Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

I guess she's the gift that keeps on giving. She seems to give that gift to the tune of needing 3 grand a year in birth control. She's the McDonald's drive through of letting people f*ck her.

Wow...she really scares the crap out of you. Would you say such a thing about any other female public figure you don't know, never met, never will meet or never know anyone who will ever know or meet her? I mean would you say that about Miley Cyrus or someone like that...Selena Gomez...anyone? No...just her. You're a scared little boy who has to make up lies to fit some sort of fantasy you've been spoonfed by your handlers. Poor Mike.
Scared? I don't need to know her personally or Miley for that matter they made themselves public knowledge. I'm not afraid them as people although I would be pretty damn hesitant to take one of them to bed knowing they have the interstate of pussies down there. What does concern me is people like you that would champion such a person as your idol. It doesn't seem to be healthy or even rewarding to base your entire existence and self worth on how many men you have laid down for. You seem to think that's a badge of honor. I think it's a badge of insecurity. I'm not so much afraid of women like you as I am more disappointed in your own view of your self worth.

Yet you feel compelled to comment...comparing her to a fast food drive-through as I recall. While juvenile and moronic, considering your's your brainwashing that makes you say such idiotic things.

C'mon Mike, admit you're a moron.
wow...she really scares the crap out of you. Would you say such a thing about any other female public figure you don't know, never met, never will meet or never know anyone who will ever know or meet her? I mean would you say that about miley cyrus or someone like that...selena gomez...anyone? No...just her. You're a scared little boy who has to make up lies to fit some sort of fantasy you've been spoonfed by your handlers. Poor mike.
wow..i think you are in love. You should give her a call. Maybe you and sandra can have a romantic weekend together.
Btw, miley cyrus would not have a career if she were not being told to be outrageous.
She's a twat too.

i do love how she intimidates you....and the repeated denials are all too hilarious.

Let's get the back on topic, away from ugly women that shouldn't vote and back to minimum wage.
What a hack cop out. Your cop out on leaving a higher tip doesn't pan out because waiters have to pay a tip tax or people who leave low tips. Many waiters see little of that tip money due to taxes on tips. Also, waiters aren't the only ones getting paid minimum wage. We are becoming a low wage service sector economy with few available jobs and a cost of living rising due to free trade, low interests rate from the fed( free money for parasite banksters), high income taxes and mass immigration among other things. The average American should get a little sliver of a pie since the .0001% are taking it all.

Hmm, such enticing information you bring to the table. So in your little world the primary problem isn't you the consumer not wanting to pay more for a service, it's that the server is taxed too much and therefore can't afford to live on what the government decided not to steal from them. But your solution is a higher tax or a higher minimum wage on the employer because in your little feeble mind those same tax rates you blame for the servers being the cause of their problems doesn't apply to employers.

You're a damn tax scholar! Taxes on workers are bad because they don't get to keep enough money to survive...yet the employer isn't paying enough taxes because they are somehow immune to this tax taking money from them to survive thing.

Yes, individuals are taxed to much, in fact the tips of servers being taxed is somewhat of an issue. In the past Ron Paul has suggested legislation making tips tax free. I would support that. The lower income taxes, the better, generally speaking.
Ron Paul Introduces Tax Free Tips Act

I never advocated higher taxes on businesses, I oppose tax increases, any and all at this moment. Why do you insist on creating strawman arguments?

I have suggested that in an economy where jobs are scarce, and becoming scarcer, and the cost of living is going through the roof(while new wealth is going to fewer and fewer at the top), legislation guaranteeing a decent standard of living must passed. Our country is turning into a third world economy, and primarily a service sector economy. We have to account for the fact more and more Americans are working low wage service jobs, and as of right now, that will be the reality for a while going forward. For these Americans, to guarantee a certain level of economic and social stability, we need to guarantee a living wage. This is what separates us from the Third World.

Yes, companies, particularly large ones, don't have the same set of economic circumstances as their workers, duh. Since these companies control the payroll and provide these people a living, I would rather these businesses take a little dent in their bottom line instead of making the taxpayer pay for more welfare recipients or leave these people with nothing at all.
You say you don't support higher taxes on anyone but then qualify that with higher taxes on business is ok. Taxes are taxes that screw everyone that has to pay them regardless of the income level.

The guarantee of a certain wage regardless of the persons skill level or even need to an employer is the direct route to a third world country. Socialism handed down by government decree has never produced a prosperous nation. The one ting you can do to insure that we do become a third world nation is making the government the deciding factor of a persons worth.
Who Sandra Fluke? Oh...she's the gift that keeps on giving. You guys are intimidated by those you can't frighten and intimidate yourself. Pretty much like all supposed bullies.
You keep on believing that.
Thanks, I will.

