Dems' attacks on Koch brothers failed

btw Also wasting a ton of money to buy the election if we want to class party donations that way was that asshole Bloomberg. I think his was in the neighborhood of 50 million plus he flushed down the drain.

BUT ooooooooooooooooh my favorite target errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr donor that lost mega cash was that asshole Tom Steyer.

Drum roll.....................................are you ready?

74 million freaking buckolas!

HAHAHAHA! And now we get to shove the Keystone up his ass.
btw Also wasting a ton of money to buy the election if we want to class party donations that way was that asshole Bloomberg. I think his was in the neighborhood of 50 million plus he flushed down the drain.

BUT ooooooooooooooooh my favorite target errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr donor that lost mega cash was that asshole Tom Steyer.

Drum roll.....................................are you ready?

74 million freaking buckolas!

HAHAHAHA! And now we get to shove the Keystone up his ass.
Oh, you get to shove Keystone up his ass? Out of curiosity, what's in it for you?

The sweet smell of victory over envirowhackos.


Hey tinydancer, what do envirowhackos look like? They must be the people who are against bills like H.R. 2250.

This is not about whether C02 is causing climate change. This is about whether heavy metals, from arsenic, boron, and chromium to lead, mercury, selenium, and zinc are harmful to human beings.

So are envirwhackos people who foolishly believe poison is bad for you?

House Again Votes to Increase Mercury Pollution, Premature Death and Disease
H.R. 2250 promotes waste-burning, lets thousands of polluters escape clean air laws
October 13, 2011

Washington, D.C. —By a vote of 275 to 142, the House of Representatives just passed H.R. 2250, a dangerous bill that allows mercury and other toxic air pollution to pour freely from thousands of the nation's worst air polluters. H.R. 2250 exempts industrial boilers (the on-site power plants at major industrial plants) and industrial waste incinerators from the Clean Air Act's pollution control requirements. It encourages companies to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution. And, adding insult to injury, it deprives people in neighboring communities of any ability to find out what wastes their dangerous neighbors are burning and what toxic pollutants they are emitting.

"By taking away pollution control requirements for industrial boilers and incinerators, H.R. 2250 would literally kill and sicken thousands of Americans," said Earthjustice attorney Jim Pew. "And what is simply appalling is that the industry lobbyists who pushed for this bill and the members of Congress who voted for it know these facts."

H.R. 2250 encourages industrial boilers and waste incinerators to burn tires, plastics, used chemicals, spent solvents and other industrial wastes without doing anything to control the resulting toxic air pollution.
(Lake Michigan Federation)

The bill is a gift to industries that have long fought for approval to burn industrial wastes in dirty, uncontrolled facilities rather than dispose of them safely. In a clear indication of the serious threat posed by H.R. 2250, the Obama administration last week indicated that it will veto H.R. 2250 and a similar bill (H.R. 2681) that exempts cement kilns from the Clean Air Act. H.R. 2681 passed the House on October 6, 2011 by a vote of 262 to 161.

The pollution control standards that the House voted to rescind today would save between 2,500 and 6,500 lives every year by reducing emissions of fine particulate pollution from the largest and worst polluters. Annually, these standards would also prevent thousands of heart attacks, asthma attacks, and emergency room visits, and hundreds of thousands of days of missed work and school that would otherwise be caused by pollution-related heart and respiratory illness. The standard's reductions of emissions of mercury, arsenic, and other highly toxic pollutants would prevent cancers, birth defects and other catastrophic diseases. Mercury exposure can cause serious developmental and brain damage to fetuses, babies and young children.

H.R. 2250's proponents seek to portray themselves as helping the economy by eliminating "job-killing" regulations. But they have never provided any credible evidence that the clean air standards for industrial boilers (or cement kilns) would kill a single job or that rescinding these standards would save a single job. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency estimated that pollution standards for industrial boilers would lead to the creation of 2,200 jobs, a figure which doesn't even include the jobs created in industries that manufacture and install pollution control equipment.

Hey tinydancer, what do envirowhackos look like? They must be the people who are against bills like H.R. 2250.

This is not about whether C02 is causing climate change. This is about whether heavy metals, from arsenic, boron, and chromium to lead, mercury, selenium, and zinc are harmful to human beings.

So are envirwhackos people who foolishly believe poison is bad for you?

House Again Votes to Increase Mercury Pollution, Premature Death and Disease
H.R. 2250 promotes waste-burning, lets thousands of polluters escape clean air laws

It is a shame, Comrade; We live a small fraction of the years we did 100 or even 50 years ago, Clearly something must be done to stem the drastic decline in life expectancy.


Oh wait, maybe you Communists are holding the graph upside down?

Or, you have far more sinister motives.
I'll go on the line to say anyone worth billions regardless of party is not playing by the rules. Would stake everything I own on it.

I suppose the question would be, "what rules?"

How about the "rules of the commons" that goes back to the Magna Carta?

The rule is the commons are owned by all of us. They're not owned by the governor or the legislator or the coal companies and the utility. Everybody has a right to use them. Nobody has a right to abuse them. Nobody has a right to use them in a way that will diminish or injure their use and enjoyment by others.
Hey tinydancer, what do envirowhackos look like? They must be the people who are against bills like H.R. 2250.

This is not about whether C02 is causing climate change. This is about whether heavy metals, from arsenic, boron, and chromium to lead, mercury, selenium, and zinc are harmful to human beings.

