Dems' attacks on Koch brothers failed

The Koch Brothers are Plutocrats.


Which legislation have they purchased?

Please provide details?

Surely the hate sites instruct you with more than mindless slogans? Yes?

They believe they are entitled to the great wealth they inherited and with great wealth comes a great responsibility - to keep it and grow it. Thus, taxes are evil, regulations are evil, labor unions are evil and the poor are poor because they are inferior.

How is it that you know what they believe? Have you spoken to them? Can you point to a DIRECT source of them making such claims, or are you only spewing what the hates sites have trained you to spew?

If only the poor worked hard they wouldn't be poor for long; easily believed by those who were born with a golden spoon in their mouth.

You mean like Nancy Pelosi? Like Harry Reid, like Pope Algore of the AGW cult, like hundreds of your fellow Socialists who were born into great wealth.

Ah, but that's different, because um, uh, BOOOOSSSSHHHHH.
The Koch Brothers are Plutocrats.


Which legislation have they purchased?

Please provide details?

Surely the hate sites instruct you with more than mindless slogans? Yes?

They believe they are entitled to the great wealth they inherited and with great wealth comes a great responsibility - to keep it and grow it. Thus, taxes are evil, regulations are evil, labor unions are evil and the poor are poor because they are inferior.

How is it that you know what they believe? Have you spoken to them? Can you point to a DIRECT source of them making such claims, or are you only spewing what the hates sites have trained you to spew?

If only the poor worked hard they wouldn't be poor for long; easily believed by those who were born with a golden spoon in their mouth.

You mean like Nancy Pelosi? Like Harry Reid, like Pope Algore of the AGW cult, like hundreds of your fellow Socialists who were born into great wealth.

Ah, but that's different, because um, uh, BOOOOSSSSHHHHH.
So he has to speak to the Koch brothers to know their agenda but somehow, you can just tell that your favorite targets have nefarious plans.
Can you provide what you consider the result of the government being "bought off?" What is it that the Koch brothers are buying? Or attempting to buy?

Nothing everyone knows people give money for no reasons. I mean, its not like money has value or something so your question is correct. What can you buy with money?
The Koch Brothers are Plutocrats.


Which legislation have they purchased?

Please provide details?

Surely the hate sites instruct you with more than mindless slogans? Yes?

They believe they are entitled to the great wealth they inherited and with great wealth comes a great responsibility - to keep it and grow it. Thus, taxes are evil, regulations are evil, labor unions are evil and the poor are poor because they are inferior.

How is it that you know what they believe? Have you spoken to them? Can you point to a DIRECT source of them making such claims, or are you only spewing what the hates sites have trained you to spew?

If only the poor worked hard they wouldn't be poor for long; easily believed by those who were born with a golden spoon in their mouth.

You mean like Nancy Pelosi? Like Harry Reid, like Pope Algore of the AGW cult, like hundreds of your fellow Socialists who were born into great wealth.

Ah, but that's different, because um, uh, BOOOOSSSSHHHHH.

I wasn't born into great wealth, and I'm not a socialist, though between your ears, you believe anyone who believes in regulations and personal responsibility is.

You see, well I'll digress: myopia does cloud your vision, and being intentionally ignorant blinds you - like others on the fringe you cannot see clearly and will not see that which is self evident, but back to the point.

Everyone needs medical attention at some point in their life, and the cost of medical treatment has gone up and up to the level that a serious illness will bankrupt a family. Being a callous conservative, you don't give a shit and being myopic you can't see that someday that might be you or your loved ones to suffer, for lack of money.

The GOP has no plan to replace the PPACA beyond letting the private sector run it as they see fit, and without government oversight. Maybe closing all Public Hospitals will be next on the agenda, then the Medical Complex will have all of us where they want us - cash cows fully dependent on insurance companies.
I wasn't born into great wealth, and I'm not a socialist, though between your ears, you believe anyone who believes in regulations and personal responsibility is.

Quite the opposite; the Socialists advocate for governmental regulation to supplant individual rights and responsibilities - a position of advocacy you occupy.

You see, well I'll digress: myopia does cloud your vision, and being intentionally ignorant blinds you - like others on the fringe you cannot see clearly and will not see that which is self evident, but back to the point.

The "point" that I am blinded to is that hurl charges of "plutocrat" but fail to offer any support, claiming that the accusation alone is sufficient to damn enemies of the party?

Everyone needs medical attention at some point in their life, and the cost of medical treatment has gone up and up to the level that a serious illness will bankrupt a family. Being a callous conservative, you don't give a shit and being myopic you can't see that someday that might be you or your loved ones to suffer, for lack of money.

That's nice, but it does nothing to support your demagoguery against the Koch brothers, and does nothing to excuse the blatant influence peddling by the democrats to well connected looters like George Soros.

The GOP has no plan to replace the PPACA beyond letting the private sector run it as they see fit, and without government oversight. Maybe closing all Public Hospitals will be next on the agenda, then the Medical Complex will have all of us where they want us - cash cows fully dependent on insurance companies.

More absurd demagoguery, absent even a hint of fact.

When the City of Los Angeles closed King Memorial, it did so because gross mismanagement led to dozens fo patient deaths due to negligence. The Mayor was a democrat, every city council member is a democrat; yet you Socialists claim that "Republican greed closes hospitals."

Closing Martin Luther King Hospital News Los Angeles Los Angeles News and Events LA Weekly

You Socialists offer all sorts of blanket condemnations and an unending stream of slander - yet when pushed for fact, none is ever found.

Voters didn't buy it: Left struggled to move voters with Koch attacks and other big-money messages - The Washington Post

Why not?

The answer is (and was) obvious. Both parties are bought off.



I love how the Dems sit there with billionaire George Soros backing them and point fingers at the Koch brothers for supporting some Republicans. Only difference is that the Koch brothers have contributed to Dems while Soros is strictly about far left radical ideas.

No elected official has ever really been in charge because too many are beholden to the ones who put them there, and it's not the voters. It's the money that was spent to fool people with political ads, which are mostly inflammatory bullshit. It's like all of them are puppets and the masters holding the strings are the so-called 1%. Even those who first head off to Washington with the right ideas are soon swallowed up by the corruption. The sad part is that the people who would actually be the best leaders don't have the money backing them and will never make it to office.

