of. The Klan went out of its way to avoid political affiliations -- although it did for a period in the 1920s offer support or resistance to certain politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, for its own advantage.

And by the way --- nice LINK.

Struggling with your democrat party ownership of the kkk....I can't blame you.....

I don't "own" any part of either; I just happen to know the history. That's why I made the points above that cannot be refuted. Because they're not arguments --- they're historical fact.

Guess what -- Fact wins over myths. By definition. Don't like it? Tough titty.

Go ahead --- just TRY to prove me wrong. I've been on this site going on four years and no one ever has.
Go for it, Junior.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan

Complete bullshit. First, there's no such thing as the "Democrat party" [sic] and second, the Klan was founded by six Confederate war vets with no political affiliation, died after less than a decade and then was re-formed by a defrocked Methodist minister and salesman who also had no political affiliation. That's historical fact.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

Absolute bullshit. The Klan didn't even EXIST when McKinley was in office. It had been gone since the early 1870s and wasn't re-formed until 1915 --- fourteen years after McKinley was dead.

Where the fuck do you get this absurd crapola?

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

Wrong again. The Klan wasn't even (re-)formed until late in Wilson's first term, and it didn't spread until the 1920s. Present your evidence. I'm sure it'll be entertaining.

Why the fuck would a sitting President ---- join the Klan anyway?

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.
Wrong again. No such evidence.

Present it.

That aside, I find it remarkable that the Democrat party supposedly changed its ways and renounced the Klan,

No doubt you do, since you're this degree of ignorant. The fact is the DemocratIC Party, if that's what you're trying to say, was never in a position to "renounce" something it was never part of. The Klan went out of its way to avoid political affiliations -- although it did for a period in the 1920s offer support or resistance to certain politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, for its own advantage.

And by the way --- nice LINK.

Struggling with your democrat party ownership of the kkk....I can't blame you.....

I don't "own" any part of either; I just happen to know the history. That's why I made the points above that cannot be refuted. Because they're not arguments --- they're historical fact.

Guess what -- Fact wins over myths. By definition. Don't like it? Tough titty.

Go ahead --- just TRY to prove me wrong. I've been on this site going on four years and no one ever has.
Go for it, Junior.
Of course not....they own you.....

Except for back in the day the Democrat party was openly courting the Klan, and democrats founded the Klan and democrats for many years voted down laws that empowered blacks and still to this day have kept none of their promises to blacks. Just look at Detroit or Chicago.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan

Complete bullshit. First, there's no such thing as the "Democrat party" [sic] and second, the Klan was founded by six Confederate war vets with no political affiliation, died after less than a decade and then was re-formed by a defrocked Methodist minister and salesman who also had no political affiliation. That's historical fact.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

Absolute bullshit. The Klan didn't even EXIST when McKinley was in office. It had been gone since the early 1870s and wasn't re-formed until 1915 --- fourteen years after McKinley was dead.

Where the fuck do you get this absurd crapola?

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

Wrong again. The Klan wasn't even (re-)formed until late in Wilson's first term, and it didn't spread until the 1920s. Present your evidence. I'm sure it'll be entertaining.

Why the fuck would a sitting President ---- join the Klan anyway?

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.
Wrong again. No such evidence.

Present it.

That aside, I find it remarkable that the Democrat party supposedly changed its ways and renounced the Klan,

No doubt you do, since you're this degree of ignorant. The fact is the DemocratIC Party, if that's what you're trying to say, was never in a position to "renounce" something it was never part of. The Klan went out of its way to avoid political affiliations -- although it did for a period in the 1920s offer support or resistance to certain politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, for its own advantage.

And by the way --- nice LINK.

Struggling with your democrat party ownership of the kkk....I can't blame you.....

I don't "own" any part of either; I just happen to know the history. That's why I made the points above that cannot be refuted. Because they're not arguments --- they're historical fact.

Guess what -- Fact wins over myths. By definition. Don't like it? Tough titty.

Go ahead --- just TRY to prove me wrong. I've been on this site going on four years and no one ever has.
Go for it, Junior.

But you are wrong you racist turd. Telling lies about owning a Klan library don't help. You are a member of the party of the Klan. You are a racist and it's proven in how you stick up for policy that keeps blacks poor, ignorant and stupid so they keep voting for the party of the Klan. Embrace it dude man. You won't have to Tell so many lies.
Say, how's that research into exactly how Bill McKinley joins a group that doesn't even exist until more than fourteen years after he's dead going?


A fork is already in you man. How much bandwidth you spend on this defending the KKK? I'll take Wimp over coward and racist any day.

