Dem's Are Framing Americans As Domestic Terrorists So They Can Do To Us What They Did To Trump In Spygate


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Are Framing Americans As Domestic Terrorists So They Can Do To Us What They Did To Trump In Spygate
Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers, openly smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist.

Democrats Are Framing Americans As Terrorists To Erase Our Rights (
21 Jan 2021 ~~ By Joy Pullmann
Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers under their sole control for two years, smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist. Joe Biden himself called the Capitol protesters “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists” and said his administration will prioritize legislation to increase federal crackdowns on what Democrats consider to be “domestic terrorists.”
The main problem with that is that Democrats openly link Republican Party affiliation and mainstream conservative ideas to “domestic terrorism,” “extremism,” “white supremacy,” and other evils. To the left vanguard of the party that Biden’s administration is marching behind in both personnel and policy, simply supporting lower taxes and believing that “hard work can help you get ahead” is enough to mark you a “racist” and “white supremacist.” These redefined “racists” and “white supremacists” now face increased FBI surveillance, discrimination in military and other careers, suspension of their right to own guns lawfully based only on another person complaining they are a “threat,” public harassment and smears, government and business pressure campaigns and investigations, and more.
As usual, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been a canary in the coalmine. The New Yorker went on Instagram on Jan. 12 to hysterically claim that she felt endangered in a safe room during the Capitol anarchy because Republican members of Congress were also there. She baselessly accused them of being violent “white supremacists” solely due to their political affiliation. This is as stupid as claiming the average Democrat is an arson risk simply because she vocalized support this summer for Black Lives Matter.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hysterically claimed, also without offering any evidence, that Republican members of Congress might bring guns to Biden’s inauguration ceremony. Democrats demanded up to 25,000 National Guard troops to fortify Washington, DC over Biden’s inauguration, on the pretext, fed by an unreliable FBI leak and now proven false, that “armed” “huge uprising were planned for all 50 state capitols. That didn’t happen, and even the initial “evidence” for this wild claim was never very strong from the get-go. (Good job, FBI.)
During the quite legitimate red scare of the 1950s and continuing to this day, the U.S. left has openly provided aid and support to Communists and Communist sympathizers. The Democrat Party is right now appointing actual Communist sympathizers and enablers to key federal positions while imposing pro-leftist ideological tests on members of the U.S. military!
That’s not all. Leftists are now openly calling for the FBI to place spies within conservative groups, and surveil Americans not only through the National Security Agency’s ongoing, uncurtailed, and warrant-less mass phone and internet surveillance of all American citizens at all times, but also through human informants.
It’s these people who want even more power. They believe Trump’s supporters must be cleansed and “mentally deprogrammed.” Don’t be fooled by the cover story about “domestic insurrections.” As civil rights groups are pointing out, those crimes can already be firmly prosecuted under many existing laws. These new laws Democrats want have another purpose.

This type of discriminatory violation of our Civil Liberties are already occurring. Several National Guard were sent home for belonging to such "terrorist organizations" as the NRA.
If suspected of being right-wing, they will spy on your communications. Look for encrypted apps to be soon banned by Apple and Google.
We will see profiling, censorship and enforcement like has not been seen since the WWII internment camps.
The true party of racists and bigots are at it again. This time the target is Red State Americans conservatives throughout America.
Americans viewing TV and Cable should listen carefully to the words of the Ldftists talking heads on CNN, MSBNC, CBS, ABC and NPR regarding the coming restrictions similar to 1930's Nazi Germany and 1950's Stasi under Stalinist Russia....
Democrats Are Framing Americans As Domestic Terrorists So They Can Do To Us What They Did To Trump In Spygate
Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers, openly smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist.

