Democrats who were in the Klan.

So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

I agree with alot of your premise but harding and.mckinley were not clan members...Blacknwas and Wilson wasn't a member but he was sympathetic and helped to start the second.klan.

Fact vs. Fiction about President Warren G. Harding

Were five US presidents in fact members of the KKK?

Oh fucking bullshit. Wilson was a sitting President when "Colonel Joe" Simmons -- on his own with remnants of the "Knights of Mary Phagan" --- founded the second Klan in Atlanta on Stone Mountain.

Wilson was a racist and an asshole but he had nothing to do with running off to Georgia on Thanksgiving to traipse up a mountain with a defrocked minister con artist to start a Klan. That's absurd.

Prove me wrong.

I've already pointed out to the head-up-the-ass OP that the Klan didn't even EXIST in McKinley's time and demanded he show his source. He of course ran away.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

I agree with alot of your premise but harding and.mckinley were not clan members...Blacknwas and Wilson wasn't a member but he was sympathetic and helped to start the second.klan.

Fact vs. Fiction about President Warren G. Harding

Were five US presidents in fact members of the KKK?

Oh fucking bullshit. Wilson was a sitting President when "Colonel Joe" Simmons -- on his own with remnants of the "Knights of Mary Phagan" --- founded the second Klan in Atlanta on Stone Mountain.

Wilson was a racist and an asshole but he had nothing to do with that.

Prove me wrong.

I've already pointed out to the head-up-the-ass OP that the Klan didn't even EXIST in McKinley's time and demanded he show his source. He of course ran away.

He did, he barred blacks from working in the govt
And he was the one who screened birth of a nation in the white house, which helped create the conditions the second Klan was founded in.
Proof? None? I figured racist. You Klan members are still as active as ever. That's why you build your abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and discourage adoption. That as well as why you all are all for the hoodrat killing each other. Keeps the numbers just high enough so you can control them with food stamps and afdc. Much cleaner then when y'all used to burn crosses in their yards and hang them.

That's such a bunch of bull.

Abortion clinics are built one - where there is a need and two, more likely, where they are allowed. There is nothing racist about abortion and just to quell the old canard here and now - Sangor did NOT support abortion.

Truth is - KKK has always been rightwing, extreme rightwing. When the Dems in the South represented the rightwing there - they attracted the KKK. Now that the Pubs are in control of the south - the KKK is attracted to them.

Neither party SIPPORTS the KKK and neither party has any control over who supports them.

The main point though, is groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazi's are RIGHTWING extremists. We, the left - get the commies. You need to own your own dingbats.

There's only about between 8,000-10,000 KKK members, so it's bizarre why people are getting so hysterical about the pointy white hoods.

In America at one point in your history, the KKK had a membership of several million and not just in the South, there were Northern States also, such as Indiana which had a large and active Klan membership.

I know we had some around here. They even came to the city building to recruit for a rally march. Their were about 5 of them. A dude said that if he saw those five walk through the 4th ward in their Klan stuff he would donate money. No takers.

You need to read the current day KKK platform:

The program

and then, tell us how much of it coincides with liberalism, and how much of coincides with conservatism.

Or for that matter, read the one of a century ago:

>> In its second incarnation, the Klan moved beyond just targeting blacks, and broadened its message of hate to include Catholics, Jews and foreigners. The Klan promoted fundamentalism and devout patriotism along with advocating white supremacy. They blasted bootleggers, motion pictures and espoused a return to "clean" living. Appealing to folks uncomfortable with the shifting nature of America from a rural agricultural society to an urban industrial nation, the Klan attacked the elite, urbanites and intellectuals.

... In the 1920s, the Klan moved in many states to dominate local and state politics. The Klan devised a strategy called the "decade," in which every member of the Klan was responsible for recruiting ten people to vote for Klan candidates in elections. In 1924 the Klan succeeded in engineering the elections of officials from coast to coast, including the mayors of Portland, Maine, and Portland, Oregon. In some states, such as Colorado and Indiana, they placed enough Klansmen in positions of power to effectively control the state government. Known as the "Invisible Empire," the KKK's presence was felt across the country.

