DemoRATS have now declared political civil war....

Wtf are you talking about?

1. You aren't dealing with dOnald tRump here. If they say "transcripts" they will be transcripts. Not edited summaries.

2. There were republicans in every one of those depositions. If the released documents are inaccurate do you think they will just sit and take it?

You guys need to learn to think, not just parrot.

He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.
You are th one who is brain dead. You are a member of the Trump cult and he controls your mind.
Wtf are you talking about?

1. You aren't dealing with dOnald tRump here. If they say "transcripts" they will be transcripts. Not edited summaries.

2. There were republicans in every one of those depositions. If the released documents are inaccurate do you think they will just sit and take it?

You guys need to learn to think, not just parrot.

He is talking about Goobers who are not members of the respective Committees, and who were allegedly "not allowed" to read the transcripts. The confused one got his talking points all messed up - they were allowed to read them, but under adult supervision. So, they vaguely felt a sting, like humiliation. Rightly so, I say.

BTW, the White House quite accurately described the released text of the phone call a "memorandum". It's a brain-dead press that doesn't honor language the way it should that called it a "transcript" at least during the initial days after the release.

That's actually correct.
Total political war has been joined. On the floor of the United Sates House of Representatives on Thursday, the battle lines were drawn — and they could not be more clear or decisive. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “Every member should support allowing the American people to hear the facts for themselves. That is really what this vote is about. It is about the truth, and what is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy.”

Stirring stuff, but not to be outdone, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan fired back, calling into question the origins of the Ukraine investigation that began with a whistleblower’s meeting with Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s staff.

Chiding the chairman, Jordan said, “One member of this body knows who this person is who started this whole darn, crazy process: Chairman Schiff. And what’s this resolution do? Gives him even more power to run this secret proceeding in a bunker in the basement of the Capitol.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Reading through the resolution sounds exactly like a manifest from Soviet Russia....Schitt for brains has been given the power to approve witnesses, limit their testimony, and may or may NOT allow the president to have legal council in attendance for ALL proceedings...if the Republicans did this the ABNORMALS of the left and their slavish co conspirators in the MSM would go nuts!!!!!
closed door hearings, coached witnesses, personal political connections, fabricated evidence = illegitimate impeachment
No impeachment has even happened yet. Are you so afraid that you are whining even beforehand?
Total political war has been joined. On the floor of the United Sates House of Representatives on Thursday, the battle lines were drawn — and they could not be more clear or decisive. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “Every member should support allowing the American people to hear the facts for themselves. That is really what this vote is about. It is about the truth, and what is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy.”

Stirring stuff, but not to be outdone, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan fired back, calling into question the origins of the Ukraine investigation that began with a whistleblower’s meeting with Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s staff.

Chiding the chairman, Jordan said, “One member of this body knows who this person is who started this whole darn, crazy process: Chairman Schiff. And what’s this resolution do? Gives him even more power to run this secret proceeding in a bunker in the basement of the Capitol.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Reading through the resolution sounds exactly like a manifest from Soviet Russia....Schitt for brains has been given the power to approve witnesses, limit their testimony, and may or may NOT allow the president to have legal council in attendance for ALL proceedings...if the Republicans did this the ABNORMALS of the left and their slavish co conspirators in the MSM would go nuts!!!!!

Well we survived the Nixon Civil War and the Clinton Civil War- I think we will survive this one.

Not really a fair comparison. With both Nixon and Clinton, there was actual evidence of wrongdoing. This clown car here wants to impeach a President based on opinion and not fact.
What facts are missing from the transcript of the call and what has been testified about it?

Blatant attempt at bribery

Facts like Trump never once threatened to withhold anything from Ukraine based on any investigation. Facts like even if he did, he broke no laws doing it. Presidents have done this all the time in the past, and Biden is a perfect example of it.
And if Trump shot somone on 5th avenue you woul be explainig why it was OK.