I would rather see integrity bought back to our system. Anyone should be able to run without having to get support from those with big money. I would rather see debates, lots of them, paid for by tax payers in lieu of the ads that do nothing but drop talking points and bash opponents. While we can't stop the ads, we should demand that they be honest and hold people liable for spreading lies. That goes for all candidates. Debating puts the candidates on the spot and the rule should be that they have to answer questions honestly and be specific. Incumbents have to be totally honest about their records and newbies should spell out their ideas in detail. It would require many debates and rather lengthy ones, but it's the only way for voters to actually see what candidates are about. If people came to rely on publicly-funded debates rather than ads to judge candidates, most would eventually opt to do less ads. Debates, where they can't do hit and run insults, likely scare most candidates. They should be put in the hot seat so they can be thoroughly questioned about their records and their intentions.

I know it won't happen. It would take the majority of people in this country to insist on it and only then will things change. When we have too many people who don't pay attention and don't bother to vote, we will always have what we do now. It's all a farce. When politicians break promises, people get a little upset, but they expect that you can't take campaign promises seriously. Then people turn around and rely on the campaign promises again to choose a candidate. If we don't insist on honesty and hold all politician's feet to the fire, we deserve the crappy representation we get.
Dem's are unhinged, the decades old strategy of lying e.g. calling your opponents racists, sexists, homophobes, the war on (fill in the blank), the other side is going to take away your (fill in the blank) just isn't working. They should be running on their accomplishments but they can't because they are a bunch of stupid morons flailing about with half baked destined to fail policies.
The sweet smell of victory over envirowhackos.

You kind of sound like one of those pathetic souls who base their self esteem and life satisfaction on the current season of their favorite sports team. Whatever makes you happy I guess.

The sweet smell of victory over envirowhackos.

You kind of sound like one of those pathetic souls who base their self esteem and life satisfaction on the current season of their favorite sports team. Whatever makes you happy I guess.

Oh bite me. I'm a mega true blue conservationist who has been pushing back against all the bullshit over the Keystone for years now.

My forte is in water conservation but I jumped into the fray over the Keystone because it has all been about politics and has nothing to do with the environment.

I detest liars. And the envirowhackos and their masters like the Steyers, the Buffets and the Rockefellers of the world are mega liars.

So this victory will be sweet. And it's been worth the battle.
I'm sure the Koch brothers appreciate your loyalty to their cause. Just don't ask for any money.

Oh this battle of mine against envirowhackos has been going on for decades before the Keystone XL.

This is very personal for me. I detest the billions upon billions of wasted dollars going to insane and unfounded enviro projects that do nothing to help mother earth.

I despise with a passion you can't even dream of the idiot wanna be environmentalists who jump on issues just to put their face out there like Darryl Hannah because they drain time, effort and money away from true blue conservation projects.

This has been a very personal journey for me one more time in my life.

I started fighting for the rights of First Nations over Grassy Narrows. That swung me into water conservation battles. I have fought intensive hog farming on aquifers.

This has been just another conservation battle in my life. I'm sure it won't be the last.

I am one happy camper.

These sound like worthy causes. I think you might be sadly disappointed in the Koch brothers if you looked at what they actually stand for however. And the attitude of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' doesn't always work out so well in the end.

My forte is in water conservation but I jumped into the fray over the Keystone because it has all been about politics and has nothing to do with the environment.

I detest liars. And the envirowhackos and their masters like the Steyers, the Buffets and the Rockefellers of the world are mega liars.

So this victory will be sweet. And it's been worth the battle.
I'm sure the Koch brothers appreciate your loyalty to their cause. Just don't ask for any money.

Oh this battle of mine against envirowhackos has been going on for decades before the Keystone XL.

This is very personal for me. I detest the billions upon billions of wasted dollars going to insane and unfounded enviro projects that do nothing to help mother earth.

I despise with a passion you can't even dream of the idiot wanna be environmentalists who jump on issues just to put their face out there like Darryl Hannah because they drain time, effort and money away from true blue conservation projects.

This has been a very personal journey for me one more time in my life.

I started fighting for the rights of First Nations over Grassy Narrows. That swung me into water conservation battles. I have fought intensive hog farming on aquifers.

This has been just another conservation battle in my life. I'm sure it won't be the last.

I am one happy camper.

These sound like worthy causes. I think you might be sadly disappointed in the Koch brothers if you looked at what they actually stand for however. And the attitude of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' doesn't always work out so well in the end.

Koch Brothers are up front. Whether you like what they do or not they put it out there.

But think about this. Did you know that the gentleman who professes to be this great environmentalist made his fortune off of fossil fuels?

Tom Steyer spent 74 million alone on just the elections. That is only on elections. Not all the money he's thrown at stopping the Keystone.

He says he wants to do good. Steyer to his *cough* credit said he would divest himself of his fossil fuel investments.

Like Kinder Morgan.


Kinder Morgan, the company el envirowhacko hero Steyer has had a heavy duty investment in has a competing pipeline to the Keystone.

Yes. You read that right. This is just part of what I know about the true hypocrisy of the left.Of course he doesn't want the Keystone built.

He wanted his company to get the pipeline deal. So it's not about protecting the environment. But the bloody Dems and liberals and enviroweenies will sell their souls for a buck from this hypocritical bastard.

Here you go. Truth out.

"But Kinder Morgan has plans to expand its TransMountain pipeline from the oil fields in Alberta to shipping terminals on the West Coast, giving TransMountain a distribution monopoly on Canadian oil.

Regardless of whether that Canadian oil goes south or west, or who gets the pipeline, the Canadian oil will go to market.

If it goes west, it will get bought and burned by China which has few of the pollution controls we require here. "

42 000 construction jobs lost for a lie Billionaire green activist flashes cash democrats put off Keystone decision until 2016 Equipment World Construction Equipment News and Information Heavy Construction Equipment

AND :)

Steyer portrays himself as a climate activist and environmentalist. Yet his fortune is tied to investments in the oil and gas industry.

"One of the biggest holdings of Steyer’s hedge fund, Farallon Capital Management, is Kinder Morgan—an oil and gas pipeline company that owns or operates 80,000 miles of pipelines and 180 terminals in North America.

Kinder Morgan KMI -0.61% is proposing to expand TransMountain pipeline, a competitor of Keystone XL. “If Keystone XL is killed, it will leave TransMountain as the only game in town for transporting [Alberta] oil directly from the oil sands to export terminals,” reports Investor ‘s Business Daily.

Steyer insists that he will divest away from his oil interests in time. But either way, hypocrisy is at work, if not more.

