Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

Yet you feel compelled to comment...comparing her to a fast food drive-through as I recall. While juvenile and moronic, considering your's your brainwashing that makes you say such idiotic things.

C'mon Mike, admit you're a moron.
Compelled to comment? You quoted me and I replied, kinda like you quoted me and replied. I guess you were compelled...not unlike your goddess Fluke is compelled to squat down on a few dicks per day. Or a few hundred if that's the case.

Seriously though. Since I'm a moron please do go into detail about why I need to pay for a person like Fluke's birth control and apparently yours because you two can't seem to have enough time in a day to actually work a few hours and buy your own condoms or pills.

Why is your sexual activity my problem because you can't take care of yourself but I'm a moron for even speaking up for not wanting to pay for it? How about you step into the big girl tent and take care of your own birth control which BTW may have to include passing up on a strangers hard on every once in a while.

If you drive a car you have to put gas in it, pay for the insurance and the licensing. Maybe you should look at penises the same way. If you're going to ride one you need some insurance (birth control), You may have to put some gas in it (massive amounts of alcohol to ignore the high mileage), and the license may be needed to make sure you're safe to drive (no STD's).

Please quote where Ms. Fluke asked you to pay for her contraceptives.

Umm, she went to congress and made that statement? That birth control needed to be covered 100% by obiecare or her sorry little ass was going to suffer to the tune of a thousand bucks per school year.

Do I really need to go into detail about what that means as far as who is going to pay for it?
You say you don't support higher taxes on anyone but then qualify that with higher taxes on business is ok. Taxes are taxes that screw everyone that has to pay them regardless of the income level.

The guarantee of a certain wage regardless of the persons skill level or even need to an employer is the direct route to a third world country. Socialism handed down by government decree has never produced a prosperous nation. The one ting you can do to insure that we do become a third world nation is making the government the deciding factor of a persons worth.
I never said I support higher taxes on business, I said the opposite. Learn to read buddy.

Now you are just talking in broad abstractions and generalities. You can't provide evidence that the minimum wage results in price increases for consumers or in higher unemployment rates, so you speak in unfalsifiable platitudes. That isn't a debate.

It would be a debate if you actually paid attention and had a solid grasp on your position. You said on one side of your mouth that employees paying taxes was bad for them but then lamented the unfairness of business owners getting tax deductions out of the other side. You then decided that the best way for making an economic come back was making sure business owners pay more for labor as the demand for their services goes down because...well, I'm not sure how you arrived at that conclusion.

No I didn't. You clearly can't read.

I don't debate people that provide no proof for their position, can't read, and speak in baseless platitudes. Go on living in your theoretical libertarian fantasy world, it doesn't really bother me.
Scared? I don't need to know her personally or Miley for that matter they made themselves public knowledge. I'm not afraid them as people although I would be pretty damn hesitant to take one of them to bed knowing they have the interstate of pussies down there. What does concern me is people like you that would champion such a person as your idol. It doesn't seem to be healthy or even rewarding to base your entire existence and self worth on how many men you have laid down for. You seem to think that's a badge of honor. I think it's a badge of insecurity. I'm not so much afraid of women like you as I am more disappointed in your own view of your self worth.

Yet you feel compelled to comment...comparing her to a fast food drive-through as I recall. While juvenile and moronic, considering your's your brainwashing that makes you say such idiotic things.

C'mon Mike, admit you're a moron.
Compelled to comment? You quoted me and I replied, kinda like you quoted me and replied. I guess you were compelled...not unlike your goddess Fluke is compelled to squat down on a few dicks per day. Or a few hundred if that's the case.
Man...or should I say boy....again, you have to take a swipe at someone you never met. I didn't quote you until you compared Ms. Fluke to a fast food drive-through which is about the depth of a comment we an expect from a conservative; hatred and what is for you, I'm sure is fine dining.

Seriously though. Since I'm a moron please do go into detail about why I need to pay for a person like Fluke's birth control and apparently yours because you two can't seem to have enough time in a day to actually work a few hours and buy your own condoms or pills.
Well, in Ms. Fluke's case, she was a law student at the time and wanted the insurance she was getting to cover contraceptives. You were never asked to pay for anything.

Why is your sexual activity my problem because you can't take care of yourself but I'm a moron for even speaking up for not wanting to pay for it?
No boy, you're a moron because you are speaking, repeatedly, from a position of ignorance.
Compelled to comment? You quoted me and I replied, kinda like you quoted me and replied. I guess you were compelled...not unlike your goddess Fluke is compelled to squat down on a few dicks per day. Or a few hundred if that's the case.

Seriously though. Since I'm a moron please do go into detail about why I need to pay for a person like Fluke's birth control and apparently yours because you two can't seem to have enough time in a day to actually work a few hours and buy your own condoms or pills.