Democrats Are Framing Americans As Terrorists To Erase Our Rights (
21 Jan 2021 ~~ By Joy Pullmann
Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers under their sole control for two years, smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist. Joe Biden himself called the Capitol protesters “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists” and said his administration will prioritize legislation to increase federal crackdowns on what Democrats consider to be “domestic terrorists.”
The main problem with that is that Democrats openly link Republican Party affiliation and mainstream conservative ideas to “domestic terrorism,” “extremism,” “white supremacy,” and other evils. To the left vanguard of the party that Biden’s administration is marching behind in both personnel and policy, simply supporting lower taxes and believing that “hard work can help you get ahead” is enough to mark you a “racist” and “white supremacist.” These redefined “racists” and “white supremacists” now face increased FBI surveillance, discrimination in military and other careers, suspension of their right to own guns lawfully based only on another person complaining they are a “threat,” public harassment and smears, government and business pressure campaigns and investigations, and more.
As usual, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been a canary in the coalmine. The New Yorker went on Instagram on Jan. 12 to hysterically claim that she felt endangered in a safe room during the Capitol anarchy because Republican members of Congress were also there. She baselessly accused them of being violent “white supremacists” solely due to their political affiliation. This is as stupid as claiming the average Democrat is an arson risk simply because she vocalized support this summer for Black Lives Matter.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hysterically claimed, also without offering any evidence, that Republican members of Congress might bring guns to Biden’s inauguration ceremony. Democrats demanded up to 25,000 National Guard troops to fortify Washington, DC over Biden’s inauguration, on the pretext, fed by an unreliable FBI leak and now proven false, that “armed” “huge uprising were planned for all 50 state capitols. That didn’t happen, and even the initial “evidence” for this wild claim was never very strong from the get-go. (Good job, FBI.)
During the quite legitimate red scare of the 1950s and continuing to this day, the U.S. left has openly provided aid and support to Communists and Communist sympathizers. The Democrat Party is right now appointing actual Communist sympathizers and enablers to key federal positions while imposing pro-leftist ideological tests on members of the U.S. military!
That’s not all. Leftists are now openly calling for the FBI to place spies within conservative groups, and surveil Americans not only through the National Security Agency’s ongoing, uncurtailed, and warrant-less mass phone and internet surveillance of all American citizens at all times, but also through human informants.
It’s these people who want even more power. They believe Trump’s supporters must be cleansed and “mentally deprogrammed.” Don’t be fooled by the cover story about “domestic insurrections.” As civil rights groups are pointing out, those crimes can already be firmly prosecuted under many existing laws. These new laws Democrats want have another purpose.

This type of discriminatory violation of our Civil Liberties are already occurring. Several National Guard were sent home for belonging to such "terrorist organizations" as the NRA.
If suspected of being right-wing, they will spy on your communications. Look for encrypted apps to be soon banned by Apple and Google.
We will see profiling, censorship and enforcement like has not been seen since the WWII internment camps.
The true party of racists and bigots are at it again. This time the target is Red State Americans conservatives throughout America.
Americans viewing TV and Cable should listen carefully to the words of the Ldftists talking heads on CNN, MSBNC, CBS, ABC and NPR regarding the coming restrictions similar to 1930's Nazi Germany and 1950's Stasi under Stalinist Russia....
I guess this is something the Right would never do. I've been very impressed with the respect, compassion, and understanding the Right showed to Antifa and BLM protesters. I don't ever recall them equating either group with the Democrats.
The people who stormed the Capitol are domestic terrorists.

The FBI says the greatest threat to America at the moment are extremist right-wing militia/terrorist groups.

So what's the problem?
The unity we have been experiencing for decades that has grown to epic proportions.
The people who stormed the Capitol are domestic terrorists.

The FBI says the greatest threat to America at the moment are extremist right-wing militia/terrorist groups.

So what's the problem?
The unity we have been experiencing for decades that has grown to epic proportions.

The TEA Party did not die but has evolved.. Like the fore-fathers Sons of Liberty there is a Samuel Adams amongst us.

Democrats Are Framing Americans As Domestic Terrorists So They Can Do To Us What They Did To Trump In Spygate
Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers, openly smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist.

