Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

This is one thing the democrats are doing I support. If taxpayers can afford bailing out big corporations or subsidizing them, companies can afford paying a extra dollar or two an hour to working people in a don economy with a rising cost of living. Also maybe these corporations will think twice about supporting flooding this country with low skilled immigrants if they have the pay them a higher wage.
OK, guy. Next time you go out to eat start tipping 30% of the tab instead of 20%. If you're eating out you can afford to support the poor server with an extra dollar or two. Yeah, and the next time you go shopping for a new car--tag price. No haggling. Surely you can afford a few hundred bucks more for the car salesmen and manufacturers.

What a hack cop out. Your cop out on leaving a higher tip doesn't pan out because waiters have to pay a tip tax or people who leave low tips. Many waiters see little of that tip money due to taxes on tips. Also, waiters aren't the only ones getting paid minimum wage. We are becoming a low wage service sector economy with few available jobs and a cost of living rising due to free trade, low interests rate from the fed( free money for parasite banksters), high income taxes and mass immigration among other things. The average American should get a little sliver of a pie since the .0001% are taking it all.

Hmm, such enticing information you bring to the table. So in your little world the primary problem isn't you the consumer not wanting to pay more for a service, it's that the server is taxed too much and therefore can't afford to live on what the government decided not to steal from them. But your solution is a higher tax or a higher minimum wage on the employer because in your little feeble mind those same tax rates you blame for the servers being the cause of their problems doesn't apply to employers.

You're a damn tax scholar! Taxes on workers are bad because they don't get to keep enough money to survive...yet the employer isn't paying enough taxes because they are somehow immune to this tax taking money from them to survive thing.
Yeah just as I thought. You're quick to spend other people's money, yourself, not so much.
You're a fucking hypocrite ignoramus.

So it should be my responsibility to pay the wage of the worker as well? Typical corporate hackery you are spewing, always passing the buck to the taxpayer. Companies should have to guarantee a certain standard of living to workers in a first world country to guarantee a standard of living, especially as our economy declines and becomes more polarized with fewer jobs less growth and more wealth going to fewer and fewer. Especially in our corporatist system where government and corporate interests overlap through subsidies, tax breaks, regulations, free trade, mass immigration etc, corporations need to be held to account

but corporations have no control over the factors that determine costs for a certain standard of living. Say you work for Disney. you have no influence over the cost of gasoline, or housing or automobiles. or over the cost of food which is mostly regulated by the government to actually keep prices high. and the myth tat all corporations are receiving these massive tax breaks from government is a myth. Sure some do. but most of them really don't.

I don't have a problem with low taxes. But considering the disparity between what for example McDonald's compensates it executives and what it pays it's low wage workers the executives could afford to forgo a raise or even have a reduced raise to compensate for the workers on the lower rungs.

There is absolutely no evidence that raising the minimum wage causes unemployment or higher prices on consumer goods on a macro level like some suggest here.
This is the dumbest post yet.

Let me paraphrase you, prices are already rising so let's help make them rise faster and higher.

Policymakers need to find ways to reduce the barriers to job creation instead of adding to them.

Raising the FMW will keep younger workers that primarily need these jobs from getting these jobs. Businesses will either eliminate positions or hire more experienced workers at the higher mandated wage.
What would you expect from a person who is hanging her hat on a 15 minute blip on the political radar from 5 years ago.
She's just stupid.

Who Sandra Fluke? Oh...she's the gift that keeps on giving. You guys are intimidated by those you can't frighten and intimidate yourself. Pretty much like all supposed bullies.
You keep on believing that.
You can't stand it that a vast majority of us have forgotten about that woman. So infuriated are you that she no longer matters, you feel an undying need to plaster that woman's photo in your avatar.
Has it ever occurred to you that nobody cares?
You are using that woman's likeness for your own purposes. If it were my likeness you were using, I'd smack you in the fuckin head.
Here's my take on that woman..Flyspeck in the ocean.
This is the dumbest post yet.

Let me paraphrase you, prices are already rising so let's help make them rise faster and higher.

Policymakers need to find ways to reduce the barriers to job creation instead of adding to them.

