Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

Good article, the days of a starting jobs for the youngsters may be over.

There aren't jobs for much of anyone buddy. People are happy to get what they can. Your idea all minimum wage workers are teenagers is a fantasy that doesn't exist.

minimum wage workers make up about 3% of the hourly wage workers in this country.

It's not the problem you think it is.

But those 3% are an important component, mainly teenagers and younger people. If they have no entree into the working world, they will remain dependent on gov't forever. Which is probably the idea.
When did I mention that woman? You did. Not I.
Do you not know when someone is eating your lunch for you?
Like i said....A flyspeck in the ocean....
Now, your next post will mention her again. And you'll expect another comeback.
And you'll keep shoving this hussy in everyone's face because you knwo she's been forgotten. Swept under the dirty rug of history. Of a forgettable, albeit very short period of time.

Have fun on your date. Take pictures.

Ahh, so you know who she is but refuse to say her name because you insist you've forgotten her. I see.

That's a sadder commentary you're reporting on your life than anything I could come up with.
Good luck. You'll need a lot of it going forward.

You have issues. Carpet chomper
Man...or should I say boy....again, you have to take a swipe at someone you never met. I didn't quote you until you compared Ms. Fluke to a fast food drive-through which is about the depth of a comment we an expect from a conservative; hatred and what is for you, I'm sure is fine dining.

Well, in Ms. Fluke's case, she was a law student at the time and wanted the insurance she was getting to cover contraceptives. You were never asked to pay for anything.

No boy, you're a moron because you are speaking, repeatedly, from a position of ignorance.

Surely if that was her congressional could quote it...but you can't sonny boy. Gee, I wonder why you can't produce this quote from Ms. Fluke...:dunno:

You not only seem incapable of following a conversation you have utterly failed in english comprehension and how insurance mandated from a federal level works. You seem to need to be spoon fed your information as you are incapable of arriving to any conclusion not preconceived or spoon fed to you in advance. The entire testimony is on record, it can be read if you have the mind to comprehend it. Do I need to go line by line and explain the entire thing to you? I think that would be a waste of time since you are struggling for the basic comprehension of the testimony and are incapable of full understanding of the ramifications of the finer details of what she was asking for.

You failed to capitalize "english" there sport. Apparently proper English is a challenge for you too.

Again, a quote is where you cite someone saying something. You said that she wanted you to pay for her oral contraceptives. Yet you can't cite her saying that. So, one has to wonder why are you lying?

As you said, "The entire testimony is on record"....surely you know how to cut and paste the passage where she says taxpayer money should be used.

She was stating that employers (for her purposes as a student, her employer was Georgetown) put contraceptives on the prescription plans. This would cost taxpayers $0.00. This would cost anyone not in her pool $0.00. Those in her pool would likely see no rise in rates either since hormones are such a small segment of the pharmaceutical spectrum and are made by companies that already have standing with the hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc.

But those are facts. I don't want to confuse your shallow mind with such heavy objects as facts and evidence. Lets get back to your original lie: again boy, please cite where she asks taxpayers to pay for contraception.

You can't.
You won't.

Does that sum it up nicely?
You simply do not get the program do you.
You're the only person in the country who is clinging to this wench.
I am poking fun at you because of it.
You have a boob crush on her. That's all.
Look, you can insist all you like that which is not true.
While I go one bashing you...
For me, this is a participation sport...Sport.
So where are you two going? Movie? Gonna sit inside grab a bottle of wine and whip out your "Ellen" DVD collection, followed up with old episodes of Zena Warrior Princess?...How how about a trip to NYC to take in a New York Liberty game?
Come one drippy....I can do this all day.
Come back with something clever...
Or, you can put me on ignore.....Please!
Or you can run to the mods and complain like a second grader...
Yep. Typical lib. start shit by making accusations. When the accused fight back, you tattle.
BTW, who in their right mind would name themselves after the worst tasting most nasty product ever devised for Halloween trick or treating?...oh, that would be you....
Have a good day there, short bus.
The democrats push for minimum wage is rather more a distraction from the major problems. They can't focus on Obamacare, and can't run on the economy. They need to pick little issues and try to make a major issue out of it.
The democrats push for minimum wage is rather more a distraction from the major problems. They can't focus on Obamacare, and can't run on the economy. They need to pick little issues and try to make a major issue out of it.