Yet nearly every day some fool on the right mentions her. As you have now done twice.

You're even going out of your way to say "that woman"...funny as hell.

Oh but you do care...all GOPers do care. You try to outlaw contraception and abortion at every turn. In fact the man who came in second in the delegate total at last years RNC said the following:

The GOP governors are going out of their way to make abortions harder and harder to get. That a woman stands up to you and is not intimidated by people like you (not you yet) calling her a slut really scares you; it's the only way a republican knows how to talk to a woman...that is why it scares you. don't like what is said..threaten violence. It's the conservative way.

Here's my take on that woman..Flyspeck in the ocean.

Not sure what that means but given Obama's astounding margin with women voters...(see below)

And how Hillary looks set to exploit it to an ever greater degree thanks to persons like Ms. Fluke


The GOP may end up being a speck in the ocean. You learned nothing from 332-206.

You are using that woman's likeness for your own purposes.
Now that I can agree with. If I ever met Ms. Fluke, I probably would find her annoying. Single issue people are often annoying and she looks to be one of them.

There are far greater and more cogent voices for feminism out there:

Noreen Malone:

Amanda Marcotte (whose actually from Texas so there may be hope for that state):

Hanna Rozin:

But Ms. Fluke has been visible in your war on women as both a survivor and an icon...
When did I mention that woman? You did. Not I.
Do you not know when someone is eating your lunch for you?
Like i said....A flyspeck in the ocean....
Now, your next post will mention her again. And you'll expect another comeback.
And you'll keep shoving this hussy in everyone's face because you knwo she's been forgotten. Swept under the dirty rug of history. Of a forgettable, albeit very short period of time.

Have fun on your date. Take pictures.
Hmm, such enticing information you bring to the table. So in your little world the primary problem isn't you the consumer not wanting to pay more for a service, it's that the server is taxed too much and therefore can't afford to live on what the government decided not to steal from them. But your solution is a higher tax or a higher minimum wage on the employer because in your little feeble mind those same tax rates you blame for the servers being the cause of their problems doesn't apply to employers.

You're a damn tax scholar! Taxes on workers are bad because they don't get to keep enough money to survive...yet the employer isn't paying enough taxes because they are somehow immune to this tax taking money from them to survive thing.

Yes, individuals are taxed to much, in fact the tips of servers being taxed is somewhat of an issue. In the past Ron Paul has suggested legislation making tips tax free. I would support that. The lower income taxes, the better, generally speaking.
Ron Paul Introduces Tax Free Tips Act

I never advocated higher taxes on businesses, I oppose tax increases, any and all at this moment. Why do you insist on creating strawman arguments?

I have suggested that in an economy where jobs are scarce, and becoming scarcer, and the cost of living is going through the roof(while new wealth is going to fewer and fewer at the top), legislation guaranteeing a decent standard of living must passed. Our country is turning into a third world economy, and primarily a service sector economy. We have to account for the fact more and more Americans are working low wage service jobs, and as of right now, that will be the reality for a while going forward. For these Americans, to guarantee a certain level of economic and social stability, we need to guarantee a living wage. This is what separates us from the Third World.

Yes, companies, particularly large ones, don't have the same set of economic circumstances as their workers, duh. Since these companies control the payroll and provide these people a living, I would rather these businesses take a little dent in their bottom line instead of making the taxpayer pay for more welfare recipients or leave these people with nothing at all.
You say you don't support higher taxes on anyone but then qualify that with higher taxes on business is ok. Taxes are taxes that screw everyone that has to pay them regardless of the income level.

The guarantee of a certain wage regardless of the persons skill level or even need to an employer is the direct route to a third world country. Socialism handed down by government decree has never produced a prosperous nation. The one ting you can do to insure that we do become a third world nation is making the government the deciding factor of a persons worth.
I never said I support higher taxes on business, I said the opposite. Learn to read buddy.

Now you are just talking in broad abstractions and generalities. You can't provide evidence that the minimum wage results in price increases for consumers or in higher unemployment rates, so you speak in unfalsifiable platitudes. That isn't a debate.

The effort to take advantage of growing populism among voters in both parties is being coordinated by officials from the White House, labor unions and liberal advocacy groups.

In a series of strategy meetings and conference calls among them in recent weeks, they have focused on two levels: an effort to raise the federal minimum wage, which will be pushed by President Obama and congressional leaders, and a campaign to place state-level minimum wage proposals on the ballot in states with hotly contested congressional races.