Raising the FMW will keep younger workers that primarily need these jobs from getting these jobs. Businesses will either eliminate positions or hire more experienced workers at the higher mandated wage.
What would you expect from a person who is hanging her hat on a 15 minute blip on the political radar from 5 years ago.
She's just stupid.

Who Sandra Fluke? Oh...she's the gift that keeps on giving. You guys are intimidated by those you can't frighten and intimidate yourself. Pretty much like all supposed bullies.
I guess she's the gift that keeps on giving. She seems to give that gift to the tune of needing 3 grand a year in birth control. She's the McDonald's drive through of letting people f*ck her.
So it should be my responsibility to pay the wage of the worker as well? Typical corporate hackery you are spewing, always passing the buck to the taxpayer. Companies should have to guarantee a certain standard of living to workers in a first world country to guarantee a standard of living, especially as our economy declines and becomes more polarized with fewer jobs less growth and more wealth going to fewer and fewer. Especially in our corporatist system where government and corporate interests overlap through subsidies, tax breaks, regulations, free trade, mass immigration etc, corporations need to be held to account

but corporations have no control over the factors that determine costs for a certain standard of living. Say you work for Disney. you have no influence over the cost of gasoline, or housing or automobiles. or over the cost of food which is mostly regulated by the government to actually keep prices high. and the myth tat all corporations are receiving these massive tax breaks from government is a myth. Sure some do. but most of them really don't.

I don't have a problem with low taxes. But considering the disparity between what for example McDonald's compensates it executives and what it pays it's low wage workers the executives could afford to forgo a raise or even have a reduced raise to compensate for the workers on the lower rungs.

There is absolutely no evidence that raising the minimum wage causes unemployment or higher prices on consumer goods on a macro level like some suggest here.

That would not happen. The additional money would belong to the investors. It would go to them in the form of higher dividends.

No, actually they don't.


Raising the minimum wage had no discernible effect on employment or unemployment.

As for teenage employment or unemployment, I'd fully support a graduated minimum wage like they do in Australia.

Yes, they do. That is an undeniable truth.

Where is proof of this undeniable truth? I mean in real world numbers, not in theory, that a rise in minimum wage results in higher unemployment.
but corporations have no control over the factors that determine costs for a certain standard of living. Say you work for Disney. you have no influence over the cost of gasoline, or housing or automobiles. or over the cost of food which is mostly regulated by the government to actually keep prices high. and the myth tat all corporations are receiving these massive tax breaks from government is a myth. Sure some do. but most of them really don't.

I don't have a problem with low taxes. But considering the disparity between what for example McDonald's compensates it executives and what it pays it's low wage workers the executives could afford to forgo a raise or even have a reduced raise to compensate for the workers on the lower rungs.

There is absolutely no evidence that raising the minimum wage causes unemployment or higher prices on consumer goods on a macro level like some suggest here.

That would not happen. The additional money would belong to the investors. It would go to them in the form of higher dividends.

What would not happen?

If a minimum wage increase was put into law, they would have to raise their wages.
Who Sandra Fluke? Oh...she's the gift that keeps on giving. You guys are intimidated by those you can't frighten and intimidate yourself. Pretty much like all supposed bullies.

The irony of such comments from a far left Obama drone.

She drives you guys crazy...not really her but the thought of her. And that Obama's margins with female voters is, for the GOP, frankly scary as hell.


Then when you add in the effect Hillary may have on the women's vote...


But keep on with the commentary there slingblade..."blah blah blah drone blah blah blah far left...blah blah blah Obama." It's all you got loser.

Sour grapes.

Hey circus animal..Nobody gives a shit about her but you.
But you in your own little twisted planetoid are convinced she does matter.
Feminists.....Nasty looking broads not getting any so they covey together thinking of evil plots to perpetrate against the rest of us. A bunch of clucking hens who's photo likeness is so bad, they would make trains take dirt roads.
What would you expect from a person who is hanging her hat on a 15 minute blip on the political radar from 5 years ago.
She's just stupid.

Who Sandra Fluke? Oh...she's the gift that keeps on giving. You guys are intimidated by those you can't frighten and intimidate yourself. Pretty much like all supposed bullies.
I guess she's the gift that keeps on giving. She seems to give that gift to the tune of needing 3 grand a year in birth control. She's the McDonald's drive through of letting people f*ck her.

