Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

That means almost 2 million are over 25 and working minimum wage. And what, so people under 25 don't matter?

So they matter when you are talking about how they are getting screwed by Obamacare(as you should), but the young don't matter when it comes to paying them a decent wage. This shows you don't care about the young at all. Rather, you just see them as a political pawns to forward your agenda on certain issues. Unemployment for those 20-24 for example is almost 12%, this doesn't include those who work part time or have given up looking for work. The fact is, as our economy becomes a service based economy with fewer jobs, we need to guarantee a baseline standard of living. Better this be guaranteed with a couple dollars extra an hour at their job than in a welfare line. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pick of the slack of an employer that doesn't pay his workers a decent wage.

What is it about entry level wages for inexperienced people that you don't get? Many successful people started their careers working for minimum jobs that enabled them to develop a good work ethic. Why do you wish to deny young people that opportuity?
One minute you say many successful people started with a minimum wage, than you say you want to get rid of it, because it denies people opportunities.

Your view here is a contradiction.

There's no contradiction, unless you're terminally stupid.
That is 3.6 million people. Lot of people their buddy, not including their families or others they may live with.
Minimum wage workers account for 4.7 percent of hourly paid workers in 2012 : The Editor’s Desk : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Half of all minimum wage workers are under the age of 25 and a majority of that are ones 20 and under (just look at BLS statistics).. most of which will not have a family to support... many will not even be the sole supporter of ANY kind of household...

And beyond that, as stated SO many times.. it is on the individual who wants more to do something to EARN more
That means almost 2 million are over 25 and working minimum wage. And what, so people under 25 don't matter?

So they matter when you are talking about how they are getting screwed by Obamacare(as you should), but the young don't matter when it comes to paying them a decent wage. This shows you don't care about the young at all. Rather, you just see them as a political pawns to forward your agenda on certain issues. Unemployment for those 20-24 for example is almost 12%, this doesn't include those who work part time or have given up looking for work. The fact is, as our economy becomes a service based economy with fewer jobs, we need to guarantee a baseline standard of living. Better this be guaranteed with a couple dollars extra an hour at their job than in a welfare line. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pick of the slack of an employer that doesn't pay his workers a decent wage.

Most under 25 are NOT head of household... since you seemed incapable of catching that... and we all have to START somewhere when we enter the work force

And even with those OVER 25, it is not the responsibility of someone else just to give them more... it is their responsibility to do what it takes to demand and earn more

And lest you forget that even the mentally challenged who work at McDonalds EARN RAISES with staying there, becoming more valuable to the company, etc... it is not hard to start earning more than the minimum.. unless you are indeed some loser, some unmotivated twit who don't give a shit, or someone with such a bad attitude that you get fired constantly

The extra money in a minimum wage does not get people off the welfare line... it causes more unemployment and just simply changes the floor number level... those people will still be at the bottom.. those who were 1st line supervisors or ones who busted their butts to go from 7.50 to 9.50 are now going to be content to earn the same as the loser saps who did nothing?? No, they will need to be raised up too.. the entry electrician's apprentice who was earning $10 an hour will still want to be paid more than the minimum.. the store manager will not be content with only earning $2 more than the lowest rung workers and will get a raise.. etc etc etc etc etc etc.. it all goes up the line.. and what is the result, HIGHER C.O.L. and expenditures.... meaning that the POVERTY NUMBERS DO NOT IMPROVE ONE FUCKING BIT.. you just inflated everything ad put more people out of work

Oh puhlease. Bullshit. Work is work and manual labor is hard. It is certainly worth $10 an hour.

Nope.. not when 99% of the populace could do the labor with little or no training.. it is NOT worth more money

Whether you believe it to be or call something 'hard' is irrelevant

It's going to happen.

For right or wrong, it MAY happen... even though it should not...

Again.. if you want more, it is not for society to just give you more for nothing.... that thought, resides in progressive whining lala land
Half of all minimum wage workers are under the age of 25 and a majority of that are ones 20 and under (just look at BLS statistics).. most of which will not have a family to support... many will not even be the sole supporter of ANY kind of household...

