Dems Are Right: Pelosi’s Attacker Was a Deranged RW MAGA Supporter

All I said is that Republicans silence people they disagree with.

Your links don’t change that at all. It’s irrelevant to the point.
Absolute LIE.Total use of Projection { accusing one's Opposition
of Doing what They Do }.
All I said is that Republicans silence people they disagree with.

Don't look now, but you just accused others of doing what Democrats have done / do.

After the game. Alone. Players not required to join in (but some do).
Now back to my question: Are you allowed to do whatever you want at work?
Democrat have found a new Saul Alinsky rule
Making for 13.
the 13th rule > at every opportunity and cost,make sure
to Not answer the question at hand.But Make use of your
own question as a way to Deflect.
The Joe Madison model.
I only listen to the Sirius XM Talk Radio host a couple times
a week for a few segmens.Today it didn't take long to catch him
in a blatant lie.Two back to back callers were concerned about
all this Social Security talk by Democrats.And both callers
wanted explanations.And Joe " the Black Eagle " more like "Black Toad "
said he didn't know ,wasn't sure."That's strange that never stopped
him before.Because He knew Damn well the SS answer they were
waiting to hear.That no matter if the republicans did take both
the House and the Senate and crafted legislation to cut Social
security ,That the President { Old Joe } could Veto it.
Therefore like Duh.No way the Democrats talking pt. is even
rational.There's no way they could Cut Social Security unless
Joe Biden as Potus doesn't Veto it.
Madison surely knows that.
And what do you think the 'Disinformation Governance Board' was going to do?
Develop best practice recommendations for social media companies and publicize information that combats the harmful effects of disinformation.

Right wing media probably told you a different story.
Develop best practice recommendations for social media companies and publicize information that combats the harmful effects of disinformation.

Right wing media probably told you a different story.
Because " disinformation " may well become the new
Ebola sprouting wings across the fruited plain.?
Talk about Oddball coincidence." Disinformation " is
virtually all the democrats use.
Do you live in some universe where only one side can do it?
You comment does not take away from the fact that you used the pathetic Democrat tactic of accusing others of doing what Democrats have done and regularly do, snowflake.
You comment does not take away from the fact that you used the pathetic Democrat tactic of accusing others of doing what Democrats have done and regularly do, snowflake.
No. That’s a Republican tactic. You’re accusing others of doing what you regularly do.
Cops are still being ambushed and murdeted thanks to Obama and Democrats villainizing / demonizing officers. Stacy Abrams has brrn exposed ss still supporting 'DeFund the Police'.

I agree - what a stupid f*ing idea the left came up with, especially when Dem-run cities like Chicago have the equivalent of a mass shooting every week.
What about people going after FBI agents? What about Jan 6th rioter attacking and severely injuring many police officers? What about defunding FBI
Even if that hastily posted "social media" turn out to be verified it wouldn't prove that DePape wasn't Pelosi's gay prostitute. Prostitutes prefer wealthy clients not clients they'd vote for.

All the Pelosis have to do is release their home security footage. They might as well. There's no legal basis for SFPD to withhold their body cam footage.

The story could have been a nothing burger if Dems hadn't insisted on a hail Mary spin.
All that is being released. How do you know so much about gay prostitutes?
Don't argue let alone debate with those who suffer
challenges.If anyone was instructed in the 50's,60's and
70's to kneel for the playing of our National Anthem they would
face possible jail and be castigated in whatever neighborhood.
This is what Obama helped create.He and Michelle think it cute.
Both Democrat Activist since college.
I was not a fan of the kneeling but to attack the Capitol carrying confederate flags, destroying property within our Capitol, trying to stop the Republican VP from certifying the election. Talking about harming the VP and the speaker of the house. Attacking and harming police officers is 1000 times worse.

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