But when the Klan came to recruit in the town of Greenville, Mississippi, LeRoy Percy, moved to keep the Klan out of his town. His passionate speech at the Klan's recruitment session convinced townspeople to support a resolution to condemn the Klan. << --- The Klan in the 1920s

More on LeRoy Percy:

>> LeRoy Percy's influence didn't stop at the Mississippi border. A hunting partner of President Theodore Roosevelt and a poker mate of the United States Speaker of the House, Percy had friends on the Supreme Court, in the United States Senate and in the executive office. With his position as governor of a Federal Reserve Bank and as a trustee of both the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations, Percy was on close terms with the major industrialists of his day. A skilled lawyer and back-room politician, he relentlessly pursued his interests in the corridors of Washington and in the boardrooms of Chicago, New York and London.

In the Mississippi Delta, nothing was more vital to the success of Percy's empire than labor. Although he tried repeatedly to lure Northern farmers and immigrants to Washington County, no one but African Americans came in large numbers or stayed long in the area. Guided by a combination of noblesse oblige and calculated self-interest, Percy was determined to convince his workforce that they had a future in the Delta. As a result, conditions for his tenants were among the most favorable in Mississippi. At a time when African Americans in the South were disenfranchised, lynched and chased off their land, Percy saw to it that they received loans for mortgages to buy farms in the Delta. Washington County had African American policemen, judges and mailmen, and the best schools for African Americans in the state. Percy's patrician liberalism paid off. Greenville prospered, and Washington County was an island of comparative civility in the Jim Crow South. In 1910, Percy was appointed to fill a vacant seat in the United States Senate, achieving the highest public office ever held by a member of the Percy family.

Percy's victory was, however, short-lived. His agenda clashed with the populist forces outside the Delta. His greatest rival was the governor of Mississippi, James K. Vardaman, who tapped into populist racial politics and publicly supported white supremacy. When Percy came up for re-election in the Senate, Vardaman's allies came out in full force and crushed Percy in the election. Vardaman won the Senate seat, and his supporters, including the Ku Klux Klan, gained a foothold in the Delta.

Although he had been defeated by racists in his Senate race, Percy would not allow the Klan to take over Washington County. It was vital that he succeed; his wife was Catholic, his partner a Jew and his empire depended on African American labor. In 1922, Percy publicly opposed the Klan, and despite threats on his life, refused to back down. His lone defiance of the Klan caused a national sensation, made Percy a hero, and kept the Klan out of Greenville. <<

And again for those who think this is about keeping some kind of "score" --- Percy was a Democrat. So was Vardaman.
So the Democrat party invented and propagated the Klan, and to this day are still extremely racist to this day. Look at Chicago, Detroit, the 4th ward here in Houston (which is getting better because the folks who live there stopped listening to house negro's like Shell Jackson Lee, a carpet bagger from no new Youk). Anyway, I figure a list of famous Klan members that were and are democrats, so here go's.

1. Justice Hugo L. Black a supreme court justice who never left or disavowed the organization.

2. William McKinley a republican. Dang, one for one!

3. Woodrow Wilson, damn, imagine the scandal if a modern president was found to be Klan member, and wasn't a Republican. And democrats, even Bammer canonized this dreg. What a dummy.

4. Warren G. Harding. Dang.

Looking at the list, there is way to many racist democrats to list. Seriously, do a serch on it.

I agree with alot of your premise but harding and.mckinley were not clan members...Blacknwas and Wilson wasn't a member but he was sympathetic and helped to start the second.klan.

Fact vs. Fiction about President Warren G. Harding

Were five US presidents in fact members of the KKK?

Oh fucking bullshit. Wilson was a sitting President when "Colonel Joe" Simmons -- on his own with remnants of the "Knights of Mary Phagan" --- founded the second Klan in Atlanta on Stone Mountain.

Wilson was a racist and an asshole but he had nothing to do with that.

Prove me wrong.

I've already pointed out to the head-up-the-ass OP that the Klan didn't even EXIST in McKinley's time and demanded he show his source. He of course ran away.