And if Democrats said he shot somebody on 5th avenue, you wouldn't even look if there was a body to call him guilty.
1) that was never said or even hinted.
2) Ukraine got the aid.
3) Trump has no dirt on Biden from the Ukraine.
4) Durham opened up a criminal investigation that will support Trump in the end.

1) . Where's Mick Mulvaney, then? Or did you miss that presser where he openly ADMITTED Trump's QPQ and told the reporters to "get over it".

Fox didn't broadcast that?

Then you're just another Trump mushroom thriving in the dark with daily manure thrown in to keep you alive.

What he said is that Presidents have done that all the time, and they did. Slow Joe was speaking on behalf of DumBama when he did his quid pro quo. He stated the President would not give any aid to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor that was on the case of his son's employer.

The transcript between Trump and Zelensky is out there for everybody to read. Democrats can't lie their way out of this one.
Complete word-for-word transcript?

No, the redacted transcript; the only one that could be made available to the public.
Not good enough.

Too bad for you, because that's all you're going to get.

You bitched about Trump's tax returns, and Trump made an offer to Hillary for their release, provided she release the transcripts of her Wall Street speech, no dice.

You bitched about the Mueller report, so that was made public, and you're still complaining.

You bitched about this phone call, and Trump released a redacted version to protect all involved, you're still complaining.

Sorry, but Trump has met the left more than half-way on several of their complaints. They never once reached out to Trump half-way on anything he wanted. So like I said, too bad.
Good God....the woman called Tulsi Gabbart a Russian asset the other day

She called her a REPUBLICAN asset...which you seem to think is the same thing

She called her a Russian asset.
You're the one who thinks they're the same.

"Last month, Hillary Clinton caused quite a furor when she said that Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard was “the favorite of the Russians” and that “[t]hey have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far.”

There wasn’t really any evidence for this, but it was Hillary, so that meant it was high time for some people to go out and create it." Hillary, Obama Would Both Be Classified as Russian Assets Based on John Brennan Statement

“Hillary Clinton got a lot of attention in the past week and a half or so for saying that she was, in her view, believed Tulsi Gabbard … was a Russian asset. And her staff doubled down on that … Do you see what she was talking about there?” Margaret Brennan said, according to Fox News.

Brennan said that while he would leave it to Clinton, he thought it was feasible.

“You can say something is a Russian asset even if it is not intentionally trying to advance Russian interests, but because of what it does or what it says or whatever, it is, in fact, something that is promoting the Russian agenda,” Brennan answered, saying he thought this may have been what she meant about Gabbard being a Russian asset.​
Go find an actual QUOTE where she calls Gabbard a RUSSIAN asset.

You won't find it because she didn't do that.

She said REPUBLICANS were "grooming" Gabbard as a third party candidate

Of course the difference (between being a Republican asset and a Russian asset) is minimal these days right?

She didn't use those exact words, but what she did say meant the same thing. After all, don't you trust CNN"s assessment of what she said?

No, I've said this dozens of times now.... maybe someday a rightard will absorb it... I'm saying someone running for office can't solicit an investigation into another person running for that same office.


I think you are bringing this misunderstanding about, Faun.

The principle is, You cannot use the office for personal gain, or for any purpose other than the interests of the U.S. of A. Like, "Yes, of course, you can get that building permit, but first I need a favor..."

It really is just circumstantial that in Trump's case (this one we know of) it involved a potential competitor for his office. Had he asked for, say, an investigation into a candidate for the U.S. Senate with ties to Ukraine, it would have been just as corrupt.

That said, does anyone believe that, when Trump vanished behind closed doors with Putin and no other U.S. officials present, he negotiated in the best interest of the U.S.?
Because I'm speaking directly about Trump's case. I don't peruse rightard websites but if I did, I have no doubt I would find where they're conflating Trump breaking the law by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival (which is illegal) -- with anyone else investigating anyone running for office (which is not illegal). I've seen far too many righties make that same switch.
Ahemmm, the Democrats do have the majority in the house, chosen by we the people... and not an electoral college, so OF COURSE they would be the ones to write the rules of this process for the House.

