Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

Oh, and how do you keep people from having children, oh fascist one?
Through education, and personal responsibility / penalty! The dumbest, least educated, and poorest have the most children. Instead of telling people that the Government ( working people ) will pay for them, we must promote personal responsibility! " It is not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for you country." " Give a man a fish you will feed him for a day - teach a man..." Don't burden me with the irresponsibility of others!

A penalty? For example?

Oy vay...
The person who shirks their responsibility penalizes THEMSELVES!!!
Is being mentally dense part of the gay agenda?
The GOP is ready to puts limits on what the poor make, but fall short of putting limits on what the 1% make...why is that?

the poor can make what ever they want. just not flipping burgers. if bill gates snagged a position at BK, he'd be making minimum wage. stop being a moron
Who the hell is unable to go to school?

Who the hell can't afford a free education?

No one, but that's only because we don't let the market decide who can or cannot afford school.

Government intervention in the so-called free market lets the poor get an education.

Is that unfair?

It's not fair that people that don't pay any taxes get protected by the same military us taxpayers get protected by.
I agree, let all those slugs on welfare fend for themselves and maybe we can get ourselves a balanced budget
Oh, and how do you keep people from having children, oh fascist one?
Through education, and personal responsibility / penalty! The dumbest, least educated, and poorest have the most children. Instead of telling people that the Government ( working people ) will pay for them, we must promote personal responsibility! " It is not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for you country." " Give a man a fish you will feed him for a day - teach a man..." Don't burden me with the irresponsibility of others!

A penalty? For example?

That audio thing is actually pretty funny.
What was your point?
There is a gay couple living down the street. They wave as they drive by. I wave back.
They cut their grass. Go to work. Take their dog for a walk....Haven't had an occasion to talk to them yet. But I'm thinking they are probably pleasant people.
So where's the problem?
Am I supposed to treat them differently because they have the same plumbing?
While what these guys do to each other in the throes of passion gives me the willys, as long as they keep it their business, so be it.
I'll ask you again, where's the problem?
In this economy and with over 7% unemployment lets do something else to hurt businesses and cause them to downsize jobs to pay more an hour

Do Democrats do this intentionally or are they really this stupid?

do they frikken give a shit?

The dems WANT to create more dependency on government.
That's why I theorize that this min wage thing is a smokescreen.
Yeah TK...has your employer paid insurance been taken? :lol:

Neither has mine.

Let me's right around the corner (along with the proof of thermite at ground zero and the real birth certificate)

my employer insurance is in place but the premiums have doubled...wheres my $2500 savings obama promised?

Why are you lying?

Obama lied. He said we would see savings of up to $2500 per year...
So where is MY $2500?. As a result of Obamacare, our insurance premiums were increased as well.
I'm thinking of going into an all cash business and not reporting all of my income. This way you pricks can get a taste of your own medicine and PAY MY PREMIUMS....
Usually when minimum is raised, it is raised by an amount that has very little effect on the economy. Most of the fast food and grocery store jobs already pay those that stick around more than a few weeks more than what the new minimum wage will be. The new minimum wage will still not be a "living wage" which means the democrats will be playing the same song again when the politics work for it.

If the minimum wage is such a good idea, then it should be raised to at least $20 per hour so that everyone that works will be making a living wage........Right?

For full time, that would be more than a living wage in most states. We can stop at the living wage. No need to exceed it.

Sure. Where's the extra money come from?
In this economy and with over 7% unemployment lets do something else to hurt businesses and cause them to downsize jobs to pay more an hour

Do Democrats do this intentionally or are they really this stupid?

do they frikken give a shit?

The dems WANT to create more dependency on government.
That's why I theorize that this min wage thing is a smokescreen.

This is more damage control targeted at their lowbrow constiuency; ingratiation - an attempt to recover some grace, and their further continuence to destroy wealth. The free market should be the sole establisher of wage - it is the only fair institution!

You must have an amusing idea of what 'fair' is.

The concept of fair is a liberal fantasy.

The concept of fair is subjective (I have been screaming this for a LONG time)... and carby is like the typical liberal lemming, where if it benefits him or his cause, then it is inherently fair... others can be treated unequally when it benefits them, and that is fair.. but when equal treatment benefits them, then they scream for it.. it is fair when others pay for things they use... it is fair when they get a freebie that someone else pays for... it is fair when they feel that you can do without something, but they cannot

It is why they are a cancer
And the alternative is to do what; keep on with stagnant wages and rising prices anyway? Uh, no thanks. It's well past time the FMW should be raised. Fear is only effective when people believe you.
Well, actually instituting business-friendly policies that encourage hiring, expansion, investment and new business formation would take care of that. And wouldn't cost nearly as much as UE benefits or food stamps.
But the Left wont hear of it.

You're in Tennesse right? I was living in Nunnelly and my sweetist friend couldn't bring home food. He worked at Arby's up in Columbia. I was more than well off with my husband working at Saturn, but there were not many like me.

They were mandated to throw out all this food. Every night. Every night they had to throw out food that could have fed a a whole county.

