DemoRATS have now declared political civil war....

It was said very specifically. "I need a favor." Trump asked for dirt on Biden for his own personal gain, and he held up foreign aid to coerce Ukraine. That is the very definition of corruption.

something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act: to ask a favor.

Definition of favor |

Now, even if the President did issue a quid pro quo, there is nothing illegal about it since presidents in the past (and VP's like Biden) did the very exact same thing.

After Zelensky agreed to play Trump's stupid game.

You don't know that, and it's just a leftist opinion, not fact.

Because there isn't any.

You don't know that either. And if there isn't any, there is no quid pro quo because there was no exchange.

Good luck with that.

Thanks, but given the fact the investigation was changed to a criminal investigation so quickly, it seems we won't be needing any luck.
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They already don't
I've seen polls ranging from high 40's to high 50's. And the public hearings are just getting started.

At this point in Nixon's impeachment proceedings, not a single Republican voted to proceed either and public support was lower.

I laugh
It's like a grand jury
Only the prosecution has leaked charges
The defense has done nothing yet
This is the highest point that you will achieve

Once the FISA abuse is in the actual public domain
Once Durham puts his report into the public domain
Once the foreign influence is in the public domain
You guys will be lucky to have 10%

Trump refuses to put a war room together to fight the impeachment.
Again, it goes back to his narcissism and sociopathy.
He thinks he "alone can do it".
What a fucking fool.
I dunno.... Every time he puts a team together that's supposed to specialize in something they invariably make things worse. I think he operates on his own level are there really isn't anyone else around he can partner with.


The American People are the War Room.


Sounds nice, but it's total hogwash in this case. What you're saying is that it's okay to make anything a Republican president does become against the law just because you lost the election.
The problem with going down this slippery-slope is it will make anything any president does become grounds for impeachment...if it doesn't go along with the desires of the majority in the House. That's essentially a breach of the separation of powers and institutes mob rule.....which is not a Democracy.
We elected the democrats in the house specifically to hold the president accountable for his actions. It's not like Trump's own people didn't warn him he was on dangerous ground with the Ukraine affair but he did it anyway. Blame him for being stupid and lacking in foresight.
Trump wasn't warned by his own people.
None of these witnesses are his own people.
Everyone who supported the president can see this for what it is. The Democrats couldn't generate any crimes from the Mueller Investigation so they're trying to create something from normal operating situations. It is purely a political matter, not a legal matter. It's like saying the president isn't allowed to do what presidents before him did because it scares snowflakes.

Trump is trying to get to the bottom of claims of Russian interference in our elections yet Democrats are trying to prevent him from proving who was responsible.
Trump is trying to get to the bottom of Russian hacking by getting Ukraine to investigate Biden??

You must live in some alternate universe. :cuckoo:

A Ukraine court said people in Ukraine put out false information on the Trump campaign, and spoke publicly about Trump negatively. Biden was maobamas point man in Ukraine, was Biden involved in that disinformation campaign? Only way to find out is an investigation. If there's nothing to find, what's the problem?

There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?

They already don't
I've seen polls ranging from high 40's to high 50's. And the public hearings are just getting started.

At this point in Nixon's impeachment proceedings, not a single Republican voted to proceed either and public support was lower.

These impeachment proceeding should be done by the Judiciary committee.
In the House Judiciary Committee;
The vote was 27 to 11, with 6 of the committee's 17 Republicans joining all 21 Democrats in voting to send the article to the House.
The correct way to this.
Chillax, we haven't gotten to drafting articles of impeachment yet. We just entered the open hearings phase yesterday.

Open hearings? Where have you been for 3 yrs. like this is something new started.:laughing0301:
What do you think we have been watching on c-span?
It was a bipartisan vote on the committee for Nixon.
It was bipartisan for Clinton.
This one has always been one sided.
Clinton impeachment was anything but bipartisan

Republicans dominated the hearings and forced testimony
Trump refuses to provide documents or allow his people to testify
Republicans had actual charges filed by the Department Of Justice.
Democrats are in search of possible charges.
Big fucking difference.