And he’s not above spreading spite and misinformation to get his way. This month, a Steyer-run agitprop organization drummed up a TV ad attacking a Canadian energy executive and erroneously claiming that Keystone would drive up domestic energy prices. "

Keystone XL Amounts To America s Pipeline Vs. President Obama s Cronies - Forbes
You kind of sound like one of those pathetic souls who base their self esteem and life satisfaction on the current season of their favorite sports team. Whatever makes you happy I guess.

These sound like worthy causes. I think you might be sadly disappointed in the Koch brothers if you looked at what they actually stand for however. And the attitude of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' doesn't always work out so well in the end.

My forte is in water conservation but I jumped into the fray over the Keystone because it has all been about politics and has nothing to do with the environment.

I detest liars. And the envirowhackos and their masters like the Steyers, the Buffets and the Rockefellers of the world are mega liars.

So this victory will be sweet. And it's been worth the battle.
I'm sure the Koch brothers appreciate your loyalty to their cause. Just don't ask for any money.

Oh this battle of mine against envirowhackos has been going on for decades before the Keystone XL.

This is very personal for me. I detest the billions upon billions of wasted dollars going to insane and unfounded enviro projects that do nothing to help mother earth.

I despise with a passion you can't even dream of the idiot wanna be environmentalists who jump on issues just to put their face out there like Darryl Hannah because they drain time, effort and money away from true blue conservation projects.

This has been a very personal journey for me one more time in my life.

I started fighting for the rights of First Nations over Grassy Narrows. That swung me into water conservation battles. I have fought intensive hog farming on aquifers.

This has been just another conservation battle in my life. I'm sure it won't be the last.

I am one happy camper.

These sound like worthy causes. I think you might be sadly disappointed in the Koch brothers if you looked at what they actually stand for however. And the attitude of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' doesn't always work out so well in the end.

Koch Brothers are up front. Whether you like what they do or not they put it out there.

But think about this. Did you know that the gentleman who professes to be this great environmentalist made his fortune off of fossil fuels?

Tom Steyer spent 74 million alone on just the elections. That is only on elections. Not all the money he's thrown at stopping the Keystone.

He says he wants to do good. Steyer to his *cough* credit said he would divest himself of his fossil fuel investments.

Like Kinder Morgan.


Kinder Morgan, the company el envirowhacko hero Steyer has had a heavy duty investment in has a competing pipeline to the Keystone.

Yes. You read that right. This is just part of what I know about the true hypocrisy of the left.Of course he doesn't want the Keystone built.

He wanted his company to get the pipeline deal. So it's not about protecting the environment. But the bloody Dems and liberals and enviroweenies will sell their souls for a buck from this hypocritical bastard.

Here you go. Truth out.

"But Kinder Morgan has plans to expand its TransMountain pipeline from the oil fields in Alberta to shipping terminals on the West Coast, giving TransMountain a distribution monopoly on Canadian oil.

Regardless of whether that Canadian oil goes south or west, or who gets the pipeline, the Canadian oil will go to market.

If it goes west, it will get bought and burned by China which has few of the pollution controls we require here. "

42 000 construction jobs lost for a lie Billionaire green activist flashes cash democrats put off Keystone decision until 2016 Equipment World Construction Equipment News and Information Heavy Construction Equipment

AND :)

Steyer portrays himself as a climate activist and environmentalist. Yet his fortune is tied to investments in the oil and gas industry.

"One of the biggest holdings of Steyer’s hedge fund, Farallon Capital Management, is Kinder Morgan—an oil and gas pipeline company that owns or operates 80,000 miles of pipelines and 180 terminals in North America.

Kinder Morgan KMI -0.61% is proposing to expand TransMountain pipeline, a competitor of Keystone XL. “If Keystone XL is killed, it will leave TransMountain as the only game in town for transporting [Alberta] oil directly from the oil sands to export terminals,” reports Investor ‘s Business Daily.

Steyer insists that he will divest away from his oil interests in time. But either way, hypocrisy is at work, if not more.

And he’s not above spreading spite and misinformation to get his way. This month, a Steyer-run agitprop organization drummed up a TV ad attacking a Canadian energy executive and erroneously claiming that Keystone would drive up domestic energy prices. "

Keystone XL Amounts To America s Pipeline Vs. President Obama s Cronies - Forbes

I don't see how you could say that the Koch brothers are up front unless you mean that their propaganda is so ridiculous that it falls in the realm of professional wrestling. Nevertheless, there seem to a quite a few people out there that buy it.

On Tom Steyer, I'll have to admit that I'd never heard of him. It sounds like he might be cut out of the same cloth as Bill Gates and if so, I'll put him in the category of former douchebag who's now trying to do right. Is Steyer trying to pump the same type of sludge that Keystone XL is designed to carry? If not, then you're comparing apples to oranges.
I'll go on the line to say anyone worth billions regardless of party is not playing by the rules. Would stake everything I own on it.
I'll go on the line to say anyone worth billions regardless of party is not playing by the rules. They don't have to. They just buy people off. Call it a flaw in a very very very corrupt system. Putt a $100 cap on it and call it good.
I'll go on the line to say anyone worth billions regardless of party is not playing by the rules. They don't have to. They just buy people off. Call it a flaw in a very very very corrupt system. Putt a $100 cap on it and call it good.
My forte is in water conservation but I jumped into the fray over the Keystone because it has all been about politics and has nothing to do with the environment.

I detest liars. And the envirowhackos and their masters like the Steyers, the Buffets and the Rockefellers of the world are mega liars.

So this victory will be sweet. And it's been worth the battle.
I'm sure the Koch brothers appreciate your loyalty to their cause. Just don't ask for any money.

Oh this battle of mine against envirowhackos has been going on for decades before the Keystone XL.

This is very personal for me. I detest the billions upon billions of wasted dollars going to insane and unfounded enviro projects that do nothing to help mother earth.

I despise with a passion you can't even dream of the idiot wanna be environmentalists who jump on issues just to put their face out there like Darryl Hannah because they drain time, effort and money away from true blue conservation projects.

This has been a very personal journey for me one more time in my life.

I started fighting for the rights of First Nations over Grassy Narrows. That swung me into water conservation battles. I have fought intensive hog farming on aquifers.

This has been just another conservation battle in my life. I'm sure it won't be the last.

I am one happy camper.

These sound like worthy causes. I think you might be sadly disappointed in the Koch brothers if you looked at what they actually stand for however. And the attitude of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' doesn't always work out so well in the end.

