Democrats Will No Longer Allow GOP Lawmakers to View Transcripts from Impeachment Hearings

That's OK...payback is a bitch!

Did Barr just sign 3 arrest warrants?

They're just getting warmed up.
Don't worry about this....The things they are "going" to do will make this look insignificant.
Their intent is a complete coup of the American system. Laws and Constitution are irrelevant.
Whoever wins in the final analysis is who history will judge righteous.
Had Hitler won WW2, the world would be idolizing him today. Statutes of him everywhere.
Fortunately, good men did something. Unlike in America today.

All that is required for evil, corrupt men to prevail, is for good men to do nothing.

And there ya are
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They're just getting warmed up.
Don't worry about this....The things they are "going" to do will make this look insignificant.
Their intent is a complete coup of the American system. Laws and Constitution are irrelevant.
Whoever wins in the final analysis is who history will judge righteous.
Had Hitler won WW2, the world would be idolizing him today. Statutes of him everywhere.
Fortunately, good men did something. Unlike in America today.

All that is required for evil, corrupt men to prevail, is for good men to do nothing.

And there ya are

Good men and women are doing something. They're impeaching the corrupt, lawless president in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America.
Good men and women are doing something. They're impeaching the corrupt, lawless president in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America.

Nazi's called Hitler a "good man". You're doing the same and probably can't see it.
Poor thing.....Trump hasn't done a thing and you've been after him since election day. FAR too much CNN
You're so lost I'm surprised you can figure out which way to turn to use the potty.

PS....the lawless are Pelosi, Schiff and schumer & company.

And I can guarantee you this personally....
If "your side" ultimately prevails, YOU will personally be far worse off than you bargained for.
You can take that to the bank and deposit it.

They're just getting warmed up.
Don't worry about this....The things they are "going" to do will make this look insignificant.
Their intent is a complete coup of the American system. Laws and Constitution are irrelevant.
Whoever wins in the final analysis is who history will judge righteous.
Had Hitler won WW2, the world would be idolizing him today. Statutes of him everywhere.
Fortunately, good men did something. Unlike in America today.

All that is required for evil, corrupt men to prevail, is for good men to do nothing.

And there ya are

Good men and women are doing something. They're impeaching the corrupt, lawless president in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America.


They are not impeaching anyone.

They are trying to gather and manufacture secret.

They're just getting warmed up.
Don't worry about this....The things they are "going" to do will make this look insignificant.
Their intent is a complete coup of the American system. Laws and Constitution are irrelevant.
Whoever wins in the final analysis is who history will judge righteous.
Had Hitler won WW2, the world would be idolizing him today. Statutes of him everywhere.
Fortunately, good men did something. Unlike in America today.

All that is required for evil, corrupt men to prevail, is for good men to do nothing.

And there ya are

Good men and women are doing something. They're impeaching the corrupt, lawless president in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America.
Exactly what statutes has President Trump violated?
They have to hold secret meetings, since they will have to fake evidence and commit other criminal acts, plus they need to assess what crimes of theirs will have to be outed under oath as well; it will suck when Biden has to take the 5th 300 times an hour if called to testify in court, and the Hillary whitewash involved many RICO violations as well, just for starters. Now we see coke head Hunter Biden getting investigated and outed in a criminal investigation, with more to come for many other Democrats.

They're just getting warmed up.
Don't worry about this....The things they are "going" to do will make this look insignificant.
Their intent is a complete coup of the American system. Laws and Constitution are irrelevant.
Whoever wins in the final analysis is who history will judge righteous.
Had Hitler won WW2, the world would be idolizing him today. Statutes of him everywhere.
Fortunately, good men did something. Unlike in America today.

All that is required for evil, corrupt men to prevail, is for good men to do nothing.

And there ya are

Good men and women are doing something. They're impeaching the corrupt, lawless president in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America.
Exactly what statutes has President Trump violated?

Depends on what evidence they can forge and lie about.

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