Democrats Are Framing Americans As Terrorists To Erase Our Rights (
21 Jan 2021 ~~ By Joy Pullmann
Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers under their sole control for two years, smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist. Joe Biden himself called the Capitol protesters “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists” and said his administration will prioritize legislation to increase federal crackdowns on what Democrats consider to be “domestic terrorists.”
The main problem with that is that Democrats openly link Republican Party affiliation and mainstream conservative ideas to “domestic terrorism,” “extremism,” “white supremacy,” and other evils. To the left vanguard of the party that Biden’s administration is marching behind in both personnel and policy, simply supporting lower taxes and believing that “hard work can help you get ahead” is enough to mark you a “racist” and “white supremacist.” These redefined “racists” and “white supremacists” now face increased FBI surveillance, discrimination in military and other careers, suspension of their right to own guns lawfully based only on another person complaining they are a “threat,” public harassment and smears, government and business pressure campaigns and investigations, and more.
As usual, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been a canary in the coalmine. The New Yorker went on Instagram on Jan. 12 to hysterically claim that she felt endangered in a safe room during the Capitol anarchy because Republican members of Congress were also there. She baselessly accused them of being violent “white supremacists” solely due to their political affiliation. This is as stupid as claiming the average Democrat is an arson risk simply because she vocalized support this summer for Black Lives Matter.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hysterically claimed, also without offering any evidence, that Republican members of Congress might bring guns to Biden’s inauguration ceremony. Democrats demanded up to 25,000 National Guard troops to fortify Washington, DC over Biden’s inauguration, on the pretext, fed by an unreliable FBI leak and now proven false, that “armed” “huge uprising were planned for all 50 state capitols. That didn’t happen, and even the initial “evidence” for this wild claim was never very strong from the get-go. (Good job, FBI.)
During the quite legitimate red scare of the 1950s and continuing to this day, the U.S. left has openly provided aid and support to Communists and Communist sympathizers. The Democrat Party is right now appointing actual Communist sympathizers and enablers to key federal positions while imposing pro-leftist ideological tests on members of the U.S. military!
That’s not all. Leftists are now openly calling for the FBI to place spies within conservative groups, and surveil Americans not only through the National Security Agency’s ongoing, uncurtailed, and warrant-less mass phone and internet surveillance of all American citizens at all times, but also through human informants.
It’s these people who want even more power. They believe Trump’s supporters must be cleansed and “mentally deprogrammed.” Don’t be fooled by the cover story about “domestic insurrections.” As civil rights groups are pointing out, those crimes can already be firmly prosecuted under many existing laws. These new laws Democrats want have another purpose.

This type of discriminatory violation of our Civil Liberties are already occurring. Several National Guard were sent home for belonging to such "terrorist organizations" as the NRA.
If suspected of being right-wing, they will spy on your communications. Look for encrypted apps to be soon banned by Apple and Google.
We will see profiling, censorship and enforcement like has not been seen since the WWII internment camps.
The true party of racists and bigots are at it again. This time the target is Red State Americans conservatives throughout America.
Americans viewing TV and Cable should listen carefully to the words of the Ldftists talking heads on CNN, MSBNC, CBS, ABC and NPR regarding the coming restrictions similar to 1930's Nazi Germany and 1950's Stasi under Stalinist Russia....

maybe they deserve it all ???

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
The people who stormed the Capitol are domestic terrorists.

The FBI says the greatest threat to America at the moment are extremist right-wing militia/terrorist groups.

So what's the problem?
The unity we have been experiencing for decades that has grown to epic proportions.

The TEA Party did not die but has evolved.. Like the fore-fathers Sons of Liberty there is a Samuel Adams amongst us.

I do hope you are correct . . . and "he" isn't a beer.
The people who stormed the Capitol are domestic terrorists.

The FBI says the greatest threat to America at the moment are extremist right-wing militia/terrorist groups.

So what's the problem?
The unity we have been experiencing for decades that has grown to epic proportions.

The TEA Party did not die but has evolved.. Like the fore-fathers Sons of Liberty there is a Samuel Adams amongst us.

Evolved from citizens concerned about debt and deficit under Democrats into Trump sycophants concerned with “owning libs”. That’s devolving not evolving.
Democrats Are Framing Americans As Domestic Terrorists So They Can Do To Us What They Did To Trump In Spygate
Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers, openly smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist.