Koch Brothers are up front. Whether you like what they do or not they put it out there.

But think about this. Did you know that the gentleman who professes to be this great environmentalist made his fortune off of fossil fuels?

Tom Steyer spent 74 million alone on just the elections. That is only on elections. Not all the money he's thrown at stopping the Keystone.

He says he wants to do good. Steyer to his *cough* credit said he would divest himself of his fossil fuel investments.

Like Kinder Morgan.


Kinder Morgan, the company el envirowhacko hero Steyer has had a heavy duty investment in has a competing pipeline to the Keystone.

Yes. You read that right. This is just part of what I know about the true hypocrisy of the left.Of course he doesn't want the Keystone built.

He wanted his company to get the pipeline deal. So it's not about protecting the environment. But the bloody Dems and liberals and enviroweenies will sell their souls for a buck from this hypocritical bastard.

Here you go. Truth out.

"But Kinder Morgan has plans to expand its TransMountain pipeline from the oil fields in Alberta to shipping terminals on the West Coast, giving TransMountain a distribution monopoly on Canadian oil.

Regardless of whether that Canadian oil goes south or west, or who gets the pipeline, the Canadian oil will go to market.

If it goes west, it will get bought and burned by China which has few of the pollution controls we require here. "

42 000 construction jobs lost for a lie Billionaire green activist flashes cash democrats put off Keystone decision until 2016 Equipment World Construction Equipment News and Information Heavy Construction Equipment

AND :)

Steyer portrays himself as a climate activist and environmentalist. Yet his fortune is tied to investments in the oil and gas industry.

"One of the biggest holdings of Steyer’s hedge fund, Farallon Capital Management, is Kinder Morgan—an oil and gas pipeline company that owns or operates 80,000 miles of pipelines and 180 terminals in North America.

Kinder Morgan KMI -0.61% is proposing to expand TransMountain pipeline, a competitor of Keystone XL. “If Keystone XL is killed, it will leave TransMountain as the only game in town for transporting [Alberta] oil directly from the oil sands to export terminals,” reports Investor ‘s Business Daily.

Steyer insists that he will divest away from his oil interests in time. But either way, hypocrisy is at work, if not more.

And he’s not above spreading spite and misinformation to get his way. This month, a Steyer-run agitprop organization drummed up a TV ad attacking a Canadian energy executive and erroneously claiming that Keystone would drive up domestic energy prices. "

Keystone XL Amounts To America s Pipeline Vs. President Obama s Cronies - Forbes

I don't see how you could say that the Koch brothers are up front unless you mean that their propaganda is so ridiculous that it falls in the realm of professional wrestling. Nevertheless, there seem to a quite a few people out there that buy it.

On Tom Steyer, I'll have to admit that I'd never heard of him. It sounds like he might be cut out of the same cloth as Bill Gates and if so, I'll put him in the category of former douchebag who's now trying to do right. Is Steyer trying to pump the same type of sludge that Keystone XL is designed to carry? If not, then you're comparing apples to oranges.

Ooooooooooooooooh NOT THE SLUDGE!!!!

By the way, same question I ask every concerned *cough* environmentalist, where were you for Keystone I and Keystone II?

Also Canada has been your number one supplier for forever. You know from those eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil tar sands.

Why the concern now?

Or maybe you're like Daryl Hannah or that moronic idiot Neil Young who would rather take oil from third world countries who have no environmental requirements as they're pumping out black gold as compared to Canada. Who treat their employees like slaves in third world countries as compared to Canada.

All for some bizarro bullshit these people would rather have blood oil instead of ethical oil.

And Canada doesn't steal the profits from their own citizens as compared to Nigeria. And Canada allows their women full equality as compared to Saudi Arabia. I could go on forever but I'm having just too much fun today. :)

Here you go. Oh and please check the very very ecologically sensitive route Trans Mountain takes.

Oh and guess where they get their sludge?


Kinder Morgan
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I'm sure the Koch brothers appreciate your loyalty to their cause. Just don't ask for any money.

Oh this battle of mine against envirowhackos has been going on for decades before the Keystone XL.

This is very personal for me. I detest the billions upon billions of wasted dollars going to insane and unfounded enviro projects that do nothing to help mother earth.

I despise with a passion you can't even dream of the idiot wanna be environmentalists who jump on issues just to put their face out there like Darryl Hannah because they drain time, effort and money away from true blue conservation projects.

This has been a very personal journey for me one more time in my life.

I started fighting for the rights of First Nations over Grassy Narrows. That swung me into water conservation battles. I have fought intensive hog farming on aquifers.

This has been just another conservation battle in my life. I'm sure it won't be the last.

I am one happy camper.

These sound like worthy causes. I think you might be sadly disappointed in the Koch brothers if you looked at what they actually stand for however. And the attitude of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' doesn't always work out so well in the end.

Koch Brothers are up front. Whether you like what they do or not they put it out there.

But think about this. Did you know that the gentleman who professes to be this great environmentalist made his fortune off of fossil fuels?

Tom Steyer spent 74 million alone on just the elections. That is only on elections. Not all the money he's thrown at stopping the Keystone.

He says he wants to do good. Steyer to his *cough* credit said he would divest himself of his fossil fuel investments.

Like Kinder Morgan.


Kinder Morgan, the company el envirowhacko hero Steyer has had a heavy duty investment in has a competing pipeline to the Keystone.

Yes. You read that right. This is just part of what I know about the true hypocrisy of the left.Of course he doesn't want the Keystone built.

He wanted his company to get the pipeline deal. So it's not about protecting the environment. But the bloody Dems and liberals and enviroweenies will sell their souls for a buck from this hypocritical bastard.

Here you go. Truth out.

"But Kinder Morgan has plans to expand its TransMountain pipeline from the oil fields in Alberta to shipping terminals on the West Coast, giving TransMountain a distribution monopoly on Canadian oil.

Regardless of whether that Canadian oil goes south or west, or who gets the pipeline, the Canadian oil will go to market.

If it goes west, it will get bought and burned by China which has few of the pollution controls we require here. "

42 000 construction jobs lost for a lie Billionaire green activist flashes cash democrats put off Keystone decision until 2016 Equipment World Construction Equipment News and Information Heavy Construction Equipment

AND :)

Steyer portrays himself as a climate activist and environmentalist. Yet his fortune is tied to investments in the oil and gas industry.

"One of the biggest holdings of Steyer’s hedge fund, Farallon Capital Management, is Kinder Morgan—an oil and gas pipeline company that owns or operates 80,000 miles of pipelines and 180 terminals in North America.