And beyond that, as stated SO many times.. it is on the individual who wants more to do something to EARN more
That means almost 2 million are over 25 and working minimum wage. And what, so people under 25 don't matter?

So they matter when you are talking about how they are getting screwed by Obamacare(as you should), but the young don't matter when it comes to paying them a decent wage. This shows you don't care about the young at all. Rather, you just see them as a political pawns to forward your agenda on certain issues. Unemployment for those 20-24 for example is almost 12%, this doesn't include those who work part time or have given up looking for work. The fact is, as our economy becomes a service based economy with fewer jobs, we need to guarantee a baseline standard of living. Better this be guaranteed with a couple dollars extra an hour at their job than in a welfare line. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pick of the slack of an employer that doesn't pay his workers a decent wage.

Most under 25 are NOT head of household... since you seemed incapable of catching that... and we all have to START somewhere when we enter the work force

And even with those OVER 25, it is not the responsibility of someone else just to give them more... it is their responsibility to do what it takes to demand and earn more

And lest you forget that even the mentally challenged who work at McDonalds EARN RAISES with staying there, becoming more valuable to the company, etc... it is not hard to start earning more than the minimum.. unless you are indeed some loser, some unmotivated twit who don't give a shit, or someone with such a bad attitude that you get fired constantly

The extra money in a minimum wage does not get people off the welfare line... it causes more unemployment and just simply changes the floor number level... those people will still be at the bottom.. those who were 1st line supervisors or ones who busted their butts to go from 7.50 to 9.50 are now going to be content to earn the same as the loser saps who did nothing?? No, they will need to be raised up too.. the entry electrician's apprentice who was earning $10 an hour will still want to be paid more than the minimum.. the store manager will not be content with only earning $2 more than the lowest rung workers and will get a raise.. etc etc etc etc etc etc.. it all goes up the line.. and what is the result, HIGHER C.O.L. and expenditures.... meaning that the POVERTY NUMBERS DO NOT IMPROVE ONE FUCKING BIT.. you just inflated everything ad put more people out of work


No I caught that, so what if they aren't the head of a household, only heads of households matter in your eyes? Plenty of individuals in America aren't the head of households, are they not a concern for you? This is your argument? Is that really the best you can come up with?

So the owner of a firm has no responsibility to his workers? Says who, you? Why should I care what you think? Every country in the civilized western white world has had minimum wage for decades now, and had labor regulations since before the turn of the 20th century. The idea that the owner has no obligation to their workers and should not be regulated at all has already sailed, and your side lost, because your argument lacks common sense.

It isn't just people at McDonald's who earn minimum wage. But it is interesting your contempt for those who earn minimum wage as all stupid and lazy. Perhaps your bias against them influences your opinions.

Sure, there are stupid people, certainly, and people who work less hard than others. But that shouldn't mean that employers should be able to pay whatever they wish to their workers. Like I said, I would prefer a little be taken off the bottom line of some business owner than all these low wage workers be funneled into an already nearly bankrupt welfare state. Taxpayers need to stop being the backstop to bail out corporations and businesses of basic responsibilities.

There is no proof raising minimum wage causes unemployment, especially considering all other economic factors. If you had proof, you would cite it. Instead you get angry, type in ALL CAPS, and come up with hypothetical situations.
I think Democrats are tying to see if they can push Unemployment up to 10% before Obama leaves office

what better way to push people onto the taxpayer government controlled welfare and shut down businesses at the same time?
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Nope.. not when 99% of the populace could do the labor with little or no training.. it is NOT worth more money

Whether you believe it to be or call something 'hard' is irrelevant

It's going to happen.

For right or wrong, it MAY happen... even though it should not...

Again.. if you want more, it is not for society to just give you more for nothing.... that thought, resides in progressive whining lala land

If they're not important to the company or doing nothing as you say, why hire them at all? Just have managers or important ceos there pushing the touch screens. I say they are providing an important service cooking, sweeping, loading the dishwasher and the companies are just trying to be cheap and unfair. They don't want to pay for such menial services. They want slaves.
That means almost 2 million are over 25 and working minimum wage. And what, so people under 25 don't matter?