With polls showing widespread support for an increase in the $7.25-per-hour federal minimum wage among both Republican and Democratic voters, top Democrats see not only a wedge issue that they hope will place Republican candidates in a difficult position, but also a tool with which to enlarge the electorate in a nonpresidential election, when turnout among minorities and youths typically drops off.

“It puts Republicans on the wrong side of an important value issue when it comes to fairness,” said Dan Pfeiffer, the president’s senior adviser. “You can make a very strong case that this will be a helpful issue for Democrats in 2014. But the goal here is to actually get it done. That’s why the president put it on the agenda.”

That's certainly going to make the 2014 elections interesting.

It's already been admitted that it's a political ploy to try and take people's minds off Obamacare and other issues.

Obamacare is the biggest threat to the re-election of many Dems. It's political poison right now and looks like it will only get worse.

Promising to help people earn more money, at least those who will still have a job, is their only hope of getting supporters to the polls.

For the people who get everything from housing to health care for free, I'm sure they'll be out voting for the person Obama endorses regardless of how hard things get for the rest of us.
When did I mention that woman? You did. Not I.
Do you not know when someone is eating your lunch for you?
Like i said....A flyspeck in the ocean....
Now, your next post will mention her again. And you'll expect another comeback.
And you'll keep shoving this hussy in everyone's face because you knwo she's been forgotten. Swept under the dirty rug of history. Of a forgettable, albeit very short period of time.

Have fun on your date. Take pictures.

Ahh, so you know who she is but refuse to say her name because you insist you've forgotten her. I see.

That's a sadder commentary you're reporting on your life than anything I could come up with.
Good luck. You'll need a lot of it going forward.
No, actually they don't.


Raising the minimum wage had no discernible effect on employment or unemployment.

As for teenage employment or unemployment, I'd fully support a graduated minimum wage like they do in Australia.

Yes, they do. That is an undeniable truth.

Where is proof of this undeniable truth? I mean in real world numbers, not in theory, that a rise in minimum wage results in higher unemployment.

Maybe you should ask the 200+ people being put on the streets in WA St. because of the wage hike there, and that's just one restruant that will be closed, many others will be hitting the bricks to make up for the $15.00 minimum wage. One guy is holdong off on building a hotel, how many jobs you think that will cost?
Wow...she really scares the crap out of you. Would you say such a thing about any other female public figure you don't know, never met, never will meet or never know anyone who will ever know or meet her? I mean would you say that about Miley Cyrus or someone like that...Selena Gomez...anyone? No...just her. You're a scared little boy who has to make up lies to fit some sort of fantasy you've been spoonfed by your handlers. Poor Mike.
Scared? I don't need to know her personally or Miley for that matter they made themselves public knowledge. I'm not afraid them as people although I would be pretty damn hesitant to take one of them to bed knowing they have the interstate of pussies down there. What does concern me is people like you that would champion such a person as your idol. It doesn't seem to be healthy or even rewarding to base your entire existence and self worth on how many men you have laid down for. You seem to think that's a badge of honor. I think it's a badge of insecurity. I'm not so much afraid of women like you as I am more disappointed in your own view of your self worth.

Yet you feel compelled to comment...comparing her to a fast food drive-through as I recall. While juvenile and moronic, considering your's your brainwashing that makes you say such idiotic things.

C'mon Mike, admit you're a moron.
Compelled to comment? You quoted me and I replied, kinda like you quoted me and replied. I guess you were compelled...not unlike your goddess Fluke is compelled to squat down on a few dicks per day. Or a few hundred if that's the case.

Seriously though. Since I'm a moron please do go into detail about why I need to pay for a person like Fluke's birth control and apparently yours because you two can't seem to have enough time in a day to actually work a few hours and buy your own condoms or pills.

Why is your sexual activity my problem because you can't take care of yourself but I'm a moron for even speaking up for not wanting to pay for it? How about you step into the big girl tent and take care of your own birth control which BTW may have to include passing up on a strangers hard on every once in a while.

If you drive a car you have to put gas in it, pay for the insurance and the licensing. Maybe you should look at penises the same way. If you're going to ride one you need some insurance (birth control), You may have to put some gas in it (massive amounts of alcohol to ignore the high mileage), and the license may be needed to make sure you're safe to drive (no STD's).
Scared? I don't need to know her personally or Miley for that matter they made themselves public knowledge. I'm not afraid them as people although I would be pretty damn hesitant to take one of them to bed knowing they have the interstate of pussies down there. What does concern me is people like you that would champion such a person as your idol. It doesn't seem to be healthy or even rewarding to base your entire existence and self worth on how many men you have laid down for. You seem to think that's a badge of honor. I think it's a badge of insecurity. I'm not so much afraid of women like you as I am more disappointed in your own view of your self worth.