That's all it's about..Too bad their base won't see it or care
There aren't jobs for much of anyone buddy. People are happy to get what they can. Your idea all minimum wage workers are teenagers is a fantasy that doesn't exist.

minimum wage workers make up about 3% of the hourly wage workers in this country.

It's not the problem you think it is.

But those 3% are an important component, mainly teenagers and younger people. If they have no entree into the working world, they will remain dependent on gov't forever. Which is probably the idea.

We'll end up like Europe where all jobs are career jobs and the youth unemployment rate is 25% in France, 56.1% in Spain and 65% in Greece.
Getting minimum wage out there will get Democrats to the polls in the Fall for sure. They'd be smart to get that message out there throughout the year starting now. We'll see if they can pull together and understand what it means to them really.
minimum wage workers make up about 3% of the hourly wage workers in this country.

It's not the problem you think it is.

But those 3% are an important component, mainly teenagers and younger people. If they have no entree into the working world, they will remain dependent on gov't forever. Which is probably the idea.

We'll end up like Europe where all jobs are career jobs and the youth unemployment rate is 25% in France, 56.1% in Spain and 65% in Greece.

That's the plan for the Democrat party...Why do you think they haven't worried over 7% unemployment for 5 years...They know what they're doing, evil people in that party...

just like OScamCare now putting people into Medicaid
The democrats push for minimum wage is rather more a distraction from the major problems. They can't focus on Obamacare, and can't run on the economy. They need to pick little issues and try to make a major issue out of it.


Great point. We need people like you here to beat down the idiot libs! Rock on.

The effort to take advantage of growing populism among voters in both parties is being coordinated by officials from the White House, labor unions and liberal advocacy groups.

In a series of strategy meetings and conference calls among them in recent weeks, they have focused on two levels: an effort to raise the federal minimum wage, which will be pushed by President Obama and congressional leaders, and a campaign to place state-level minimum wage proposals on the ballot in states with hotly contested congressional races.

With polls showing widespread support for an increase in the $7.25-per-hour federal minimum wage among both Republican and Democratic voters, top Democrats see not only a wedge issue that they hope will place Republican candidates in a difficult position, but also a tool with which to enlarge the electorate in a nonpresidential election, when turnout among minorities and youths typically drops off.

“It puts Republicans on the wrong side of an important value issue when it comes to fairness,” said Dan Pfeiffer, the president’s senior adviser. “You can make a very strong case that this will be a helpful issue for Democrats in 2014. But the goal here is to actually get it done. That’s why the president put it on the agenda.”

That's certainly going to make the 2014 elections interesting.

Dem's push for 2014, different shade of lipstick on the class warfare pig........
Since nothing else has worked in stimulating the economy to any great extent; we should try raising the FMW just because it's the next tool in the box.

See what happens.

Keep throwing shit against the wall and let's see what sticks? I sure feel better knowing intellectual giants like yourself get to vote.....:thup:
A small increase in the minimum wage will have little effect on the economy. When a large increase to the minimum wage is suggested, most balk at the idea because the negative consequences are obvious. A small increase to the minimum wage will have the same negative consequences just on a smaller scale.

Some people will earn more money if the minimum wage is increased; however, an increased minimum wage will be impead hiring of low skill, entry level workers. But let's assume that the minimum wage has no effect on employment. Then the minimum wage will act as a price control increasing the cost of labor. This will result in a ripple effect increaseing the cost of goods and services resulting in inflation.

Want to tie the minimum wage to inflation? This could result in a feedback loop driving inflation higher and then wages higher with no net effect in the standard of living of the low wage earner.
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But those 3% are an important component, mainly teenagers and younger people. If they have no entree into the working world, they will remain dependent on gov't forever. Which is probably the idea.

We'll end up like Europe where all jobs are career jobs and the youth unemployment rate is 25% in France, 56.1% in Spain and 65% in Greece.

That's the plan for the Democrat party...Why do you think they haven't worried over 7% unemployment for 5 years...They know what they're doing, evil people in that party...

just like OScamCare now putting people into Medicaid

unfortunately the stupid sheeple are too obtuse to realize that

The effort to take advantage of growing populism among voters in both parties is being coordinated by officials from the White House, labor unions and liberal advocacy groups.

In a series of strategy meetings and conference calls among them in recent weeks, they have focused on two levels: an effort to raise the federal minimum wage, which will be pushed by President Obama and congressional leaders, and a campaign to place state-level minimum wage proposals on the ballot in states with hotly contested congressional races.