The process is very fair... stop whining about process and find a way to DEFEND Trump, for his alleged wrong doings, IF YOU CAN....
Guess what's going to happen when you LOSE the house next year?

You assholes took our gloves off for us. Don't cry when your political whores start going to prison. The rules that we had in place were changed by you commies, now we can use them against you.

Nah... We already know you're going to riot.

Oh so then you will have your revenge on America for daring to oppose the King? Don't worry, democrats will save you from your self destructive authoritarian impulses. call him a King and a tyrant...yet who spied on the press and on his political opponents?
Barack H. Obama.
Who has locked up his critics?
Barack H. Obama.

Right now the only people in Washington that thinks they're kings is Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff.

When Obama was President, he wasn't publically denigrating the media, referring to them as the "enemy of the people", harking back to Joseph Stalin's attacks on the media, and probably given to him by Putin, who has already murdered over 200 journalists. Trump's comments have lead to an increase in violent attacks on media, including pipe bombs sent to CNN, a mass shooting in a Washington news outlet, and reporters being physically attacked at Trump's rallies.

Name one critic of Barrack Obama's who was "locked up". It's Trump and the Trumpkins who regularly chant "Lock her up". I love that General Flynn, who is going to prison, lead that chant at the Republican national convention. It's Trump who is STILL investigating Hillary Clinton and finding nothing. It's Trump who is demanding his "enemies" be investigated.
There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?

What office was Mueller running for?

Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? It appears the commies in the house didn't get that memo.

No, I've said this dozens of times now.... maybe someday a rightard will absorb it... I'm saying someone running for office can't solicit an investigation into another person running for that same office.


And where the fuck is that written? All federal law enforcement powers are derived from the President.

What's your thoughts about 6 senators who are running for the same office sitting as jurors?

"And where the fuck is that written?"

I've only posted this about a hundred fucking times now...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or​

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.​

"All federal law enforcement powers are derived from the President."

What is that supposed to mean? The president is above the law? A president can break the law and not face consequences?

"What's your thoughts about 6 senators who are running for the same office sitting as jurors?"

I have no idea what that's supposed to mean either. It bears no resemblance to what Trump did.​
When Obama was President, he wasn't publically denigrating the media, referring to them as the "enemy of the people", harking back to Joseph Stalin's attacks on the media, and probably given to him by Putin, who has already murdered over 200 journalists. Trump's comments have lead to an increase in violent attacks on media, including pipe bombs sent to CNN, a mass shooting in a Washington news outlet, and reporters being physically attacked at Trump's rallies.

Forgetting all the attacks on Trumps people and supporters?

Unknown 10.18.59 PM.jpeg

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart
Trump is trying to get to the bottom of Russian hacking by getting Ukraine to investigate Biden??

You must live in some alternate universe. :cuckoo:

A Ukraine court said people in Ukraine put out false information on the Trump campaign, and spoke publicly about Trump negatively. Biden was maobamas point man in Ukraine, was Biden involved in that disinformation campaign? Only way to find out is an investigation. If there's nothing to find, what's the problem?

There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?

What office was Mueller running for?


You seemed to draw a correlation between Trump dealing with a foreign nation and Mueller dealing with foreign nations.

Trump's dealing with a foreign nation is illegal since it was for personal gain towards the election in which he's running. I don't see the connection to Mueller, who didn't deal with foreign nations for personal gain; nor could he violate campaign laws, like Trump did, since he wasn't running for any office.
Total political war has been joined. On the floor of the United Sates House of Representatives on Thursday, the battle lines were drawn — and they could not be more clear or decisive. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “Every member should support allowing the American people to hear the facts for themselves. That is really what this vote is about. It is about the truth, and what is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy.”

Stirring stuff, but not to be outdone, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan fired back, calling into question the origins of the Ukraine investigation that began with a whistleblower’s meeting with Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s staff.