1. In a previous post I listed a slew of Klan office-holders who happened to be Republicans. Somehow it does not seem to dawn on the mythology parrots that if their myth were a reality.... then a Democrat operation would not be working to elect Republicans...

Nor would it be working to oppose its own Democrats (Jack Walton... Oscar Underwood.... Al Smith.... Huey Long.... LBJ....) nor would it be railing against and persecuting its own constituents (blacks... Jews.... Catholics.... immigrants..... labor unions....)

The fact remains, Klan Democrats were opposed by rational Democrats, and Klan Republicans were opposed by rational Republicans. In Maine for example, which was a flip side of the "Solid South", a state where everybody was a Republican, Klanner Owen Brewster was countered and put down by anti-Klanner Arthur Gould. Al Smith and Oscar Underwood, the leading denouncer of the Klan at the time, opposed and blocked William Gibbs McAdoo at the Democratic convention simply because he was endorsed by the Klan in the same way Klanners endorsed Barry Goldwater and Donald Rump. Huey Long declared that if the Imperial Wizard came to Louisiana to campaign against him, he'd be leaving "with his toes turned up".

This was an infestation opposed in greater or lesser degrees by politicians of both parties --- like anything else, usually according to whether it would help them get elected or hurt their opponent.

Somehow all this flies over their collective pointy little head in favor of "what feels good to post". A wishful thinking exercise full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

It continues to stupefy me that there walk among us those who actually think some user-generated meme they find on Googly Images ...... somehow trumps historical fact. It's some kind of mental condition. The OP here actually has William McKinley a member of an organization that literally didn't even exist in his professional lifetime. Just because some Google Image generator put it on a poster without doing basic homework.

That's an astounding degree of self-delusion. Gullible's Travels.

2. Indeed, the function of political parties is simply to consolidate and organize power channels, yet there also walk among us those who strain to believe --- simply because they really really want to --- that the terms "Democrat" and "Republican" somehow mean today what they've always meant ideologically, which is quite impossible. Republicans when the party started were the Liberals and for their time quite radical in general, while the conservatives and "states rights" small decentralized government advocates were Democrats.

They continue to ignore the significant turn of the century shift when the Republican Party shook off its radical element and took on the interests of the wealthy and corporations, beginning in McKinley and culminating with its 1912 rejection of Roosevelt in favor of the corporate-minded Taft, and the Democrats beginning with William Jennings Bryan took on the Populist movement, culminating in FDR, which in large part repopulated them both ideologically. This is where the African American vote shifted from solid R to solid D, creating a bipolar condition where proponents of racism and victims of it shared the same party until LBJ excised it in 1964.

That looks like a wonderfully erudite link. I look forward to perusing it and thanks for putting it up.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.
Woodrow Wilson is one of the worlds greatest shitbags ever known...
Say, how's that research into exactly how Bill McKinley joins a group that doesn't even exist until more than fourteen years after he's dead going?


A fork is already in you man. How much bandwidth you spend on this defending the KKK? I'll take Wimp over coward and racist any day.

Ah, the revisionist historian awakes.

Figured out how a man who's dead for at least 14 years can join an organization in the future yet?
Or do you just post shit because it "feels good"?

Dumbass. No wonder you're too embarrassed to name your source. You got played, big time.

Donald Trump strikes me as a Bircher.

I dunno, some of his rhetoric hot air -- mostly he strikes me as a whore. An automaton who will say anything to anyone at any time, and then contradict it ten minutes later, if it serves the interest of Approval for Numero Uno, which is his Prime Directive. He's using the entire electorate as a Yuuuuge ego trip, because he doesn't have the stones to feel self-assured.

It's undoubtedly got something to do with those itty-bitty stubby fingers.

Except for back in the day the Democrat party was openly courting the Klan, and democrats founded the Klan and democrats for many years voted down laws that empowered blacks and still to this day have kept none of their promises to blacks. Just look at Detroit or Chicago.

Are you sure you want to march down a "back in the day" line of reasoning with me?
The Democratic Party did not, as an official act, declare/found/establish the KKK.

But that is a mere fig leaf as 100% of the members of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats in the South for its first 20 years of existence and it received the aid, comfort and protection of Democrats across the South. and None of that came from Republicans that regarded the KKK as traitors and terrorists.

Yeah, and conservatives have been telling that same thing to you libtards about the USA, the Catholic Church and Western Civilization in general since 1960.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan

Complete bullshit. First, there's no such thing as the "Democrat party" [sic] and second, the Klan was founded by six Confederate war vets with no political affiliation, died after less than a decade and then was re-formed by a defrocked Methodist minister and salesman who also had no political affiliation. That's historical fact.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

Absolute bullshit. The Klan didn't even EXIST when McKinley was in office. It had been gone since the early 1870s and wasn't re-formed until 1915 --- fourteen years after McKinley was dead.