So are envirwhackos people who foolishly believe poison is bad for you?

House Again Votes to Increase Mercury Pollution, Premature Death and Disease
H.R. 2250 promotes waste-burning, lets thousands of polluters escape clean air laws

It is a shame, Comrade; We live a small fraction of the years we did 100 or even 50 years ago, Clearly something must be done to stem the drastic decline in life expectancy.


Oh wait, maybe you Communists are holding the graph upside down?

Or, you have far more sinister motives.

So we need to stem that tide by rolling back environmental protection? Is THAT what decent and moderate people believe? Do they believe that restriction on toxins are evil?
We should add the fact that the Koch Brothers entertained two members of the Supreme Court. Shame on Thomas and Scalia, of course that too is legal since the USSC does not have an ethics code. The only judges in America who don't have one.

Why shame on them?

Has not Soros and Michael Moore both entertained Marxist Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Yes they have. You want right wing money out of politics. Left wing money - even when it can be directly linked to influence peddling is just dandy with you.

Some think you Socialists have no standards, but in fact you have lots of standards - different standards depending on party affiliation, different standards depending on media connections, etc...

Fuck you.
Hey tinydancer, what do envirowhackos look like? They must be the people who are against bills like H.R. 2250.

This is not about whether C02 is causing climate change. This is about whether heavy metals, from arsenic, boron, and chromium to lead, mercury, selenium, and zinc are harmful to human beings.

So are envirwhackos people who foolishly believe poison is bad for you?

House Again Votes to Increase Mercury Pollution, Premature Death and Disease
H.R. 2250 promotes waste-burning, lets thousands of polluters escape clean air laws

It is a shame, Comrade; We live a small fraction of the years we did 100 or even 50 years ago, Clearly something must be done to stem the drastic decline in life expectancy.


Oh wait, maybe you Communists are holding the graph upside down?

Or, you have far more sinister motives.

So we need to stem that tide by rolling back environmental protection? Is THAT what decent and moderate people believe? Do they believe that restriction on toxins are evil?

There is no reason to discuss anything with uncensored, he's an asshole and a paranoid who thinks everyone but those to the right of Scalia, Thomas and Alito are Marxists.
thankfully all their "dirty politics" failed in this election. war on womeeen, war on homosexuals, war on brown people, etc etc

don't worry they are GEARING up with more, smears, dirt, hate and dirty politics for the Presidential elections

they have nothing else, THE people FULLY rejected THEM starting in 2010 and NOW with these midterm election
How about the "rules of the commons" that goes back to the Magna Carta?

You live by the rule of the looter, that force of arms and arbitrary law is supreme

The rule is the commons are owned by all of us. They're not owned by the governor or the legislator or the coal companies and the utility. Everybody has a right to use them. Nobody has a right to abuse them. Nobody has a right to use them in a way that will diminish or injure their use and enjoyment by others.

Just the opposite, the rules you enforce are only owned by the well connected, the back room bargain, the repayment of favor. You speak of the public as your fodder, but it is the elite alone who benefit from your actions.
So we need to stem that tide by rolling back environmental protection?

Stem WHAT tide, Comrade? The tide of long life? I indeed believe that you of the left would love to limit the life span of the proles. If only you could find a way to work us for 30 years and then dispose of us, eh Comrade?

Is THAT what decent and moderate people believe? Do they believe that restriction on toxins are evil?

We, the men of reason, believe in facts. We live in the world - there are toxins in this world. Mercury exists in ALL water - period. You seek to use fear as a club to beat down the producers and make them your servant. Fear is born of ignorance, ignorance that you of the left promote and spread.

What are the threshold levels where mercury is harmful? Do the EPA thresholds reflect scientific facts?

Comrade, the FDA holds 1 ppm as the safe level for fish, why do you claim allowing 1/1000 of that level in water will "increase premature death and disease?" Well, because you are a demagogue of course, you seek to sew fear to gain political power.

Such is the way of Communists.
There is no reason to discuss anything with uncensored, he's an asshole and a paranoid who thinks everyone but those to the right of Scalia, Thomas and Alito are Marxists.
That would not leave a lot of Marxists. There is plenty of room to their left however.

LOL, mea culpa

There is no reason to discuss anything with uncensored, he's an asshole and a paranoid who thinks everyone to the Left of Scalia, Thomas and Alito are Marxist.

PS, I misused a word. Please strike "thinks" and add "believes". Thinking is not evident in his posts.
There is no reason to discuss anything with uncensored, he's an asshole and a paranoid who thinks everyone but those to the right of Scalia, Thomas and Alito are Marxists.

You are what is known as a "useful idiot." You lack the wits and education to understand that what you promote - the concentration of the means of production into the hands of central planners, is socialism.

You bristle that I dare name the truth that you wish to hide from yourself.
I though Obambam was going to: stem the tides while he is healing the planet?

my gawd who speaks that way? I can't stand these people who acts like preachers instead of President
There is no reason to discuss anything with uncensored, he's an asshole and a paranoid who thinks everyone but those to the right of Scalia, Thomas and Alito are Marxists.

You are what is known as a "useful idiot." You lack the wits and education to understand that what you promote - the concentration of the means of production into the hands of central planners, is socialism.

You bristle that I dare name the truth that you wish to hide from yourself.

Who in the United States has concentrated, or wants to concentrate, the means of production in the hands of "central planners"? Who are the "central planners"?

Try to answer without being vulgar if you can. And speak to public utilities, what is your opinion of them?

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