
Really? You're now running porn stars for office and electing them? you guys are sick. No wonder the left is about grooming, they are only about sex and the cry of racism.....what a degenerate bunch of commies.

And the winner or the most insane OP of the year is...


All that matters is her politics.

Care to post about those?

Also, there are no leftist or communist Democrats.


Probably as many in the Democrat Party as in the Republican Party.
Really? You're now running porn stars for office and electing them? you guys are sick. No wonder the left is about grooming, they are only about sex and the cry of racism.....what a degenerate bunch of commies.

Whoever she/he is, I'm sure she has Trump's vote; he loves his porn stars.
In US politics, true evil has manifested itself as the Democrat Party. Democrats promote:

  • Groomers (teachers and others who push abnormal sexual lifestyles onto little kids)
  • Infanticide (abortion and late term abortion)
  • Marxism/Socialism
  • Child Genital Mutilation (many threads here on that already)
  • Stripping of Free Speech Rights
  • Stripping of Religious Rights
  • Stripping of Right to Bear Arms
  • CRT Hate and Racism
  • Election Theft
  • Open Borders
  • Destructive Monetary and Economic Policies
  • High Taxes
  • Massive Debt-Causing Spending

I could continue but those should be sufficient to horrify any good person who has even a minimal moral compass. Anyone who says that the Democrat Party does not support these things is an obvious liar. They are all provable beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The Democrat Party ultimately must be designated as a hate group and dissolved. Their involvement in slavery and the Civil War should have dissolved them long ago. The organization should be broken up and its' assets distributed to African Americans for reparations.
Well in District 57, consisting of parts of Charlottesville and Albemarle County, it's going to be a dem one way or the other so she's better lookin' that what is there now. ;)

Sally Hudson


And the winner or the most insane OP of the year is...


All that matters is her politics.

Care to post about those?

Also, there are no leftist or communist Democrats.


Probably as many in the Democrat Party as in the Republican Party.
What does morality matter?

This is what Ben Franklin thought in regard to the importance of morality.

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”​

Ben knew that only a moral people could be a free people. This is because in order to maintain a civil society, man must be moral. But how does one be forced to be moral? Man himself can choose to self-impose moral guidelines, or the state will be forced to impose it upon him or her.

I think whether the Left understands this or not, or perhaps they are just naturally driven that direction, their instinct is to attack the moral fiber of society, knowing that this is the key to Despotism they seem so eager to embrace.

Remember, the Founding Fathers came from a society that came from those seeking religious freedom. That is the only reason it was as successful as it was, and was as free as long as it was.

The world may never see another nation like it.
What does morality matter?
It matters.

I'd never vote for Bush II or Cheney for instance, nor Biden.

Doing porn?

I care not.
This is what Ben Franklin thought in regard to the importance of morality.
Ben Footlong Franklin?

Is he still doing porn?

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”​

Ben knew that only a moral people could be a free people.
Sounds good; I'll never vote for Haley or Pence or Clinton. :)
This is because in order to maintain a civil society, man must be moral.
See above.
But how does one be forced to be moral?
One doesn't; also, morality differs from person to person.


Man himself can choose to self-impose moral guidelines, or the state will be forced to impose it upon him or her.
I think whether the Left understands this or not,
The left?

I though this chick was running as a Democrat?
or perhaps they are just naturally driven that direction, their instinct is to attack the moral fiber of society, knowing that this is the key to Despotism they seem so eager to embrace.
Remember, the Founding Fathers came from a society that came from those seeking religious freedom.
Jefferson raped underage slaves, as did Washington.

Doesn't sound too moral to me.
That is the only reason it was as successful as it was,
See above.
and was as free as long as it was.
Long and uncut? :eek:
The world may never see another nation like it.
No more slaves being raped?

Sounds good on two counts.

It matters.

I'd never vote for Bush II or Cheney for instance, nor Biden.

Doing porn?

I care not.

Ben Footlong Franklin?

Is he still doing porn?

Sounds good; I'll never vote for Haley or Pence or Clinton. :)

See above.

One doesn't; also, morality differs from person to person.




The left?

I though this chick was running as a Democrat?


Jefferson raped underage slaves, as did Washington.

Doesn't sound too moral to me.

See above.

Long and uncut? :eek:

No more slaves being raped?

Sounds good on two counts.

I in no way meant to imply that the Founding Fathers were saints, but they at least knew enough to hide the slaves they were secretly having sex with instead of posting proudly those sex acts on Instagram.

How would any of us react if our son or daughter posted crap like that on the internet, or decided to become a prostitute?

We all know it's wrong, but many will pretend otherwise as they pretend none of it matters.

Sin is the human condition, but the more we embrace it the faster they spiral the drain.

Keep in mind you are reading this from the vantage point of a society that is drowning in pornography, so you probably view me as a prudish freak. But go back a few hundred years and the notion that this is normal and acceptable would have been seen as absurd.
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I in no way meant to imply that the Founding Fathers were saints, but they at least knew enough to hide the slaves they were secretly having sex with instead of posting proudly those sex acts on Instagram.
In fairness, Instagram took FOREVER to load back then.

TikTok was even worse.
How would any of us react if our son or daughter posted crap like that on the internet, or decided to become a prostitute?
Is she your son/daughter?

How old is she?

If she's old enough to run and has good policies, I care not if she shook her tits online.
We all know it's wrong, but many will pretend otherwise as they pretend none of it matters.
We all know nothing of the kind.
Sin is the human condition, but the more we embrace it the faster they spiral the drain.
Shaking it online = Not sin
Keep in mind you are reading this from the vantage point of a society that is drowning in pornography, so you probably view me as a prudish freak.
But go back a few hundred years and the notion that this is normal and acceptable would have been seen as absurd.
200 years ago...

Slavery = Normal/acceptable

Marrying a 12 year old = Normal/acceptable

Dying in childbirth = Normal/acceptable

Beating your (12 year old) wife = Normal/acceptable


I'll take 2023 with all its online booty shaking.
In fairness, Instagram took FOREVER to load back then.

TikTok was even worse.

Is she your son/daughter?

How old is she?

If she's old enough to run and has good policies, I care not if she shook her tits online.

We all know nothing of the kind.

Shaking it online = Not sin


200 years ago...

Slavery = Normal/acceptable

Marrying a 12 year old = Normal/acceptable

Dying in childbirth = Normal/acceptable

Beating your (12 year old) wife = Normal/acceptable


I'll take 2023 with all its online booty shaking.
If your rant is meant to defend porn as good for society, you failed.

Any idea what the suicide rate in the porn industry is?

Any idea the amount of crime in and around strip clubs?

Any idea how many pedophiles first got lead down that road through regular porn, etc?

There is far more evidence that porn is bad for society than good for it.

Sex is the union of two people to reproduce that has a spiritual component, but porn turns it into a materialistic commodity.

Love is what makes life worth living, but porn takes love out of sex and leaves you empty.

It is sad that you can't see that.
Whoever she/he is, I'm sure she has Trump's vote; he loves his porn stars.
He'd hit it maybe. I will say a democrat with out tats, piercings and blue hair, that is new. But still not appropriate for an elected official.

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