He did, he barred blacks from working in the govt
And he was the one who screened birth of a nation in the white house, which helped create the conditions the second Klan was founded in.

So lemme get this straight....

Screening a movie --- which was storming the country with controversy at the time --- causes some third party in Georgia to restart the Klan? Are you retarded?

Simmons was ALREADY going to start the Klan. He was taking advantage of the national xenophobic racism and the notoriety of the Leo Frank lynching --- and timed his charge up Stone Mountain to coincide with the opening of "Birth of a Nation" in Atlanta. *NONE* of which had anything to do with what Wilson was doing in the White House.

Holy SHIT the density you people expect to get away with here..... unfuckingbelievable.

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov, 1980
Well since he was quoted in the movie and screened it at the white house signaled tacit approval by the president....Wilson gushed over the movie.......the klan knew the govt wouldn't get in.the way.

"The Birth of a Nation" 100 Years Later: Why Woodrow Wilson's Embrace of the KKK Still Matters

Read your own article. Nowhere does it say, indicate or suggest that Wilson endorsed, protected, or approved of the Klan. And certainly doesn't say anything about helping to found it, which was your original absurd claim.

It actually says nothing whatsoever about any direct relationship between Wilson and the Klan --- which didn't take off as an influence or grow its membership until Wilson was already out of office anyway.

Prove me wrong.

Again -- the second Klan was completely Simmons' idea. He was a defrocked minister, salesman, club membership salesman, con artist and drunk. He was out first and foremost to make a profit by milking memberships out of exploiting racism and xenophobia. An old tactic that is still in use today.
Well since he was quoted in the movie and screened it at the white house signaled tacit approval by the president....Wilson gushed over the movie.......the klan knew the govt wouldn't get in.the way.

"The Birth of a Nation" 100 Years Later: Why Woodrow Wilson's Embrace of the KKK Still Matters

Read your own article. Nowhere does it say, indicate or suggest that Wilson endorsed, protected, or approved of the Klan. And certainly doesn't say anything about helping to found it, which was your original absurd claim.

It actually says nothing whatsoever about any direct relationship between Wilson and the Klan --- which didn't take off as an influence or grow its membership until Wilson was already out of office anyway.

Prove me wrong.

Again -- the second Klan was Simmons' idea. He was a defrocked minister, salesman, club membership salesman, con artist and drunk.

Pogo...he didn't join them.....but he was an inspiration to them......and they were founded after his favorite movie which he was quoted in premiered and was screened by Wilson in the white house. He tacitly approved do know.what tacitly means, correct?
Well since he was quoted in the movie and screened it at the white house signaled tacit approval by the president....Wilson gushed over the movie.......the klan knew the govt wouldn't get in.the way.

"The Birth of a Nation" 100 Years Later: Why Woodrow Wilson's Embrace of the KKK Still Matters

Read your own article. Nowhere does it say, indicate or suggest that Wilson endorsed, protected, or approved of the Klan. And certainly doesn't say anything about helping to found it, which was your original absurd claim.

It actually says nothing whatsoever about any direct relationship between Wilson and the Klan --- which didn't take off as an influence or grow its membership until Wilson was already out of office anyway.

Prove me wrong.

Again -- the second Klan was Simmons' idea. He was a defrocked minister, salesman, club membership salesman, con artist and drunk.

Pogo...he didn't join them.....but he was an inspiration to them......and they were founded after his favorite movie which he was quoted in premiered and was screened by Wilson in the white house. He tacitly approved do know.what tacitly means, correct?

Of course. I'm a musician.
You still can't demonstrate any relationship between Wilson and the Klan, or any position from Wilson at all. Which is a backtrack from your original position that he "helped to start" it, which remains an absurdity.