Democrats were hoping for some charges from the Mueller Investigation.....but he found nothing...and knew in the first couple of weeks that the whole thing was a fishing expedition.

Kenneth Starr filed 11 charges including 5 counts of perjury, 2 counts of obstruction of justice, 1 count of witness tampering, and abuse of power. Starr Report - Wikipedia
We elected the democrats in the house specifically to hold the president accountable for his actions. It's not like Trump's own people didn't warn him he was on dangerous ground with the Ukraine affair but he did it anyway. Blame him for being stupid and lacking in foresight.
Trump wasn't warned by his own people.
None of these witnesses are his own people.
Everyone who supported the president can see this for what it is. The Democrats couldn't generate any crimes from the Mueller Investigation so they're trying to create something from normal operating situations. It is purely a political matter, not a legal matter. It's like saying the president isn't allowed to do what presidents before him did because it scares snowflakes.

Trump is trying to get to the bottom of claims of Russian interference in our elections yet Democrats are trying to prevent him from proving who was responsible.
Trump is trying to get to the bottom of Russian hacking by getting Ukraine to investigate Biden??

You must live in some alternate universe. :cuckoo:

A Ukraine court said people in Ukraine put out false information on the Trump campaign, and spoke publicly about Trump negatively. Biden was maobamas point man in Ukraine, was Biden involved in that disinformation campaign? Only way to find out is an investigation. If there's nothing to find, what's the problem?

There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?

What office was Mueller running for?
Gimme dirt on Biden, or no aid.

The very definition of corruption.

1) that was never said or even hinted.
2) Ukraine got the aid.
3) Trump has no dirt on Biden from the Ukraine.
4) Durham opened up a criminal investigation that will support Trump in the end.
If I get pulled over for drunk driving and offer the cop $500 to let it go
I get charged with bribing a police officer. He does not have to take the money for me to be convicted

Trump made the offer

So when did Trump make the offer? Certainly not in the phone call. Show me where Trump stated our military aid would be based on if Zelensky conducted an investigation. Page number and paragraph please.

Yes he fucking did.
You're right outta' "1984" pal.

." We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United· States for defense purposes.

The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot..."

That's the part that was left in. The witnesses who have testified said there was a lot more.
The transcript has been heavily edited for morons like you.

Transcript of Trump call with Ukraine’s Zelensky: full text as released by White House

So why didn't the "witnesses" say what was left out? Because there certainly was no threat of Trump withholding the arms deal unless Zelensky complied with Trump's request for a favor in the transcript.
Trump wasn't warned by his own people.
None of these witnesses are his own people.
Everyone who supported the president can see this for what it is. The Democrats couldn't generate any crimes from the Mueller Investigation so they're trying to create something from normal operating situations. It is purely a political matter, not a legal matter. It's like saying the president isn't allowed to do what presidents before him did because it scares snowflakes.

Trump is trying to get to the bottom of claims of Russian interference in our elections yet Democrats are trying to prevent him from proving who was responsible.
Trump is trying to get to the bottom of Russian hacking by getting Ukraine to investigate Biden??

You must live in some alternate universe. :cuckoo:

A Ukraine court said people in Ukraine put out false information on the Trump campaign, and spoke publicly about Trump negatively. Biden was maobamas point man in Ukraine, was Biden involved in that disinformation campaign? Only way to find out is an investigation. If there's nothing to find, what's the problem?

There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?

What office was Mueller running for?

Are you saying running for office makes one immune from investigation? It appears the commies in the house didn't get that memo.

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Total political war has been joined. On the floor of the United Sates House of Representatives on Thursday, the battle lines were drawn — and they could not be more clear or decisive. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “Every member should support allowing the American people to hear the facts for themselves. That is really what this vote is about. It is about the truth, and what is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy.”

Stirring stuff, but not to be outdone, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan fired back, calling into question the origins of the Ukraine investigation that began with a whistleblower’s meeting with Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s staff.