With polls showing widespread support for an increase in the $7.25-per-hour federal minimum wage among both Republican and Democratic voters, top Democrats see not only a wedge issue that they hope will place Republican candidates in a difficult position, but also a tool with which to enlarge the electorate in a nonpresidential election, when turnout among minorities and youths typically drops off.

“It puts Republicans on the wrong side of an important value issue when it comes to fairness,” said Dan Pfeiffer, the president’s senior adviser. “You can make a very strong case that this will be a helpful issue for Democrats in 2014. But the goal here is to actually get it done. That’s why the president put it on the agenda.”

That's certainly going to make the 2014 elections interesting.

Dem's push for 2014, different shade of lipstick on the class warfare pig........

It's all they've ever done...that and some of the most dirty politics I have seen with Obama running...Pit the people against each other in the country...they wrote the book on it...evil party
Getting minimum wage out there will get Democrats to the polls in the Fall for sure. They'd be smart to get that message out there throughout the year starting now. We'll see if they can pull together and understand what it means to them really.

Yep.. cause that's the Dem base.... idiots who can do no more than work fast food and expect to be paid $25k/yr in return.

Sad, very sad.
Since nothing else has worked in stimulating the economy to any great extent; we should try raising the FMW just because it's the next tool in the box.

See what happens.

Keep throwing shit against the wall and let's see what sticks? I sure feel better knowing intellectual giants like yourself get to vote.....:thup:

At least she admits the Democrats' plan for the economy is a failure. That's a first step.
Getting minimum wage out there will get Democrats to the polls in the Fall for sure. They'd be smart to get that message out there throughout the year starting now. We'll see if they can pull together and understand what it means to them really.

Yep.. cause that's the Dem base.... idiots who can do no more than work fast food and expect to be paid $25k/yr in return.

Sad, very sad.

Well, the thing is, Republicans don't mind that CEOs make 18 plus million a year but they're all worried about people with families getting too far ahead. In their pea brains, it's the little guy that is really bad for business.

That is what's sad and pretty gross.
There aren't jobs for much of anyone buddy. People are happy to get what they can. Your idea all minimum wage workers are teenagers is a fantasy that doesn't exist.

minimum wage workers make up about 3% of the hourly wage workers in this country.

It's not the problem you think it is.

But those 3% are an important component, mainly teenagers and younger people. If they have no entree into the working world, they will remain dependent on gov't forever. Which is probably the idea.

minimum wage jobs are the entry.

Making the minimum pay 15 an hour or 31200 a year will effectively eliminate entry level jobs.
Getting minimum wage out there will get Democrats to the polls in the Fall for sure. They'd be smart to get that message out there throughout the year starting now. We'll see if they can pull together and understand what it means to them really.

Yep.. cause that's the Dem base.... idiots who can do no more than work fast food and expect to be paid $25k/yr in return.

Sad, very sad.

Well, the thing is, Republicans don't mind that CEOs make 18 plus million a year but they're all worried about people with families getting too far ahead. In their pea brains, it's the little guy that is really bad for business.

That is what's sad and pretty gross.

You are free to make whatever you can negotiate, whatever your skillset demands, or whatever companies are willing to throw at you.. if that is 20K or 20M, is of no consequence

You are not owed something though, for doing absolutely nothing to earn more... watch fast food cashiers be replaced by touch screens, fry flippers be replaced by automated machines... and then you will STILL see ones like you demanding more for people who do nothing to advance themselves, gain more skills, or anything else
Getting minimum wage out there will get Democrats to the polls in the Fall for sure. They'd be smart to get that message out there throughout the year starting now. We'll see if they can pull together and understand what it means to them really.

Yep.. cause that's the Dem base.... idiots who can do no more than work fast food and expect to be paid $25k/yr in return.

Sad, very sad.

Well, the thing is, Republicans don't mind that CEOs make 18 plus million a year but they're all worried about people with families getting too far ahead. In their pea brains, it's the little guy that is really bad for business.

That is what's sad and pretty gross.

And the thing is you don't mind electing people who are rich as Ceo's who then DEMAND others pay more while they sit on THEIR sick and twisted is that..? but that's the liberal/Democrat way...they care for the poor as long as it's taxpayers money, they wail for more pay from those who own a business because they are just so WORTH IT and it's not coming out their wallets... etc
what a sad party to follow
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