And that's because while he was in office they were just founded and weren't anything significant yet. And also because actually endorsing them would have been stupid. No POTUS has ever done that. The Senators, Governors, Mayors etc that had Klan association fingers pointed at them usually denied it vehemently.
and? are they now?

no. kkk trash are all republicans now.

but thanks for the historical note which illustrates how all of you white supremacist trash went over to the GOP as soon as the civil rights laws were passed.

imagine that. :cuckoo:

Proof? None? I figured racist. You Klan members are still as active as ever. That's why you build your abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and discourage adoption. That as well as why you all are all for the hoodrat killing each other. Keeps the numbers just high enough so you can control them with food stamps and afdc. Much cleaner then when y'all used to burn crosses in their yards and hang them.

That's such a bunch of bull.

Abortion clinics are built one - where there is a need and two, more likely, where they are allowed. There is nothing racist about abortion and just to quell the old canard here and now - Sangor did NOT support abortion.

Truth is - KKK has always been rightwing, extreme rightwing. When the Dems in the South represented the rightwing there - they attracted the KKK. Now that the Pubs are in control of the south - the KKK is attracted to them.

Neither party SIPPORTS the KKK and neither party has any control over who supports them.

The main point though, is groups like the KKK and Neo-Nazi's are RIGHTWING extremists. We, the left - get the commies. You need to own your own dingbats.

There's only about between 8,000-10,000 KKK members, so it's bizarre why people are getting so hysterical about the pointy white hoods.

In America at one point in your history, the KKK had a membership of several million and not just in the South, there were Northern States also, such as Indiana which had a large and active Klan membership.

I know we had some around here. They even came to the city building to recruit for a rally march. Their were about 5 of them. A dude said that if he saw those five walk through the 4th ward in their Klan stuff he would donate money. No takers.

You need to read the current day KKK platform:

The program

and then, tell us how much of it coincides with liberalism, and how much of coincides with conservatism.

the idiots know that the kkk are all republican since the civil rights act...this particular thing is just another of their trolls.
Well since he was quoted in the movie and screened it at the white house signaled tacit approval by the president....Wilson gushed over the movie.......the klan knew the govt wouldn't get in.the way.

"The Birth of a Nation" 100 Years Later: Why Woodrow Wilson's Embrace of the KKK Still Matters

Read your own article. Nowhere does it say, indicate or suggest that Wilson endorsed, protected, or approved of the Klan. And certainly doesn't say anything about helping to found it, which was your original absurd claim.

It actually says nothing whatsoever about any direct relationship between Wilson and the Klan --- which didn't take off as an influence or grow its membership until Wilson was already out of office anyway.

Prove me wrong.

Again -- the second Klan was Simmons' idea. He was a defrocked minister, salesman, club membership salesman, con artist and drunk.

Pogo...he didn't join them.....but he was an inspiration to them......and they were founded after his favorite movie which he was quoted in premiered and was screened by Wilson in the white house. He tacitly approved do know.what tacitly means, correct?

Of course. I'm a musician.
You still can't demonstrate any relationship between Wilson and the Klan, or any position from Wilson at all. Which is a backtrack from your original position that he "helped to start" it, which remains an absurdity.

And that's because while he was in office they were just founded and weren't anything significant yet. And also because actually endorsing them would have been stupid. No POTUS has ever done that. The Senators, Governors, Mayors etc that had Klan association fingers pointed at them usually denied it vehemently.

And incidentally where do you get this malarkey that BofaN was Wilson's "favorite movie"??

Wiki sez:

>> Thomas Dixon, Jr., author of The Birth of a Nation's source play and novel The Clansman, was a former classmate of then-president Woodrow Wilson at Johns Hopkins University. Dixon managed to arrange a screening of The Birth of a Nation at the White House for Wilson, members of his cabinet, and their families, in what was at the time one of the first ever screenings at the White House. Wilson was falsely reported to have said about the film, "It is like writing history with lightning. And my only regret is that it is all so terribly true".[36] Wilson's aide, Joseph Tumulty, denied the claims and said that "the President was entirely unaware of the nature of the play before it was presented and at no time has expressed his approbation of it."[37] Historians believe the quote attributed to Wilson originated with Dixon, who was relentless in publicizing the film. After controversy over the film had grown, Wilson wrote that he disapproved of the "unfortunate production."[38] <<
There goes what was left of your entire argument. Poof.
The Democratic Party did not, as an official act, declare/found/establish the KKK.