Where the fuck do you get this absurd crapola?

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

Wrong again. The Klan wasn't even (re-)formed until late in Wilson's first term, and it didn't spread until the 1920s. Present your evidence. I'm sure it'll be entertaining.

Why the fuck would a sitting President ---- join the Klan anyway?

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.
Wrong again. No such evidence.

Present it.

That aside, I find it remarkable that the Democrat party supposedly changed its ways and renounced the Klan,

No doubt you do, since you're this degree of ignorant. The fact is the DemocratIC Party, if that's what you're trying to say, was never in a position to "renounce" something it was never part of. The Klan went out of its way to avoid political affiliations -- although it did for a period in the 1920s offer support or resistance to certain politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, for its own advantage.

And by the way --- nice LINK.

Struggling with your democrat party ownership of the kkk....I can't blame you.....

I don't "own" any part of either; I just happen to know the history. That's why I made the points above that cannot be refuted. Because they're not arguments --- they're historical fact.

Guess what -- Fact wins over myths. By definition. Don't like it? Tough titty.

Go ahead --- just TRY to prove me wrong. I've been on this site going on four years and no one ever has.
Go for it, Junior.

But you are wrong you racist turd. Telling lies about owning a Klan library don't help. You are a member of the party of the Klan.

Once again Hunior -- the Klan didn't have a "party". I've invited you to prove me wrong, and you FAILED. And that's because you are what we call in clinical terms a "loser".

>> Farnsworth reportedly spoke at length about two classes in America: Catholics and Protestants. He stated that the Catholic Church held a number of political prisoners, and he expressed concern that there were increasing numbers of Catholic teachers in public schools, working as policemen in cities, and controlling the courts. Farnsworth acknowledged that the Klan was a militant organization, with no political affiliations to a specific party. << (here)​

Ever figure out why a "Democrat" organization would be working to get Republicans elected? Or Democrats defeated?
Ever figure out how Bill McKinley left instructions in his will that if the Klan were organized in the future he should get a membership retroactively?



You are a racist and it's proven in how you stick up for policy that keeps blacks poor, ignorant and stupid so they keep voting for the party of the Klan. Embrace it dude man. You won't have to Tell so many lies.

Do I now.

--- Link?

--- Quote?

--- Post number?

--- Thread?

--- any kind of citation whatsoever?


Didn't think so. Loser.
The Democratic Party did not, as an official act, declare/found/establish the KKK.

But that is a mere fig leaf as 100% of the members of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats in the South for its first 20 years of existence and it received the aid, comfort and protection of Democrats across the South. and None of that came from Republicans that regarded the KKK as traitors and terrorists.

Yeah, and conservatives have been telling that same thing to you libtards about the USA, the Catholic Church and Western Civilization in general since 1960.

The Klan didn't have a "first 20 years of existence". It was eradicated in less than a decade.
Officially it lasted a few days over three years. Unofficially it was what happened before and after being organized under Forrest that brought terrorism, when it was a loose vigilante movement. That is in fact why Forrest disbanded it, ordered its regalia destroyed and denounced such tactics.

And it's highly unlikely that "100% of the members of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats in the South", as having a political party is not some kind of automatic. It has to be initiated by each person and not everyone registers to vote at all. Nor would it be relevant as the Klan wasn't pushing a political agenda. So it's extremely unlikely that "100%" of any group were Democrats, or Republicans, or any other party, anywhere, ever.

A more complete description from historian Elaine Franz Parsons, which we've posted many times before:

>> "Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own." << link

-- not exactly a unified politics.
Lucy Hamilton last night cited the presence of black spies in the Klan as well a number of posts back....

The second Klan lasted (officially) for 28½ years, Thanksgiving 1915 to April 23 1944, peaking in the decade of the 1920s when it hired a PR firm to sell itself to the public nationwide and numbering its membership in the millions as it sought to profit from the xenophobia and racism that was rampant in the time.

All Klan activity from 1944 to the present has been, as was the Klan activity from Forrest's disband order in 1869 for the next four years, local vigilantes playing dress-up without a corporate head, mimicking the mysteries of the past.

They, like the OP, fueled on mythology, misinformation and shit they like to believe because it "feels good" rather than facts. That kind of intellectual food poisoning abject ignorance is what has always fueled the Klan, and that's why I rail against such ignorance.
Last edited:
The Democratic Party did not, as an official act, declare/found/establish the KKK.