Why is your sexual activity my problem because you can't take care of yourself but I'm a moron for even speaking up for not wanting to pay for it? How about you step into the big girl tent and take care of your own birth control which BTW may have to include passing up on a strangers hard on every once in a while.

If you drive a car you have to put gas in it, pay for the insurance and the licensing. Maybe you should look at penises the same way. If you're going to ride one you need some insurance (birth control), You may have to put some gas in it (massive amounts of alcohol to ignore the high mileage), and the license may be needed to make sure you're safe to drive (no STD's).

Please quote where Ms. Fluke asked you to pay for her contraceptives.

Umm, she went to congress and made that statement? That birth control needed to be covered 100% by obiecare or her sorry little ass was going to suffer to the tune of a thousand bucks per school year.

Do I really need to go into detail about what that means as far as who is going to pay for it?

Surely if that was her congressional could quote it...but you can't sonny boy. Gee, I wonder why you can't produce this quote from Ms. Fluke...:dunno:

Yeah..Can you believe that? 15 bucks an hour. I wonder where these pricks think the money is going to come from.

They're going to love it til the subsidies dry up and the tax bill hits. Only winnier will be the tax man.

“Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They always run out of other people’s money. It’s quite characteristic of them.”- Margaret Thatcher
Maybe you should ask the 200+ people being put on the streets in WA St. because of the wage hike there, and that's just one restruant that will be closed, many others will be hitting the bricks to make up for the $15.00 minimum wage. One guy is holdong off on building a hotel, how many jobs you think that will cost?

Where is your proof even 200 jobs were lost?

It's been all over the news, try paying attention. You want a link, fire up google.

Man, you "conservatives"(more like khanservatives who can't spare an extra shekel for the workers) best piece of evidence against minimum wage is a Fox News article which says an anonymous employer is threatening to let go off 200 workers(key word, threatening, he hasn't yet).
Businesses brace for 'serious cuts' as city enacts highest-in-nation $15 minimum wage | Fox News

Is that the best proof you have?
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Where is your proof even 200 jobs were lost?

It's been all over the news, try paying attention. You want a link, fire up google.

Man, you "conservatives"(more like khanservatives who can't spare an extra shekel for the workers) best piece of evidence against minimum wage is a Fox News article which says an anonymous employer is threatening to let go off 200 workers(key word, threatening, he hasn't yet).
Businesses brace for 'serious cuts' as city enacts highest-in-nation $15 minimum wage | Fox News

Is that the best proof your have?

Actually they interviewed that hotel owner that is closing the restaurants and the one that said he is holding off building a new hotel. How about you peek out of your hole after the new year and see what happens.
Yet you feel compelled to comment...comparing her to a fast food drive-through as I recall. While juvenile and moronic, considering your's your brainwashing that makes you say such idiotic things.

C'mon Mike, admit you're a moron.
Compelled to comment? You quoted me and I replied, kinda like you quoted me and replied. I guess you were compelled...not unlike your goddess Fluke is compelled to squat down on a few dicks per day. Or a few hundred if that's the case.
Man...or should I say boy....again, you have to take a swipe at someone you never met. I didn't quote you until you compared Ms. Fluke to a fast food drive-through which is about the depth of a comment we an expect from a conservative; hatred and what is for you, I'm sure is fine dining.

Seriously though. Since I'm a moron please do go into detail about why I need to pay for a person like Fluke's birth control and apparently yours because you two can't seem to have enough time in a day to actually work a few hours and buy your own condoms or pills.
Well, in Ms. Fluke's case, she was a law student at the time and wanted the insurance she was getting to cover contraceptives. You were never asked to pay for anything.

Why is your sexual activity my problem because you can't take care of yourself but I'm a moron for even speaking up for not wanting to pay for it?
No boy, you're a moron because you are speaking, repeatedly, from a position of ignorance.

Please quote where Ms. Fluke asked you to pay for her contraceptives.

Umm, she went to congress and made that statement? That birth control needed to be covered 100% by obiecare or her sorry little ass was going to suffer to the tune of a thousand bucks per school year.

Do I really need to go into detail about what that means as far as who is going to pay for it?

Surely if that was her congressional could quote it...but you can't sonny boy. Gee, I wonder why you can't produce this quote from Ms. Fluke...:dunno:

You not only seem incapable of following a conversation you have utterly failed in english comprehension and how insurance mandated from a federal level works. You seem to need to be spoon fed your information as you are incapable of arriving to any conclusion not preconceived or spoon fed to you in advance. The entire testimony is on record, it can be read if you have the mind to comprehend it. Do I need to go line by line and explain the entire thing to you? I think that would be a waste of time since you are struggling for the basic comprehension of the testimony and are incapable of full understanding of the ramifications of the finer details of what she was asking for.
It's been all over the news, try paying attention. You want a link, fire up google.