But that is a mere fig leaf as 100% of the members of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats in the South for its first 20 years of existence and it received the aid, comfort and protection of Democrats across the South. and None of that came from Republicans that regarded the KKK as traitors and terrorists.

Yeah, and conservatives have been telling that same thing to you libtards about the USA, the Catholic Church and Western Civilization in general since 1960.

The Klan didn't have a "first 20 years of existence". It was eradicated in less than a decade.
Officially it lasted a few days over three years. Unofficially it was what happened before and after being organized under Forrest that brought terrorism, when it was a loose vigilante movement. That is in fact why Forrest disbanded it, ordered its regalia destroyed and denounced such tactics.

And it's highly unlikely that "100% of the members of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats in the South", as having a political party is not some kind of automatic. It has to be initiated by each person and not everyone registers to vote at all. Nor would it be relevant as the Klan wasn't pushing a political agenda. So it's extremely unlikely that "100%" of any group were Democrats, or Republicans, or any other party, anywhere, ever.

A more complete description from historian Elaine Franz Parsons, which we've posted many times before:

>> "Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, bored young men, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own." << link

-- not exactly a unified politics.
Lucy Hamilton last night cited the presence of black spies in the Klan as well a number of posts back....

The second Klan lasted (officially) for 28½ years, Thanksgiving 1915 to April 23 1944, peaking in the decade of the 1920s when it hired a PR firm to sell itself to the public nationwide and numbering its membership in the millions as it sought to profit from the xenophobia and racism that was rampant in the time.

All Klan activity from 1944 to the present has been, as was the Klan activity from Forrest's disband order in 1869 for the next four years, local vigilantes playing dress-up without a corporate head, mimicking the mysteries of the past.

They, like the OP, fueled on mythology, misinformation and shit they like to believe because it "feels good" rather than facts. That kind of intellectual food poisoning abject ignorance is what has always fueled the Klan, and that's why I rail against such ignorance.

You're sure more generous than I'm am these days, responding to that comment as though it had enough merit to deserve a substantive rebuttal. I've had it with the absurd lines or argument folks offer around here.

Lol, the Original KKK was a Democrat organization from start to finish in its first incarnation. It was a Democratic resistance to northern Yankee Republican occupation in the Reconstruction era,. PERIOD.

Lol, take your revisionist history somewhere else, loser.

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The first Klan was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, sometime between December 1865 and August 1866 by six former members of the Confederate army[22] as a fraternal social club inspired at least in part by the then largely defunct Sons of Malta, from which parts of the initiation ceremony were borrowed, with the same purpose: "ludicrous initiations, the baffling of public curiosity, and the amusement for members were the only objects of the Klan."[23] The name is probably derived from the Greek word kuklos (κύκλος) which means circle.[24]

According to The Cyclopædia of Fraternities (1907) "Beginning in April, 1867, there was a gradual transformation... The members had conjured up a veritable Frankenstein. They had played with an engine of power and mystery, though organized on entirely innocent lines, and found themselves overcome by a belief that something must lie behind it all—that there was, after all, a serious purpose, a work for the Klan to do."[23]

Although there was little organizational structure above the local level, similar groups rose across the South and adopted the same name and methods.[25] Klan groups spread throughout the South as an insurgent movement during theReconstruction era in the United States. As a secret vigilante group, the Klan targeted freedmen and their allies; it sought to restore white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder, against black and white Republicans. In 1870 and 1871, the federal government passed the Enforcement Acts, which were successfully enforced in prosecuting and suppressing Klan crimes.[26]

The first Klan had mixed results in terms of achieving its objectives. It seriously weakened the black political establishment through its use of assassinations and threats of violence; it drove some people out of politics. On the other hand, it caused a sharp backlash, with passage of federal laws that historian Eric Foner says were a success in terms of "restoring order, reinvigorating the morale of Southern Republicans, and enabling blacks to exercise their rights as citizens."[27]Historian George C. Rable argues that the Klan was a political failure and therefore was discarded by the Democratic leaders of the South. He says:

the Klan declined in strength in part because of internal weaknesses; its lack of central organization and the failure of its leaders to control criminal elements and sadists. More fundamentally, it declined because it failed to achieve its central objective – the overthrow of Republican state governments in the South.[28]

Lol, the bullshit that you libtards will resort to is just mind boggling.
How many years ago ......?