Kinder Morgan KMI -0.61% is proposing to expand TransMountain pipeline, a competitor of Keystone XL. “If Keystone XL is killed, it will leave TransMountain as the only game in town for transporting [Alberta] oil directly from the oil sands to export terminals,” reports Investor ‘s Business Daily.

Steyer insists that he will divest away from his oil interests in time. But either way, hypocrisy is at work, if not more.

And he’s not above spreading spite and misinformation to get his way. This month, a Steyer-run agitprop organization drummed up a TV ad attacking a Canadian energy executive and erroneously claiming that Keystone would drive up domestic energy prices. "

Keystone XL Amounts To America s Pipeline Vs. President Obama s Cronies - Forbes

I don't see how you could say that the Koch brothers are up front unless you mean that their propaganda is so ridiculous that it falls in the realm of professional wrestling. Nevertheless, there seem to a quite a few people out there that buy it.

On Tom Steyer, I'll have to admit that I'd never heard of him. It sounds like he might be cut out of the same cloth as Bill Gates and if so, I'll put him in the category of former douchebag who's now trying to do right. Is Steyer trying to pump the same type of sludge that Keystone XL is designed to carry? If not, then you're comparing apples to oranges.

Ooooooooooooooooh NOT THE SLUDGE!!!!

By the way, same question I ask every concerned *cough* environmentalist, where were you for Keystone I and Keystone II?

Also Canada has been your number one supplier for forever. You know from those eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil tar sands.

Why the concern now?

Or maybe you're like Daryl Hannah or that moronic idiot Neil Young who would rather take oil from third world countries who have no environmental requirements as they're pumping out black gold as compared to Canada. Who treat their employees like slaves in third world countries as compared to Canada.

All for some bizarro bullshit these people would rather have blood oil instead of ethical oil.

And Canada doesn't steal the profits from their own citizens as compared to Nigeria. And Canada allows their women full equality as compared to Saudi Arabia. I could go on forever but I'm having just too much fun today. :)

Here you go. Oh and please check the very very ecologically sensitive route Trans Mountain takes.

Oh and guess where they get their sludge?


Kinder Morgan
Canada is a sovereign country. I don't see where we would have much to say about that pipeline unless we just refused to purchase any of the oil from it (like American oil companies wouldn't do that in a heartbeat.) Why don't they build another pipeline along the same route? I think they would like us to take the environmental hit for processing this shit.
I wasn't born into great wealth, and I'm not a socialist, though between your ears, you believe anyone who believes in regulations and personal responsibility is.

Quite the opposite; the Socialists advocate for governmental regulation to supplant individual rights and responsibilities - a position of advocacy you occupy.

You see, well I'll digress: myopia does cloud your vision, and being intentionally ignorant blinds you - like others on the fringe you cannot see clearly and will not see that which is self evident, but back to the point.

The "point" that I am blinded to is that hurl charges of "plutocrat" but fail to offer any support, claiming that the accusation alone is sufficient to damn enemies of the party?

Everyone needs medical attention at some point in their life, and the cost of medical treatment has gone up and up to the level that a serious illness will bankrupt a family. Being a callous conservative, you don't give a shit and being myopic you can't see that someday that might be you or your loved ones to suffer, for lack of money.

That's nice, but it does nothing to support your demagoguery against the Koch brothers, and does nothing to excuse the blatant influence peddling by the democrats to well connected looters like George Soros.

The GOP has no plan to replace the PPACA beyond letting the private sector run it as they see fit, and without government oversight. Maybe closing all Public Hospitals will be next on the agenda, then the Medical Complex will have all of us where they want us - cash cows fully dependent on insurance companies.

More absurd demagoguery, absent even a hint of fact.

When the City of Los Angeles closed King Memorial, it did so because gross mismanagement led to dozens fo patient deaths due to negligence. The Mayor was a democrat, every city council member is a democrat; yet you Socialists claim that "Republican greed closes hospitals."

Closing Martin Luther King Hospital News Los Angeles Los Angeles News and Events LA Weekly

You Socialists offer all sorts of blanket condemnations and an unending stream of slander - yet when pushed for fact, none is ever found.

Capital Rivals Koch Brothers vs. George Soros OpenSecrets Blog
Here are some facts comparing the Kock Brothers to George Soros from the link noted above:

Political Action Committee Spending (1989 to 2010)
Koch Industries: $5,938,993 (83 percent going to Republicans)

Soros Fund Management: $0

527 Group Contributions (2001 to 2010)
Koch Industries: $574,998

Soros Fund Management: $0

Lobbying Expenditures (1998 to 2010)
Koch Industries: $50,972,700

Soros Fund Management: $860,000
Open Society Policy Center (Soros-Funded): $11,930,000

According to federal lobbying reports, Koch Industries’ top issues include energy, environmental, tax and homeland security policies. The Open Society Policy Center has mainly lobbied on issues relating to foreign relations, civil rights, and law enforcement policy. The graph below outlines these organizations lobbying history since 1998 (click on graph for full size):

We should add the fact that the Koch Brothers entertained two members of the Supreme Court. Shame on Thomas and Scalia, of course that too is legal since the USSC does not have an ethics code. The only judges in America who don't have one.
We should add the fact that the Koch Brothers entertained two members of the Supreme Court. Shame on Thomas and Scalia, of course that too is legal since the USSC does not have an ethics code. The only judges in America who don't have one.

Why shame on them?

Has not Soros and Michael Moore both entertained Marxist Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Yes they have. You want right wing money out of politics. Left wing money - even when it can be directly linked to influence peddling is just dandy with you.

Some think you Socialists have no standards, but in fact you have lots of standards - different standards depending on party affiliation, different standards depending on media connections, etc...
Oh this battle of mine against envirowhackos has been going on for decades before the Keystone XL.

This is very personal for me. I detest the billions upon billions of wasted dollars going to insane and unfounded enviro projects that do nothing to help mother earth.

I despise with a passion you can't even dream of the idiot wanna be environmentalists who jump on issues just to put their face out there like Darryl Hannah because they drain time, effort and money away from true blue conservation projects.

This has been a very personal journey for me one more time in my life.

I started fighting for the rights of First Nations over Grassy Narrows. That swung me into water conservation battles. I have fought intensive hog farming on aquifers.

This has been just another conservation battle in my life. I'm sure it won't be the last.

I am one happy camper.