But that is a mere fig leaf as 100% of the members of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats in the South for its first 20 years of existence and it received the aid, comfort and protection of Democrats across the South. and None of that came from Republicans that regarded the KKK as traitors and terrorists.

Wrong answer....
  • All frogs are amphibians, but not all amphibians are frogs.
  • Cats have claws, but not all animals with claws are cats.

Would you like to try making your point using a different line of reason, one that's rationally valid, to make your point?
The Democratic Party did not, as an official act, declare/found/establish the KKK.

But that is a mere fig leaf as 100% of the members of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats in the South for its first 20 years of existence and it received the aid, comfort and protection of Democrats across the South. and None of that came from Republicans that regarded the KKK as traitors and terrorists.

Yeah, and conservatives have been telling that same thing to you libtards about the USA, the Catholic Church and Western Civilization in general since 1960.

The Klan didn't have a "first 20 years of existence". It was eradicated in less than a decade.
Officially it lasted a few days over three years. Unofficially it was what happened before and after being organized under Forrest that brought terrorism, when it was a loose vigilante movement. That is in fact why Forrest disbanded it, ordered its regalia destroyed and denounced such tactics.

And it's highly unlikely that "100% of the members of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats in the South", as having a political party is not some kind of automatic. It has to be initiated by each person and not everyone registers to vote at all. Nor would it be relevant as the Klan wasn't pushing a political agenda. So it's extremely unlikely that "100%" of any group were Democrats, or Republicans, or any other party, anywhere, ever.

A more complete description from historian Elaine Franz Parsons, which we've posted many times before:

>> "Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own." << link

-- not exactly a unified politics.
Lucy Hamilton last night cited the presence of black spies in the Klan as well a number of posts back....

The second Klan lasted (officially) for 28½ years, Thanksgiving 1915 to April 23 1944, peaking in the decade of the 1920s when it hired a PR firm to sell itself to the public nationwide and numbering its membership in the millions as it sought to profit from the xenophobia and racism that was rampant in the time.

All Klan activity from 1944 to the present has been, as was the Klan activity from Forrest's disband order in 1869 for the next four years, local vigilantes playing dress-up without a corporate head, mimicking the mysteries of the past.

They, like the OP, fueled on mythology, misinformation and shit they like to believe because it "feels good" rather than facts. That kind of intellectual food poisoning abject ignorance is what has always fueled the Klan, and that's why I rail against such ignorance.

You're sure more generous than I'm am these days, responding to that comment as though it had enough merit to deserve a substantive rebuttal. I've had it with the absurd lines or argument folks offer around here.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

and? are they now?

no. kkk trash are all republicans now.

but thanks for the historical note which illustrates how all of you white supremacist trash went over to the GOP as soon as the civil rights laws were passed.

imagine that. :cuckoo:

Proof? None? I figured racist. You Klan members are still as active as ever. That's why you build your abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and discourage adoption. That as well as why you all are all for the hoodrat killing each other. Keeps the numbers just high enough so you can control them with food stamps and afdc. Much cleaner then when y'all used to burn crosses in their yards and hang them.

That's such a bunch of bull.

Abortion clinics are built one - where there is a need and two, more likely, where they are allowed. There is nothing racist about abortion and just to quell the old canard here and now - Sangor did NOT support abortion.

Truth is - KKK has always been rightwing, extreme rightwing. When the Dems in the South represented the rightwing there - they attracted the KKK. Now that the Pubs are in control of the south - the KKK is attracted to them.

Neither party SIPPORTS the KKK and neither party has any control over who supports them.

The main point though, is groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazi's are RIGHTWING extremists. We, the left - get the commies. You need to own your own dingbats.

There's only about between 8,000-10,000 KKK members, so it's bizarre why people are getting so hysterical about the pointy white hoods.

In America at one point in your history, the KKK had a membership of several million and not just in the South, there were Northern States also, such as Indiana which had a large and active Klan membership.

I know we had some around here. They even came to the city building to recruit for a rally march. Their were about 5 of them. A dude said that if he saw those five walk through the 4th ward in their Klan stuff he would donate money. No takers.

You need to read the current day KKK platform:

The program

and then, tell us how much of it coincides with liberalism, and how much of coincides with conservatism.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

I agree with alot of your premise but harding and.mckinley were not clan members...Blacknwas and Wilson wasn't a member but he was sympathetic and helped to start the second.klan.

Fact vs. Fiction about President Warren G. Harding

Were five US presidents in fact members of the KKK?

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