DemoRATS have now declared political civil war....

There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?


They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.


Oh, stop it, just stop it. It's been covered and covered over and over. This is right up there with your "Build the Wall" bs that fell flat on it's face.
There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?


They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.

Not when it comes to the president as there is the unanswered question if a sitting president can be indicted when they break the law. Plus, the Constitution authorizes the Congress to take action against a president who's either broken the law or abused the power of their office.
When Obama was President, he wasn't publically denigrating the media, referring to them as the "enemy of the people", harking back to Joseph Stalin's attacks on the media, and probably given to him by Putin, who has already murdered over 200 journalists. Trump's comments have lead to an increase in violent attacks on media, including pipe bombs sent to CNN, a mass shooting in a Washington news outlet, and reporters being physically attacked at Trump's rallies.

Forgetting all the attacks on Trumps people and supporters?

View attachment 287704

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

How many of them were killed? 50 people died in 2018 from right wing terrorist attacks. It's not Trump supporters who are being attack by white supremacists, gunned down in synagogues, or churches.
Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?


They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.

Not when it comes to the president as there is the unanswered question if a sitting president can be indicted when they break the law. Plus, the Constitution authorizes the Congress to take action against a president who's either broken the law or abused the power of their office.

the only action Congress can do is either openly condemn a sitting president or remove him from office. As long as he is in office, Congress can't really take any action. But after he is removed, the Justice Department can and will. Pence must have one hell of a big Pardon Stamp being made right now with plenty of ink.
They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.

Not when it comes to the president as there is the unanswered question if a sitting president can be indicted when they break the law. Plus, the Constitution authorizes the Congress to take action against a president who's either broken the law or abused the power of their office.

the only action Congress can do is either openly condemn a sitting president or remove him from office. As long as he is in office, Congress can't really take any action. But after he is removed, the Justice Department can and will. Pence must have one hell of a big Pardon Stamp being made right now with plenty of ink.
Impeachment is an action and can lead to removal from office.
There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?


They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law
I'm sure he's been told that thousands of times. Lawbreakers in Washington have been telling him that since before he was sworn in. The media has been falsely accusing him of being a dictator and a murderer without one ounce of evidence to prove it. Every bit of evidence they use is from the same anonymous sources. He knows he can't break the law.

But can you tell Hillary the same?

Fuck no!!!

Hillary breaks the law like the rest of us break wind.

But Trump is supposedly the one doing wrong....even though everything they claim he's done has been done by Democrats on a daily basis. We don't just have some secret witness that says they overheard that he did it. We have video evidence of this and we have official documents on record that proves it. So essentially we have a bunch of law-breakers trying to project their crimes onto Trump....which is a habit that communist/Democrats have done since I can remember.
Democrats have been giving foreign aide to countries like Russia and Ukraine....Obama gave a shitload of money to Iran, our worst enemy....which amounted to foreign aide....and they turned around and attacked us and our overseas interests. But all of that foreign aide isn't given away for nothing. Democrats expect something in return.......yet they're going around trying to impeach Trump for something they've done over and over and over again. Joe Biden admitted it on video.
After 25 years, still looking for any enforceable charges against Hillary

Conspiracy Theories are not admissible in a court of law
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.

Not when it comes to the president as there is the unanswered question if a sitting president can be indicted when they break the law. Plus, the Constitution authorizes the Congress to take action against a president who's either broken the law or abused the power of their office.

the only action Congress can do is either openly condemn a sitting president or remove him from office. As long as he is in office, Congress can't really take any action. But after he is removed, the Justice Department can and will. Pence must have one hell of a big Pardon Stamp being made right now with plenty of ink.
Impeachment is an action and can lead to removal from office.

And that is all it can do. The Action happens after the removal. Congress is not a court of law.
Ahemmm, the Democrats do have the majority in the house, chosen by we the people... and not an electoral college, so OF COURSE they would be the ones to write the rules of this process for the House.

The process is very fair... stop whining about process and find a way to DEFEND Trump, for his alleged wrong doings, IF YOU CAN....
Guess what's going to happen when you LOSE the house next year?

You assholes took our gloves off for us. Don't cry when your political whores start going to prison. The rules that we had in place were changed by you commies, now we can use them against you.

Nah... We already know you're going to riot.

Oh so then you will have your revenge on America for daring to oppose the King? Don't worry, democrats will save you from your self destructive authoritarian impulses. call him a King and a tyrant...yet who spied on the press and on his political opponents?
Barack H. Obama.
Who has locked up his critics?
Barack H. Obama.

Right now the only people in Washington that thinks they're kings is Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff.

When Obama was President, he wasn't publically denigrating the media, referring to them as the "enemy of the people", harking back to Joseph Stalin's attacks on the media, and probably given to him by Putin, who has already murdered over 200 journalists. Trump's comments have lead to an increase in violent attacks on media, including pipe bombs sent to CNN, a mass shooting in a Washington news outlet, and reporters being physically attacked at Trump's rallies.