And has life gotten any better for black people? But I guess up into the 70's democrats never had an issue with whooping the colored folk.

The Democratic Party once had two wings, the liberal wing, and the conservative southern segregationist wing.

One wing is now gone. Guess which one.

Horse shit, Hillary and Bill Clinton run that damned party now and they use it to keep Hispanic wages suppressed and to keep blacks desperate and clinging to the government.

Every black man I have known that became fully informed about the history of the Democratic Party left it and many went to the GOP.

The Democratic party is a nest of lies, pretense and fakery, nothing more.
The Democratic Party did not, as an official act, declare/found/establish the KKK.

But that is a mere fig leaf as 100% of the members of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats in the South for its first 20 years of existence and it received the aid, comfort and protection of Democrats across the South. and None of that came from Republicans that regarded the KKK as traitors and terrorists.

Wrong answer....
  • All frogs are amphibians, but not all amphibians are frogs.
  • Cats have claws, but not all animals with claws are cats.

Would you like to try making your point using a different line of reason, one that's rationally valid, to make your point?

Lol, That is exactly what I am saying.

100% of the original KKK support came from the Democratic Party, though not all Democrats supported the KKK.

The point is that it is 100% hypocritical bullshit for the Democrats of today to pretend that the KKK was a GOP endeavor in any way shape or form.
The Democratic Party did not, as an official act, declare/found/establish the KKK.

But that is a mere fig leaf as 100% of the members of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats in the South for its first 20 years of existence and it received the aid, comfort and protection of Democrats across the South. and None of that came from Republicans that regarded the KKK as traitors and terrorists.

Wrong answer....
  • All frogs are amphibians, but not all amphibians are frogs.
  • Cats have claws, but not all animals with claws are cats.

Would you like to try making your point using a different line of reason, one that's rationally valid, to make your point?

Lol, That is exactly what I am saying.

100% of the original KKK support came from the Democratic Party, though not all Democrats supported the KKK.

The point is that it is 100% hypocritical bullshit for the Democrats of today to pretend that the KKK was a GOP endeavor in any way shape or form.
It's also 100% hypocrisy for the Republicans to pretend they had nothing to do with it since they welcomed that element into their party when they fled the Dems.
Klan groups spread throughout the South as an insurgent movement

As a secret vigilante group, the Klan

the Original KKK was a Democrat organization from start to finish in its first incarnation.

It was a Democratic resistance to northern Yankee Republican occupation

Composition Fallacy:
As I alluded to earlier, Crixus' assertion about the relationship between and nascence of the "legacy" KKK and the Democratic Party is factually inaccurate and rationally unsupportable. The Klan was an organization created by people who were Democrats. The Democratic Party did not create the KKK.

Recall what Crixus wrote and my response to what he wrote:

I'm not aiming to revise history; I'm asking tacitly that folks retell it accurately. Democratic individuals founding of the KKK is not the same thing as the Democratic Party creating the KKK. I'm not at all denying that the original or later KKK was an organization of which the vast majority (if not all) of members were Democrats.

It's also worth noting that back then Democrats were the conservatives in the American political ethos. Then as now, the bigots and racists, the KKK in particular, allied itself with conservatives. That hasn't changed, but the major party that is conservative has shifted from being the Democratic Party to being the Republican Party.
If there's any revisionist history being told in this conversation, it's that of folks who are presenting the Democratic and Republican Parties as though they are today the same ideologically as they were some 60 years ago and before. They simply not.
The Democratic Party did not, as an official act, declare/found/establish the KKK.

But that is a mere fig leaf as 100% of the members of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats in the South for its first 20 years of existence and it received the aid, comfort and protection of Democrats across the South. and None of that came from Republicans that regarded the KKK as traitors and terrorists.