Yet you feel compelled to comment...comparing her to a fast food drive-through as I recall. While juvenile and moronic, considering your's your brainwashing that makes you say such idiotic things.

C'mon Mike, admit you're a moron.
Compelled to comment? You quoted me and I replied, kinda like you quoted me and replied. I guess you were compelled...not unlike your goddess Fluke is compelled to squat down on a few dicks per day. Or a few hundred if that's the case.

Seriously though. Since I'm a moron please do go into detail about why I need to pay for a person like Fluke's birth control and apparently yours because you two can't seem to have enough time in a day to actually work a few hours and buy your own condoms or pills.

Why is your sexual activity my problem because you can't take care of yourself but I'm a moron for even speaking up for not wanting to pay for it? How about you step into the big girl tent and take care of your own birth control which BTW may have to include passing up on a strangers hard on every once in a while.

If you drive a car you have to put gas in it, pay for the insurance and the licensing. Maybe you should look at penises the same way. If you're going to ride one you need some insurance (birth control), You may have to put some gas in it (massive amounts of alcohol to ignore the high mileage), and the license may be needed to make sure you're safe to drive (no STD's).

Please quote where Ms. Fluke asked you to pay for her contraceptives.
Yes, individuals are taxed to much, in fact the tips of servers being taxed is somewhat of an issue. In the past Ron Paul has suggested legislation making tips tax free. I would support that. The lower income taxes, the better, generally speaking.
Ron Paul Introduces Tax Free Tips Act

I never advocated higher taxes on businesses, I oppose tax increases, any and all at this moment. Why do you insist on creating strawman arguments?

I have suggested that in an economy where jobs are scarce, and becoming scarcer, and the cost of living is going through the roof(while new wealth is going to fewer and fewer at the top), legislation guaranteeing a decent standard of living must passed. Our country is turning into a third world economy, and primarily a service sector economy. We have to account for the fact more and more Americans are working low wage service jobs, and as of right now, that will be the reality for a while going forward. For these Americans, to guarantee a certain level of economic and social stability, we need to guarantee a living wage. This is what separates us from the Third World.

Yes, companies, particularly large ones, don't have the same set of economic circumstances as their workers, duh. Since these companies control the payroll and provide these people a living, I would rather these businesses take a little dent in their bottom line instead of making the taxpayer pay for more welfare recipients or leave these people with nothing at all.
You say you don't support higher taxes on anyone but then qualify that with higher taxes on business is ok. Taxes are taxes that screw everyone that has to pay them regardless of the income level.

The guarantee of a certain wage regardless of the persons skill level or even need to an employer is the direct route to a third world country. Socialism handed down by government decree has never produced a prosperous nation. The one ting you can do to insure that we do become a third world nation is making the government the deciding factor of a persons worth.
I never said I support higher taxes on business, I said the opposite. Learn to read buddy.

Now you are just talking in broad abstractions and generalities. You can't provide evidence that the minimum wage results in price increases for consumers or in higher unemployment rates, so you speak in unfalsifiable platitudes. That isn't a debate.

It would be a debate if you actually paid attention and had a solid grasp on your position. You said on one side of your mouth that employees paying taxes was bad for them but then lamented the unfairness of business owners getting tax deductions out of the other side. You then decided that the best way for making an economic come back was making sure business owners pay more for labor as the demand for their services goes down because...well, I'm not sure how you arrived at that conclusion.
Yes, they do. That is an undeniable truth.

Where is proof of this undeniable truth? I mean in real world numbers, not in theory, that a rise in minimum wage results in higher unemployment.

Maybe you should ask the 200+ people being put on the streets in WA St. because of the wage hike there, and that's just one restruant that will be closed, many others will be hitting the bricks to make up for the $15.00 minimum wage. One guy is holdong off on building a hotel, how many jobs you think that will cost?

Where is your proof even 200 jobs were lost?
Where is proof of this undeniable truth? I mean in real world numbers, not in theory, that a rise in minimum wage results in higher unemployment.

Maybe you should ask the 200+ people being put on the streets in WA St. because of the wage hike there, and that's just one restruant that will be closed, many others will be hitting the bricks to make up for the $15.00 minimum wage. One guy is holdong off on building a hotel, how many jobs you think that will cost?

Where is your proof even 200 jobs were lost?

It's been all over the news, try paying attention. You want a link, fire up google.

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