Wow...she really scares the crap out of you. Would you say such a thing about any other female public figure you don't know, never met, never will meet or never know anyone who will ever know or meet her? I mean would you say that about Miley Cyrus or someone like that...Selena Gomez...anyone? No...just her. You're a scared little boy who has to make up lies to fit some sort of fantasy you've been spoonfed by your handlers. Poor Mike.
OK, guy. Next time you go out to eat start tipping 30% of the tab instead of 20%. If you're eating out you can afford to support the poor server with an extra dollar or two. Yeah, and the next time you go shopping for a new car--tag price. No haggling. Surely you can afford a few hundred bucks more for the car salesmen and manufacturers.

What a hack cop out. Your cop out on leaving a higher tip doesn't pan out because waiters have to pay a tip tax or people who leave low tips. Many waiters see little of that tip money due to taxes on tips. Also, waiters aren't the only ones getting paid minimum wage. We are becoming a low wage service sector economy with few available jobs and a cost of living rising due to free trade, low interests rate from the fed( free money for parasite banksters), high income taxes and mass immigration among other things. The average American should get a little sliver of a pie since the .0001% are taking it all.

Hmm, such enticing information you bring to the table. So in your little world the primary problem isn't you the consumer not wanting to pay more for a service, it's that the server is taxed too much and therefore can't afford to live on what the government decided not to steal from them. But your solution is a higher tax or a higher minimum wage on the employer because in your little feeble mind those same tax rates you blame for the servers being the cause of their problems doesn't apply to employers.

You're a damn tax scholar! Taxes on workers are bad because they don't get to keep enough money to survive...yet the employer isn't paying enough taxes because they are somehow immune to this tax taking money from them to survive thing.

Yes, individuals are taxed to much, in fact the tips of servers being taxed is somewhat of an issue. In the past Ron Paul has suggested legislation making tips tax free. I would support that. The lower income taxes, the better, generally speaking.
Ron Paul Introduces Tax Free Tips Act

I never advocated higher taxes on businesses, I oppose tax increases, any and all at this moment. Why do you insist on creating strawman arguments?

I have suggested that in an economy where jobs are scarce, and becoming scarcer, and the cost of living is going through the roof(while new wealth is going to fewer and fewer at the top), legislation guaranteeing a decent standard of living must passed. Our country is turning into a third world economy, and primarily a service sector economy. We have to account for the fact more and more Americans are working low wage service jobs, and as of right now, that will be the reality for a while going forward. For these Americans, to guarantee a certain level of economic and social stability, we need to guarantee a living wage. This is what separates us from the Third World.

Yes, companies, particularly large ones, don't have the same set of economic circumstances as their workers, duh. Since these companies control the payroll and provide these people a living, I would rather these businesses take a little dent in their bottom line instead of making the taxpayer pay for more welfare recipients or leave these people with nothing at all.
Who Sandra Fluke? Oh...she's the gift that keeps on giving. You guys are intimidated by those you can't frighten and intimidate yourself. Pretty much like all supposed bullies.
I guess she's the gift that keeps on giving. She seems to give that gift to the tune of needing 3 grand a year in birth control. She's the McDonald's drive through of letting people f*ck her.

Wow...she really scares the crap out of you. Would you say such a thing about any other female public figure you don't know, never met, never will meet or never know anyone who will ever know or meet her? I mean would you say that about Miley Cyrus or someone like that...Selena Gomez...anyone? No...just her. You're a scared little boy who has to make up lies to fit some sort of fantasy you've been spoonfed by your handlers. Poor Mike.

no, I'd say it about miley cyrus too. selena gomez, I have no idea who that is.
Who Sandra Fluke? Oh...she's the gift that keeps on giving. You guys are intimidated by those you can't frighten and intimidate yourself. Pretty much like all supposed bullies.
I guess she's the gift that keeps on giving. She seems to give that gift to the tune of needing 3 grand a year in birth control. She's the McDonald's drive through of letting people f*ck her.