So they matter when you are talking about how they are getting screwed by Obamacare(as you should), but the young don't matter when it comes to paying them a decent wage. This shows you don't care about the young at all. Rather, you just see them as a political pawns to forward your agenda on certain issues. Unemployment for those 20-24 for example is almost 12%, this doesn't include those who work part time or have given up looking for work. The fact is, as our economy becomes a service based economy with fewer jobs, we need to guarantee a baseline standard of living. Better this be guaranteed with a couple dollars extra an hour at their job than in a welfare line. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pick of the slack of an employer that doesn't pay his workers a decent wage.

Most under 25 are NOT head of household... since you seemed incapable of catching that... and we all have to START somewhere when we enter the work force

And even with those OVER 25, it is not the responsibility of someone else just to give them more... it is their responsibility to do what it takes to demand and earn more

And lest you forget that even the mentally challenged who work at McDonalds EARN RAISES with staying there, becoming more valuable to the company, etc... it is not hard to start earning more than the minimum.. unless you are indeed some loser, some unmotivated twit who don't give a shit, or someone with such a bad attitude that you get fired constantly

The extra money in a minimum wage does not get people off the welfare line... it causes more unemployment and just simply changes the floor number level... those people will still be at the bottom.. those who were 1st line supervisors or ones who busted their butts to go from 7.50 to 9.50 are now going to be content to earn the same as the loser saps who did nothing?? No, they will need to be raised up too.. the entry electrician's apprentice who was earning $10 an hour will still want to be paid more than the minimum.. the store manager will not be content with only earning $2 more than the lowest rung workers and will get a raise.. etc etc etc etc etc etc.. it all goes up the line.. and what is the result, HIGHER C.O.L. and expenditures.... meaning that the POVERTY NUMBERS DO NOT IMPROVE ONE FUCKING BIT.. you just inflated everything ad put more people out of work


No I caught that, so what if they aren't the head of a household, only heads of households matter in your eyes? Plenty of individuals in America aren't the head of households, are they not a concern for you? This is your argument? Is that really the best you can come up with?

So the owner of a firm has no responsibility to his workers? Says who, you? Why should I care what you think? Every country in the civilized western white world has had minimum wage for decades now, and had labor regulations since before the turn of the 20th century. The idea that the owner has no obligation to their workers and should not be regulated at all has already sailed, and your side lost, because your argument lacks common sense.

It isn't just people at McDonald's who earn minimum wage. But it is interesting your contempt for those who earn minimum wage as all stupid and lazy. Perhaps your bias against them influences your opinions.

Sure, there are stupid people, certainly, and people who work less hard than others. But that shouldn't mean that employers should be able to pay whatever they wish to their workers. Like I said, I would prefer a little be taken off the bottom line of some business owner than all these low wage workers be funneled into an already nearly bankrupt welfare state. Taxpayers need to stop being the backstop to bail out corporations and businesses of basic responsibilities.

There is no proof raising minimum wage causes unemployment, especially considering all other economic factors. If you had proof, you would cite it. Instead you get angry, type in ALL CAPS, and come up with hypothetical situations.

If you are not head of household.. you generally are not raising a family, living on your own, etc... hence why it is smart not to be having kids, buying houses, etc until you improve your employment situation

Most who do earn minimum wage, who have been in the workforce for a while, are over the age of 22, and who are not mentally or physically challenged are indeed lazy or stupid... there is no other reasonable explanation

Employers should indeed pay only what they need to hire a person... if there is a glut of unskilled people on the hunt to work something that takes next to zero skill or training, why the fuck should they be paid a premium?? And if the individual is sick of earning the lowest wages out there, why the fuck are they not doing something about it instead of expending energy whining about wanting more??