Democrats Are Framing Americans As Terrorists To Erase Our Rights (
21 Jan 2021 ~~ By Joy Pullmann
Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers under their sole control for two years, smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist. Joe Biden himself called the Capitol protesters “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists” and said his administration will prioritize legislation to increase federal crackdowns on what Democrats consider to be “domestic terrorists.”
The main problem with that is that Democrats openly link Republican Party affiliation and mainstream conservative ideas to “domestic terrorism,” “extremism,” “white supremacy,” and other evils. To the left vanguard of the party that Biden’s administration is marching behind in both personnel and policy, simply supporting lower taxes and believing that “hard work can help you get ahead” is enough to mark you a “racist” and “white supremacist.” These redefined “racists” and “white supremacists” now face increased FBI surveillance, discrimination in military and other careers, suspension of their right to own guns lawfully based only on another person complaining they are a “threat,” public harassment and smears, government and business pressure campaigns and investigations, and more.
As usual, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been a canary in the coalmine. The New Yorker went on Instagram on Jan. 12 to hysterically claim that she felt endangered in a safe room during the Capitol anarchy because Republican members of Congress were also there. She baselessly accused them of being violent “white supremacists” solely due to their political affiliation. This is as stupid as claiming the average Democrat is an arson risk simply because she vocalized support this summer for Black Lives Matter.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hysterically claimed, also without offering any evidence, that Republican members of Congress might bring guns to Biden’s inauguration ceremony. Democrats demanded up to 25,000 National Guard troops to fortify Washington, DC over Biden’s inauguration, on the pretext, fed by an unreliable FBI leak and now proven false, that “armed” “huge uprising were planned for all 50 state capitols. That didn’t happen, and even the initial “evidence” for this wild claim was never very strong from the get-go. (Good job, FBI.)
During the quite legitimate red scare of the 1950s and continuing to this day, the U.S. left has openly provided aid and support to Communists and Communist sympathizers. The Democrat Party is right now appointing actual Communist sympathizers and enablers to key federal positions while imposing pro-leftist ideological tests on members of the U.S. military!
That’s not all. Leftists are now openly calling for the FBI to place spies within conservative groups, and surveil Americans not only through the National Security Agency’s ongoing, uncurtailed, and warrant-less mass phone and internet surveillance of all American citizens at all times, but also through human informants.
It’s these people who want even more power. They believe Trump’s supporters must be cleansed and “mentally deprogrammed.” Don’t be fooled by the cover story about “domestic insurrections.” As civil rights groups are pointing out, those crimes can already be firmly prosecuted under many existing laws. These new laws Democrats want have another purpose.

This type of discriminatory violation of our Civil Liberties are already occurring. Several National Guard were sent home for belonging to such "terrorist organizations" as the NRA.
If suspected of being right-wing, they will spy on your communications. Look for encrypted apps to be soon banned by Apple and Google.
We will see profiling, censorship and enforcement like has not been seen since the WWII internment camps.
The true party of racists and bigots are at it again. This time the target is Red State Americans conservatives throughout America.
Americans viewing TV and Cable should listen carefully to the words of the Ldftists talking heads on CNN, MSBNC, CBS, ABC and NPR regarding the coming restrictions similar to 1930's Nazi Germany and 1950's Stasi under Stalinist Russia....
There was no "spygate!" You SUCKKKERS were HOAXED by lying scum Tramp!!!!!
The people who stormed the Capitol are domestic terrorists.

The FBI says the greatest threat to America at the moment are extremist right-wing militia/terrorist groups.

So what's the problem?
Including John Sullivan--BLM activist.
Sullivan, like his brother, is a Proud Boi.
But you worthless lying scum POS knew that already!!!
Democrats Are Framing Americans As Domestic Terrorists So They Can Do To Us What They Did To Trump In Spygate
Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers, openly smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist.