Chiding the chairman, Jordan said, “One member of this body knows who this person is who started this whole darn, crazy process: Chairman Schiff. And what’s this resolution do? Gives him even more power to run this secret proceeding in a bunker in the basement of the Capitol.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Reading through the resolution sounds exactly like a manifest from Soviet Russia....Schitt for brains has been given the power to approve witnesses, limit their testimony, and may or may NOT allow the president to have legal council in attendance for ALL proceedings...if the Republicans did this the ABNORMALS of the left and their slavish co conspirators in the MSM would go nuts!!!!!
Trump followers are the equivalent of the South fighting for economic prosperity at the cost of morality. Bad guys and girls
Anti-Trumpers are the equivalent of the North, saying you do not have to ignore morality and ethics for economic gain. Good guys and girls.
You pick the side you are on.
I've seen polls ranging from high 40's to high 50's. And the public hearings are just getting started.

At this point in Nixon's impeachment proceedings, not a single Republican voted to proceed either and public support was lower.

These impeachment proceeding should be done by the Judiciary committee.
In the House Judiciary Committee;
The vote was 27 to 11, with 6 of the committee's 17 Republicans joining all 21 Democrats in voting to send the article to the House.
The correct way to this.
Chillax, we haven't gotten to drafting articles of impeachment yet. We just entered the open hearings phase yesterday.

Open hearings? Where have you been for 3 yrs. like this is something new started.:laughing0301:
What do you think we have been watching on c-span?
It was a bipartisan vote on the committee for Nixon.
It was bipartisan for Clinton.
This one has always been one sided.
Clinton impeachment was anything but bipartisan

Republicans dominated the hearings and forced testimony
Trump refuses to provide documents or allow his people to testify
Republicans had actual charges filed by the Department Of Justice.
Democrats are in search of possible charges.
Big fucking difference.

Democrats were hoping for some charges from the Mueller Investigation.....but he found nothing...and knew in the first couple of weeks that the whole thing was a fishing expedition.

Kenneth Starr filed 11 charges including 5 counts of perjury, 2 counts of obstruction of justice, 1 count of witness tampering, and abuse of power. Starr Report - Wikipedia
Idiot.... show the forum where the Constitution mandates a DoJ investigation prior to impeaching a president....
These impeachment proceeding should be done by the Judiciary committee.
In the House Judiciary Committee;
The vote was 27 to 11, with 6 of the committee's 17 Republicans joining all 21 Democrats in voting to send the article to the House.
The correct way to this.
Chillax, we haven't gotten to drafting articles of impeachment yet. We just entered the open hearings phase yesterday.

Open hearings? Where have you been for 3 yrs. like this is something new started.:laughing0301:
What do you think we have been watching on c-span?
It was a bipartisan vote on the committee for Nixon.
It was bipartisan for Clinton.
This one has always been one sided.
Clinton impeachment was anything but bipartisan

Republicans dominated the hearings and forced testimony
Trump refuses to provide documents or allow his people to testify
Republicans had actual charges filed by the Department Of Justice.
Democrats are in search of possible charges.
Big fucking difference.

Democrats were hoping for some charges from the Mueller Investigation.....but he found nothing...and knew in the first couple of weeks that the whole thing was a fishing expedition.

Kenneth Starr filed 11 charges including 5 counts of perjury, 2 counts of obstruction of justice, 1 count of witness tampering, and abuse of power. Starr Report - Wikipedia
Idiot.... show the forum where the Constitution mandates a DoJ investigation prior to impeaching a president....
People like you are hopeless.
Separation of powers is one of the key doctrines built into the Constitution by our founding Fathers. Trump's actions are destroying the doctrine that prevents an all powerful leader like a king or dictator. Why do you think Trump is envious of Putin and Kim Jong Un. He wants the same power they have. And idiots like you will give it to him.
You are too fricking stupid to ever understand.
Trump is trying to get to the bottom of Russian hacking by getting Ukraine to investigate Biden??

You must live in some alternate universe. :cuckoo:

A Ukraine court said people in Ukraine put out false information on the Trump campaign, and spoke publicly about Trump negatively. Biden was maobamas point man in Ukraine, was Biden involved in that disinformation campaign? Only way to find out is an investigation. If there's nothing to find, what's the problem?

There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?

What office was Mueller running for?

Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? It appears the commies in the house didn't get that memo.