These sound like worthy causes. I think you might be sadly disappointed in the Koch brothers if you looked at what they actually stand for however. And the attitude of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' doesn't always work out so well in the end.

Koch Brothers are up front. Whether you like what they do or not they put it out there.

But think about this. Did you know that the gentleman who professes to be this great environmentalist made his fortune off of fossil fuels?

Tom Steyer spent 74 million alone on just the elections. That is only on elections. Not all the money he's thrown at stopping the Keystone.

He says he wants to do good. Steyer to his *cough* credit said he would divest himself of his fossil fuel investments.

Like Kinder Morgan.


Kinder Morgan, the company el envirowhacko hero Steyer has had a heavy duty investment in has a competing pipeline to the Keystone.

Yes. You read that right. This is just part of what I know about the true hypocrisy of the left.Of course he doesn't want the Keystone built.

He wanted his company to get the pipeline deal. So it's not about protecting the environment. But the bloody Dems and liberals and enviroweenies will sell their souls for a buck from this hypocritical bastard.

Here you go. Truth out.

"But Kinder Morgan has plans to expand its TransMountain pipeline from the oil fields in Alberta to shipping terminals on the West Coast, giving TransMountain a distribution monopoly on Canadian oil.

Regardless of whether that Canadian oil goes south or west, or who gets the pipeline, the Canadian oil will go to market.

If it goes west, it will get bought and burned by China which has few of the pollution controls we require here. "

42 000 construction jobs lost for a lie Billionaire green activist flashes cash democrats put off Keystone decision until 2016 Equipment World Construction Equipment News and Information Heavy Construction Equipment

AND :)

Steyer portrays himself as a climate activist and environmentalist. Yet his fortune is tied to investments in the oil and gas industry.

"One of the biggest holdings of Steyer’s hedge fund, Farallon Capital Management, is Kinder Morgan—an oil and gas pipeline company that owns or operates 80,000 miles of pipelines and 180 terminals in North America.

Kinder Morgan KMI -0.61% is proposing to expand TransMountain pipeline, a competitor of Keystone XL. “If Keystone XL is killed, it will leave TransMountain as the only game in town for transporting [Alberta] oil directly from the oil sands to export terminals,” reports Investor ‘s Business Daily.

Steyer insists that he will divest away from his oil interests in time. But either way, hypocrisy is at work, if not more.

And he’s not above spreading spite and misinformation to get his way. This month, a Steyer-run agitprop organization drummed up a TV ad attacking a Canadian energy executive and erroneously claiming that Keystone would drive up domestic energy prices. "

Keystone XL Amounts To America s Pipeline Vs. President Obama s Cronies - Forbes

I don't see how you could say that the Koch brothers are up front unless you mean that their propaganda is so ridiculous that it falls in the realm of professional wrestling. Nevertheless, there seem to a quite a few people out there that buy it.

On Tom Steyer, I'll have to admit that I'd never heard of him. It sounds like he might be cut out of the same cloth as Bill Gates and if so, I'll put him in the category of former douchebag who's now trying to do right. Is Steyer trying to pump the same type of sludge that Keystone XL is designed to carry? If not, then you're comparing apples to oranges.

Ooooooooooooooooh NOT THE SLUDGE!!!!

By the way, same question I ask every concerned *cough* environmentalist, where were you for Keystone I and Keystone II?

Also Canada has been your number one supplier for forever. You know from those eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil tar sands.

Why the concern now?

Or maybe you're like Daryl Hannah or that moronic idiot Neil Young who would rather take oil from third world countries who have no environmental requirements as they're pumping out black gold as compared to Canada. Who treat their employees like slaves in third world countries as compared to Canada.

All for some bizarro bullshit these people would rather have blood oil instead of ethical oil.

And Canada doesn't steal the profits from their own citizens as compared to Nigeria. And Canada allows their women full equality as compared to Saudi Arabia. I could go on forever but I'm having just too much fun today. :)

Here you go. Oh and please check the very very ecologically sensitive route Trans Mountain takes.

Oh and guess where they get their sludge?


Kinder Morgan
Canada is a sovereign country. I don't see where we would have much to say about that pipeline unless we just refused to purchase any of the oil from it (like American oil companies wouldn't do that in a heartbeat.) Why don't they build another pipeline along the same route? I think they would like us to take the environmental hit for processing this shit.

Oh this battle of mine against envirowhackos has been going on for decades before the Keystone XL.

This is very personal for me. I detest the billions upon billions of wasted dollars going to insane and unfounded enviro projects that do nothing to help mother earth.

I despise with a passion you can't even dream of the idiot wanna be environmentalists who jump on issues just to put their face out there like Darryl Hannah because they drain time, effort and money away from true blue conservation projects.

This has been a very personal journey for me one more time in my life.

I started fighting for the rights of First Nations over Grassy Narrows. That swung me into water conservation battles. I have fought intensive hog farming on aquifers.

This has been just another conservation battle in my life. I'm sure it won't be the last.

I am one happy camper.

These sound like worthy causes. I think you might be sadly disappointed in the Koch brothers if you looked at what they actually stand for however. And the attitude of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' doesn't always work out so well in the end.

Koch Brothers are up front. Whether you like what they do or not they put it out there.

But think about this. Did you know that the gentleman who professes to be this great environmentalist made his fortune off of fossil fuels?

Tom Steyer spent 74 million alone on just the elections. That is only on elections. Not all the money he's thrown at stopping the Keystone.

He says he wants to do good. Steyer to his *cough* credit said he would divest himself of his fossil fuel investments.

Like Kinder Morgan.


Kinder Morgan, the company el envirowhacko hero Steyer has had a heavy duty investment in has a competing pipeline to the Keystone.

Yes. You read that right. This is just part of what I know about the true hypocrisy of the left.Of course he doesn't want the Keystone built.

He wanted his company to get the pipeline deal. So it's not about protecting the environment. But the bloody Dems and liberals and enviroweenies will sell their souls for a buck from this hypocritical bastard.

Here you go. Truth out.

"But Kinder Morgan has plans to expand its TransMountain pipeline from the oil fields in Alberta to shipping terminals on the West Coast, giving TransMountain a distribution monopoly on Canadian oil.

Regardless of whether that Canadian oil goes south or west, or who gets the pipeline, the Canadian oil will go to market.