Chiding the chairman, Jordan said, “One member of this body knows who this person is who started this whole darn, crazy process: Chairman Schiff. And what’s this resolution do? Gives him even more power to run this secret proceeding in a bunker in the basement of the Capitol.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Reading through the resolution sounds exactly like a manifest from Soviet Russia....Schitt for brains has been given the power to approve witnesses, limit their testimony, and may or may NOT allow the president to have legal council in attendance for ALL proceedings...if the Republicans did this the ABNORMALS of the left and their slavish co conspirators in the MSM would go nuts!!!!!

Well we survived the Nixon Civil War and the Clinton Civil War- I think we will survive this one.

Not really a fair comparison. With both Nixon and Clinton, there was actual evidence of wrongdoing. This clown car here wants to impeach a President based on opinion and not fact.
What facts are missing from the transcript of the call and what has been testified about it?

Blatant attempt at bribery

Facts like Trump never once threatened to withhold anything from Ukraine based on any investigation. Facts like even if he did, he broke no laws doing it. Presidents have done this all the time in the past, and Biden is a perfect example of it.
So it's just coincidence then that trump didn't release the funds for months until he got a sworn affidavit from Viktor Shokin, stating he was actively investigating Burisma Holdings at the time he was forced out by Biden -- even though every other Ukrainian who spoke about it said there was no active investigation at the time.
Trump is trying to get to the bottom of Russian hacking by getting Ukraine to investigate Biden??

You must live in some alternate universe. :cuckoo:

A Ukraine court said people in Ukraine put out false information on the Trump campaign, and spoke publicly about Trump negatively. Biden was maobamas point man in Ukraine, was Biden involved in that disinformation campaign? Only way to find out is an investigation. If there's nothing to find, what's the problem?

There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?

What office was Mueller running for?

Leader of the retards?
Well he was appointed by Republicans so maybe you're onto something there.
Trump is trying to get to the bottom of Russian hacking by getting Ukraine to investigate Biden??

You must live in some alternate universe. :cuckoo:

A Ukraine court said people in Ukraine put out false information on the Trump campaign, and spoke publicly about Trump negatively. Biden was maobamas point man in Ukraine, was Biden involved in that disinformation campaign? Only way to find out is an investigation. If there's nothing to find, what's the problem?

There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?


They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
Yeah, how dare Democrats hold a criminal president accountable.
Because I'm speaking directly about Trump's case. I don't peruse rightard websites but if I did, I have no doubt I would find where they're conflating Trump breaking the law by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival (which is illegal) -- with anyone else investigating anyone running for office (which is not illegal). I've seen far too many righties make that same switch.

Here is what I have found to be a good discussion as to what makes Trump's conduct an impeachable offense.

Investigating a political rival (at home or abroad) is dicey, at best. You are right on that score. It is not by necessity illegal: If it can be demonstrated that this investigation lies, overwhelmingly, in the national interest, the picture might change.
Trump is trying to get to the bottom of Russian hacking by getting Ukraine to investigate Biden??

You must live in some alternate universe. :cuckoo:

A Ukraine court said people in Ukraine put out false information on the Trump campaign, and spoke publicly about Trump negatively. Biden was maobamas point man in Ukraine, was Biden involved in that disinformation campaign? Only way to find out is an investigation. If there's nothing to find, what's the problem?

There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?


They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.

You must mean due to the lies and the deceptions of the current administration and the Republicans in office that are covering up for Rump and his merry band of criminals.

The Dems are doing their jobs. No more free rides.
A Ukraine court said people in Ukraine put out false information on the Trump campaign, and spoke publicly about Trump negatively. Biden was maobamas point man in Ukraine, was Biden involved in that disinformation campaign? Only way to find out is an investigation. If there's nothing to find, what's the problem?

There's no problem with investigating Biden. Trump's problem is he's not legally allowed to be the one to solicit an investigation into it by a foreign nation.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?


They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.


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