No, I've said this dozens of times now.... maybe someday a rightard will absorb it... I'm saying someone running for office can't solicit an investigation into another person running for that same office.

Chillax, we haven't gotten to drafting articles of impeachment yet. We just entered the open hearings phase yesterday.

Open hearings? Where have you been for 3 yrs. like this is something new started.:laughing0301:
What do you think we have been watching on c-span?
It was a bipartisan vote on the committee for Nixon.
It was bipartisan for Clinton.
This one has always been one sided.
Clinton impeachment was anything but bipartisan

Republicans dominated the hearings and forced testimony
Trump refuses to provide documents or allow his people to testify
Republicans had actual charges filed by the Department Of Justice.
Democrats are in search of possible charges.
Big fucking difference.

Democrats were hoping for some charges from the Mueller Investigation.....but he found nothing...and knew in the first couple of weeks that the whole thing was a fishing expedition.

Kenneth Starr filed 11 charges including 5 counts of perjury, 2 counts of obstruction of justice, 1 count of witness tampering, and abuse of power. Starr Report - Wikipedia
Idiot.... show the forum where the Constitution mandates a DoJ investigation prior to impeaching a president....
People like you are hopeless.
Separation of powers is one of the key doctrines built into the Constitution by our founding Fathers. Trump's actions are destroying the doctrine that prevents an all powerful leader like a king or dictator. Why do you think Trump is envious of Putin and Kim Jong Un. He wants the same power they have. And idiots like you will give it to him.
You are too fricking stupid to ever understand.
I'm trying.
Chillax, we haven't gotten to drafting articles of impeachment yet. We just entered the open hearings phase yesterday.

Open hearings? Where have you been for 3 yrs. like this is something new started.:laughing0301:
What do you think we have been watching on c-span?
It was a bipartisan vote on the committee for Nixon.
It was bipartisan for Clinton.
This one has always been one sided.
Clinton impeachment was anything but bipartisan

Republicans dominated the hearings and forced testimony
Trump refuses to provide documents or allow his people to testify
Republicans had actual charges filed by the Department Of Justice.
Democrats are in search of possible charges.
Big fucking difference.

Democrats were hoping for some charges from the Mueller Investigation.....but he found nothing...and knew in the first couple of weeks that the whole thing was a fishing expedition.

Kenneth Starr filed 11 charges including 5 counts of perjury, 2 counts of obstruction of justice, 1 count of witness tampering, and abuse of power. Starr Report - Wikipedia
Idiot.... show the forum where the Constitution mandates a DoJ investigation prior to impeaching a president....
People like you are hopeless.
Separation of powers is one of the key doctrines built into the Constitution by our founding Fathers. Trump's actions are destroying the doctrine that prevents an all powerful leader like a king or dictator. Why do you think Trump is envious of Putin and Kim Jong Un. He wants the same power they have. And idiots like you will give it to him.
You are too fricking stupid to ever understand.

What you all don't understand is the vast majority of baby boomers hate socialism and communists.
The exception back in the 60's would be the types like Bernie Sanders and Lee Harvey Oswald.
We grew up with the threat of the U.S.S.R. and Cuba.
It's an insult to him and all of us when you believe the false lies.
TRUMP is a baby boomer who hates those totalitarian indoctrinations.
You all have fallen for the far left political propaganda machine.
Yet the Democratic party has become the one far left radical social democratic party, where no other representation of the other 2 ideologies are wiped out with no representation.
That is not America or what America is all about.
Ahemmm, the Democrats do have the majority in the house, chosen by we the people... and not an electoral college, so OF COURSE they would be the ones to write the rules of this process for the House.

The process is very fair... stop whining about process and find a way to DEFEND Trump, for his alleged wrong doings, IF YOU CAN....
Guess what's going to happen when you LOSE the house next year?

You assholes took our gloves off for us. Don't cry when your political whores start going to prison. The rules that we had in place were changed by you commies, now we can use them against you.

Nah... We already know you're going to riot.