If it goes west, it will get bought and burned by China which has few of the pollution controls we require here. "

42 000 construction jobs lost for a lie Billionaire green activist flashes cash democrats put off Keystone decision until 2016 Equipment World Construction Equipment News and Information Heavy Construction Equipment

AND :)

Steyer portrays himself as a climate activist and environmentalist. Yet his fortune is tied to investments in the oil and gas industry.

"One of the biggest holdings of Steyer’s hedge fund, Farallon Capital Management, is Kinder Morgan—an oil and gas pipeline company that owns or operates 80,000 miles of pipelines and 180 terminals in North America.

Kinder Morgan KMI -0.61% is proposing to expand TransMountain pipeline, a competitor of Keystone XL. “If Keystone XL is killed, it will leave TransMountain as the only game in town for transporting [Alberta] oil directly from the oil sands to export terminals,” reports Investor ‘s Business Daily.

Steyer insists that he will divest away from his oil interests in time. But either way, hypocrisy is at work, if not more.

And he’s not above spreading spite and misinformation to get his way. This month, a Steyer-run agitprop organization drummed up a TV ad attacking a Canadian energy executive and erroneously claiming that Keystone would drive up domestic energy prices. "

Keystone XL Amounts To America s Pipeline Vs. President Obama s Cronies - Forbes

I don't see how you could say that the Koch brothers are up front unless you mean that their propaganda is so ridiculous that it falls in the realm of professional wrestling. Nevertheless, there seem to a quite a few people out there that buy it.

On Tom Steyer, I'll have to admit that I'd never heard of him. It sounds like he might be cut out of the same cloth as Bill Gates and if so, I'll put him in the category of former douchebag who's now trying to do right. Is Steyer trying to pump the same type of sludge that Keystone XL is designed to carry? If not, then you're comparing apples to oranges.

Ooooooooooooooooh NOT THE SLUDGE!!!!

By the way, same question I ask every concerned *cough* environmentalist, where were you for Keystone I and Keystone II?

Also Canada has been your number one supplier for forever. You know from those eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil tar sands.

Why the concern now?

Or maybe you're like Daryl Hannah or that moronic idiot Neil Young who would rather take oil from third world countries who have no environmental requirements as they're pumping out black gold as compared to Canada. Who treat their employees like slaves in third world countries as compared to Canada.

All for some bizarro bullshit these people would rather have blood oil instead of ethical oil.

And Canada doesn't steal the profits from their own citizens as compared to Nigeria. And Canada allows their women full equality as compared to Saudi Arabia. I could go on forever but I'm having just too much fun today. :)

Here you go. Oh and please check the very very ecologically sensitive route Trans Mountain takes.

Oh and guess where they get their sludge?


Kinder Morgan
Canada is a sovereign country. I don't see where we would have much to say about that pipeline unless we just refused to purchase any of the oil from it (like American oil companies wouldn't do that in a heartbeat.) Why don't they build another pipeline along the same route? I think they would like us to take the environmental hit for processing this shit.

The Trans Mountain part of the company that Steyer made money off of. With all that Canadian so called shitty oil.

And you've been happily processing what you call this shit for some time now :lol:

Okey dokey. You are ignorant of the facts. I'm not saying that as an insult but just as truth.

Here's Keystone I and Keystone II. Like I said you have been refining Canadian shit for quite a while. Keystone III or XL on the extension is almost completed from Cushing to the Gulf. Obama couldn't block that part of the pipeline.

Considering you must be a newbie to the enviro movement I'll be kind and just leave you the picture that shows you where the original two pipelines were laid.:) With no anti pipeline movement btw.

And let's not further derail the thread.
These sound like worthy causes. I think you might be sadly disappointed in the Koch brothers if you looked at what they actually stand for however. And the attitude of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' doesn't always work out so well in the end.

Koch Brothers are up front. Whether you like what they do or not they put it out there.

But think about this. Did you know that the gentleman who professes to be this great environmentalist made his fortune off of fossil fuels?

Tom Steyer spent 74 million alone on just the elections. That is only on elections. Not all the money he's thrown at stopping the Keystone.

He says he wants to do good. Steyer to his *cough* credit said he would divest himself of his fossil fuel investments.

Like Kinder Morgan.


Kinder Morgan, the company el envirowhacko hero Steyer has had a heavy duty investment in has a competing pipeline to the Keystone.

Yes. You read that right. This is just part of what I know about the true hypocrisy of the left.Of course he doesn't want the Keystone built.

He wanted his company to get the pipeline deal. So it's not about protecting the environment. But the bloody Dems and liberals and enviroweenies will sell their souls for a buck from this hypocritical bastard.

Here you go. Truth out.

"But Kinder Morgan has plans to expand its TransMountain pipeline from the oil fields in Alberta to shipping terminals on the West Coast, giving TransMountain a distribution monopoly on Canadian oil.

Regardless of whether that Canadian oil goes south or west, or who gets the pipeline, the Canadian oil will go to market.

If it goes west, it will get bought and burned by China which has few of the pollution controls we require here. "

42 000 construction jobs lost for a lie Billionaire green activist flashes cash democrats put off Keystone decision until 2016 Equipment World Construction Equipment News and Information Heavy Construction Equipment

AND :)

Steyer portrays himself as a climate activist and environmentalist. Yet his fortune is tied to investments in the oil and gas industry.

"One of the biggest holdings of Steyer’s hedge fund, Farallon Capital Management, is Kinder Morgan—an oil and gas pipeline company that owns or operates 80,000 miles of pipelines and 180 terminals in North America.

Kinder Morgan KMI -0.61% is proposing to expand TransMountain pipeline, a competitor of Keystone XL. “If Keystone XL is killed, it will leave TransMountain as the only game in town for transporting [Alberta] oil directly from the oil sands to export terminals,” reports Investor ‘s Business Daily.

Steyer insists that he will divest away from his oil interests in time. But either way, hypocrisy is at work, if not more.

And he’s not above spreading spite and misinformation to get his way. This month, a Steyer-run agitprop organization drummed up a TV ad attacking a Canadian energy executive and erroneously claiming that Keystone would drive up domestic energy prices. "

Keystone XL Amounts To America s Pipeline Vs. President Obama s Cronies - Forbes

I don't see how you could say that the Koch brothers are up front unless you mean that their propaganda is so ridiculous that it falls in the realm of professional wrestling. Nevertheless, there seem to a quite a few people out there that buy it.

On Tom Steyer, I'll have to admit that I'd never heard of him. It sounds like he might be cut out of the same cloth as Bill Gates and if so, I'll put him in the category of former douchebag who's now trying to do right. Is Steyer trying to pump the same type of sludge that Keystone XL is designed to carry? If not, then you're comparing apples to oranges.