Man, you "conservatives"(more like khanservatives who can't spare an extra shekel for the workers) best piece of evidence against minimum wage is a Fox News article which says an anonymous employer is threatening to let go off 200 workers(key word, threatening, he hasn't yet).
Businesses brace for 'serious cuts' as city enacts highest-in-nation $15 minimum wage | Fox News

Is that the best proof your have?

Actually they interviewed that hotel owner that is closing the restaurants and the one that said he is holding off building a new hotel. How about you peek out of your hole after the new year and see what happens.
A lot of he's gonna and hypotheticals. Get back to me when you have real world examples guy..
Oh goody! MORE vote buying as it will run more businesses out of business AND cost more jobs.

The left still doesn't get it, they never will.

Getting more money into the hands of those who will spend all of it will not force companies out of business. It will do the exact opposite as it will increase their sales. If half of the wealth that has gone to the top 1% had gone to the lower 50% over the past thirty years, this economy would be booming and this country would be doing much better, and that includes everyone.

There aren't jobs for much of anyone buddy. People are happy to get what they can. Your idea all minimum wage workers are teenagers is a fantasy that doesn't exist.

This is what Democrat control gives the American people, a pathetic economy with no opportunities for the young.
Good article, the days of a starting jobs for the youngsters may be over.

There aren't jobs for much of anyone buddy. People are happy to get what they can. Your idea all minimum wage workers are teenagers is a fantasy that doesn't exist.

This is what Democrat control gives the American people, a pathetic economy with no opportunities for the young.

This is the consequence of our debt based money system. It has nothing to do with our illusory two party system that serves the same interests. The President, regardless of party, has little control over the economy.

Republicans won't solve any of our problems, they are just as responsible as Democrats in increasing spending and supporting free trade, mass immigration, bank bailouts, and the Federal Reserve, among other things.
Oh goody! MORE vote buying as it will run more businesses out of business AND cost more jobs.

The left still doesn't get it, they never will.

Getting more money into the hands of those who will spend all of it will not force companies out of business. It will do the exact opposite as it will increase their sales. If half of the wealth that has gone to the top 1% had gone to the lower 50% over the past thirty years, this economy would be booming and this country would be doing much better, and that includes everyone.

Another illiterate who thinks "getting money in the hands of people who spend it" drives the economy. If that were so we would be booming now.
Oh goody! MORE vote buying as it will run more businesses out of business AND cost more jobs.

The left still doesn't get it, they never will.

Getting more money into the hands of those who will spend all of it will not force companies out of business. It will do the exact opposite as it will increase their sales. If half of the wealth that has gone to the top 1% had gone to the lower 50% over the past thirty years, this economy would be booming and this country would be doing much better, and that includes everyone.

Another illiterate who thinks "getting money in the hands of people who spend it" drives the economy. If that were so we would be booming now.

Oh you called me an illiterate; I'm so hurt by your insult. Grow up putz.
Getting more money into the hands of those who will spend all of it will not force companies out of business. It will do the exact opposite as it will increase their sales. If half of the wealth that has gone to the top 1% had gone to the lower 50% over the past thirty years, this economy would be booming and this country would be doing much better, and that includes everyone.

Another illiterate who thinks "getting money in the hands of people who spend it" drives the economy. If that were so we would be booming now.

Oh you called me an illiterate; I'm so hurt by your insult. Grow up putz.

You should be hurt by your ignorance and stupidity. The fact you arent says volumes.

The effort to take advantage of growing populism among voters in both parties is being coordinated by officials from the White House, labor unions and liberal advocacy groups.

In a series of strategy meetings and conference calls among them in recent weeks, they have focused on two levels: an effort to raise the federal minimum wage, which will be pushed by President Obama and congressional leaders, and a campaign to place state-level minimum wage proposals on the ballot in states with hotly contested congressional races.

With polls showing widespread support for an increase in the $7.25-per-hour federal minimum wage among both Republican and Democratic voters, top Democrats see not only a wedge issue that they hope will place Republican candidates in a difficult position, but also a tool with which to enlarge the electorate in a nonpresidential election, when turnout among minorities and youths typically drops off.

“It puts Republicans on the wrong side of an important value issue when it comes to fairness,” said Dan Pfeiffer, the president’s senior adviser. “You can make a very strong case that this will be a helpful issue for Democrats in 2014. But the goal here is to actually get it done. That’s why the president put it on the agenda.”

That's certainly going to make the 2014 elections interesting.

From 1941 to the 1960's we had high taxes on the rich and high wages. The taxes were invested in education and infrastructure and the high wages created consumer demand. Now we have low taxes for the rich and low wages. What is the result? 23% of total income goes to the top 1%. 70% of our economy is consumer demand. Too much money in too few hands starves the economy of demand. Stagnation is the result.

Raise the minimum wage and tax capital gains as income.

" We're going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory some of those loophole were understandable, but in practice, they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing." ~ Ronald Reagan

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