There is indeed proof that higher labor costs cause unemployment... the places that claim otherwise are generally activist organizations who call for these arbitrary wage increases.. to think otherwise just shows that you are about as ignorant as those 30+ year old burger flipper who smell of pot and uncleaned apartment

To think that an approximate 30% increase of the lowest wage scales will not lead to the loss of many of those lowest jobs is simply ridiculous... when the cost of technology becomes lower than the cost of manpower in jobs for idiots, those jobs will indeed disappear.. when labor costs bring down or take away profit levels needed to survive, those lowest scale jobs will indeed disappear and work will be more widely distributed between remaining workers
It's going to happen.

For right or wrong, it MAY happen... even though it should not...

Again.. if you want more, it is not for society to just give you more for nothing.... that thought, resides in progressive whining lala land

If they're not important to the company or doing nothing as you say, why hire them at all? Just have managers or important ceos there pushing the touch screens. I say they are providing an important service cooking, sweeping, loading the dishwasher and the companies are just trying to be cheap and unfair. They don't want to pay for such menial services. They want slaves.

When the price of technology does become less than what it takes to have the unskilled people taking orders, stuffing boxes, sweeping floors, etc.. those jobs will indeed go away

FAIR, is a subjective term... you think it is only FAIR when it fits your criteria, while FAIRNESS to the employer or those risking investment means NOTHING to the likes of you... your subjective FAIRNESS means nothing

And nobody wants slaves... people want to survive and even thrive in business for their investment, time, risk, efforts, etc... they do not exist simply to hand you more for doing nothing more
That means almost 2 million are over 25 and working minimum wage. And what, so people under 25 don't matter?

So they matter when you are talking about how they are getting screwed by Obamacare(as you should), but the young don't matter when it comes to paying them a decent wage. This shows you don't care about the young at all. Rather, you just see them as a political pawns to forward your agenda on certain issues. Unemployment for those 20-24 for example is almost 12%, this doesn't include those who work part time or have given up looking for work. The fact is, as our economy becomes a service based economy with fewer jobs, we need to guarantee a baseline standard of living. Better this be guaranteed with a couple dollars extra an hour at their job than in a welfare line. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pick of the slack of an employer that doesn't pay his workers a decent wage.

Most under 25 are NOT head of household... since you seemed incapable of catching that... and we all have to START somewhere when we enter the work force

And even with those OVER 25, it is not the responsibility of someone else just to give them more... it is their responsibility to do what it takes to demand and earn more

And lest you forget that even the mentally challenged who work at McDonalds EARN RAISES with staying there, becoming more valuable to the company, etc... it is not hard to start earning more than the minimum.. unless you are indeed some loser, some unmotivated twit who don't give a shit, or someone with such a bad attitude that you get fired constantly

The extra money in a minimum wage does not get people off the welfare line... it causes more unemployment and just simply changes the floor number level... those people will still be at the bottom.. those who were 1st line supervisors or ones who busted their butts to go from 7.50 to 9.50 are now going to be content to earn the same as the loser saps who did nothing?? No, they will need to be raised up too.. the entry electrician's apprentice who was earning $10 an hour will still want to be paid more than the minimum.. the store manager will not be content with only earning $2 more than the lowest rung workers and will get a raise.. etc etc etc etc etc etc.. it all goes up the line.. and what is the result, HIGHER C.O.L. and expenditures.... meaning that the POVERTY NUMBERS DO NOT IMPROVE ONE FUCKING BIT.. you just inflated everything ad put more people out of work


No I caught that, so what if they aren't the head of a household, only heads of households matter in your eyes? Plenty of individuals in America aren't the head of households, are they not a concern for you? This is your argument? Is that really the best you can come up with?

So the owner of a firm has no responsibility to his workers? Says who, you? Why should I care what you think? Every country in the civilized western white world has had minimum wage for decades now, and had labor regulations since before the turn of the 20th century. The idea that the owner has no obligation to their workers and should not be regulated at all has already sailed, and your side lost, because your argument lacks common sense.

It isn't just people at McDonald's who earn minimum wage. But it is interesting your contempt for those who earn minimum wage as all stupid and lazy. Perhaps your bias against them influences your opinions.