Democrats Are Framing Americans As Terrorists To Erase Our Rights (
21 Jan 2021 ~~ By Joy Pullmann
Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers under their sole control for two years, smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist. Joe Biden himself called the Capitol protesters “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists” and said his administration will prioritize legislation to increase federal crackdowns on what Democrats consider to be “domestic terrorists.”
The main problem with that is that Democrats openly link Republican Party affiliation and mainstream conservative ideas to “domestic terrorism,” “extremism,” “white supremacy,” and other evils. To the left vanguard of the party that Biden’s administration is marching behind in both personnel and policy, simply supporting lower taxes and believing that “hard work can help you get ahead” is enough to mark you a “racist” and “white supremacist.” These redefined “racists” and “white supremacists” now face increased FBI surveillance, discrimination in military and other careers, suspension of their right to own guns lawfully based only on another person complaining they are a “threat,” public harassment and smears, government and business pressure campaigns and investigations, and more.
As usual, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been a canary in the coalmine. The New Yorker went on Instagram on Jan. 12 to hysterically claim that she felt endangered in a safe room during the Capitol anarchy because Republican members of Congress were also there. She baselessly accused them of being violent “white supremacists” solely due to their political affiliation. This is as stupid as claiming the average Democrat is an arson risk simply because she vocalized support this summer for Black Lives Matter.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hysterically claimed, also without offering any evidence, that Republican members of Congress might bring guns to Biden’s inauguration ceremony. Democrats demanded up to 25,000 National Guard troops to fortify Washington, DC over Biden’s inauguration, on the pretext, fed by an unreliable FBI leak and now proven false, that “armed” “huge uprising were planned for all 50 state capitols. That didn’t happen, and even the initial “evidence” for this wild claim was never very strong from the get-go. (Good job, FBI.)
During the quite legitimate red scare of the 1950s and continuing to this day, the U.S. left has openly provided aid and support to Communists and Communist sympathizers. The Democrat Party is right now appointing actual Communist sympathizers and enablers to key federal positions while imposing pro-leftist ideological tests on members of the U.S. military!
That’s not all. Leftists are now openly calling for the FBI to place spies within conservative groups, and surveil Americans not only through the National Security Agency’s ongoing, uncurtailed, and warrant-less mass phone and internet surveillance of all American citizens at all times, but also through human informants.
It’s these people who want even more power. They believe Trump’s supporters must be cleansed and “mentally deprogrammed.” Don’t be fooled by the cover story about “domestic insurrections.” As civil rights groups are pointing out, those crimes can already be firmly prosecuted under many existing laws. These new laws Democrats want have another purpose.

This type of discriminatory violation of our Civil Liberties are already occurring. Several National Guard were sent home for belonging to such "terrorist organizations" as the NRA.
If suspected of being right-wing, they will spy on your communications. Look for encrypted apps to be soon banned by Apple and Google.
We will see profiling, censorship and enforcement like has not been seen since the WWII internment camps.
The true party of racists and bigots are at it again. This time the target is Red State Americans conservatives throughout America.
Americans viewing TV and Cable should listen carefully to the words of the Ldftists talking heads on CNN, MSBNC, CBS, ABC and NPR regarding the coming restrictions similar to 1930's Nazi Germany and 1950's Stasi under Stalinist Russia....
There was no "spygate!" You SUCKKKERS were HOAXED by lying scum Tramp!!!!!


The people who stormed the Capitol are domestic terrorists.

The FBI says the greatest threat to America at the moment are extremist right-wing militia/terrorist groups.

So what's the problem?
The unity we have been experiencing for decades that has grown to epic proportions.

The TEA Party did not die but has evolved.. Like the fore-fathers Sons of Liberty there is a Samuel Adams amongst us.

The truth is, we need the men and women with leadership abilities to show up. And the tea party must stay free of infections from elites. As it is, the people with money will throw everything they can at candidates to make them look like crazies, insane, depraved and the rest. Which is like many politicians we have already.
The people who stormed the Capitol are domestic terrorists.

The FBI says the greatest threat to America at the moment are extremist right-wing militia/terrorist groups.

So what's the problem?
The unity we have been experiencing for decades that has grown to epic proportions.

The TEA Party did not die but has evolved.. Like the fore-fathers Sons of Liberty there is a Samuel Adams amongst us.

The truth is, we need the men and women with leadership abilities to show up. And the tea party must stay free of infections from elites. As it is, the people with money will throw everything they can at candidates to make them look like crazies, insane, depraved and the rest. Which is like many politicians we have already.