Wrong answer....
  • All frogs are amphibians, but not all amphibians are frogs.
  • Cats have claws, but not all animals with claws are cats.

Would you like to try making your point using a different line of reason, one that's rationally valid, to make your point?

Lol, That is exactly what I am saying.

100% of the original KKK support came from the Democratic Party, though not all Democrats supported the KKK.

The point is that it is 100% hypocritical bullshit for the Democrats of today to pretend that the KKK was a GOP endeavor in any way shape or form.

I don't know that I'd call it hypocritical, but "inaccurate" is what I'd call it. One can easily show that the KKK and it's members' values were what were considered "conservative values" from the day the Klan was created right up to today. To say they were and remain the values of a given party is simply not so. The sociopolitical stance of the two major parties has shifted and with that shift, racists' party affiliation has shifted.
Lol, the Original KKK was a Democrat organization from start to finish in its first incarnation. It was a Democratic resistance to northern Yankee Republican occupation in the Reconstruction era,. PERIOD.


It was founded by six Confederate veteran soldiers -- young guys (20s) who were bored. It had no political purpose at all. Actually it had no purpose of any kind; it was an inside idle joke. That's exactly why it has all those silly K-alliterations. A joke. NONE of those six were involved in politics at all and as far as anyone knows had no political affiliations. And besides, it was 1865 --- Tennessee wasn't even in the Union (readmitted in 1866), so nobody had the right to vote in a country they didn't belong to anyway.

None of which is to dismiss the Klan itself as a joke --- that original idea was taken over by the vigilante elements of "night riders" or "slave patrols" ---- but those had already existed before even the Civil War. They simply took over the Klan regalia and office names -- those K-alliterations. By then the six founders had long since lost control and it had spread far beyond Pulaski anyway. So in effect what started out as a joke was infiltrated by sinister elements --- but neither of them had political purposes.

In any case the fact that these insurgents, who were in effect continuing a Civil War they didn't want to concede losing, resisted occupying forces who also happened to be Republicans ---- doesn't make them therefore "Democrats". That's what's called a False Dichotomy. In reality in that place and time as any other, not everybody is a member of a political party, NOR were they resisting that element as a consequence OF their political party. They were resisting that element on the basis of their being, as they saw them, invaders.

Go ahead --- prove me wrong.

In fact -- read your OWN POST. All that pasted text in blue restates what I just said.

You cannot view everyday political life of 1865 through the lens of 2016. Entirely different context.
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Unfortunately for Republicans the KKK now flocks to their party. Especially with nationalist Trump as leader.
100% of the original KKK support came from the Democratic Party, though not all Democrats supported the KKK.

Nope. Once again you don't read too good. Klan support came from frustrated poor whites, militant soldiers unwilling to surrender, thugs and similar elements, as I've already posted in more detail. None of them needed a political purpose to get there; undoubtedly some number were Democrats but undoubtedly some number were Librans and some number were brown-eyed.

The point is that it is 100% hypocritical bullshit for the Democrats of today to pretend that the KKK was a GOP endeavor in any way shape or form.

Where did anyone ever suggest that?

What exactly is this hangup you children have with trying to paint a political label on everything? Are you retarded?
The Klan was an organization created by people who were Democrats.

I'm not aiming to revise history; I'm asking tacitly that folks retell it accurately. Democratic individuals founding of the KKK is not the same thing as the Democratic Party creating the KKK. I'm not at all denying that the original or later KKK was an organization of which the vast majority (if not all) of members were Democrats.

Actually there's no evidence that any of them had any political affiliation. As well, the founder of the rekindled Klan fifty years later (Simmons) didn't have one either.

And as already noted, in 1865 Tennessee was occupied territory, not part of the United States with no voting rights, so being a "Democrat" would have been kind of pointless.

Very true, I've pointed this out repeatedly. I can't help noticing as well that they seem to operate from this weird perspective that dictates, because they are obsessed with politics and labels, therefore everyone else in the world must be too. They seem to waddle around in this binary-bot kind of hallucination where everything in existence is either made of "Democrat" or "Republican" elements, as if some kind of light switch.

It's kind of pathetic to watch.

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