Sure, there are stupid people, certainly, and people who work less hard than others. But that shouldn't mean that employers should be able to pay whatever they wish to their workers. Like I said, I would prefer a little be taken off the bottom line of some business owner than all these low wage workers be funneled into an already nearly bankrupt welfare state. Taxpayers need to stop being the backstop to bail out corporations and businesses of basic responsibilities.

There is no proof raising minimum wage causes unemployment, especially considering all other economic factors. If you had proof, you would cite it. Instead you get angry, type in ALL CAPS, and come up with hypothetical situations.

When the minimum wage is increased, it is usually such a small amount that it does not devastate the economy. But that does not mean that it does not have negative effects. Most people would agree that raising the minimum wage to $20 per hour would be outrageous. Raising the minimum just a little will have the same negative effects, but just on a smaller scale.
Most under 25 are NOT head of household... since you seemed incapable of catching that... and we all have to START somewhere when we enter the work force

And even with those OVER 25, it is not the responsibility of someone else just to give them more... it is their responsibility to do what it takes to demand and earn more

And lest you forget that even the mentally challenged who work at McDonalds EARN RAISES with staying there, becoming more valuable to the company, etc... it is not hard to start earning more than the minimum.. unless you are indeed some loser, some unmotivated twit who don't give a shit, or someone with such a bad attitude that you get fired constantly

The extra money in a minimum wage does not get people off the welfare line... it causes more unemployment and just simply changes the floor number level... those people will still be at the bottom.. those who were 1st line supervisors or ones who busted their butts to go from 7.50 to 9.50 are now going to be content to earn the same as the loser saps who did nothing?? No, they will need to be raised up too.. the entry electrician's apprentice who was earning $10 an hour will still want to be paid more than the minimum.. the store manager will not be content with only earning $2 more than the lowest rung workers and will get a raise.. etc etc etc etc etc etc.. it all goes up the line.. and what is the result, HIGHER C.O.L. and expenditures.... meaning that the POVERTY NUMBERS DO NOT IMPROVE ONE FUCKING BIT.. you just inflated everything ad put more people out of work


No I caught that, so what if they aren't the head of a household, only heads of households matter in your eyes? Plenty of individuals in America aren't the head of households, are they not a concern for you? This is your argument? Is that really the best you can come up with?

So the owner of a firm has no responsibility to his workers? Says who, you? Why should I care what you think? Every country in the civilized western white world has had minimum wage for decades now, and had labor regulations since before the turn of the 20th century. The idea that the owner has no obligation to their workers and should not be regulated at all has already sailed, and your side lost, because your argument lacks common sense.

It isn't just people at McDonald's who earn minimum wage. But it is interesting your contempt for those who earn minimum wage as all stupid and lazy. Perhaps your bias against them influences your opinions.

Sure, there are stupid people, certainly, and people who work less hard than others. But that shouldn't mean that employers should be able to pay whatever they wish to their workers. Like I said, I would prefer a little be taken off the bottom line of some business owner than all these low wage workers be funneled into an already nearly bankrupt welfare state. Taxpayers need to stop being the backstop to bail out corporations and businesses of basic responsibilities.

There is no proof raising minimum wage causes unemployment, especially considering all other economic factors. If you had proof, you would cite it. Instead you get angry, type in ALL CAPS, and come up with hypothetical situations.

When the minimum wage is increased, it is usually such a small amount that it does not devastate the economy. But that does not mean that it does not have negative effects. Most people would agree that raising the minimum wage to $20 per hour would be outrageous. Raising the minimum just a little will have the same negative effects, but just on a smaller scale.

Well, first off, I never suggested raising minimum wage to $20, nor is that what is on the table.