I toltally agree with your logic and analysis...
“hard work can help you get ahead”
Some of those black dudes have been slaving away in a gold mine a bit too long, and they've got “chains” on their necks, nice sunglasses, and drive fancy sports cars. Probably goes along with “reparations” at the auto body shop ...
Democrats Are Framing Americans As Domestic Terrorists So They Can Do To Us What They Did To Trump In Spygate
Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers, openly smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist.

Democrats Are Framing Americans As Terrorists To Erase Our Rights (
21 Jan 2021 ~~ By Joy Pullmann
Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers under their sole control for two years, smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist. Joe Biden himself called the Capitol protesters “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists” and said his administration will prioritize legislation to increase federal crackdowns on what Democrats consider to be “domestic terrorists.”
The main problem with that is that Democrats openly link Republican Party affiliation and mainstream conservative ideas to “domestic terrorism,” “extremism,” “white supremacy,” and other evils. To the left vanguard of the party that Biden’s administration is marching behind in both personnel and policy, simply supporting lower taxes and believing that “hard work can help you get ahead” is enough to mark you a “racist” and “white supremacist.” These redefined “racists” and “white supremacists” now face increased FBI surveillance, discrimination in military and other careers, suspension of their right to own guns lawfully based only on another person complaining they are a “threat,” public harassment and smears, government and business pressure campaigns and investigations, and more.
As usual, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been a canary in the coalmine. The New Yorker went on Instagram on Jan. 12 to hysterically claim that she felt endangered in a safe room during the Capitol anarchy because Republican members of Congress were also there. She baselessly accused them of being violent “white supremacists” solely due to their political affiliation. This is as stupid as claiming the average Democrat is an arson risk simply because she vocalized support this summer for Black Lives Matter.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hysterically claimed, also without offering any evidence, that Republican members of Congress might bring guns to Biden’s inauguration ceremony. Democrats demanded up to 25,000 National Guard troops to fortify Washington, DC over Biden’s inauguration, on the pretext, fed by an unreliable FBI leak and now proven false, that “armed” “huge uprising were planned for all 50 state capitols. That didn’t happen, and even the initial “evidence” for this wild claim was never very strong from the get-go. (Good job, FBI.)
During the quite legitimate red scare of the 1950s and continuing to this day, the U.S. left has openly provided aid and support to Communists and Communist sympathizers. The Democrat Party is right now appointing actual Communist sympathizers and enablers to key federal positions while imposing pro-leftist ideological tests on members of the U.S. military!
That’s not all. Leftists are now openly calling for the FBI to place spies within conservative groups, and surveil Americans not only through the National Security Agency’s ongoing, uncurtailed, and warrant-less mass phone and internet surveillance of all American citizens at all times, but also through human informants.
It’s these people who want even more power. They believe Trump’s supporters must be cleansed and “mentally deprogrammed.” Don’t be fooled by the cover story about “domestic insurrections.” As civil rights groups are pointing out, those crimes can already be firmly prosecuted under many existing laws. These new laws Democrats want have another purpose.

This type of discriminatory violation of our Civil Liberties are already occurring. Several National Guard were sent home for belonging to such "terrorist organizations" as the NRA.
If suspected of being right-wing, they will spy on your communications. Look for encrypted apps to be soon banned by Apple and Google.
We will see profiling, censorship and enforcement like has not been seen since the WWII internment camps.
The true party of racists and bigots are at it again. This time the target is Red State Americans conservatives throughout America.
Americans viewing TV and Cable should listen carefully to the words of the Ldftists talking heads on CNN, MSBNC, CBS, ABC and NPR regarding the coming restrictions similar to 1930's Nazi Germany and 1950's Stasi under Stalinist Russia....
Swearing your allegiance to your Nazi-in-chief, supporting his Nazi/fascist ambitions, joining with him and his Nazi legion in an assault on our nation's Capitol, earns you RWNJs the privilege of being treated like the Nazi enemies of the United States' democracy you have become.

You brought these "problems" on yourselves, due to your complete inability to live in a civilized society, and, obey its laws.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

You brought these "problems" on yourselves, due to your complete inability to live in a civilized society, and, obey its laws.
We're supposed to obey the laws of the civilized society forced on us against our will while you leftists continue to ignore, violate, and defy the Constitution -- which by the letter of the law is the highest law of the land.

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