Wow...she really scares the crap out of you. Would you say such a thing about any other female public figure you don't know, never met, never will meet or never know anyone who will ever know or meet her? I mean would you say that about Miley Cyrus or someone like that...Selena Gomez...anyone? No...just her. You're a scared little boy who has to make up lies to fit some sort of fantasy you've been spoonfed by your handlers. Poor Mike.
Wow..I think you are in love. You should give her a call. Maybe you and Sandra can have a romantic weekend together.
BTW, Miley Cyrus would not have a career if she were not being told to be outrageous.
She's a twat too.
What would you expect from a person who is hanging her hat on a 15 minute blip on the political radar from 5 years ago.
She's just stupid.

Who Sandra Fluke? Oh...she's the gift that keeps on giving. You guys are intimidated by those you can't frighten and intimidate yourself. Pretty much like all supposed bullies.
You keep on believing that.
Thanks, I will.

You can't stand it that a vast majority of us have forgotten about that woman.
Yet nearly every day some fool on the right mentions her. As you have now done twice.

So infuriated are you that she no longer matters, you feel an undying need to plaster that woman's photo in your avatar.
You're even going out of your way to say "that woman"...funny as hell.

Has it ever occurred to you that nobody cares?
Oh but you do care...all GOPers do care. You try to outlaw contraception and abortion at every turn. In fact the man who came in second in the delegate total at last years RNC said the following:

"One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country.... Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that's okay, contraception is okay. It's not okay. It's a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be."

The GOP governors are going out of their way to make abortions harder and harder to get. That a woman stands up to you and is not intimidated by people like you (not you yet) calling her a slut really scares you; it's the only way a republican knows how to talk to a woman...that is why it scares you.

If it were my likeness you were using, I'd smack you in the fuckin head. don't like what is said..threaten violence. It's the conservative way.

Here's my take on that woman..Flyspeck in the ocean.

Not sure what that means but given Obama's astounding margin with women voters...(see below)

And how Hillary looks set to exploit it to an ever greater degree thanks to persons like Ms. Fluke


The GOP may end up being a speck in the ocean. You learned nothing from 332-206.

You are using that woman's likeness for your own purposes.
Now that I can agree with. If I ever met Ms. Fluke, I probably would find her annoying. Single issue people are often annoying and she looks to be one of them.

There are far greater and more cogent voices for feminism out there:

Noreen Malone:

Amanda Marcotte (whose actually from Texas so there may be hope for that state):

Hanna Rozin:

But Ms. Fluke has been visible in your war on women as both a survivor and an icon...
I guess she's the gift that keeps on giving. She seems to give that gift to the tune of needing 3 grand a year in birth control. She's the McDonald's drive through of letting people f*ck her.

Wow...she really scares the crap out of you. Would you say such a thing about any other female public figure you don't know, never met, never will meet or never know anyone who will ever know or meet her? I mean would you say that about Miley Cyrus or someone like that...Selena Gomez...anyone? No...just her. You're a scared little boy who has to make up lies to fit some sort of fantasy you've been spoonfed by your handlers. Poor Mike.
Wow..I think you are in love. You should give her a call. Maybe you and Sandra can have a romantic weekend together.
BTW, Miley Cyrus would not have a career if she were not being told to be outrageous.
She's a twat too.

I do love how she intimidates you....and the repeated denials are all too hilarious.
Who Sandra Fluke? Oh...she's the gift that keeps on giving. You guys are intimidated by those you can't frighten and intimidate yourself. Pretty much like all supposed bullies.
I guess she's the gift that keeps on giving. She seems to give that gift to the tune of needing 3 grand a year in birth control. She's the McDonald's drive through of letting people f*ck her.

Wow...she really scares the crap out of you. Would you say such a thing about any other female public figure you don't know, never met, never will meet or never know anyone who will ever know or meet her? I mean would you say that about Miley Cyrus or someone like that...Selena Gomez...anyone? No...just her. You're a scared little boy who has to make up lies to fit some sort of fantasy you've been spoonfed by your handlers. Poor Mike.
Scared? I don't need to know her personally or Miley for that matter they made themselves public knowledge. I'm not afraid them as people although I would be pretty damn hesitant to take one of them to bed knowing they have the interstate of pussies down there. What does concern me is people like you that would champion such a person as your idol. It doesn't seem to be healthy or even rewarding to base your entire existence and self worth on how many men you have laid down for. You seem to think that's a badge of honor. I think it's a badge of insecurity. I'm not so much afraid of women like you as I am more disappointed in your own view of your self worth.

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