^Triggered and a snowflake. Prison? Please.
Open hearings? Where have you been for 3 yrs. like this is something new started.:laughing0301:
What do you think we have been watching on c-span?
It was a bipartisan vote on the committee for Nixon.
It was bipartisan for Clinton.
This one has always been one sided.
Clinton impeachment was anything but bipartisan

Republicans dominated the hearings and forced testimony
Trump refuses to provide documents or allow his people to testify
Republicans had actual charges filed by the Department Of Justice.
Democrats are in search of possible charges.
Big fucking difference.

Democrats were hoping for some charges from the Mueller Investigation.....but he found nothing...and knew in the first couple of weeks that the whole thing was a fishing expedition.

Kenneth Starr filed 11 charges including 5 counts of perjury, 2 counts of obstruction of justice, 1 count of witness tampering, and abuse of power. Starr Report - Wikipedia
Idiot.... show the forum where the Constitution mandates a DoJ investigation prior to impeaching a president....
People like you are hopeless.
Separation of powers is one of the key doctrines built into the Constitution by our founding Fathers. Trump's actions are destroying the doctrine that prevents an all powerful leader like a king or dictator. Why do you think Trump is envious of Putin and Kim Jong Un. He wants the same power they have. And idiots like you will give it to him.
You are too fricking stupid to ever understand.
I'm trying.
Not you Faun, I meant that for mudwhistle.
Open hearings? Where have you been for 3 yrs. like this is something new started.:laughing0301:
What do you think we have been watching on c-span?
It was a bipartisan vote on the committee for Nixon.
It was bipartisan for Clinton.
This one has always been one sided.
Clinton impeachment was anything but bipartisan

Republicans dominated the hearings and forced testimony
Trump refuses to provide documents or allow his people to testify
Republicans had actual charges filed by the Department Of Justice.
Democrats are in search of possible charges.
Big fucking difference.

Democrats were hoping for some charges from the Mueller Investigation.....but he found nothing...and knew in the first couple of weeks that the whole thing was a fishing expedition.

Kenneth Starr filed 11 charges including 5 counts of perjury, 2 counts of obstruction of justice, 1 count of witness tampering, and abuse of power. Starr Report - Wikipedia
Idiot.... show the forum where the Constitution mandates a DoJ investigation prior to impeaching a president....
People like you are hopeless.
Separation of powers is one of the key doctrines built into the Constitution by our founding Fathers. Trump's actions are destroying the doctrine that prevents an all powerful leader like a king or dictator. Why do you think Trump is envious of Putin and Kim Jong Un. He wants the same power they have. And idiots like you will give it to him.
You are too fricking stupid to ever understand.

What you all don't understand is the vast majority of baby boomers hate socialism and communists.
The exception back in the 60's would be the types like Bernie Sanders and Lee Harvey Oswald.
We grew up with the threat of the U.S.S.R. and Cuba.
It's an insult to him and all of us when you believe the false lies.
TRUMP is a baby boomer who hates those totalitarian indoctrinations.
You all have fallen for the far left political propaganda machine.
Yet the Democratic party has become the one far left radical social democratic party, where no other representation of the other 2 ideologies are wiped out with no representation.
That is not America or what America is all about.
Socialism and Communism ends up with a totalitarian leader. Russia and North Korea are good examples. Trump is envious of Putin and Kim Jong Un.
Bernie Sanders is not the answer but if you do not want totalitarian government you do not want Trump.
Our current government is already a hybrid of capitalism and socialism. The key to prevent a totalitarian government is to keep separation of powers alive and well.
Ahemmm, the Democrats do have the majority in the house, chosen by we the people... and not an electoral college, so OF COURSE they would be the ones to write the rules of this process for the House.

The process is very fair... stop whining about process and find a way to DEFEND Trump, for his alleged wrong doings, IF YOU CAN....

Electoral Collage is the people, counted by each county and is for the Presidential race only.
We the people all chose our representatives.

Trump does not need defending he has done nothing wrong.
I'll be the first to maybe join you if there was actual facts on any of these nothing burger charges.
The reason we say this, is we all know Dems would be screaming Impeachment and taking actions right away if they actually had any real thing.
How many times you gonna believe Schiff when he says I have solid evidence then nothing for three years.

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