Ooooooooooooooooh NOT THE SLUDGE!!!!

By the way, same question I ask every concerned *cough* environmentalist, where were you for Keystone I and Keystone II?

Also Canada has been your number one supplier for forever. You know from those eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil tar sands.

Why the concern now?

Or maybe you're like Daryl Hannah or that moronic idiot Neil Young who would rather take oil from third world countries who have no environmental requirements as they're pumping out black gold as compared to Canada. Who treat their employees like slaves in third world countries as compared to Canada.

All for some bizarro bullshit these people would rather have blood oil instead of ethical oil.

And Canada doesn't steal the profits from their own citizens as compared to Nigeria. And Canada allows their women full equality as compared to Saudi Arabia. I could go on forever but I'm having just too much fun today. :)

Here you go. Oh and please check the very very ecologically sensitive route Trans Mountain takes.

Oh and guess where they get their sludge?


Kinder Morgan
Canada is a sovereign country. I don't see where we would have much to say about that pipeline unless we just refused to purchase any of the oil from it (like American oil companies wouldn't do that in a heartbeat.) Why don't they build another pipeline along the same route? I think they would like us to take the environmental hit for processing this shit.

These sound like worthy causes. I think you might be sadly disappointed in the Koch brothers if you looked at what they actually stand for however. And the attitude of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' doesn't always work out so well in the end.

Koch Brothers are up front. Whether you like what they do or not they put it out there.

But think about this. Did you know that the gentleman who professes to be this great environmentalist made his fortune off of fossil fuels?

Tom Steyer spent 74 million alone on just the elections. That is only on elections. Not all the money he's thrown at stopping the Keystone.

He says he wants to do good. Steyer to his *cough* credit said he would divest himself of his fossil fuel investments.

Like Kinder Morgan.


Kinder Morgan, the company el envirowhacko hero Steyer has had a heavy duty investment in has a competing pipeline to the Keystone.

Yes. You read that right. This is just part of what I know about the true hypocrisy of the left.Of course he doesn't want the Keystone built.

He wanted his company to get the pipeline deal. So it's not about protecting the environment. But the bloody Dems and liberals and enviroweenies will sell their souls for a buck from this hypocritical bastard.

Here you go. Truth out.

"But Kinder Morgan has plans to expand its TransMountain pipeline from the oil fields in Alberta to shipping terminals on the West Coast, giving TransMountain a distribution monopoly on Canadian oil.

Regardless of whether that Canadian oil goes south or west, or who gets the pipeline, the Canadian oil will go to market.

If it goes west, it will get bought and burned by China which has few of the pollution controls we require here. "

42 000 construction jobs lost for a lie Billionaire green activist flashes cash democrats put off Keystone decision until 2016 Equipment World Construction Equipment News and Information Heavy Construction Equipment

AND :)

Steyer portrays himself as a climate activist and environmentalist. Yet his fortune is tied to investments in the oil and gas industry.

"One of the biggest holdings of Steyer’s hedge fund, Farallon Capital Management, is Kinder Morgan—an oil and gas pipeline company that owns or operates 80,000 miles of pipelines and 180 terminals in North America.

Kinder Morgan KMI -0.61% is proposing to expand TransMountain pipeline, a competitor of Keystone XL. “If Keystone XL is killed, it will leave TransMountain as the only game in town for transporting [Alberta] oil directly from the oil sands to export terminals,” reports Investor ‘s Business Daily.

Steyer insists that he will divest away from his oil interests in time. But either way, hypocrisy is at work, if not more.

And he’s not above spreading spite and misinformation to get his way. This month, a Steyer-run agitprop organization drummed up a TV ad attacking a Canadian energy executive and erroneously claiming that Keystone would drive up domestic energy prices. "

Keystone XL Amounts To America s Pipeline Vs. President Obama s Cronies - Forbes

I don't see how you could say that the Koch brothers are up front unless you mean that their propaganda is so ridiculous that it falls in the realm of professional wrestling. Nevertheless, there seem to a quite a few people out there that buy it.

On Tom Steyer, I'll have to admit that I'd never heard of him. It sounds like he might be cut out of the same cloth as Bill Gates and if so, I'll put him in the category of former douchebag who's now trying to do right. Is Steyer trying to pump the same type of sludge that Keystone XL is designed to carry? If not, then you're comparing apples to oranges.

Ooooooooooooooooh NOT THE SLUDGE!!!!

By the way, same question I ask every concerned *cough* environmentalist, where were you for Keystone I and Keystone II?

Also Canada has been your number one supplier for forever. You know from those eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil tar sands.

Why the concern now?

Or maybe you're like Daryl Hannah or that moronic idiot Neil Young who would rather take oil from third world countries who have no environmental requirements as they're pumping out black gold as compared to Canada. Who treat their employees like slaves in third world countries as compared to Canada.

All for some bizarro bullshit these people would rather have blood oil instead of ethical oil.

And Canada doesn't steal the profits from their own citizens as compared to Nigeria. And Canada allows their women full equality as compared to Saudi Arabia. I could go on forever but I'm having just too much fun today. :)

Here you go. Oh and please check the very very ecologically sensitive route Trans Mountain takes.

Oh and guess where they get their sludge?


Kinder Morgan
Canada is a sovereign country. I don't see where we would have much to say about that pipeline unless we just refused to purchase any of the oil from it (like American oil companies wouldn't do that in a heartbeat.) Why don't they build another pipeline along the same route? I think they would like us to take the environmental hit for processing this shit.

The Trans Mountain part of the company that Steyer made money off of. With all that Canadian so called shitty oil.

And you've been happily processing what you call this shit for some time now :lol:

Okey dokey. You are ignorant of the facts. I'm not saying that as an insult but just as truth.

Here's Keystone I and Keystone II. Like I said you have been refining Canadian shit for quite a while. Keystone III or XL on the extension is almost completed from Cushing to the Gulf. Obama couldn't block that part of the pipeline.

Considering you must be a newbie to the enviro movement I'll be kind and just leave you the picture that shows you where the original two pipelines were laid.:) With no anti pipeline movement btw.

And let's not further derail the thread.
Forgive me if I'm reading into this something that's not there but this sounds like the old free marketer's argument that if I don't like it then don't buy it. Where that falls apart is that nobody knows what sources end up at which gas stations. Do they? I'll hapily avoid it if I can.

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