Please, cite the negative effects, with proof, from raising the minimum wage "just a little".
Most under 25 are NOT head of household... since you seemed incapable of catching that... and we all have to START somewhere when we enter the work force

And even with those OVER 25, it is not the responsibility of someone else just to give them more... it is their responsibility to do what it takes to demand and earn more

And lest you forget that even the mentally challenged who work at McDonalds EARN RAISES with staying there, becoming more valuable to the company, etc... it is not hard to start earning more than the minimum.. unless you are indeed some loser, some unmotivated twit who don't give a shit, or someone with such a bad attitude that you get fired constantly

The extra money in a minimum wage does not get people off the welfare line... it causes more unemployment and just simply changes the floor number level... those people will still be at the bottom.. those who were 1st line supervisors or ones who busted their butts to go from 7.50 to 9.50 are now going to be content to earn the same as the loser saps who did nothing?? No, they will need to be raised up too.. the entry electrician's apprentice who was earning $10 an hour will still want to be paid more than the minimum.. the store manager will not be content with only earning $2 more than the lowest rung workers and will get a raise.. etc etc etc etc etc etc.. it all goes up the line.. and what is the result, HIGHER C.O.L. and expenditures.... meaning that the POVERTY NUMBERS DO NOT IMPROVE ONE FUCKING BIT.. you just inflated everything ad put more people out of work


No I caught that, so what if they aren't the head of a household, only heads of households matter in your eyes? Plenty of individuals in America aren't the head of households, are they not a concern for you? This is your argument? Is that really the best you can come up with?

So the owner of a firm has no responsibility to his workers? Says who, you? Why should I care what you think? Every country in the civilized western white world has had minimum wage for decades now, and had labor regulations since before the turn of the 20th century. The idea that the owner has no obligation to their workers and should not be regulated at all has already sailed, and your side lost, because your argument lacks common sense.

It isn't just people at McDonald's who earn minimum wage. But it is interesting your contempt for those who earn minimum wage as all stupid and lazy. Perhaps your bias against them influences your opinions.

Sure, there are stupid people, certainly, and people who work less hard than others. But that shouldn't mean that employers should be able to pay whatever they wish to their workers. Like I said, I would prefer a little be taken off the bottom line of some business owner than all these low wage workers be funneled into an already nearly bankrupt welfare state. Taxpayers need to stop being the backstop to bail out corporations and businesses of basic responsibilities.

There is no proof raising minimum wage causes unemployment, especially considering all other economic factors. If you had proof, you would cite it. Instead you get angry, type in ALL CAPS, and come up with hypothetical situations.

When the minimum wage is increased, it is usually such a small amount that it does not devastate the economy. But that does not mean that it does not have negative effects. Most people would agree that raising the minimum wage to $20 per hour would be outrageous. Raising the minimum just a little will have the same negative effects, but just on a smaller scale.

So 30+% would be a small scale increase??

No.. $7.50 to $7.85.. THAT would be a non-outrageous increase or between 4 and 5%.... and that may not cause AS MUCH of a negative impact.. what is being proposed with these outrageous $10-$15 minimum wage ideas is absurd
For right or wrong, it MAY happen... even though it should not...

Again.. if you want more, it is not for society to just give you more for nothing.... that thought, resides in progressive whining lala land

If they're not important to the company or doing nothing as you say, why hire them at all? Just have managers or important ceos there pushing the touch screens. I say they are providing an important service cooking, sweeping, loading the dishwasher and the companies are just trying to be cheap and unfair. They don't want to pay for such menial services. They want slaves.

When the price of technology does become less than what it takes to have the unskilled people taking orders, stuffing boxes, sweeping floors, etc.. those jobs will indeed go away

FAIR, is a subjective term... you think it is only FAIR when it fits your criteria, while FAIRNESS to the employer or those risking investment means NOTHING to the likes of you... your subjective FAIRNESS means nothing

And nobody wants slaves... people want to survive and even thrive in business for their investment, time, risk, efforts, etc... they do not exist simply to hand you more for doing nothing more

That survival argument flies out the window when you have the multi million dollar CEO in the picture. They are not trying to simply survive. They're refusing to pay a fair wage for a fair day's work.

You can measure a fair day's work, btw and pay accordingly.
If they're not important to the company or doing nothing as you say, why hire them at all? Just have managers or important ceos there pushing the touch screens. I say they are providing an important service cooking, sweeping, loading the dishwasher and the companies are just trying to be cheap and unfair. They don't want to pay for such menial services. They want slaves.