So you have governments giving out food stamps while all this food is going into dumpsters

Yeah....That's infuriating.
I saw a story about homeless people being given food by some pretty fancy restaurants in NYC. This was food that normally would be thrown away. The story went on to tell how the neighbors were furious because these restaurants were attracting the homeless and poor people to their streets.
Well, as one could figure, the neighbors were made to feel pretty much like selfish douche bags.
Imagine that. White urban yuppies( most likely democrat voters given the voting patterns of NYC) running off the poor people.
Well, actually instituting business-friendly policies that encourage hiring, expansion, investment and new business formation would take care of that. And wouldn't cost nearly as much as UE benefits or food stamps.
But the Left wont hear of it.

You're in Tennesse right? I was living in Nunnelly and my sweetist friend couldn't bring home food. He worked at Arby's up in Columbia. I was more than well off with my husband working at Saturn, but there were not many like me.

They were mandated to throw out all this food. Every night. Every night they had to throw out food that could have fed a a whole county.

So you have governments giving out food stamps while all this food is going into dumpsters

Yeah....That's infuriating.
I saw a story about homeless people being given food by some pretty fancy restaurants in NYC. This was food that normally would be thrown away. The story went on to tell how the neighbors were furious because these restaurants were attracting the homeless and poor people to their streets.
Well, as one could figure, the neighbors were made to feel pretty much like selfish douche bags.
Imagine that. White urban yuppies( most likely democrat voters given the voting patterns of NYC) running off the poor people.

Yes the far left mentality, I am for the poor as long they stay out of my area or don't ask me for money.
Pretty smart move if the DEMS are willing to play the long game with it. The nation is ready for a higher FMW. The basic lie about it is that it will raise prices. Prices are rising anyway without the added benefit of additional pay for the workers so, at least, this will include that benefit.

Again, when you have a consumer based economy and wages for the consumers remain flat, you're going to have some economic problems since your engine isn't getting any fuel. At the very least, this will be fuel for the engine. I doubt the engine will go very far at the outset because a lot of the new monies will go toward debt reduction but after that, you'll see some real growth.

This is the dumbest post yet.

Let me paraphrase you, prices are already rising so let's help make them rise faster and higher.

Policymakers need to find ways to reduce the barriers to job creation instead of adding to them.

Raising the FMW will keep younger workers that primarily need these jobs from getting these jobs. Businesses will either eliminate positions or hire more experienced workers at the higher mandated wage.
What would you expect from a person who is hanging her hat on a 15 minute blip on the political radar from 5 years ago.
She's just stupid.

Who Sandra Fluke? Oh...she's the gift that keeps on giving. You guys are intimidated by those you can't frighten and intimidate yourself. Pretty much like all supposed bullies.
Yep...and don't look for this the last in their bag of dirty tricks geared for the weak-minded they don't want to lose control over...and that includes far too many on these boards.

most of those people who didn't have insurance before but are now covered by obamacare are flipping out. either they are shell shocked by the deductibles or sweating the portions of the premiums they now have to pay. 30 - 40 million Obama supporters in previous elections are now 2nd guessing. democrats are hopping they can buy those votes back. of course it will cost everyone in the long run


Heart transplant bill.

Easy choice.

2332. That's the number of heart transplants performed in the US on 2011.
0.67 per 300,000 people..
The problem is most of those cheer leading for Obama care are also those who believe they are entitled to taxpayer funded on demand first dollar medical coverage.
This is the dumbest post yet.

Let me paraphrase you, prices are already rising so let's help make them rise faster and higher.

Policymakers need to find ways to reduce the barriers to job creation instead of adding to them.

Raising the FMW will keep younger workers that primarily need these jobs from getting these jobs. Businesses will either eliminate positions or hire more experienced workers at the higher mandated wage.
What would you expect from a person who is hanging her hat on a 15 minute blip on the political radar from 5 years ago.
She's just stupid.

Who Sandra Fluke? Oh...she's the gift that keeps on giving. You guys are intimidated by those you can't frighten and intimidate yourself. Pretty much like all supposed bullies.

The irony of such comments from a far left Obama drone.
This is one thing the democrats are doing I support. If taxpayers can afford bailing out big corporations or subsidizing them, companies can afford paying a extra dollar or two an hour to working people in a don economy with a rising cost of living. Also maybe these corporations will think twice about supporting flooding this country with low skilled immigrants if they have the pay them a higher wage.
OK, guy. Next time you go out to eat start tipping 30% of the tab instead of 20%. If you're eating out you can afford to support the poor server with an extra dollar or two. Yeah, and the next time you go shopping for a new car--tag price. No haggling. Surely you can afford a few hundred bucks more for the car salesmen and manufacturers.

Ruh-Roh! A nutter battle is a brewin'.

Who will win? The open racist or the closet one?

Can't wait!

Ahh..The race card. at least it took 10 pages.
What would you expect from a person who is hanging her hat on a 15 minute blip on the political radar from 5 years ago.
She's just stupid.

Who Sandra Fluke? Oh...she's the gift that keeps on giving. You guys are intimidated by those you can't frighten and intimidate yourself. Pretty much like all supposed bullies.