Name one critic of Barrack Obama's who was "locked up". It's Trump and the Trumpkins who regularly chant "Lock her up". I love that General Flynn, who is going to prison, lead that chant at the Republican national convention. It's Trump who is STILL investigating Hillary Clinton and finding nothing. It's Trump who is demanding his "enemies" be investigated.

Flashback--'Obama's War on Whistleblowers': More Prosecuted as Spies than Ever Before | Breitbart

We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.

Not when it comes to the president as there is the unanswered question if a sitting president can be indicted when they break the law. Plus, the Constitution authorizes the Congress to take action against a president who's either broken the law or abused the power of their office.

the only action Congress can do is either openly condemn a sitting president or remove him from office. As long as he is in office, Congress can't really take any action. But after he is removed, the Justice Department can and will. Pence must have one hell of a big Pardon Stamp being made right now with plenty of ink.
Impeachment is an action and can lead to removal from office.

And that is all it can do. The Action happens after the removal. Congress is not a court of law.
I didn't say Congress is a court of law. You seem to he reading more into my posts than I'm posting.
Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?

What office was Mueller running for?

Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? It appears the commies in the house didn't get that memo.

No, I've said this dozens of times now.... maybe someday a rightard will absorb it... I'm saying someone running for office can't solicit an investigation into another person running for that same office.


And where the fuck is that written? All federal law enforcement powers are derived from the President.

What's your thoughts about 6 senators who are running for the same office sitting as jurors?

"And where the fuck is that written?"

I've only posted this about a hundred fucking times now...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
"All federal law enforcement powers are derived from the President."

What is that supposed to mean? The president is above the law? A president can break the law and not face consequences?

"What's your thoughts about 6 senators who are running for the same office sitting as jurors?"

I have no idea what that's supposed to mean either. It bears no resemblance to what Trump did.​

Damn, you really are stuck on stupid. The courts have ruled that simple information is NOT considered a thing of value in a campaign. But Trump didn't even ask for information, he asked for cooperation with the US AG. There's nothing improper about that, well unless you're a fucking commie trying to create shit from thin air.

And those six senators who are running for president have a clear conflict of interest and should be recused form any senate trial.

A Ukraine court said people in Ukraine put out false information on the Trump campaign, and spoke publicly about Trump negatively. Biden was maobamas point man in Ukraine, was Biden involved in that disinformation campaign? Only way to find out is an investigation. If there's nothing to find, what's the problem?

There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?

What office was Mueller running for?


You seemed to draw a correlation between Trump dealing with a foreign nation and Mueller dealing with foreign nations.

Trump's dealing with a foreign nation is illegal since it was for personal gain towards the election in which he's running. I don't see the connection to Mueller, who didn't deal with foreign nations for personal gain; nor could he violate campaign laws, like Trump did, since he wasn't running for any office.

Name one federal law enforcement agency that says Trump broke any law. Congressional and media fabrications don't count.

What is this, the 2000th thread from a blob supporter insisting that civil war has been declared, is coming, or is going on right now? You guys need a new hobby.

You have nothing to worry about....
When the Right "declares war", what it means is they will go on forums and double up on the moaning and complaining.

I'm sure the Left is running for cover :rolleyes:
A Ukraine court said people in Ukraine put out false information on the Trump campaign, and spoke publicly about Trump negatively. Biden was maobamas point man in Ukraine, was Biden involved in that disinformation campaign? Only way to find out is an investigation. If there's nothing to find, what's the problem?

There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?


They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
Yeah, how dare Democrats hold a criminal president accountable.

Yeah, those conflicting opinions are really damning, LMAO. This is nothing but a partisan hit job, 3 years in the making.

Name one federal law enforcement agency that says Trump broke any law. Congressional and media fabrications don't count.

They can't. There are none, except in their heads.
But Hitler was also wrong yet he nearly managed to rule the world and took out 60 million+ people in the process.
People that are dead wrong in every way can still do untold damage.
The Left has declared political war on the Nation and is seizing power, laws be damned.....

The Right says....."but...but....wait just a minute.....doesn't the Constitution say you can't do that? Look here...can you spare a second?.......please?"
Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?


They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.


Oh, stop it, just stop it. It's been covered and covered over and over. This is right up there with your "Build the Wall" bs that fell flat on it's face.

Deflection noted. BTW the wall is being built. But look at the facts, the professionals at the DOJ say Trump didn't violate the law, put that in your political show trial and see if America buy your BS.

If libbies had competed growing up instead of candy ass participation trophies then they would not be such wailing, vindictive candy asses when defeat occurs.
Time to close the media. They are intentionally selling a defective product. We are consumers and consumers have protection rights against manufactures deliberately providing defective products
The media is deliberately manufacturing a defective product and a stop must be put to it. The fact that the media “satisfies” half the population is further condemnation. Imagine if year after year only half of GE toasters worked-would that be allowed to continue?
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Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?


They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.

Not when it comes to the president as there is the unanswered question if a sitting president can be indicted when they break the law. Plus, the Constitution authorizes the Congress to take action against a president who's either broken the law or abused the power of their office.

Your problem is that the professionals at the DOJ reviewed everything and said no law was broken. Your simple political hack claims don't hold any water.


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