When the price of technology does become less than what it takes to have the unskilled people taking orders, stuffing boxes, sweeping floors, etc.. those jobs will indeed go away

FAIR, is a subjective term... you think it is only FAIR when it fits your criteria, while FAIRNESS to the employer or those risking investment means NOTHING to the likes of you... your subjective FAIRNESS means nothing

And nobody wants slaves... people want to survive and even thrive in business for their investment, time, risk, efforts, etc... they do not exist simply to hand you more for doing nothing more

That survival argument flies out the window when you have the multi million dollar CEO in the picture. They are not trying to simply survive. They're refusing to pay a fair wage for a fair day's work.

You can measure a fair day's work, btw and pay accordingly.

What someone earns via their own skill, marketability, negotiation etc is irrelevant and is of no concern of yours.... because they earn what you consider over the top, does not mean that they owe it to others... even if it is nice when they are indeed charitable

Again... your subjective FAIRNESS means absolutely nothing
Well, the thing is, Republicans don't mind that CEOs make 18 plus million a year but they're all worried about people with families getting too far ahead. In their pea brains, it's the little guy that is really bad for business.

That is what's sad and pretty gross.

Why would I care what the CEO makes? And btw... here's a link to a little bit about Don Thompson the McDonalds CEO:

Don Thompson ::

Do you realize the skillset it takes to manage a company of that size??? And what's the skillset needed to stand there like a zombie and ask "would you like an apple pie with that?"

See, you're a lib.. you never can recognize the real problem which isn't these people's pay, it's that they can do no better than get an entry level job. That is the problem.

You should care because Republican reasoning is that if they have to pay a fair wage, jobs will be lost because businesses can't afford to pay. :lol: Ridiculous and pretty crazy...

there is no such thing as "fair wage". It is ridiculous and pretty crazy to assume something like that exists.
I think Democrats are tying to see if they can push Unemployment up to 10% before Obama leaves office

what better way to push people onto the taxpayer government controlled welfare and shut down businesses at the same time?

that is exactly the plan. So the 47% can be turned to 60% and that will ensure to dimocrap power garb forever ( or so they think)
Why would I care what the CEO makes? And btw... here's a link to a little bit about Don Thompson the McDonalds CEO:

Don Thompson ::

Do you realize the skillset it takes to manage a company of that size??? And what's the skillset needed to stand there like a zombie and ask "would you like an apple pie with that?"

See, you're a lib.. you never can recognize the real problem which isn't these people's pay, it's that they can do no better than get an entry level job. That is the problem.

You should care because Republican reasoning is that if they have to pay a fair wage, jobs will be lost because businesses can't afford to pay. :lol: Ridiculous and pretty crazy...

there is no such thing as "fair wage". It is ridiculous and pretty crazy to assume something like that exists.

That's what gets me about this argument. Both sides seem to fall into the rut of debating what people working various jobs 'deserve' and that's completely irrelevant. What your job pays has nothing to do with what you 'deserve'. It doesn't matter how hard you work, how virtuous you are, or even how skilled you are. All that matters is how much someone else values what you're doing. If it's something people want and need, you'll make money. If it's not, regardless of what you 'deserve', you won't.
If they're not important to the company or doing nothing as you say, why hire them at all? Just have managers or important ceos there pushing the touch screens. I say they are providing an important service cooking, sweeping, loading the dishwasher and the companies are just trying to be cheap and unfair. They don't want to pay for such menial services. They want slaves.

When the price of technology does become less than what it takes to have the unskilled people taking orders, stuffing boxes, sweeping floors, etc.. those jobs will indeed go away

FAIR, is a subjective term... you think it is only FAIR when it fits your criteria, while FAIRNESS to the employer or those risking investment means NOTHING to the likes of you... your subjective FAIRNESS means nothing

And nobody wants slaves... people want to survive and even thrive in business for their investment, time, risk, efforts, etc... they do not exist simply to hand you more for doing nothing more

That survival argument flies out the window when you have the multi million dollar CEO in the picture. They are not trying to simply survive. They're refusing to pay a fair wage for a fair day's work.

You can measure a fair day's work, btw and pay accordingly.

Every wage paid is a fair wage.

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