The irony of such comments from a far left Obama drone.

She drives you guys crazy...not really her but the thought of her. And that Obama's margins with female voters is, for the GOP, frankly scary as hell.


Then when you add in the effect Hillary may have on the women's vote...


But keep on with the commentary there slingblade..."blah blah blah drone blah blah blah far left...blah blah blah Obama." It's all you got loser.

Sour grapes.
This is one thing the democrats are doing I support. If taxpayers can afford bailing out big corporations or subsidizing them, companies can afford paying a extra dollar or two an hour to working people in a don economy with a rising cost of living. Also maybe these corporations will think twice about supporting flooding this country with low skilled immigrants if they have the pay them a higher wage.
OK, guy. Next time you go out to eat start tipping 30% of the tab instead of 20%. If you're eating out you can afford to support the poor server with an extra dollar or two. Yeah, and the next time you go shopping for a new car--tag price. No haggling. Surely you can afford a few hundred bucks more for the car salesmen and manufacturers.

What a hack cop out. Your cop out on leaving a higher tip doesn't pan out because waiters have to pay a tip tax or people who leave low tips. Many waiters see little of that tip money due to taxes on tips. Also, waiters aren't the only ones getting paid minimum wage. We are becoming a low wage service sector economy with few available jobs and a cost of living rising due to free trade, low interests rate from the fed( free money for parasite banksters), high income taxes and mass immigration among other things. The average American should get a little sliver of a pie since the .0001% are taking it all.

I worked 5 years as a bar back then a bartender in a very busy sports bar. We buried most of our tips. The ones we had to report( 8%) were on credit card tabs.
And I suppose the low wage worker DOESN'T have payroll taxes deducted?
Come on. You can do better than this.
What a hack cop out. Your cop out on leaving a higher tip doesn't pan out because waiters have to pay a tip tax or people who leave low tips. Many waiters see little of that tip money due to taxes on tips. Also, waiters aren't the only ones getting paid minimum wage. We are becoming a low wage service sector economy with few available jobs and a cost of living rising due to free trade, low interests rate from the fed( free money for parasite banksters), high income taxes and mass immigration among other things. The average American should get a little sliver of a pie since the .0001% are taking it all.
Yeah just as I thought. You're quick to spend other people's money, yourself, not so much.
You're a fucking hypocrite ignoramus.

So it should be my responsibility to pay the wage of the worker as well? Typical corporate hackery you are spewing, always passing the buck to the taxpayer. Companies should have to guarantee a certain standard of living to workers in a first world country to guarantee a standard of living, especially as our economy declines and becomes more polarized with fewer jobs less growth and more wealth going to fewer and fewer. Especially in our corporatist system where government and corporate interests overlap through subsidies, tax breaks, regulations, free trade, mass immigration etc, corporations need to be held to account

Yes...When you buy something, do you not think that a portion of the price goes to pay for labor?
"Companies should have to guarantee a certain standard of living to workers"..
How so? By political fiat?
Who gets to decide which is the 'certain standard of living'? What is that standard?
This whole "raise the minimum wage" is just another talking point and propaganda.

How about "let's create more jobs"?

Raising the MW will do nothing put more people into the government welfare rolls. And that is exactly what the far left wants, so that is why they are for this.

You have to address the issue of wages. But how can Washington determine this.

Bingo! North Dakota is paying some of the highest wages, is that because of any government mandate?

Nope..Much to the chagrin of liberals, the marketplace in ND is determining wages.
Conversely, the cost of living is higher in some areas. Housing in particular is more expensive than other places in the northern prairie states.
Still, with wages being what they are, the cost of living is manageable.
What a hack cop out. Your cop out on leaving a higher tip doesn't pan out because waiters have to pay a tip tax or people who leave low tips. Many waiters see little of that tip money due to taxes on tips. Also, waiters aren't the only ones getting paid minimum wage. We are becoming a low wage service sector economy with few available jobs and a cost of living rising due to free trade, low interests rate from the fed( free money for parasite banksters), high income taxes and mass immigration among other things. The average American should get a little sliver of a pie since the .0001% are taking it all.
Yeah just as I thought. You're quick to spend other people's money, yourself, not so much.
You're a fucking hypocrite ignoramus.

So it should be my responsibility to pay the wage of the worker as well? Typical corporate hackery you are spewing, always passing the buck to the taxpayer. Companies should have to guarantee a certain standard of living to workers in a first world country to guarantee a standard of living, especially as our economy declines and becomes more polarized with fewer jobs less growth and more wealth going to fewer and fewer. Especially in our corporatist system where government and corporate interests overlap through subsidies, tax breaks, regulations, free trade, mass immigration etc, corporations need to be held to account

So let me get this straight. You of course don't understand that you as a customer pay the employee that produced your product their wages with the purchase of that product you wanted and freely purchased. But then you turn to the companies tax rates as if those are paid from some unicorn induced pile of magic money. And you follow that up with the f*cking ingenious plan of raising workers wages during a downturn in the actual ability of a business to sell any products and think this is magically going to save an economy?

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